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i am trying to loose weight, my TDEE is 2750 and i am consuming 2000 cals a day. over the last 2 weeks i havent lost any weight at all. what the fuck is going on?
i am also doing weight training 4 times a week aswell as doing 300 cals worth of walking on the threadmill everyday.

how can it be my weight loss has stopped completly event when eating at such a deficit
to add to that my macro ratio is 40% protein 40% carbs 20% fat

what that aother guy said and also train your hip adductors

1 protein is not one gram silly
I wouldn't worryb about it count the half gram if you wish
>can close a 50kg gripper with each hand
>cant close it by squeezing it between both hands together

Oh boy, I'm a dyel, but that's an eye opener.
Can i progress my max reps of pullups by doing a ton of sets of 10 our do i need to go to failure?
I'm inbetween beginner level and intermediate level, just trying to suss out my upper gym workouts doing PPL

How does this look? Am I hitting all the different parts of chest/shoulder/biceps/triceps efficiently or did I fuck up? Would you guys change anything up about it?
Either will be fine, both are progressive overload

I’m worried about lifting heavy and damaging my joints and tendons. Is doing high volume compounds only a viable way to minimize that kind of strain?

I’ve lifted on and off since 16 and have at times gone for heavy reps, but I’m 30 yo boomer now and don’t want to permanently fuck my shit up. I already wake up with lower left back pain and don’t want to end up like Ronnie
I got the results of my testosterone test today and it doesn't make any sense. On the internet it says 3.5 - 11.5 ng/ml is normal for a man. But for some reason my result says 777 ng/ml. I think they messed up and meant to say ng/dl because then the number would compare to normal being between 260 and 900. The doctor told me it's high normal so this would make more sense.
Should i go see another doctor and ask him just in case? Also i think it's weird that they didn't tell me my free testosterone, only my total.
why have I been so heavily propagandized against canned fish for my entire life?
it's delicious, it doesn't stink (even sardines!), its macro ratios are incredibly helpful.
Mercury's a concern in general for fish, but I find it suspicious that there's such intense worry here when obviously unhealthy slop goes mostly without comment.
they most likely meant ng/dl as all tests do
> they didn't tell me my free testosterone
did you ask/pay them to?
I prefer OHP to dumbbells
the last three exercises in chest day are in reverse order

as for doing chest after chest and back after back exrcises
I like to slot something in between them to let the musles rest so I can give the sets my all

also don't do PPL
proximity to failure is best for hypertrophy
and if your muscles get bigger they get stronger and vice versa

if you're really worried then do sets of 8 instead of 5 for example and do all you can for your joints and use proper form
unhealthy slop is unhealthy because it's easy to over eat and blow up your calorie count.

Fish is healthy generally and hard to overeat, but mercury consumption adds up.

General rule of thumb seems to be smaller fish/lower on the food chain are less risky.
I just asked for a Testosterone test and paid 28 € for it. Then a few days later they sent me an Email with the results.

Sardines are good for you man.
well if it didn't include testing for free T then they didn't do it

It looks fine man. What's more important is your diet, sleep and how hard you train.

Also, there is nothing wrong with PPL. I got jacked doing PPL, it's just very fatiguing and time consuming.
didn't get an answer last thread

can I eat all my protein at the end of the day or will this hinder absorption or whatever...? I like to eat my meals at the end of the day and fast throughout

If that's what your body wants, then eat that way. You'll know whether your body is adjusted to it or not. If you're purposeful starving yourself, then that's not good, but I know a few guys that skipped breakfast and lunch, but would eat like 3 meals all in one sitting at dinner time.
I didn't know i had to ask extra for that. I guess i'm going to make another appointment then.
the leangains guy (inventor of intermittent fasting, nutritionist, male model, author of book with a tearful confession about how he stole and ate a college girl's entire birthday cake) says:
1. it mostly doesn't matter when you eat (but you should be consistent)
2. 1-2 meals is best
3. eating later is better than eating earlier, so you don't go to sleep hungry
4. all of the popular advice is completely fucking wrong. Death upon they who say "breakfast for a king, dinner for a pauper". Plague upon they who say "if you eat with food in your stomach it all turns into fat". Pestilence upon they who say "you should eat lots of tiny unsatisfying meals instead of a few bigger meals". And hell for social media influencers who copy his work and don't cred him! He invented IF! You bastards!
I assume it's like that with testing places everywhere and yes either you ask for seperate things or there are sometimes "packages" which have a few tests together for slightly cheaper
what does it mean that my nose feels clogged when i lay down in bed but literally 5 seconds after i get up its cleared up immediately? what the fuck?
thanks anons

