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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides
https://i.imgur.com/ef98R.png (embed)
https://i.imgur.com/qNJIy.png (embed)

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators

previous >>74506633
Did Dutch people roon in clogs back when the world was black and white?
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propa good kittington diss one

propa comfy
Just got back into running, 160bpm average and 180bpm max heart rate for 2 miles.

This is way too high right? I need to slow down?
>Running coach influencer says no one should be running faster than 11-12 minutes per mile on their easy runs
I understand that women have different biomechanics and shorter legs and people who are still in the beginner phase haven’t perfected their stride or built up a ton of running strength yet, but how is it even possible for a grown adult male with years of running experience to actually move that slowly WHILE maintaining proper form? The most minimal “explosion” from your foot pushing you off the ground is going to propel you forward faster than that unless you deliberately skip leg day and have someone push you around in a wheelchair for atrophymaxxing purposes
Were you pushing really hard when your HR hit 180?
I have to run a 15 minute mile to keep my heart rate in check and it sucks so much, form feels awful
so I'm doing more fun/higher intensity while hoping I get into better shape. My fastest mile so far is about 7:30 but my endurance is god awful
still a beginner btw
>WHILE maintaining proper form?
Try it barefoot.
You can run slower than you think.
how do they qualify "easy" run?

i'm a beginner runner and a 10min/mile pace puts me comfortably under my MAF 180 number.
you may be a beginner runner but you are not a cardio beginner then
really? i thought that was considered pretty slow.

i've been lifting for many years but only started rooning in december.
>You can run slower than you think.

This is true. I never thought I'd be able to maintain a jog at walking pace, but walking to parkrun one day chatting with a mate who was drinking coffee, I was freezing my arse orf and with zero effort discovered I could indeed roon at the same pace he was walking and sipping his coffee at.

When I try it out on an actual roon on my own it's oddly much more difficult to maintain though. A true test of willpower.
I already went for a roon yesterday but I have an opportunity for another easy roon today. I likely won't have time the rest of the week to roon so this is my chance. What do you guys think should I roon
was yesterday easy or was it something you need to recover from?
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Groin felt ok. A little sore at first, but went away.
Apparently we have a second wave of baby goslings being born... Not as many as a month ago, but quite a few. Also saw 1 bun.
It was an easy run and today would be another easy run
it's slow for dedicated runners but it's faster than the vast majority of normal people
but of course normal people are unhealthy and unfit
a single 10 minute mile MAX EFFORT is already the top end of what a random average person can do usually
So you might have a ballpark max HR of 180-185. Keep in mind that's just an estimate.
In that case an easy pace for you should be in the 110-130bpm range.
For longer duration base-building that's the ideal target. It'll probably feel slow as shit.
160-170bpm is probably a good "comfortably hard" pace for harder runs.
How much you want to balance one vs the other is up to you really.
great thanks. Only problem is I can barely run at 110-130bpm, what do I do? Even walking can get me to like 105bpm
>>74527914 (me)
for reference I just ran a 9 minute mile for fun and my heart rate hit 194 lol
when I started, I couldn't even do a 15 minute mile
Now do it up a hill, see if you can hit 200.
Nta, but just keep running. Don't worry so much about the measured HR, just be mindful of how much you feel like you're draining yourself. If you feel like you're going to faint, or throw up, or you're compromising your form to keep going... then slow the fuck down. Otherwise, you're probably fine. You'll be surprised at how quickly your heart adapts to doing cardio. Before long, you'll be back here complaining "I can't get my HR up high enough!"
The highest my watch has said so far is 199 but it wasn't exactly me trying to hit my max heart rate.
My 220-age number should be 196 which I know is supposed to just be a ballpark, and also watches aren't always accurate
To serious runners, what do you think are the most important strength exercises to compliment running?
ran 9 miles two days ago at 7:10 pace average, hoping to get like 19:30 in a 5k tomorrow but it's gonna be hot as fuck out. This time I'll actually try fo start from the front of the pack so I don't lose time at the start trying to find people at the right pace
i'd say go for it. my marathon training plan rn recommends back to back runs every week.
>cat pic
fake corr, corr never reveals his roon pace
Can I make this into a 4-day routine?
Yeah just run really slow. It'll probably feel silly. It's only slightly more intense than walking, but if you maintain it for 30-60 minutes at a time you should see the difference.

