Is there a way to keep your ears warm in winter and not look like a fucking retard?
>>18366716I wear a ushanka>not look like a fucking retard?Oh, nvm
Кyпитe oдин из этих гpeлoк для yшeй, иcпoльзyйтe yшaнкy или бyдьтe yмcтвeннo oтcтaлыми, дaжe ecли этo никoгo нe вoлнyeт
fuck finally found a pic that shows the lining of the color that doesn't look cringe
>>18366772>>18366774These are better looking
low profile ear muffs
>>18366820Sorry ma'am but trump won
>>18366824Yes I know and I'm grateful for that. Sadly though there's not many options for cold weather headwear that don't look goofy
Wear headphones. Music + warm ears
keeping your ears warm is woke, guzzle less onions maybe
>>18366797My hat I made. Fucking love this thing
>>18366716what are some good beanies for people with big, fat heads?last time i bought a beanie for work, it was supposedly an XL size but when i put it on, it just looked like i was wearing a knitted bald cap.
>>18366716>Is there a way to keep your ears warm in winter and not look like a fucking retard?back of head earmuffs were always coolsome guys can pull off headbands
>>18366887correct, that shits awesome