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Well /fa/? Is it normal?
perfumes and colognes are the same thing - it's perfume oil in alcohol - only real difference is the ratio of oil to alcohol.

Looks like the guy just smelled traditional men's colognes and gave up quick, then smelled perfumes and associated the name with 'female-products'.
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whatever fits your vibe so long as it's not undeniably homosexual
Not only is it normal it's HIGH IQ
He sounds white
White people smell like shit
>perfume oil
you fucking wish you normie, your shit is 100 % synthetics and it's not a bad thing
what is a bad thing is the ambroxan you think smells nice
most mens perfumes are that + some other shit nowadays, the kid doesn't have shit taste so he hates the stuff
there's better stuff than what's in the womens isle though

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