Also, keep in mind this is only for running "easy runs." An average of 160bpm is fine for a "comfortably hard" run. You should be able to train that to sustain that for a good 30-45 minutes, although you'll likely feel wrecked when you're done and be sore the next day. That's different from "easy runs" where you should feel tired but like you could probably keep going if you really wanted to.
I did 3 miles uphill!
I actually really enjoy "running" at walking pace in my barefoot shoes
basically like skipping rope, great calf workout
Lunges, Squats, Reverse lunges, butt kicks, high knees, and sprints. When I started doing those things I noticed a great improvement to my running capacity. Also, I go for muscular endurance rather than hypertrophy.

Although, i'm sure just all your common leg exercises would help.
I just want corr to notice my cat
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>>74526473 (Me)
Did the roon. 1km less than planned but I take it.
It was 29°C and I had to take about 5 short walking breaks. I can't imagine how it would have ended if I only had 0.5L of water
Been running consistently for about a month now
The start up was painful. I was stubborn about running in chucks
I have very flat feet and all other footwear gives me pain and blisters
Shit was good for about two weeks
My ligaments were toast. I was limping everywhere
>bought expensive wide toe box shoes
I'm running, jogging, and walking for an hour straight every day
Healing well and even getting faster

Considered stopping because of the massive pain, but somehow got used to it. Now it's just background noise.
Here we go boys, gotta roon
Altras or Topos?
Thank you, in that case I will roon. I appreciate it
I like to plan long run routes where there are drinking fountains along the way
great run though man, good job
Jesus Christ, you people are superhuman
how long you been running and how regularly do you run? what was your longest run prior to this?
thanks bud
How do you get to the point where you can run or even jog without stopping to walk? I just ran a 9 minute half mile. Help pls.
>inb4 fatass
I am underweight.
you just keep running
don't push it too hard, jog for a bit, walk for a bit, do it 3-4x a week
maybe 30 mins to an hour per session
try couch to 5k and run as slow as you can in each running portion
good for newbie gains
people who were active growing up don't understand what it's like to start running from scratch, it will take a lot of time
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Hi /run/chads. Left warmup right workout. Kinda weird one, I met up with some guys last night for a 4 x 8min at 4'00" pace + 2min jog. It was really rough. I think this (longer reps) is what I need to solve my endurance issues. LFG
>how long you been running and how regularly do you run?
I've played football(soccer) my whole life so my cardio was never bad. Started running about 3 years ago when I stopped playing football because I moved. Never did it that serious/regular tho (1-2 times a week with 5-10k distance).
This year I am more motivated and did the 2 runs more consistent and also did longer runs(15-21k) sometimes. Because the consistency made me improve a lot I started a marathon training plan 10 weeks ago and today's run was part of that. With that plan I run 3 times a week (mostly 2 times 10-14k and one long run between 20 and now 34k)

>what was your longest run prior to this?
31k in 2:40h
How much do shoes actually affect your form/body? I've got a nagging little discomfort on the inside of my left shin and I'm considering trying out a different pair. Bought the Saucony Guides on sale which are labeled as a "stability shoe". Can it be that the type of issue a stability shoe is supposed to help with is actually bad for me, if it's not a stability shoe I need?
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with weights preferably:

one leg squat (maybe using other leg to support self)

single leg dead lift and variations of ...important to not underrate this one. despite name, it is nothing like a regular deadlift and it is unique in terms of helping with balance and stabilizing muscles in addition to its heavy ass / hammie emphasis.

