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>refuses to improve
Can we get some wide grip vs narrow grip discussion here? Also how the hell do I do muscle ups
I'm at 3x12 +5kg added and improooving.
i like a close neutral grip because it feels the best for me
1. try negatives after failure
2. if that doesn't work, grease the groove, do a few pullups a couple of times each day
Supplement with inverted rows, or bent-over dumbbells if you don't have a bar to use.

Negs are good too like the other guy mentioned; also band assisted once you've maxed out.
Wide grip destroys my shoulders. I've concluded that it's just an ego lift variation. Just add more weight to a normal pull up if you want more intensity.
is it okay to do hammergrip pullups

I swear you fuckers will say the most retarded shit.
Get the fucking resistance bands nigga.
Do pullups until failure and use the bands to improve volume, test twice monthly for rep range increase.
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this is the single most retarded concept that has ever been come up with in fitness. could you imagine if to progress on bench we set up safeties at chest level, loaded up ~50% more than our 1rm on the bar and then did negatives? that would be retarded, and pull ups are no exception.
just do more and add weight
I've been told wide grips develop wider lats. Must be why they're harder to perform than close grips
your arms are probably lagging behind your lats
Except they are proven to work.
I can only do 2 but i just tried 3 times, i guess i'm improving, i'm 80kg (319,28lbs) btw
if you are doing an exercise that reaches failure before 10 reps, you need to increase your rest times to make up for that.

studies show 48-72 hours to recover from exercise, this does not mean that every single person in the world only requires 48 hours and no more. Increase rest time by a day and see if that helps.
1) do tons of heavy cheat rows and machines if you have decent machines at your gym
2) do a set of pullups every now and then to test rm

useless vanity exercise tbqthwy
no bodybuilder, powerlifter or oly lifter does them, except maybe the super strong dudes who can knock out 30 at the end of their back workout
>Brahhhhhhhhh you can't lift your body 10 times?????? Rest more braaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Sure thing champ
below 10 rm incurs a significant stress on the body, which requires more rest. We've known this for decades. Learn to lift, kid.
Just train pullups until you can do more
>wide grip vs narrow grip
Shoulder-width is best, wide grip limits ROM and is hard on shoulders for no particular reason.
When you do 10+ pull-ups with weight you'll notice that you can be far more explosive on the first few reps of your unweighted sets. That leads to muscle-ups.
I was doing 3x5 chins and it refused to improve. Couldn't get to 3x6, couldn't do 4x5.
Stopped caring about set/rep scheme and just started setting rep totals (e.g. ~20 chins) and forced myself to bang out 20 whether it took 5 sets or 8. 20 became 24, 24 became 30, 30 became 40. Once I hit 8x for the first set I started adding weight, keeping the workout rep total in the ~30-40 range.
dyel detected
I'm only adding +8.25kg and I struggle to progress without weeks at the same weight. They're one of my favourite lifts, but they're really tough.
I went from doing +45 pounds for 3x5 two months ago to barely managing to get 25's for that. Not really sure how that happened....
Whoops, I meant 8.75kg. It's just a 5kg, 2.5kg and 1.25kg plate. Stepping it up to 10kg will be a big achievement for me.
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>useless vanity exercise tbqthwy
Name one exercise for better all-round back development.
I assume hammer grip is what people also call neutral grip? And yes it's OK. Some believe it's actually the best variation. I like chin ups the best and mostly do those (supine grip, or palms facing you). /fit/ tries so hard to argue about this, but in the end it doesn't even matter.
This is my dilemma. My forearm grip gives out while my lats still have some energy left. Same for my bench. DYEL problems, I suppose.
Add weight until you're about at you limit for one rep.
Do one pull-up as explosively fast as possible.
Do it again.
Reps at bodyweight for show will follow actual gains made under duress.
t.guy who tried to get better at pullups by simply doing bodyweight reps to failure and got nowhere.
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rows duh
specifically any row where your torso angle changes and you row the barbell to hip crease/lower stomach, done for high reps, with more cheating as set goes on
Get a pull-up bar at home and do sets sporadically throughout the day, every day for GTG method.

>Do hollow body pull-ups only.
>Always do full ROM with a dead hang at the bottom.
>Weighted stretching with straps is excellent. (Don’t get stuck lol)

T. Very good at pull-ups.

Wide is better, going excessively narrow is kinda awkward.
Narrow is easier too.

t. used telescopic doorway bar for months; then transfered to a wide-grip bar and my max was like 50% of the tele.
bottom of the pull up is where the most stimulus happens so after you are done with clean reps try to pump some more bottom half reps for hypertrophy work. it will drive up your proper form pull ups in time. negatives are also good option but I feel they are bit further down on the usefulness ladder.
That's because wide actually targets the lats.
Narrow is teres major and arms.
Which is why pullups are dogshit unless you're a manlet like >>74232177
just buy a strap if forearms are your problem and dont forget to train them, mine is actually biceps and triceps which is worse. my pulling exercises are top tier, but pushing for me is terrible
Bud, I’m 180cm. Cope latlet.
>not even 6"

