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>showing off new outfit
>cute hapa girl I know and I get to chattin'
>she looks me up and down
>she hardcore compliments me on my outfit
so is this how it goes?
it felt so good when she did it
hold onto it, you wont get another compliment for 3 more years
post the fit bozo or it didn't happen
I get compliments on my looks and to me the reaction is 'I know'. Glad you got yours though, anon. :)
>>she looks me up and down
wtf does this mean she's checking you out?
impregnate her
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>wear $8 cotton h&m clearance sweater
>get compliments 10+ times
>wear $160 wool cableknit
>never get a comment besides sister calling it uncle rogers
how do you know when this happens?
asian chicks don't count

and this is just women. women will say that, women will scream "I love you" and then ghost you. It will happen. Think of this reply when it does. Women were never meant to have societal rights.

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