single leg calf raise
(foot taps anudda one leanredfrom that norwegian dude but really not essential at all imo though i still do it semi-regular)

leg raise for hip flexors (can do this lying down with or without ankle weights)


side plank

all need imo. one leg side plank becomes a outer thigh leg exercise but might be quite advanced. also if you do one leg side plank but opposite leg (maybe light support from unusued leg though) you can do inner thigh strength.

all you need for core imo

i also like back. not sure how important that is though but i like to feel strengthening back helps form and stabiliry when running. stuff like pull ups and / or bent-over rows

corr good kittington diss. nice pose. finkin diss one goin in download folder
I went on that roon. That's two back-to-back recovery roons and it's still not enough. I want to roon more
On leg day I do squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, and then I finish with ass to grass squats on the smith machine with my feet extremely close together
The only other relevant exercise is deadlifts which I do on pull day
NTA but I just tried it. I had to jog at 4mph/3.5mph but stayed in zone 2 at least(yes I know my app says zone 3)
I only walked a few times to drink water but it was only for 30s-1 minutes or so
And yes I know my zone 2 pace being that is awful. Thankfully I can use a treadmill to keep the pace because alone outside I would not be able to
32:23 for 2 miles
nice kot
Running on a morning after a rainy day feels so fucking good
fuck running in morning. hate it
I'm starting to like it... But I'm getting old lol
cool thanks for getting back to me with the details
When I roon, I feel pain in the acetabulum on my right side. What do? It's an old deadlift injury
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How much of an impact does altitude have? I am going on vacation from a high altitude place to a low altitude place. I've heard that I'll have an advantage in 5ks because of the air changes. Is this true?
Go for it anon!
Best of luck anon!
You should go to a doctor. My friend has flat feet and he's a cop who's on his feet all day (literally assigned to foot patrols). The doctor gave him some shoe inserts that helped him a lot.
Are you flatfooted because of an actual medical issue(which is less than 1/10 cases of flat feet) or because your feet muscles are weak
if it's an actual medical issue, you need arch support
if it's the other case, strengthen your feet. barefoot shoes will help too just don't do too much volume and slowly ease into more
How much water did you bring? And did you also bring some energy/electrolytes?
how long do you wait when you are sick until you get back into training? I still got a sore throat and some sniffles but I hate sitting around so much
I also train when I have a cold, but maybe I run shorter/slower
I followed this, just jogging at a very slow pace. Only took a few weeks to run 20 min without walking.


By the time I reached 5k I decided to see how fast I could go instead of jogging slow and got an unimpressive 31 minutes 21 seconds. It felt great though, and I had to run up a hill twice.
Cool, glad you managed it. Don't worry about pace atm, in fact I would say don't even worry about heart rate while you're still a beginner. Just go at a pace that feels comfortable to you and doesn;t leave you tired and gasping for air at the end.
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Social run with the boyz.
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How many of these do you use?
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Ankle playing up again this last few days, but running through it
Not serious pain yet just feels a little strange under foot sometimes, usually while walking not running
Hoping to keep building mileage for a couple more weeks so I can take the UEFA Euro knockout stage fortnight off completely and just drink and eat and be merry over some footy

Also finally built the flatpack cat tower to keep the animals apart because I cut my run 10mins short. Its kinda cross training if you think about it
I use float and social run, and consider myself a hobby jogger.
running is fucking gay, face your problems like a real man
You’re speedy for a hobby jogger
what if I'm running towards my problems full speed?

Is this the response you were looking for?
I run backwards
Good thing I'm not a runner but rather a hobby jogger.
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>proceed to watch recording of ultra-trail world series tv show
>replaced by fencing