i think ill continue to have a light breakfast and FEAST end of day
To counterpoint the advice that you got to now... No, you can't.
Simple reason: you're working out faster every time. That's not good for muscle growth. Spacing your meals is generally better than omad, but not critical - eating before working out instead is critical!
At least get a shake with 30g of whey and 30g of sugar before hitting the weights.
Other than that, sure, it's fine, not optimal but not a big deal either.
It’s not even solid, how do I get more fiber in an instant
psyllium in water
I'm 32M, 176cm/70Kg, permastuck at 17-18% BF, I work 3 times a week with cardio at the end for at least 30 minutes.
If I increase my calories I start bulking, if I lower it I start losing muscles.
I'm not sure what to do from here.
Should I start adding supplements? protein powder? creatine? roids?
I'm a complete beginner to lifting. I have a gym membership but I've only been doing cardio for a while because I'm a fat fuck and attempting squats and shit used to feel like I was going to shatter my joints. I don't get that feeling anymore, but I still have no idea where to begin and I'd like to do something other than cardio so I don't wind up skinnyfat.
>Where should I look to figure out a basic training program?
>How many times per week should I be expecting to go to the gym?
>How do I integrate specific targets? I really want nice thighs/glutes/back along with the basics. Will I be replacing a full day's workout with them or just mingling them in?
>What additional gear or items do I need to bring to not look like a retard? I don't currently use a gym bag or anything
I've tried messing around with the machines while nobody is there and it makes me feel clumsy and oafish, but I assume that'll go away once I get some experience.
Get the Starting Strength book and read it.
Any beginner routine is fine as long as it's 3 or 4 days and focuses on barbell compounds. It will probably either be full body every day if 3 day, or upper lower if 4 day. Starting strength would work, just skip the gallon of milk if some retard shitposts about it. Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press are the main four. It should also have back work like barbell row, or dumbbell or cable rows. Machines are more for accessory work and are generally inferior to cable/dumbbell equivalents, and you won't have much use for them as a beginner anyway.
You don't need to bring anything with you except a water bottle and your music lol. Gym bags are for annoying niggers and influencers who need to bring their tripod to the gym. If you're a sweaty fat fuck bring a small towel if your gym doesn't offer one.
the jews are doing it on purpose
Goblet squats are your friend
what do i do if i cant push my heartrate past 170 on the airbike before my muscles give out? any other exercises that are less likely to be limited by muscle endurance to test my max heartrate?
did you overdose on magnesium citrate?
speed rope, rowing machine.
>You don't need to bring anything with you except a water bottle and your music lol
Lifting shoes, belt, shower stuff and fresh clothes for after showering.
fag shit
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Is 5x5 stronglift until 1/2/3/4 the best beginner program if I want to get from skinny fat to big ? Don't care about getting very lean honestly, I don't have the face for otter mode anyways, so bear mode seems ideal.
shit fag
What do I do before and after I lift?
And is the stronglift 5x5 a good program for a beginner?
Starting Strength is better.
Because it guides you thru the phases of being a beginner.
But they're pretty close anyway.
Refer to>>74079486
And what do you mean by what to do before and after?
Take care of working out with some carbs in your bloodstream, eat a meal an hour or 2 before, and it's good to have some proteins afterwards.
You can take a pre workout, and forget general warm ups (just warm up for the exercises, unless you have injuries that need extra care), but consider stretching afterwards.
And have a fucking shower, don't be gross.
>but consider stretching afterwards.
>And have a fucking shower, don't be gross.
fag shit
Stretching helps recovery, meaning it will give you marginally more gains.
And let's not go into basic hygiene as it should be basic, but don't have a cold shower after training, it will hinder gains. Warm is fine.
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Yes I have the book, it's good to learn lifts, thanks.
Follow up:
I have a shit ton of time for lifting right now, what should I add to 5x5?
I currently do:
>biceps curls on a machine
>back extension on picrel
>15 to 30 min run on treadmill
Feel like I'm all over the place, the only one I do consistently is cardio but the rest is maybe 1 a week, idk if this will give results
maybe if you're an amerishart and everyone sweats on the machines and benches so they're dirty but in civilised countries people take showers at home
db or bb dumbdumb
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>db or bb dumbdumb
what fucking exercice with dumbells or barbell are you suggesting
If you want to optimise something, don't optimise your workout, but your recovery.
If you can, do you cardio in nature, and find out what helps you relax,
What will stop the beginner routine from making you amazingly stronger day by day isn't the low volume, but not recovering well enough one workout to the next.
Helpful, thank you. I will do that.
fucking didn't quote
>>biceps curls on a machine
What's the best way to train grip strength if you're at risk of rsi/carpel tunnel?
I though it was best to start biceps on a machine until I can consistently do 3x12 at 20kg (naked barbell weight). Yes, my biceps are very weaks.
why did you think that?
just do dumbbells if you are weak
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>why did you think that?
'cause i'm dumbdumb, i guess
dumbbells and barbells and sometimes cables
don't bother with machines
Noted, thanks.
tl;dr If I lose muscle on a cut, maintain my new weight, will I REGAIN that muscle during maintenance

>cut for 3 months
>1% total bodyweight weekly lose rate from ~18% to 10% bodyfat
>think I've lost some muscle, rep-counts on lifts suffering a bit
>Online research tells me muscle lost from training break/injury can be regained in a matter of several weeks to a month

I'll be maintaining post cut for several months and assume that this regain muscle effect would allow me to recover any muscle I may have lost. Is this accurate thinking or would I need to be bulking?
you'll recover almost all of it but less quickly than on a bulk
that's the price for being lean
Got 2lbs of lean chicken breast.
Can't be arsed to cube them up and clean up the mess.

Can I just throw them shits in the pot and fry them?
at least cut em in half or you'll have burned outside dry rubber and then raw slices
an oven might work better
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Where do I get DDP Yoga? I have a few multi-GB links but I don't know if that's the full program I'm supposed to be trying.
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pic not me but what can I do at home to get similar muscles in this area
How to lose 100lbs+ without too much loose weight?
How do I find a reliable source for how much protein is in different foods? Everywhere I look I get different data with up to 50% difference range.
Nice ok, that's my thinking
eat less or move more
if a feather travels at a fast-enough speed, could it’s impact when hitting a person be equal to a heavy object like a brick or rock?
that's your lat. any back movement will make it grow. barbell row, dumbell row, pull up etc.
google terminal velocity
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Was going to start maintenance next week and get back to bulking in July
Should I just start bulking again this month?
I don't think I look that great lean yet
You won't get lats like that without weights. Do weighted pullups with a backpack maybe.
You need to clean bulk until the end of the year, you have 0 upper back and chest.
that sounds like the weight would be unevenly distributed
Needing to build my back and chest more is a thought that has occurred to me (chest in particular).
And I do miss the feeling of gaining strength that I had on a bulk.
Thank you for your input.
Calories are a spook.
Eat 4-6 oz of food everyday instead.
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I'm trying to gain weight (it's going ok, picked up 4lbs in about 4 weeks) but I'm shitting all the time like 3 or 4 times a day where as I only used to sit once or twice. When does this stop it's annoying to be on the toilet this much
It doesn't stop Anon.
Holy fuck mate
My stats are gonna be 1/2/3/4/5 (shits a day)
>I prefer OHP to dumbbells
I do too but I wanted to start with dumbbells for a bit to get more stable with my shoulders doing less weight / more reps. I was already doing big compound lift with bench press first.

>the last three exercises in chest day are in reverse order
>I like to slot something in between them to let the muscles rest so I can give the sets my all
I just had them in that default order for convenience sake going from dumbbell work -> cables but yeah i'll switch them around, thanks for pointing that out for me.

Cheers man, yeah I think getting enough sleep will be the hardest thing for me 2bh
How the fuck do you do pullups/chinups
It seems like the kind of thing that's impossible to do if you haven't been doing them your whole life because you're trying to lift like 200+lbs immediately
Watch videos for form/technique. You will most likely require something to help you out with them since you've never done them.

You can get cheap resistance bands to help lift you up, or if you go to the gym they should have assisted pull up machines to help you out.

Otherwise you can look up easier variations that can help progress you to the full movement.

Just hanging on the bar -> using a chair to stand up to the full contraction then letting yourself down slowly -> using chair as support
Shitting has been a pain in the arse for quite some time. Diet remains pretty consistant but two nights ago chugged a gatorade as had a migraine and felt dehydrated. This morning had the best most satisfying soft poop in a long time. Is there anything in the Gatorade that did this, or was lacking electrolytes the reason for my constipation the whole time. I drink a lot of water normally
pile up pillows to keep your torso at ~30º and you may be able to get to sleep
>t. knower
What to eat/take before gym for massive pump?
i'm not up to date with the current memes but is incline bench something that replaces flat bench or OHP

or is it meant to be worked with them somehow?
How to lose 100 lbs+ with minimal loose skin???
chop your legs off
Can I mix in creatine with my protein shake?
Creatine is supposed to help you retain more muscle during a cut.
Pullups are the reason why I started gymcelling, here are some tips
resistance bands>>>>>>negatives
keep the negatives only when you're fried beyond belief, don't use them for the bulk of your pullup training
use wide grip AND neutral grip
do dead hangs
DO DO DO scapular pullups
lose weight
A feather is lighter than a rock, so it will have less kinetic energy even at the same velocity, unless it's a really big feather and a really small rock.
And suffers more from drag, so you gotta do this in a vacuum.

