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File: 4todyuwjpj6a1.jpg (217 KB, 1170x1731)
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To be fair you have to have a pretty high level of swag to pull this off. He did it.
File: 1_2JN4KJ41dtyqV5UDvOhMsw.jpg (266 KB, 1440x1800)
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like, that shit's impressive
cool now take a picture under non-ideal lighting and camera angle
what have we learned today, class?
>editorial fashion looks good in pictures and is generally unsuitable elsewhere anon!
correct! today's next lesson is "how to tie your shoes."
Yes Ivan we know you're raiding.
>benzo daughter meat cry twitter quote juden peterstein
i dont like the shoes tbqh i think theyre too bright and distracting
anyway he'd never actually go outside wearing that
>its just the lighting and camera lens!
>not suitable anywhere but image feeds and pitti uomo
not sure what the point of this thread is
lmaoooo thank you for showing us how bad it looks irl
it looks fucking cash
Why does he have the left side of the jacket blue but both sides of the pants red? Then it's not 50/50 blue red it's like 25/75. Stupid.
I would think with the god theme he should be wearing monkstraps
It represents how both red and blue kneel to Israel
oh, i thought it was to represent how much of a grifter he is
You guys have spammed the term grifter so much that people's eyes glaze over when you say it
i guess but theres not really another word i could use there
>people's eyes glaze over when you say it
NPCs' eyes.
he looks like a fucking dork, i hate this guy because he dresses like a tool
You can tell he thinks he's a snazzy dresser, but he ends up just looking like a carnival barker.
this is either b8, or OP is actually juden peterstein (faggot)
bro he ate this
and i dont even like peterson
>bro he ate this
stop being retarded
ole shegorath lookin ass fit

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