state of the ultratroon sport kek
I run for fun, and fun for me is chasing guys like you to initiate buggery.
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>initiate buggery
>I was stubborn about running in chucks
This just happened to me. I waited two days and got back to running. I get well faster if I move around, if I just lay in bed I feel like I'm getting worse by the minute.
>I run to be a giant faggot. Even my faggy joke is about me being a homo.
A man who cannot make fun of himself is a man who's NGMI.
Did a hangover 5k and now I feel like dying.
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What socks and/or insoles do any of you ultra long distance cunts use?
>hangover on a Wednesday
being a neet must be nice
An early morning run during the summer when it’s still breezy and cool out is amazing.
Running before 7am is lush. I don't give a fuck what the weather is doing.
Rooning in the early morning feeling light and fast after having coffee/tea and taking a morning dump is god tier.
My last two roons have been night roons just before or just after the sun has set. The weather is nice and cool but the cortisol makes it a little bit difficult to sleep
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this is just one character away from being troon
I think we all noticed that
Astute observation, anon. Report back with more.
Evening runs around 8-8:30 in the summer are my favorite. I love the nighttime smells and sounds.
Hell yeah, altho oj and toost for me.

Yeah it's a shame, evening is a beautiful time to roon but I like to sleep before midnight.
Just run
Anyone have some motivating commercials like this:

Damn I was prepared to make fun of you but that is a great commercial. Feels good to be a part of the early bird crew
Lost my keys last roon… Where do you store your keys? Feel like a retard hanging my keys around the neck.
Anyway, 10k 57:29 today, 166 avg hr
In this.
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Any thoughts on cadence? Just learned this term recently.
>having locks
Feels good to live in a socialist utopia where theft does not exist
Hoka Gaviota 5s got em in wide. Very comfy
I'm not even sure about that. Last time I went to the foot doctor I was 5 and they gave me some uncomfortable boots I wore for about 3 weeks before I refused to put them on.
When I step on the concrete with wet feet there is no sign of an arch
I live in the US and none of my neighbors lock their doors either
haven't had any theft here in 20+ years
a lot of the time I drive to a location to start my run and dont like leaving my car keys in my car when it's unlocked
so I put them in my pocket
180 is the "magic number". If you're a beginner your cadence is likely much lower. You can train it using a metronome app or song with a known BPM. Over the past couple years I've managed to increase my race cadence from 175 to 190. The lowest avg cadence I've ever seen on a "pro" strava race is 178
You should do a bit more research into it because the solutions are basically opposite depending on which reason is causing it
Zipper pockets.
sounds dumb but i literally jist hold them with my finger through the key loop
hafta b careful tho coz i used to do diss and it just put a hole in the pocket over time. maybe best if put in pouch then in pocket
just did a session of hill sprints
feels amazing bros
just quick bursts, 8 seconds and long rest
>20 min long video about running
>somehow talks the entire time while barely actually saying anything
it's crazy how many videos are like this
yeah, basically describes most videos on youtube
amazing how little substance there actually is out there
just rambling, cinematics, background music, random relevant B-role
very new to running (and cardio in general), currently able to do a half mile jog very slowly without stopping. Is it okay to do jog every day as I build up my endurance? Or should I have off-days to rest
not a bad idea to take 3-4 rest days a week while your body gets used to running
Thanks for the info and resource, I’ll check it out.
is barefoot running a meme? what's a good (first) minimalist shoe to try it out? I'd be coming from fresh foam 1080
I like it personally
if you aren't used to it, PLEASE ease into it. Do a couple easy KMs here and there
Amazon has some really cheap ones around 30-40 bucks if you don't want to invest a lot without knowing(because they are expensive otherwise)
I think it's a great idea for everyone to incorporate, albeit I'm just starting out but I feel tons of ankle/calve gains when I do my barefoot training (just run/jog on the track for starters) and it also taught me how to keep my form very strict
I just keep the same form I use for barefoot while running with shoes
I do a mix of barefoot/minimalist/trail runners
I find days following my minimalist or barefoot training sessions my ankles feel great whereas longer runs with running shoes leaves me very sore
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Accidently did Week 6 5/8/5 running instead of Week 5 5/5/5 running. Oops.
But bros, i'm a bit worried about jogging for 21 minutes straight. I'll do my best but I'll probably need to take a 1 minute rest, or I'll have to do a really good prestretch.