Are you bulking by just adding olive oil shots to your normal diet?
Caffeine, taurine. Citrulline.
Or, watermelon and coffee or energy drink,

Oatmeal with some protein powder mixed in is elite.
I forgot:
Your grip will be the limiting factor at some point, you should work on it and get ready to use straps if it needs be
how does it make sense though? im over 1000 cals in deficit
>my TDEE is 2750
Clearly that's not the case if you're not losing weight, either that or you don't know how to weigh yourself
That's odd. Maybe you're retaining a lot of water, but more likely your count is off.
Sure down exactly what you're eating, and remove like 300 cals per day, see if that works.
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Does anyone have the original chart of pic related? It showed a bunch of activities and substances and how they affected your life.
i weight my self in the morning after going to the toilet, and before eating or drinking anything
i calculate my tdee from some calorie calculator online

im counting every calorie, might be a little bit off but for sure not over 700 cals off
I'd do as the other anon said, cut 300 cals daily and see how it goes, those calculators are not perfect
i just calculated the average over the last 2 weeks of counting cals, and it averages out to 2111cals a day. and removing 300 from cardio that would be 1811 cals a day
im guessing from what your saying the calculators cant know what type of metabolisme somebody has and can be off like that?
I'm a long distance runner. I've got a 41 minute 10k. What martial art will this come in the most handy for?
>reading starting strength day after trying squats for the first time
>try to do the stretch it recommends to practice proper form
>thighs hurt so fucking bad I can't even come close to doing it right
how 2 get rid of doms
"Metabolism" is a meme
Go read /fat/'s OP

Stop putting so much trust in random calculations. It doesn't matter what your TDEE "should" be at. Cut calories until you start losing weight - simple as.
I know this is a retarded question but when anons say something like "1/2/3/4", what's that referring to?
1pl8 (60kg) ohp
2pl8 (100kg) bench press
3pl8 (140kg) squat
4pl8 (180kg) deadlift
>be me
>3 pl8 RDL
>haven't tried deadlifting in 2 years
Should I give it a shot?
Foam rolling helps, you can just use a tennis ball
There are SO MANY sources of error when doing calculations for your diet, it's just a starting point.
The tdee it's just statistics, nutritional values can be off by 20%, your habits and activity levels vary...
You now have a starting point. Eating that much, your weight doesn't change.
To lose weight, eat less.
That's as precise as you can get, seriously.
yea do it. you could definitely hit 4pl8.
Are barbell bent over rows enough to workout the rear delts or should I target them?

Seems confusing when doing back day also targets rear shoulder but I'm meant to be targetting shoulders on a different day. Especially if I'm doing them on back to back days, I don't wanna over train and get no gains.
OMAD of just 100g of protein from 500g of duck

How much do you weight?
How do I make my ass better? I've got hank hill ass and I want a good butt. I've tried a couple of varieties of squat but I don't really feel anything in my ass area at all, just thighs.
No hormone shit please.
Overhead deadlifts.
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I am pretty bad at keeping track of my calories, yesterday I had like 2k but I have had a few days in April where I only reached 1k if that. Too be fair I have been getting quite lazy for a while and have struggled with eating normally pretty much my whole Life, so would a "Protein Gain Shake" help me gain at least 10-20 pounds before the Summer?
I already Ordered 1 but it was delayed, its for 700cals but I plan on adding a Banana and Yogurt. Anything else that I should add to it or that I should eat in combination?
>be me
>19yo @ 5'8 and roughly 100ibs but maybe a little more now, yes I know that is bad
I have large hands that make my wrists look tiny, is there anything I can actually do to try and work on that or am I screwed?
Does anyone keep blended protein shakes in the fridge? Id like to blend up a few and have them ready for a few days but I dont know if it will separate and be gross. Dont wanna waste my scoops
all of them
My knee clicks when i do squats, even just body weight. Is it over for me?
if it doesn't hurt you'll be fine
Are you sure?
yes, my knees also used to click a bunch but they stopped, it's usually just air that gets trapped in the joint or a tendon sliding over bone but again as long as it doesn't hurt you'll be fine
I recommend moving more
Nah it doesnt hurt. Il just keep an eye on it for any changes. Bodies are weird.
Im around 18-19% body fat, whats a good body fat percentage to start a bulk at? I was thinking 15% but maybe i should just start it sooner?
>but maybe i should just start it sooner?
whats that have to do with being fat? Maybe 17% is better, maybe 15% isnt low enough
the fact that the fat ass can't cut to an appropriate bf% because they are fat
1 rm or reps (5x5?)???
Brother how fucking dumb are you, nobody said i couldnt cut lower, i just said how my goal was 15% which is lower than what i am now. Im just asking what % people recommend.
and how dumb are you to not understand the implicartion in this post >>74084340
If you want to say im fat whatever, but dont quote me asking if people recommend starting higher for whatever reason as a means of me saying i dont want to cut anymore. You just just look fucking stupid.

You can choose to do it or not. They aren't a required exercise. Do exercises you find enjoyable/fun.

Ignore the memes on fit.
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Whenever I wipe my ass after taking a shit, there's always a little blood on the toilet paper. I tried using wet wipes to reduce friction, and I still get a little blood. I check my turds, but they're brown and solid and not covered in blood. What's happening to me? It's bright red blood if that makes a difference.

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I cook all my dinners and I want to drink one glass of wine while doing so because I actually get bored while cooking. Is this okay or is any amount of alcohol bad for my health and gains?
are paused parallel squats harder than full depth non paused squats?

You're fine.
Depends on you, I go ATG no problem but paused parallel squat murder me. I think I'm the minority thoughmst'soever
I meant if it was better for strength gains, I don't like doing atg since it strains me more on the back muscles so I usually don't pause them. I was wondering if it was worth the stress
yep. dont warm up either. dont want to sap your energy
Any amount of alcohol disrupts protein synthesis temporarily.
I would skip it on days you've worked out.
too much butt sex anon
i dont like having to switch plates and equipment and do different shit

they should invent a lift where you only do 1 excersise over and over instead of having to go from deadlift to squat to chest to ohp to 100 other isolation excersises you have to switch to and ruin the rhythm

they should call it The Lift and it would be the only excersise you'd have to do to look good
No more routines or plans, just The Lift
Clean into push press.
You should have similar maxes for both.
Needs more legs, you could throw in some front squats, but you should be able to do like 4 more reps of those than of the other 2 exercises, for a given weight.
Say you never train legs, only upper body. How much muscle weight in kg can you actually add to your upper body naturally per week? The pecs, shoulders, triceps, biceps and back doesn't actually add up to a lot of meat. I am thinking max 0.2 kg a week or about 0.8 kg a month.
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how do you guys distinguish between a painful overworked muscle (lombar) and a hernia ?
>you say start bulk earlier
>I call you fat
wat don't you understand that I meant that you shouldn't start it earlier
15% minimum
it doesn't replace either
no, it will make nerve gas
for health probably no
for gains it's bad
if you go ATG you can bounce from the bottom so yes paused paralels are harder but paused atgs are even harder
do competition standards for strength
hernias are in the front, back muscles hurt like others when worked hard, if you slipped a disk you wouldn't be able to sit
>per week
lol, it's like ~50 pounds in ten years or I might be misremembering either way progress is slow that's why many quit
>Caffeine, taurine. Citrulline.
>50 pounds in ten years

