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what are some cool hats for men?
anything outside of a plain ball cap makes you look like a queer who's trying too hard. hats for men are something you wear as part of a uniform or for utilitarian purposes, not something that actually looks good in an individual fashion sense.
Panama hats will keep you cool
if youre going to wear a ball cap at least get something nice like
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This is the best in spring and summer, wind passes through it and keeps your head cool. Most of them have a band inside around the border where the hat touches your head, it absorbs sweat so it doesn't fall on your forehead, neck and in your eyes. Washed mine every day with simple cold water at the end of the day.
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we don't wear hats anymore
those who do just do baseball caps
I was just gonna ask this. How do you wear a hat without looking like a faggot larper?

>Flat Cap

They're all reddit steampunk tier what gives

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