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How many men in their 20s do you think are dyeing their hair to hide the white hairs?
I pluck mine.
I dye my hair to make it all white
men in their 20s hair should not be turning white.
it's genetic
I started going gray in my late 20's and the only thing I considered was dying my beard gray here and there to get the full salt and pepper look. I'm 34 and now my beard is finally graying in some places. It got red in others which is weird since I have black hair. I like the gray look.
i think you should embrace it, my drum teacher is 55 and his hair turned gray in his 20s. still has his hair and he fucked like you wouldn't believe
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Many of them!
genetic defect
The rate of gay men is as high as 20% in your age bracket.
Here's your answer.

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