lmao that is 0.04 kilograms per week, aka 40 grams per week or 160 grams a month or about 2 kg a year. That is brutal.
i had trouble having good form with deadlifts until I realized it's all about sticking your ass far away
the word hips always deceived me, all I had to do is just focus on my ass
all you have to do is use proper form not think about men's asses
I want muscular pecs. I want BIG PECS.
What exercise is best?
Any recommendations on appetite suppressants, preferably OTC? 5-htp just makes eating protein near impossible without throwing up and amphetamines do nothing for me. Also, is eating egg whites instead of whole eggs really necessary if you aren't pinning?
Aren't SDNRI's supposed to give you more energy? Because ginkgo biloba does nothing except give me an upset stomach.
my legs shake so much during the descent of bar during deadlifts, also my feet are straight forward when i start, but by the final rep they point out outwards, why does this happen, i don't have any muscle imbalances(at least no obvious ones.
>make hot dish
>forgot to drain the ground beef
>"fuck it"
>tastes way better
have I been getting scammed this whole time with draining it away
>decide to up intensity of routine
>immediately become violently sick the day of
Why does this happen every time
what lifts for looking builtfat but without a beer belly? i dont eat fast food, takeout etc all home-cooked shit and 0 alcohol so im thinking i wont have a blown up belly if i dont eat 5k+ kcal a day and lift hard as fuck?
im already doing all the compounds 2x a week, split squats, chinups, pullups, rows, lat raises, biceps work, all with sufficient (and too much) intensity, i fucking love lifting to failure
anything else? i already have huge calves
Does taking otc dopamine enhancers (l-tyrosine, mucuna pruriens, ginkgo biloba, ect.) when you're on Adderall actually do anything or is it like trying to enhance the acidity of the ocean by peeing in it?
I currently do lat pulldowns, both wide grip and narrow grip. I'm looking for one more exercise I could do that would work whatever isn't worked by those two, or worked less if that makes sense (not includind lower back, I have that covered). Thanks in advanced sirs
is mass gainer worth it if you're an extremely tall ectomorph twig?
i just don't see how i'd feasible eat enough without it
Do you really? How much do you weight, anyway?
Maybe you're thinking you have to eat more than it's actually necessary
And mass gainers are ok, but expensive and mostly just carbs. Useful to drink during a workout, but you could make your own shake with sugar, salt, and whey, and it would be pretty much the same
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1-what's the final verdict on jefferson curls, i have read some of the archives and most anons like it, but when looking at physical therapists, the opinions are mixed. Since it's like a weighted stretch, it's best to do it at the end of workout after the cardio
2-iam doing full body 4 times a week, i got 9 of triceps total per week, iam doing drop sets and rest-pause sets, is That a bad idea and will it lead to recovery issues or injury
3-my vertical pull movement(pull-ups) is meant to primarily target the lats(along with the upper back), my horizontal movement is meant to target primarily the rhomboids along with middle traps and rear delt, because i feel it mostly in the rhomboids, also iam currently doing seated rows for my horizontal, should i switch to barbell rows, i don't really like machines, but seated rows seem to work so far
>9 of triceps
Shouldn't be a problem, but if starts being one, like you can't hit the same numbers on lifts that used the tris... drop a couple sets and try again
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Are you entering exercise into your TDEE instead of sedentary
are you weighing all of your portions
are you weighing after going to the bathroom first thing in the morning
and most importantly, what is your current height/weight/penis status
no. It's just overpriced nutrients. You get the same shit from eating normal food and much better nutrition. and bodytypes like mesomorph and ectomorph are total bullshit, don't buy into it.

pull ups. That's basically what it's emulating anyways.

you're already getting scammed taking unnecessary supplements.

stop eating before you workout.

what exactly did you think was getting drained out? Fat is flavor.

there is no "best". you need a variety of exercises. bench, incline bench, decline bench, chest press, dips, and cable press are all great chest exercises.

Anon I get meal prepping but that is super lazy. Just get a blender bottle and make them the day of

no. Just stop being lazy and count your calories. How would a gainer shake help if you weren't even sure that it was putting you into a surplus?

Slowly. Rushing weight loss or rapid weight loss is what causes loose skin. That and being obese.

Incline is separate from both those exercises.

Citrulline is the pump engager. Increases blood flow, makes your veins pop out. Also, p good for sex.

Very possible you were lacking in electrolytes. Consider eating more fiber.
do normal people shave their pubes? i'm 30 yo virgin but this weekend there's a chance i have sex. should i leave it as it is, shave it or just trim it a bit? if trim, how much? also, does it include down in the balls and up to the belly button?
>200 pounds at 5'10
>ribs are visible
I trim my pubes if it's getting kinda wild. Most people like them not completely shaved, so I just get the spread under control.

post pic as proof
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How do I get into real bench press? I've been going to the gym for over a year but mostly been fucking around with a dumbbell/cable focused PPL. Started BB squatting and deadlifting a couple months ago and it feels great, but I'm scared to go from DB bench to BB bench.

My gym has life fitness benches (pic related) that have no safeties whatsoever. I go in the early AM with almost no one there and even if someone's there I'm too autistic to ask for a squat on my (what I assume to be) max. 1.5pl8 bench

I currently do 4x8 36kg DB bench but I'm stalling and it's getting harder and harder to push the dumbbells up and I think I waste a lot of energy just getting them into the right position.

The guys I see benching never have a spotter either... do you just not go to failure? I know how to bail out of a bench (and not use clips) if I'm about to kill myself, but I don't want to regularly drop the fucking plates on the floor if it can be avoided
You should rarely fail a bench. The only time you should is if you have a spotter. If you don't feel confident you can complete at-least most of your reps without issue, don't attempt it. Otherwise, know your limits and play it safe.
>You should rarely fail a bench
I thought as much, thanks. What do you think would be a good safe starter weight? I assume I can do 1pl8 (60kg) if I can do 2x36=72 with the dumbbells?
>What do you think would be a good safe starter weight?
The bar. Always start any new barbell exercise with just the bar to get used to the movement. Look up the stronglifts writeup on benching. It's more complicated than you'd think.
Is an adjustable grip trainer enough to get a decent grip strength?
i can see my ribs (and clavicles too) despite being borderline obese. i was really obese my whole life so im pretty sure my ribcage just got pushed out by all the fat on my innerds or sth like that
so if you were obese too, that may be why
in my experience no girl expects a guy to be completely hairless. just trim enough to where nothing is in the way or gross looking
People who fuck just fuck when the opportunity comes up. They do not preplan how their pubes are gonna look. Give it a little trim if you're anxious but definitely don't shave that shit nude
>stop eating before you work out
I don’t mean throwing up, like I actually get sick with a fever or sinus infection whenever I up the intensity or frequency of my routine
Just eat smaller meals, drink lots of water, keep the same exercise regimen. Losing weight is just a matter of not overeating, exercise will hasten it, but all you really need to do is eat at a caloric deficit.
something I don't understand, if everything boils down into pushing, pulling and legs. Why can't you just do one exercise of each 4 times a week? Shouldn't that hit everything?
Is stronglifts 5x5 good for beginner? If i'm kind of fat, but not really fat with almost no muscle mass, will i look a lot better by the end of the year?
Some advise please!

