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I wish that 50s-early 60s vibe would return in looks in it's raw masculinity, that was also the thing in the 80s and early 90s.
That would be nice counter-balance to 2010s hipsterism, which was just rehashed and consumerist, digital version of 60s counter culture, that always seems to me effete and emasculated form of "protest".
Thanks, bud!
IDK, looks quite gay to me.
Not as gay as you look, bud.
The hipster look brought this back
People who dressed like that were the 50s equivalent of broccoli haired niggers. Most men just wore a wool suit 24/7 unless they were gardening or at the beach
Based first post.
as a gay guy i find this really fucking hot
False equivalence. Broccoli hair was (is) a mainstream normie style, whereas greasers were a fairly fringe subculture.
>Fringe subculture
Not really. Elvis was the most popular musician in the 50s. All the greasers in that time looked up to him
You both suck cocks in your dreams

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