Also whoever posted kneesovertoes videos a week or two ago, thank you. I can feel a huge fucking difference in my knees already. The only pain I get are in my calves now.
shut up and just do it
if you've gotten to that day, you can do it, even if it has to be a 4.5mph pace
it seems like a lot but you CAN do it
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I've been running four about 4 months now and I feel like my cardio and stamina is getting worse every time I run.
I run ~2 miles twice a week at ~12 min pace. I'm not improving my pace, and the past month I've had to stop to take breaks and walk in the middle of my runs because i'm so out of breath. i'm tryin gto push through it but my stamina doesn't seem to be improving and running feels harder each time i go out. anyone ever experience anything like this?
what else are you doing? (lifting, etc)
how is your sleep?
how is your nutrition?
it will be very slow pace but I think ill be able to manage. it seems like a really odd jump from running 8 minutes with a 5 minute walk to 21 straight.
maybe you should try some of that zone 2 training and doing more frequent sessions
you can do it anon, believe me
i didn't think i could do it either but i did
med student so pretty stressed some weeks. i probably get like 6 hours of sleep a night though.
pretty average skinnyfat build, i get 1500 to 2000 kcals a day. there's a fair bit of wraps and pizza from hospital cafeteria, but i eat a lot of eggs, sardines, rice, peanut butter sandwiches, and dairy. i try to avoid fast food but i'll have a burger or burrito once a week or less.
Xero HFS
that's not awful, you should be able to make gains then
would suggest trying to lift at least 2x a week and maybe try some zone 2 like the other guy said
alternatively sometimes you have to kind of force progressive overload, even if it feels hard too
for example, if you're on a treadmill, pick a set amount of time, say, 20 minutes, and add .1 mph every session
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Did a medium roon today of 8.2 miles and it was 90 degrees outside with 70% humidity.
It’s not so bad I guess if you just ignore your pace and focus on finishing
how's your diet and sleep? how hot is it where you live between 4 months ago and now? i was running 5 min/km a few months ago and bc of the weather i'm a min/km slower now. also if it's joint issues consider biking once or twice a week instead
also i guess it's important to make sure you're not subconsciously limiting yourself, eg by forgetting to take water with you or running harder than usual on tired legs
19 minute 5k is my goal by end of the summer
let's gooooo
My goal is 20 min lfg
Though my primary goal is to just not get injured again I guess
What are the benchmarks for
1 Mile
I could definitely get under 19 right now on a track and with low humidity but alas I keep on staying in the cucked high 19:5x range on a hilly course with dogshit hot weather
>5 minutes
>18 minutes
>39 minutes
yeah humidity and temp is brutal lately but i niteroon when it's just right
fuckin a lads keep going and stay hydrated
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just hit 1000 miles for the year after a brutal 10 miler

if you wanna get good at running just run 2k miles per year at whatever pace
You’re not running anywhere near enough. You want at least three runs per week, preferably four, and to run for at least 30 minutes each time. If that means alternating run/walk to stretch it out then that’s what you do to start.
You can’t expect to see any results from two runs per week
Oops meant for
>babby's first
6:00, 20:00, 45:00, 1:40:00, 3:30:00
5:30, 19:00, 40:00, 1:25:00, 3:00:00
>not bad
4:45, 17:00, 35:00, 1:15:00, 2:40:00
I guys that's still a wide toebox compared to most shoes.

Sorry I've got cock on the brain again
Have a whole day of no rooning after each roon day til you've been rooning 6 months, or even a year if you want to play it safe
Upped my morning roon to 2km at 10kmph. Feels good.