I've been going gym for a couple of weeks now with a decent muscle group schedulef

I'd like to do pull ups and push ups every day at home regardless of the gym but have been holding off because it might fuck with recovery. What do I do? Stop being a pussy and do it regardless or will it affect progression negatively?
I'm going to the gym for the first time on Monday, how do sets work there? Do I leave the machine I'm at, or just sit there for like 30 seconds to catch my breath? I've been lifting weights at home so I'm not used to how normal gyms work
Just stay at the machine you’re at, no one is going to give you shit between sets unless you’re hogging it while playing on your phone
Injured myself playing sport (hopefully minor) and going to see a doc. Question is should I see a normal doctor or a physio? Physios specialise in sports more but I don't know if they can give you meds/xrays if you need them
Force yourself to exercise, but not when you're severely injured. You do you, anon.
In one of the splits I'm doing I have bent over barbell rows on one day and the next day I'm working shoulders and doing reverse dept flys, is this a problem?

Will rows be targetting the delts enough and working them 2 days in a row will fuck them up?
Why can I do dumbell presses with 60 pounds in each hand. But I can't do a 70 pounds (35 pound plates each side) bench press?
I drive in my feet in, bend my back and tried a bunch of other stuff but nothing works, at most I can 40 pound bench presses and just barely

I just can't do bench presses at even half the weight.
Is bench pressing just hard or requires a different skillset?
Hemorrhoid, unpleasant but usually not serious
Stop straining so hard when you shit
Eat more fiber
Drink more water
Go easy on any sort of exercises that might put stress on the area
If it's still going on in 6 weeks see a doctor
Question bros... I did an LP last year and got my lifts to intermeditish on greyskull LP. Bench 215x5, OHP 140x5, deads 330x5, squat 275x5.

Took over a year off due to not having stable housing. I was thinking about doing Squat + bench / Deads + OHP / Rest in a kind of 2 on 1 off LP to try and speedily get back to where I was. Would this go okay or do you think I should just restart the LP as normal.
At what point of experience do I stop feeling like a fumbling retard and start actually lifting weights properly? I can barely complete basic sets on machines, much less free weights, and my attempts to squat or do shit with dumbbells feels embarrassingly clumsy no matter how much I try to have correct form. I just get sore and winded extremely quickly.
if i do plenty of moving, like 10-12k steps, cycling as a commute from and to work a day but none of it of any "real" intensity, should i do some hiit stuff for example on the assault bike? ive been doing 30 on 60 off intervals on it for 10 mins after my weight training but im not sure if im doing more bad than good in terms of being able to recover from it? im giving it my all those 25-30 secs so no pussy shit
sure but lifting weights will also give you grip strength.
your wording is confusing, but i assume you mean 1 pull exercise, 1 push exercise, 1 leg exercise, 4 times per week (12 exercises total). that should be fine, you're basically describing the BBB program, however you'll probably want to add accessories too
if you're just fucking about doing a few random pushups or pullups it's probably not a big deal, but if you're doing serious volume every day you'll probably hurt yourself and slow recovery
whatever doc you go to will get you what you need. general doc might refer you to a physio
probably fine, but go by how you feel
your form is probably off on either the DB's, the BB, or both. different skillsets
do what you want, but start off with lighter weights to be safe. muscle memory effect is real. will probably take a few weeks to get back to where you were but won't be too long. don't let your ego get in the way or it'll lead to injury
everyone felt that way at first. keep focusing on form and the strength will come
depends on your goals. no harm in doing that
are there any strength+dexterity "toys" or activities?
the motor control in my hands git got but because it doesn't fall under the typical causes I can't get physio for it
I've been "juggling" 1-2kg weights and tossing+catching a kettlebell with both hands but they're both kind of awkward to do and mostly just grab dependent although they've seemed to help a bit
Besides the obvious "tons of cardio" (already on it), is there anything that can be done/taken to offset the fatigue caused by dapoxetine and other ssris prescribed for premature ejaculation without neutralizing them?
Looks fine. If you want to avoid unbalance keep using dumbbells, otherwise switch to barbell.
Some guy asked to borrow a dumbbell for just one set. I pointed to the fact that the gym has 3 full ranges of dumbbells so he can use those. (Instead of interrupting my workout flow to optimize his)
My question is: thoughts, /fit/?

Is he just autistic? Inconsiderate? Gay?
Will I screw myself if I do cardio Sunday Tuesday, lift weights Monday Wednesday Friday, and do my normal sports practice on Thursday? I want to get as in shape as possible for a trip I'm taking in two months, and will probably relax a little after that, but will only one day of recovery mess things up?
What sport and how much cardio?
Endurance shit goes against getting bigger and stronger, but it's not like you can't do anything at all, you just have to keep it light
Right now my workouts consist of pull/chinups(doing a leg/knee lift each rep), db press and fly, ab wheels, lunges, and hip thrusts.

Does this cover most muscle groups? What else should i be doing at home with just dbs? Going for volume on everything, doing 10+ sets throughout the day
I fence, which is around the same intensity as swimming, but usually for less time, and I'm probably just going to start couch to 5k. I stopped exercising a while back when my gf and I broke up, just trying to get back in the shape I was in, so I'm looking for more fat loss than muscle gaining
It shouldn't be a problem, but once you're done with c25k don't move on to the 10km distance.
And if your lifts start suffering, remember you can drop the cardio and you'll get a boost on your lifts, you can use that to extend your program a couple weeks more
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Is two days of cardio enough for five days of lifting?
Would going to failure on biceps/triceps every other workout (essentially twice per week) be enough for growth?
why shouldn't I go to 10k? I'm looking for the most possible calorie expending possible lol
How can I integrate bb rows in a bodybuilding program?
Is 4x10 with a linear progression as the first exercise on a pull day be enough?
does static lifting do anything worthwhile? if i OHP a 40lb weight over my head and hold it for 60 seconds will that do anything other than make my arms tired?
not if you want to be healthy and feel good. It sucks but zone 2 cardio is the most important thing you can do for overall gains and feeling good.
>zone 2 cardio
idk what that is and google is being very vague
it's like a level of exertion
keep your heart rate between 130 and 140, that's the rule of thumb for being in "zone 2"
month and a bit noob here
6ft 156lb
my routine is:
>7x3 dead hang pullups
>15x3 leg raises
>15x3 pushups
>15x3 kettlebell swings
>15x3 overhead press
>15x3 bicep curl
1 minute rest per set, every second day (light cardio on off days)
is there anything i should add/remove or is this ok as long as i gradually increase reps and weight
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ok cool ty. So how often should I be doing cardio then? plz don't say daily
dude you need barbell movements. where is the bench, rows, squat and deadlift? did you even read the fucking sticky? this just looks like some random routine some newbie just through together. you will not progress at all with that shit.
do compounds for at least 3 months
get an A/B/A program for newbies on the internet for example
use a linear progression
make sure you eat enough protein, hydrate and sleep 8hrs/day
and use proper form
I've only got dumbells. Does this seem like a good exercise list for a push day? I pick 1 exercise from each muscle, maybe swapping out for something not listed (like diamond push-ups for tricep) if I'm getting bored.
Triceps: Chair dips / Tricep extensions
Pecs: Wide Push-Up / Dumbell Bench Press
Front Delts: Pike Push-up / Dumbell Overhead Press
Side Delts: Lateral Raise (afaik no good alternative exists for this)
I'm trying to lose weight along side my gf, but being in food centric society, what dates can I do that doesn't involve food?
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>where is the bench, rows, squat and deadlift?
this is home stuff, i have some bands and a kettlebell
can add squats though i guess

