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File: sdklsrthsr56s.png (398 KB, 564x561)
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just copped, what am i in for?
A snuggie
Cool drug rug
People will either actively avoid you or ask you for drugs
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That's not a hemp baja hoodie you mongoloid
"Who are you dressed up as?"
It may as well be.
Are you a tribal shaman or something? What are you wearing this to?
Unless you are a Peruvian living in a mountain it will look wrong
really depends what you wear under it amigo. it can be elevated to the realm of a high-fashion statement (think hedi at dior), or it can look like your'e larping, or it can simply look strange. good luck!
>what am i in for?
smelly liberal women yelling at you about cultural appropriation
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>hedi at dior
that was at ysl, spring/summer 2015
that was 10 years ago
you are old, you are dying, you are dead

heres a good site for real ones
no idea what any of that bullshit is bro but drug rugs have been around since the 1970s
learn about fashion history retardman
>this is /fa/ in 2025
Just because you call it high fashion doesn't mean it isn't a literal rug worn by poor brown coke farmers lol
Imagine basing what you think about 100+ year old clothing garments around what some pedophiles in europe do every year
That shit was just stolen from the good the bad and the ugly boomer film btw kys bro
>12 year old just learned that fashion references older fashions
teach us something new anon, really it's exhilarating watching you liveblog your first day online
>gets spitroasted
>i was just pretending to be gay you guys
Collecting STDs at Burning Man
Post your Peruvian larp fit so we can laugh at you faggot

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