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*but gives you wrinkles by making your skin dry forever*

We can never have it good, can't we?
You clear your acne by keeping your hormones under control and your pores unclogged. To keep your hormonal levels in balance, you eat healthy and exercise. As for the pores on your face, wash your face everyday and don't use any bullshit cosmetics that clog up your pores and create breeding grounds for bacteria.
eating healthy and washing your face every day is not going to cure cystic acne.
Yes it will. A shitty diet, stress and fucked up hormonal levels is what keeps feeding the bacteria in the acne. When you fix that, your skin will stop secreting oils excessively and heal the acne from within, and keeping your face clean will stop more pimples from forming.
**improves wrinkles and fine lines, actually**
you think people with acne don't try washing their face. you are an absolute retard and I don't think you even know what cystic acne is. which is what accutane is prescribed for.
I've never met anyone this worked for. Cutting all artificial sugars out of my diet. Not eating bread, not drinking milk. All while regularly running, didn't do anything.
accutane fucking saved my life. i started having acne the second i turned 12 and by 19 it had only gotten worse and worse, little kids were pointing at me and telling their mothers "that boy has so many pimples!".
ONE 6 month prescription of accutane completely cleared my face of acne forever. After that i have only gotten zits when i skip showering or dont shave my face for a long time.
I am 31 years old now and i dont think im any more wrinkled than other guys my age. I like to think my skin looks a lot younger than average actually, since i dont have crows feet.

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