>you will not progress at all with that shit.
well when i started i couldn't do a pushup so i've come this far, but yes this is why i'm asking now before i keep going

>get an A/B/A program for newbies on the internet for example
do you mean something along the lines of pic related? i couldn't really find much info
zone 2 isn't heart rate based, its about how efficiently your body is absorbing oxygen. Peter Attia has actual info on it if you give a shit, zone 2 hugely improves how your heart works and will lead to actual lifting gains. Being in zone 2 is if you can talk to someone, they know you are working out, but you aren't wheezing and can keep your pace. That's zone 2, HR could be 120 or it could be 150. There are piles of data that show 180 minutes a week as a good breakpoint, I do 45 minutes 4 times a week.
Would a 10K run every other day be a good excercise for a beginner runner assuming you can already comfortably run the whole distance?
10k is hardly beginner. Generally, targeting a distance is less useful than targeting time. You want to track your distance and try and push it up as you advance, going farther in the same amount of time and relative level of effort.
>what dates can I do that doesn't involve food?
you can still eat food lol just eat something not high in calories. try to find vegan/healthy places
dates that dont involve food could be places like arcades skating rinks malls
Weighted calf raises seem to hurt the middle of my soles e a couple of hours later. Anyone else with this experience and possible remedies?
I just did 10K today and it didn't feel too bad, the time I get is one hour if I'm just running casually.
>eat something not high in calories
Like what?
Even fancy restaurants are serving fast foods now.
Appetizers are mostly carb rich food, main meals are usually fatty stuff.
Unironically the healthiest thing would be some meditarain food, like shawarma.
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how do i bulk into this without getting a potbelly? is a sensible surplus + not eating junk enough on top of hitting compounds 2x a week + doing plenty of arm work?
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I started lifting 2 months ago and in the past month I've been making good progress and greatly improving my form and such
I got a cold on monday. Unfortunately for me I tend to stay sick longer than most people. What is a 5-7 cold for most people in a 13-15 day ordeal for me. Ive already been out of the gym for 8 days and Im dreading how much progress is being lost, especially since I haven't eaten well due to a terrible sore throat
is it advisable to lift while sick? I really wanna minimize my downtime. Is there any gym etiquette about coughing all over the place every 20 seconds?
what should my stretching routine be? been lifting for 4 months, have done literally no stretches. i think maybe i need more flexibility for deadlifts, but idrk.

I usually stretch for 5 - 10 minutes after a light cardio warmup.

Looks fine to me.


Depending on the sets, but basically yes.

Yes, just don't do all of those exercises on every day. Split them up.
how the FUCK do I hit my daily fibre intake? My gut's ruining my life but everything is so fucking light on fibre it's insane how much food you need to eat to hit that 30g daily intake.

Probably just wasn't paying attention, or had a brain lapse. It happens.
Why did HIIT training become super popular and then disappear?

Is it the best plan for improving heart health or not?

Go slow and go light. Practice form first. Practice squatting without any weights first and go slow.

I just place my water bottle on the seat.

I'm a pacer, so I'll walk around for 2 - 3 minutes before my next set.

Don't do them everyday. Yes, it will mess with recovery.

You'll look better doing anything after a year of lifting.

When I started I did PPL, but it's very time consuming and fatiguing. 5x5 is great if you're time constrained and just need to do like 3 exercises.

Whether you stay fat or not is going to depend heavily on your diet and how seriously you take your training.
>Are you entering exercise into your TDEE
>are you weighing all of your portions
yes everything
>are you weighing after going to the bathroom
shit piss weigh
>what is your current height/weight/
92kg 175cm

and at that weight i really do not understand how i cannot loose weight at 2000 cal a day

i lift weights 3 times a week and do 300cals of cardio everyday
Which work out or sports should I have follow when young in order to not grow as the manlet I actually am?
eat more and get better genetics
>eat more
Give diet
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While doing barbell rows my shoulder blade caught fire. It started about halfway up the row. I had just increased the weight today.
How long should I let it rest? I do rows, squats, and bench one day, and deadlift, overhead press, and chin ups the other, working out every other day. I also plank every day. Which exercises can I still do while letting my shoulder heal?
I was more so referring to total caloric intake, but a healthy diet usually consists of:
high quality cuts of meat - chicken, beef, lamb, pork, fish
dairy - whole fat milk, cheese
complex carbs - potato, sweet potato, rice
whole grains - pasta, oats
fruits and veggies - banana, oranges, carrot, capsicum, broccoli, mushroom, tomato etc..
unrefined fats - butter, extra virgin olive oil, tallow

stay hydrated and home cook all your meals from scratch too of course
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What are the best arm exercises?
I normally do hammer curls, and spidercurls with an easy bar.
I used to do preacher curls as well but was told that spider curls just do the same thing and are safer.

Am i targetting the three heads of my arm with these exercises? Are they good?
Should i go back to preacher curls like maybe with the machine this time?
I heard that all the cable curl exercises are dogshit.
Cheat barbell curls & seated incline dumbbell curls / weighted chin ups are enough to hit all the heads and overload the them
Should i swap spider curls back to preacher curls or is it good enough as is?
How long would it take to fix a pretty substantial imbalance between my dominant side and non-dominant side? I played soccer for 2 decades so my right leg/calf is massive compared to my left and I'm a foreveralone reject so my right arm is bigger than my left.
any amount of alcohol is bad for your health and gains, you decide if it's okay or not.
I don't think preacher curls are worth the risk, it's not a big risk, but it's still a risk.
I would just do the same exercises but use much lower weight on the affected area, even if it's 5 lb dumbbells
I'll do that after resting for 3 days, thanks.
did they ever explain why the poster count was removed?
no and they never will
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I just hit 40kg for my overhead rope tricep extensions and tricep rope pulldowns.
My triceps still look tiny though and have almost no definition.