Scroll down for longer distances.
My benchmarks are faster than last time
>"advanced" 19:44
>"elite" 17:40
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It explains the definitions further down, the names are just irrelevant headers.
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This has never occurred to me before, but how to ultramarathoners deal with nipple chafing? At most marathon finishing lines, you see dozens of guys with bloody nips, but you never see the same at the Barkley Marathons (or whatever) despite the much longer period of nipple-to-material contact. Do elite athletes have elite nipples? Does nipple endurance actually increase over time?
tape em up son
It's just the name of the category. That pace is in top 6% of the open category at carlsbad 5000. The six thresholds are meant to cover the full range of abilities from "true" elites ( closest to the WR column) to couch fats.
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>Two weeks ago, running 55 miles over the course of the week, three 10's, a 5, and a 20.
>Feel great

>This week, have to bail out of the 20 at mile 4 and walk of shame back. Tuesday 10 mile run not much better, but at least I complete it. Last night's 5 leaves me feeling like I'm going to fucking die this morning.

What's going on.
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corr warm day today

finkin bout the hybrid roon

half threshoold

den some speed at end
I just want to get to a 25 min 5k. It WILL happen this summer
I'd planned an easy run but had trouble going slow enough so just turned it into a junky threshold run.
Why did you post a dog?
Same desu. I've been doing longer runs lately but so far it does fuckall for my speed.
I joined a run group and running with other people made me go from 11:30 min/mile to 9 min/mile pretty quick
>85 ft/mi average gain
jesus christ
fake corr? corr's rival (dog corr) ?
Anyone have a marathon to recommend somewhere in Europe for next year? Reliably good weather, ideally at least sorta flat-ish.
yea my calves and quads are ripped and i don’t do any other leg exercises - hills are a cheat code for speed and strength
bros how i do i structure interval training?

How long should each interval be?

Does it matter if i walk or jog between intervals?

how many intervals should i do?

t. just ran 13 miles for the first time and realized i also need to do speedwork i guess
how often do you replace your shoes?
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Start with something easy like

Threshold (3x5min with 1 min rest)
Interval (5x2min with 2 min rest)
Repetition (10x30sec with 1 min rest)
And this can help you find your paces
i get like 200-250 out of race shoes and 350 or so out of daily trainers. i go through like 4-5 pairs a year.
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little bit of groin pain today, but I got it to go away. It's so weird... i can't really tell what is causing it.
Saw two herons, one was lording over some geese. Also saw some ducklings.
I ran a sub 9 mile, I'm really doing it!
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fink i goin 75 easy
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Any of you know the name of this thing? It's supposed to help you strech and strengthen your feets, ankles, calves and shins.
good work anon
slant board or something
>slant board
thank you very much.
Anyone here using it?
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Quick 5k before work LFG
Do people at shoe stores actually know their shit? I'm a fat guy and want a good comfy shoe to walk around in, but I'm worried the shoe store people will just give me any crap that fits
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did the roon


diss time hybrid sessington

40 min total easy pre- ans post-. bout like 16 min on grass summit like dat

3 × 8 min + 1 × 3:30 (faster), 1:30 break

then had break about 15 - 20 min including some of the easy roonin, some standing around

then 7.66 × 1 min, 1 min rest

last 1.66 reps i did proper fast phwoar

2 × 10 pull up

monumental plank sess of 5min 15 second, total 25 seconds rest inside dat

1 min of 1 leg side plank both sides

den with weight

2 × 9 of 1 leg dead lift
2 × 6 of 1 leg squat
2 × 30-40 1 leg calf raise
16 × 2 leg squat 1 set

stretches here and there

10 shoulder raise
40 push up

corr feelin propa good
5.5km every single day
Go to a specialty place rather than a chain like Dick’s. I don’t trust any store that doesn’t carry EE widths in popular models.
You'll get faster. In the meantime, you won't get injured. Maybe not important if you're in your early 20s but vastly important otherwise.
Geez even my Z2 is like 150s. You sure you've got your zones dialed in?>>74534049
Wool socks. Not the best but loads better than cotton.
Was a total skeptic but went to PT to learn "pelvic floor stretches" and exercises for adjacent muscles. Helped with ball pain because apparently they feed the same nerve.

Long, slow run today. Pace is up too. Maybe starting to see some results.
I'm the roondog

> How much of an impact does altitude have? I am going on vacation from a high altitude place to a low altitude place. I've heard that I'll have an advantage in 5ks because of the air changes. Is this true?

