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Can a polo ever compliment twig arms or is it a no go?
Something Italian that's cut very slim maybe. Either that or something modern that's very loose.
It's a sportswear shirt designed for tennis. So why don't you play tennis until you have a bit thicker arms.
Why are Italians good at making slim clothes when they're built like ogres...
Because they're boyfuckers, dumbass.
No, twig arms must be covered at all times. Especially when it comes to polos since they're designed to hug your arms
learn how to alter your sleeves or get a tailor youtube has 999 guides.
you want slimmer and shorter sleeves if you have twig arms. it might seem intuitive to 'cover them up' but it just makes it look worse. if you're taking that approach just wear a long sleeve. think how men wore their shirts mid century.
avoid longer-sleeved short sleeve shirts and wide sleeves and drop shoulder like the plague. you don't want "dyel wings"
even if you're trying to be a twink lord buy a god damn set of adjustable dumbbells and get some tone on your arms. you won't get jacked from that. flabby triceps are never a good look. skinny arms look fine as long as they are a little bit toned.
Or just do your resistance training and you'll have normal arms within a year.
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Don't do it.

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