Should I lower the weight and do more reps and sets?
Do I cut more?
Are these not good tricep exercises?
Its easier for marketers to shill and help advertisers.
Imagine looking a thread with 300 posts but 4IPs compared a thread with just 300 posts where it could any number of IPs.
psyllium husk vs powder, does it really matter what im throwing in my shakes. just need to add a bit of bulk to my guts while on a cut.
Powdered is more effective due to the larger surface area by weight.
Have you tried getting strong? 40kg isn't that much. Not in the sense it's nothing, but in the sense that if you're trying to equate what weight = big triceps, it's not enough. Train big movers that hit the triceps hard and get strong. CGBP, Skullcrushers, JM Press, etc.
How long is a piece of string? If you want to fix the imbalance, the fastest way is to train one side a lot and not train the other side at all. As one the bigger side atrophies or at least doesn't get bigger, the other side catches up. Or you just train both sides normally and they even out over time.
Skullcrushers (I prefer doing on an incline bench for extra ROM), CGBP, JM Press, V Bar Pushdowns, for triceps (The muscle that makes the most difference to arm size). For Biceps, EZ bar spider curls, Alternating DB Curls, Incline DB Curls are good, Barbell Curls, Cable Curls. Basically, any exercise that allows you to absolutely smash the target muscle with a good rep range and weight with less unnecessary fatigue is good. Cable curls and machine curls are good for finishing the biceps off because you're generally cooked overall but that isolates the biceps the most so you can get a bit more out of it.
As for what 'heads', just do tons of whatever smashes your biceps the most. It's doubtful you'll get to a point where you'll notice any significant difference in the size of the heads.
The best type of exercise to do when growing is as much variation as possible. Sports, lifting, cardio, agility, speed, power, all of it helps maximise potential. Apparently if you could only pick one form of training for kids when growing to be the best for them it would be sprinting, but anything that's single track minded isn't going to be as good as something that is multi-faceted to miss nothing. Diet is 'Eat fruits, veg, meats, and stay away from processed foods and shit'.
Fads are fads. Also it is very good for heart health, but at the end of the day the basics are basics. If you want a healthy heart, don't take anything to the extreme, eat well, keep fit, but don't overdo it. Ultramarathon runners are less healthy than people who just keep themselves in shape, eat well, and do cardio and weight training.
I'm literally sitting here eating out of a box of Aldi protein cereal. Whole box has 1700 cal, 90g protein, but also 32g fibre. I don't do it for the fiber but easy (albeit low quality) protein and calories. You don't need to eat a ton of food, just eat higher fibre food, or just supplement. 100g flax seed has 27g fibre. Oats (at least the one my store sells) has 9.1g fibre per 100g. Make 100g oats, add 30g flaxseed, that's already 18g fibre. If I have 100g of my cereal as well that's already 25g. One banana is another 3g, and then you'll probably find more somewhere else.
I have lifted for 8 years and almost never stretched. If you want to improve flexibility for specific movements like deadlift, see where you actually need it or if you even need it. But if you just want to be more flexible, stretching after lifting is generally better. Short 5 minute mobility warmup is fine for before. Stretching is literally just 'Stretch what you want to be more flexible until you're in pain, hold for 10-15 seconds mininum and then repeat a couple times before moving on' and you're fine. It'll take as long as it takes to stretch whatever you want to stretch.
I lifted when sick, but it sucked balls. You may well lose most of your progress but it'll come back a quicker than you lost it. If you want to still lift, just go and do the same reps/sets but with 30-50% of the weight. You'll maintain well enough and it won't suck balls.
Pretty much. Don't bulk too fast, don't eat shit, plenty of arms and chest. Though generally unless you're close to that already you won't make it in one bulk.
Keep doing it until you get used to is. The bar used to hurt when doing squats on my back when I was squatting 60kg. Now if I squat 200kg it doesn't feel like anything.
Weekly mileage is far different from any single run. If you want to run every other day and you can comfortably run 10k, start with 5k maximum at 10k kpace and try that every other day for a couple weeks first, then move up slowly.
Hiking, indoor rock climbing, swimming, nature walks, beach walks, horse riding, go karting, or even going out to eat for a date but going to somewhere healthy.
You make do with what you have. Can add dumbbell to lap and do weighted chair dips too. Plus there is no need for an alternative to lateral raises. They're goated.
Depends on your goals. You'll build some level of work capacity and cardio doing that with moderate muscle gain as a beginner, but it won't be enough to maintain muscular progress in the long term but will still be useful for muscular endurance if you increase reps/sets/weight and/or decrease rest times.
It'll make you better at holding weights over your head for long times, but it's generally not your muscles that are taking most of the work there. Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands. Your body won't get bigger unless it thinks it needs to, so if you want to get bigger, move heavy weights until your muscles are very close to if not at failure, and then give your body what it needs to make bigger muscles so it's easier next time.
Depending on your level, yeah. Plus going to failure on one set is different from going to failure on 9 sets, but in general if it gives enough of a stimulus for growth without too much fatigue causing your body to spend more energy recovering than growing then you're solid.
I imagine anything that would offset the drugs would offset their intended effects. Maybe look into anything that improves that specific fatigue type?
Watch 'The Bioneer' on youtube. He'll have tons of what would help you.
Learn to fail. I have failed several times but my gyms always used power racks with safeties. However my current gym doesn't so I'll either make sure I never hit true failure, or I'll get a spotter, or in last case I'll just bail it by pushing it away from me and scoot backwards. I've never done the 'roll of shame'.
Unusual during descent, but it's possible that if your feet point outwards by the end it literally means that's where you have the most strength and should always deadlift that way. Try deadlifting with your feet pointing outwards at the same angle and see if you feel stronger. Not everyone is built the same.
Some people respond better to things than others. That's true for everything.
Psyllium husk powder should be a decent one. And with the egg whites, there's literally no reason to have it over whole eggs unless you are cutting and can find no other way to cut calories. There's more protein in the yolk, just a better protein:calorie ratio in the whites, and far, far less nutritional benefits.
Whatever exercises meet both these requirements:
1. It hits your chest hard (Ideally with less fatigue in other muscles or systemic)
2. You like doing it
It'll be more, but it's not going to be tons more, and the amount of muscle you can put on is already so individually dependant that one person with good genetics is going to put more muscle on their upper body even when training legs, than someone with poor genetics would when never training legs.
Yes, IMO. Non-paused allows for a good use of the stretch reflex which helps a ton.
Cut til you can see abs, bulk til you hate yourself. Vague, but effective.
So did mine when I was a little boy. Get bigger/stronger.
Probably not. You never know until you try though. Apparently things like sledgehammer levering may help.
What do I need to adjust so that squats don't murder my wrists as I increase the weight?
Your form. Squats shouldn't hurt your wrists because they shouldn't be a supporting factor. It's not an OHP or a bench. The bar sits on your back, the hands merely stop it from moving from there. Try a wider grip. You could of course use wrist wraps but that's not fixing the issue.
squat with the bar higher up on your back
I need to build GPP. I don't know how to do that.
Is a high metabolism analogous to a car with bad fuel efficiency or the opposite?
Basically what I mean is it using more energy with less work or producing more energy in general?

