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You know how when you’re standing waiting for something and you look so uncool?
Or when you’re walking and need to make a non-straight line movement?
Or when you need to loft your arms to reach something above your head.

How are you supposed to be effay in daily situations like this? Are there fashionable ways to move like when you watch an movie or anime the people do simple things without looking weird
I too possess the very same issue with mine own movements and gesticulatory habits
It's called having grace. It comes from being confident, composed, and doing things calmly and with practiced efficiency.
Your chest should enter the room before your belly.
People tell me it’s weird that I walk with both my arms at my sides
I thought effortless is most effay so why are people effortfully swinging their arms like retarded children
Sounds more like autism than a fashion issue.

Human arms naturally swing when we walk. You might have hip or shoulder mobility issues.
People keep saying I walk like I own the place. My brother thinks the same but he also added that whenever I stand still I look like a rape victim. Also I am autistic and so are you, because this shit is supposed to come natural.
Not swinging your arms during a walk is a common sign of autism, I had the same issue.
actual autism
Just put your hands in your pockets.
I enjoyed this sentence
kinda depends what vibe you're going for anon, "cool" isnt totally a body movement thing, you dont look cool because you move in a certain way
you're not walking at 24fps, you cant stand completely still, you dont get multiple takes, and you're just not in a movie
the closest you can get is maybe if you're really professional or some kind of deliquent, it's super hard to pull off that edgy/cool type of vibe because it's pretty childish, requires being pretty hot, and is just something you have to naturally do, it has to be effortless
also just like dont fidget or drop something or trip
do NOT try and do fast movements it makes you look soooo fucking cringe
also lame repeated advice but just be confident, you're way cooler when you're confident
Are you fucking retarded? Bro what are you even talking about. Take your meds.
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>whenever I stand still I look like a rape victim
what does that look like?

i make a point to stand like im napoleon when i stand still. i take a very regal and 18th-19th pistol dueling stance. chest out, head high/level. arms can be in a few positions. one at rest on the side and one near a front belt loop or pocket.

when lifting arms to reach something above your head just be intentional and graceful. fluid movements, non jerky, and with confidence. you only look bad when you fumble, physically stutter, and so on. if you drop something you will only look cool if you either, catch it right away instinctively in a very poised and nonchalant manner, OR, if you don't even bother or have a sense of urgency whatsoever about this object dropping allowing a few moments to pass, and only then visibly on your own terms deciding to pick it up. this doesn't apply to every context but covers the majority.

the main thing is calmness underscored by intense masculine power. you can't really fake this energy but you can build it up in yourself. move with intention. you don't need to pretend like you're a hotshot, but you need to make yourself and everyone around you have the impression that your presence is solid and well composed. a specific sort of unpredictable yet reassured atmosphere. clothing can really enhance this, but it needs to be something that is there no matter what you are wearing, including times when you might be wearing nothing.
You are supposed to stare in the distance stoically as you light your cigarette
>People tell me it’s weird that I walk with both my arms at my sides
is this you?
>drops item
>stares at it on then ground like a retard
>slothfully picks it up
>this is supposed to be cool
you don't stare at it on the ground, retard, and you don't slothfully pick it up.
it's more like
>drops item
>2 second pause at most
>swoop down and pick it up in a fluid and intentional movement
if you could read you'd understand i said this doesn't apply to every situation, but since you are illiterate i will illustrate an example for you.

you're at the cash register paying for some items, when you pull money out of your pocket a coin falls onto the ground and rolls some distance away.
instead of immediately stopping everything instantly and rushing after the rolling coin like a fumbling dipshit. you should instead remain poised. it is clear the coin is not that important and people are now looking at you. finish handing the money to the cashier, by the time the cashier takes the money from your hand, the coin will likely have stopped rolling and settled on the ground somewhere nearby, and you can assess whether to pick it up now, or wait until you have completely finished the transaction.

but if you have aura it's likely that someone else will have already went and retrieved it for you. this inadvertently plays into other subconscious power dynamics and order, which would never happen if you sperged out and started going after the coin the second it fell.
>drops item
>two second stare
>fluidly swoops down to miss the item
>stands back up
>repeat ad nauseum
you're just baiting. i very first thing i said is you don't stare at the fucking item.
and why would you miss the item when going down to pick it up? are you genuinely retarded?
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so, which one are you, /fa/?
i think you're making it out to be way more exaggerated in your head than it needs to be in reality. what you keep describing is the opposite of calm/fluid.

drop item, wait one moment, pick it up. that simple. no staring. no letting the pause extend for an unnaturally long amount of time. no missing the item when you go to pick it up. none of that.

you could do better by just not dropping anything to begin with. not sure why you're harking on this one very minor aspect of physical demeanor. it was supposed to be a very passing example of the types of "awkward" situations the OP described and how to navigate them without looking like a sperg.

the main note of importance is calmness and intention. you don't want to seem stressed or anxious or frantic or neurotic about whatever it is you dropped.
>nails to short to pick up coin
>fingers slippery from stress sweat
>floor too gross to use entire hand
you’re the one who seeks genuinely retarded for thinking it’s so simple to pick things up, ignoring all the mechanics involved in completing unexpected actions
yeah and when you go to pick up the coin your pants rip and liquid shit sprays from your asshole onto the floor, you take a step back and slip in your own shit slamming your head onto the ground, your skull is busted open and you bleed to death in front of everyone.

living in a world of hypotheticals is retarded. you skip over the only aspects of the situation that matter in favor of coming up with all these things that could go wrong in the process.

pick it up however you want to, faggot.

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