>what if we just put a button on the jacket you're never supposed to use
>>18363212I'd purposefully button the lowest button. Because fuck fatfags. Yes not fully buttoning is equivalent to other fashion trends created to appease fat lard pieces of shit.
>>18363212God himself put nipples on guys that we can't use. You think you're better than God? That's what I thought bro.
Brits have always been so cucked. Makes no sense for us to follow their cuckery.
>>18363212its because of this >>18363239 fat fuck but then it became a way to tell if someone know what they are doing this >>18363230 cuck thinks he is making a political statement but really everyone just thinks "oh no that guy didnt have a father to tell him not to button the bottom how sad" and just feel pity for him
>>18363232I use them by making my gf lick themwhat now?
>>18363232not if i take hrt for the sole purpose of making them puffy and sensitive for my boyfriend to play with (im a cis guy)
>>18363232Nipples are erogenous zones on both sexes
>>18363212I use all the buttons. because I'm not a fat fuck.
>>18363303Here in Germany most men don't even know about those classic rules anymore. Unless the sales clerk at the local "Peek&Cloppenburg" tells them.
>>18363394germany has never been effay and never will be
>>18363402Sort of a blackpill I've discovered with adulthood. But who knows maybe I haven't looked into smaller brands enough? I mean I like Merz B. Schwanen.
>>18363212I hope OP never looks up double breasted jackets. He'll probably have a brain aneurysm.
>>18363212I always use the second button because I'm not a fatfuck with a potbelly. So I don't need to come up with fashion copes to deal with it.
It's not only about being fat you retards. The cut of the jacket is made to be worn with the last button unbuttoned due to the convention. By buttoning it you ruin the fit/how the jacket falls on you. If this triggers your autism buy a one button jacket.
>>18363212it's a great filter to tell if someone has the slightest sense of fashion/classit's hilarious seeing little spics posting their prom pics with bottom buttons fastened and their synthetic suit all bunched up
I love how low tier men get so angry at such menial thing
>>18363965>implying autists fasten their clothes with anything other than velcro
>>18363413merz isn't very fashiobable, its more so high quality and comfy
>>18363303I went for a job interview in the city in 2011 when I was 17 and wore a suit with both buttons done up. My dad never told me about the bottom button, even though he knows. My suit looked fucking stupid, too. All black. Ridiculous pointy shoes. White shirt with a really thin collar. Really thin black tie. Looked ridiculous. I can't believe I went out looking like that. I honestly can't believe it.
>>18363212every time I ask my tailor for a three button suit he talks me out of it and shills me a two button suit, cut is not great and end up with a little Bermuda's triangle at the lower partanyone with similar experience?