I am naturally very skinny and always have been. I eat very healthy but when I was younger I worked at an ice cream milkshake restaurant for a year and consumed an absurd amount of sugar and fat without gaining any weight whatsoever.

I also have a high iq and think obsessively and very fast (I am constantly working on a project). I was told once by a professional that thinking burns calories and this may be attributed to my weight despite my calorie intake (which, while I eat healthy, is usually far past my energy expenditure in terms of physical activity. I am starting to go back to the gym but I spend months at a time sitting at a desk while I eat multiple steaks a day, my only sugar intake is honey and I cook with a lot of butter and olive oil).
To add to this question, how is it even possible to have a "high metabolism" if calories aren't being burned either by thinking or physical activity? Do some people's bodies just burn more calories by doing basic functions? Like having a car burn excess fuel when idling? (Also, if this helps with the question, I'm 6'3).
Is doing a high volume pyramid sets of only bench and ohp a good training plan?
Dont care about legs and heavy lifting.
Are you fat?
C25k, or any other kinda fartlek. Better if done in the nature.
Otherwise, do you have any hill nearby?
Do hill sprints.
Those and power cleans will do enough, unless you're a pro athlete or something.
>Like having a car burn excess fuel when idling?
There's people that fidget and move more when idle. Over the day, it adds up to sway more than the variance between metabolisms
So, yes, kinda.
Not really, but it's better than nothing.
Even if you don't care, you have legs, fucking use them
Stop making these threads
Every question here warrants its own thread
The only thing you'd be knocking off is some gay twitter screencap thread or racebait. The board would be better for it.
I don't fidget (I did when I was younger but I'm 24 now). I do think non stop so is that the only reason?
Again, my original question is what does a high metabolism actually mean?
I understand its the rate of energy conversion (I have a dictionary of Biochemistry) but what causes the natural baseline difference?
you mean asking a question with coombait pictures just so the thread gets derailed by either keto/vegan schizo posting or basement dwelling incel gooners posting further coombait? hmm nah
>but what causes the natural baseline difference?
The main points are age, gender, body composition, but there's so much stuff that can cause small variations.
It's mostly generic, but not completely.
GeneTic, sorry
Nah, threads would get 3 replies, 1 maybe genuine and the rest trolling, then it would get lost and die shortly

One big mega threads means questions will stay up for longer, getting more input for them and also other people who might be looking for the same question or something relevant can see it as well
Okay so lets assume age, height, and sex are the same, but there's a difference in baseline metabolic rate. What could cause the difference? Is a lower metabolism a more efficient metabolism or one that does not produce as much energy? (basically my question is: is metabolic rate the same as energy expenditure or energy derivation?)
The metabolic rate is how much energy you expend just to be alive, no?
After those the important parts would be how much muscle you have, and how well your liver works (and also how much you're stressing it).
But then the total of the other misc factors has a bigger effect than those two.
I completed the chest/shoulder/tricep day of this today, it felt good, but still figuring out how many sets/reps I should do for the bigger lifts.

I decided to do chest/incline/ohp all with barbell, but noticed my strength diminishing from exercise to exercise (as expected).

Should alternate starting with chest / OHP everytime I do that workout?

Should I be start the first exercise with 5x5 for higher strength and follow up the next 2 exercises with 3x8 or just keep it all 3 at 3x8?

I was doing all the isolation stuff with low weight higher reps in the 15-20 range.
This. Had severe adhd as a kid and could eat the exact same shit with the same physical activity as my brother and he got muscular/skinnyfat while i was perma skelly mode. He also fell asleep in 2 minutes while i often spend 1+ hours kicking my feet and shifting around before i could doze
is getting warm all the time/sweating during a bulk a roidtroon thing? ive been bulking for a while now and i dont get that at all except for when i eat a lot of fatty meat at once (but not from eggs)
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i keep getting blisters here after running a bit on the treadmill
are my shoes just not the right size/am i not lacing them right or what the fuck is going on here
for anons who decided to get /fit/ at 20-25% bf, at what bf% did you really start to notice your facial definition increasing?
Your body adapts. take a delode week and see what happens. Otherwise, play with periodization.
For a home gym, what would you need more than THIS.jpeg?
All movements that would need a rack or a squat cage can be emulated in a fraction of the space.
Am I missing something?
Well, then you only have a cable station.
How much can you load on it? What's the reduction ratio? You'll need a big and sturdy machine to do squats on it, and even then, you're doing cable squats.
Wouldn't it be easier to get a barbell and loadable dumbbells that share the same plates?
Is there any real difference between Crunch and Planet Fitness?
Today was push day and now i have a pain in my side delt. I can't tell if it's a good or bad kind of pain. I guess i will see tomorrow.
quick question bros, i overate today on my cut from protein and fats, can i make up for it by eating less fat and protein tomorrow, i understand the overall week is what matters, not the single day, but how does that affect protein, muscle preservation, etc.
>eating less protein
oh brother
just do as you were supposed to or throw in some cardio today but most importantly make sure it doesn't happen again
Guys, I am so fucking fed up with my skinny boy calves. Looks ridiculous.
What's your advice for an intense calf growth routine, to make them as big as possible?
(I know genetics are a big part too)
train them everyday ([{get fat worked for me}])
Looking at getting a bumper plate set, does it really matter what I get? Looking at Rep Fitness or Rogue echos
>does it really matter what I get?
now go on yt and look up reviews
Anyone else gets violent shaking when you perform any kind of crunch? Literally just getting my torso off the bed makes me shake. Is my core really that weak? Or wtf is the deal.

I don't train my abs directly but I can hold an L sit, plank for like 2+ minutes, RDL 120kg, pull ups with +20kg. This shit is pissing me off. I have the same thing when bending down, like something in my mid back is really weak.

Training core is the most boring shit and I hate it. Though I can't think of any other solution other than spamming some leg raises and maybe jefferson curls for whatever the fuck is happening in my mid back.
How do I get the smell of cum out if my room? I just threw away a month old cumsock (daily jizzer btw) but the smell is lingering. I've had my window open and a fan going but ita still cummy in here
I want to buy a decent solid metal barbell instead of this shitty hollow one I have.
What length is normal?
Does material matter?
something like lysol or febreze, you may need to spray several different times
freeskate every day for a year.
Bros should I be doing rear delts exercises when I work my back or when I do shoulders?
should a belt be the first thing you buy then knee sleeves?
it's up to you. I like doing them on back day because it's more of a pulling motion and that fits in with things like rows and pull ups.
you don't need either
just look for anything marketed as 'olympic' size.
heavy barbell calf raises a few times a week. 3-4x12-15.
>All movements that would need a rack or a squat cage can be emulated in a fraction of the space.
lol. lmao even.
15% and under

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