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File: buttonpic.jpg (2.36 MB, 2004x2148)
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I found buttons underneath the shoulders, right under the shoulder straps. One per each side, underneath the lining.
The design of the buttons aren't the same as those on the shoulder straps, so I'm guessing they're not spares.
Are these meant to adjust the shoulders? Do I need a special kind of strap to pull the shoulders together?
could be for detachable shoulder pads.
removable lining maybe idk
the shoulder pads are right under the button, but the button is just sewed on the fabric, I wanted to take the shoulder pads out but they're not detachable
Nope, there is a fur lining which is detachable and the buttons run all across the parka, but the inner lining I guess isn't detachable, I can't see any buttonholes near these buttons
What parka?
Those look like backing buttons, is the stitching connected to another button on the other side of the fabric like a button sandwich?

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