I accept your concession.
And what have you done but squander your potential? Dyel.
I’ll take advice from the 180cm anon who actually posted body over a garbage spewer such as yourself. Have a wonderful day :)
I feel like I lack endurance. I can't get past 10 pull ups but I can do weighted up to +45kg for a single. I feel like it's not the strength that I don't have but I just get tired out.
>80kg (319,28lbs)
In short, Wide-grip > Narrow-grip

In long, (like my thick, hung penis), WG pullups activates the shoulders, back, and lats to a greater degree while NG will activate the elbow flexors more, e.g., the brachioradialis, due to the greater degree of elbow flexion.

Both great exercises tho
I dunno what this technique is called but I'd set an ambitious target like 30 reps with 1pl8 and then just take as many sets as necessary to get there. It's very intense because you're doing 5 or 6 sets to failure but it gets the job done. Combine is with heavy 3x5 workouts and you're golden. My 1RM is currently +55kg/120lb at 80kg/175lb bw
you already clearly know your problem, so get to work on it, can't give advice on how to do it exactly on a day to day / week to week basis since i forgot how i did it but i remember just doing them more, now i can do 20 full rom
I went from 4 max to 12 at 210lbs with Armstrong program. It was honesty an exhausting few months and the weekly volume was out of control. However the results were exceptional and my back exploded in size. I can now just consistently hit sets of however many i want. Working on weighted now.
Am 56 and could only do 1 a year ago (117kg body weight). Now I can do 15 pullups /chin-ups and now weigh 93kg.Wide grips are harder, but i'm getting better.
this is the answer. it's always volume. i dont know why people hit plateaus and their brain just glitches out and they dont try this, but if you think about it it makes sense that if you're gassing out at 5 heavy reps you want to be training in a higher range and lower weight to condition yourself for it.
me now
Yea I do something similar with compound lifts. If I add weight the next week and can barely hit 5x5’s, then I’ll just do enough sets so the reps add up to 25.
Cool. How did you go from 1 to 15?
Resistance bands. As little as possible add 1 rep each week - I was heavy so couldn't push it as tendons ache like like fuck. Then used smaller bands until I could do 10 without them.
Can vouch for this strategy, sort of what I'm doing now. Went from >3 rep max to 8 in about 2.5 months.

I followed the McGill pull-up program (ala Squat University on YouTube): 1-2 max strength pulls-ups, 20 sec. rest, for 8 sets 2x/week. Every week add one set until you reach 15 total sets.

My max pull up went from >3 to 5 in about 1 month.

Now, I'm on the Russian pull up program (first search result on Google). Been on it for about 1 month and my max pull-up is now 8. I do pull-up sets at the gym peppered in between my regular work out, so approx. 10-15 minutes of rest. At the point of doing approx. 35 pulls-ups a day, 5 days/week. First few reps feel naturally more explosive and easy at this point.

Gonna keep at it until I can do 3x12. Then will use the McGill/"cluster" set programming with weighted pull-ups.

It might also beneficial to switch up the grip (pronated, supinated, neutral) every so often
can’t get my lats to engage on pulls. i feel it more in my bicep even with a no thumb grip. stupid mind wont connect to stupid muscle
Is it impressive that I can do 10 x 6 pullups at 230, 6'3" or should I kms. Is it time to add weights?
>how the hell do I do muscle ups
if you can pull yourself up + 1/2 your weight = you can do muscle ups
you also need dip strength
Do deadhangs until failure after every workout.
I need to get a weight vest or whatever.
Get a door mounted pull up bar in whatever doorframe you walk through the most at home
Go to failure every time you walk through
Mirin' hard
Pull-ups barely work traps other than the lowest portion. Rows hit basically everything.
You're retarded, wide grip targets the teres more
>put it on bedroom door
>can't shut door
>mum sees me when I fap
I don't know about that brah, I started using my door-mounted pullup bar regularly and went from like 4 pullups to like 15 in a set in like two months.
Unless you mean in terms of visible muscle growth, then yeah I don't see anything, but again it's only been like two months.
Based oldfag
Hope I'm this aesthetic at your age and beyond
>Son... son i think that's too fast...
posts nigger pic
posts nigger opinion
checks out. Opinion discarded. I've never seen a black person work out properly.
you like them because they're easier
they suck to do, anon, we know.
literally just grab one of your old highschool backpacks and put shit in it
I'm absolutely HARDSTUCK at 10 pull ups. I think I'll have to start adding weight to them if I want to progress.
it's all about the elbows

