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File: 71DPDT5eDML._AC_UY1000_.jpg (28 KB, 351x1000)
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What are your thoughts on dickies
Used to wear them as work clothes. Their quality has gone down and it is annoying to see them try to make themselves as some kind of fashionable.
I bet you love dickies, but also bigger ones.
Plastic garbage
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Ayyoo the fuck you just say about my shirt bitch?
its a brand like carhartt where millennials buy it cause it reminds them of their dad
looks amazing if you have stick legs and not a midget
got popularized and now they've cheaped the fuck out for some retarded reason
they're made very poorly now. the "dickies skateboarding" version of the 874s fit exactly the same but are made way better. but they also cost like $10-15 more though. the carhartt "WIP" stuff is the opposite and made much worse despite costing way more.
Dickies is for poor people, hispanics, bus boys, etc.
In california all the hispanics wear dickies
Foo core
Dickies and Carhartt are plebeian brands that make unsightly clothing

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