I don't fuck on 1st date - often...
cheers - If I can do it anyone can. I was a skinny teen, then a fat old fuck before I got my act together.
if this isn't a larp this is some solid motivation
if someone can start lifting at 56 and do 15 pullups then so can i dammit
Based grandpa.
I didn't start from zero. I've always done some kind of weight training and done lat pulldowns, but less than my body weight, but never bothered doing pullups until last year.
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>tfw when max reps was only 12 today
Damn one loses those muscles fast. I used to do 25
>Resistance bands
I thought about getting a pull up bar and a bunch of these bands.
But I would need to use multiple at once since my back is weak af and I'm at 230lbs too.
did you ever use multiple at once?
The person who's not retarded doesn't worry about it and does both for maximum back development. That being said, Pullups are still the king of all back exercises. They truly separate those that are /fit/ from those who are /fat/.
>no bodybuilder,
Pic related. Here's more including the most recent Mr. Olympia
> powerlifter or oly lifter does them
I'm sure this is wrong. There are a lot of powerlifters and oly lifters and some of them like to do pullups for their accessory work. Fortunately, most Olympic and Power lifters are not powerfats and are actually /fit/ in spite of what you might see in /plg/.
Long length partials are the way to go.
Before you come to conclusions you should try it out and see for yourself how effective they're. If you take the partials to failure, you'd surely be doing it with a lot of volume, so you're going to gain muscle and lots of strength. Also, if you're stalling you're probably not going to failure with your lats, once you take the partials to failure you might feels how failure actually is with back.
Once you get used to going to failure with the partial pull ups I recommend you immediately start adding weighted pull ups for low reps. This way you shouldnt be stalling.
The upper portion of the pull up can become a bottle neck if you let it.
This is what worked for me. And I came to the conclusion that wih back you're supposed to reach failure in the lower ends of the rom.
Long length partials are meant to add up volume to your pull ups, you can do this in more than one way but I think these are the most effective.

I also recommend:
a narrower grip, if it feels uncomfortable at the top puff your chest out. WIth a wide grip the hunching of the back during the top end of the pull up can be excacerbated and made to limit progress even more.
Bands are made with varying resistance. You can also try jumping pull ups to get started too. Just hold yourself at the top for about four seconds, then lower yourself as slowly as possible.
>Long length partials
As long as you don't relax your scapula at the end of each rep it's fine. Allowing the humerus to drift can lean to subaccute shoulder injuries over time. For training lats however, it's best to not go too far above the 120 degrees of shoulder flexion.
>jumping pull ups
I just looked them up.
are you telling me this is a real thing?
like this is better than using bands?
looks more like a late april fools.
You can get a bunch of them on Amazon, 10, 25, 35kg for $20
Pull ups are just a very mechanically disadvantageous and is a lat torture lift. It's also very biased towards leanfags/skinnyfags (anyone who is under 200lbs)
Biased, yes ;but not impossible.
I was 258lb and I managed it.
Sounds like you're looking for excuses.
Stop eating shit, drinking beer (spirits with diet soda is fine - I drink 1-2 bottles a week), put in the work and you can do it. I did. Also i'm 56. Put in the work, pussy.
that's 15 cm
>i'm 80kg
that's 177lbs
>10 x 6 pullups at 230, 6'3"
>105kg 190cm
10 is herculean numbers for your weight and size
stop being a faggot and just do the program
i can do about 20 total but it just feels like my lower/mid traps give out before anything else desu
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it took me 5 months to go from 0 to 2 pull-ups
sounds like you weren't trying very hard
Wide grip is fake and gay. Take a grip width that allows the humerous to be vertical while hanging frok bottom. This will allow the greatest rom and therefore most development. Ironically if you go super wide, you reduce the rom and thats never good. She you wind up being just about shoulder width, not a lot wider or narrower.

Also, chinups over pullups because of the extra humerous roation.

However, the most improtant thing is probably the grip and width that causes to no wrist, elbow it shoudler irritation.
Train it like a strngth exercise. Right now Im doing three sets of five with 40 pounds hanging off my belt. Next week Im going to up it to 42.5 hanging off me. will try it for 5 sets of three. Then give myself a light day where I just do bodyweight for three sets of three. Then try 4 sets of 4 eith 42.5. Then another light day - three sets of three at bodyweight, then the next time try 3 sets of 5 with 42.5. All this with proper warmups ( I do a single, rest for a few mins, then a dounble, then rest then a tripe, then I add the weight). To cycle thru with 5x3, then 4x4, then 3x5 takes about ten days.

Dont treat it like an endurance xercies. Like a power mvoement. And get stronge.r
Probably, but I was mostly misguided I think. Doing pretty much only negatives with way too wide a grip.
Went from 3 reps/3sets to 9 reps for 4 sets.
Now doing 3-5 reps w/25lbs for 3-5 sets depending on the day.

You can do it bro, it’s more mind over matter.
When should I get a weighted belt thing for pull-ups and what weight do you guys start at? Is it like progressive overload? I do 3x12 now can struggle to get more out to failure

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