Absolutely. I live in a hilly high altitude town and it gives me an edge when I compete in low altitude, flat terrain races. High altitude + hills is such a good training for smashing your PR
Yeah, I use it for my calf stretches; had it around 2 months using it 6 days a week. Started on the 2nd lowest setting but I use it on the 3rd now for my gastocnemius stretches. For some reason though, using it on the 2nd setting for soleus stretches feels like it's doing more than the 3rd steeper setting - need to figure that out, could be my positioning.

Nice, you had me worried back there.
>get back into roon
>too fast too soon, injury
>back into roon
>only Z2 you retard
>running slowly feels so god damn awkward

what do
Which cuts fat better?
Which give cardio gains better?

4x 5k a week at 30 min (speed 10)
4x 5k a week at 40min (speed 8)

Or a mixture of both depending how i feel that day.
I will not run longer, i will not run more. Just answer the fucking question as written
>Which cuts fat better?
The lower your intensity, the more fat is burned as fuel and the less glucose.
>Which give cardio gains better?
There are different forms of cardio gains. Improved slow-twitch muscular, higher lactate threshold, improved VO2 max, increased vascularization, etc. Define your parameters for "cardio gains".
no clue im on an eternal loop of your 2 first steps
Running is awful for you, Cardio definitely doesn’t strengthen your cardiovascular system. Running for extended periods of time over weeks, months and years causes “athletic induced cardiomegaly” aka runners heart. Your heart stretches out and looses strength, it also causes irregular heart beats.
henlo bowerlifter
>Running for extended periods of time over weeks, months and years causes “athletic induced cardiomegaly” aka runners heart. Your heart stretches out and looses strength, it also causes irregular heart beats.
>Athlete's heart is not dangerous for athletes (though if a nonathlete has symptoms of bradycardia, cardiomegaly, and cardiac hypertrophy, another illness may be present). Athlete's heart is not the cause of sudden cardiac death during or shortly after a workout, which mainly occurs due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ARVC), two genetic disorders. Although a link between intensive exercise and exercise-induced arythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy exists.

>No treatment is required for people with athletic heart syndrome; it does not pose any physical threats to the athlete, and despite some theoretical concerns that the ventricular remodeling might conceivably predispose for serious arrhythmias,[26] no evidence has been found of any increased risk of long-term events.[27] Athletes should see a physician and receive a clearance to be sure their symptoms are due to athlete's heart and not another heart disease, such as cardiomyopathy.
>I can't even run for the bus without getting out of breath, so this is what I tell myself so I can sleep at night
>rest day
Better cardio for bjj. I already do intense bjj which i feel acts as interval training, so I'm looking for a better cardio base. I've been mixing up the speeds i mentioned in my post, but if one is better than the other for my goals I'll stick to that.
Acquire self-discipline
5k 30m is probably not ideal for you. You would benefit more from interval sprinting combined with longer runs in zone 3.
Not that guy but I'm 45 and my max HR is slightly over 180, putting my zone 2 much lower than yours and closer to his. The reason zones are expressed as percentage is because the actual rates vary so much.
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Last 5k was at 8min/km pace, run was hard but didn't have to push crazy hard.

Gonna try doing a slow 10km tomorrow.
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Runbros, has running ever gotten in the way of your strength training?
I feel like I have to choose running or lifting today. Don’t have enough recovery/calories/protein for both.
>parkrun tomorrow
>feeling like dogshit
what do
5k in 30min is about 150 heart rate, a bit more towards the end for me, a 38yo male. I think that's zone 3 pushing into zone 4 no?
Go flat-out for a PB
>looses strength
loose = lose psyop continues. Fucking kikes. How is this hard? I'm going mad.
Run with a bluetooth speaker playing porn noises.
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Heat is taking a toll on me
How do you guys manage?
As long as you avoid the noontide it's not too bad.
>t. texan
What video? Desperately need to fix my knee
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Studied how to be a serious runner while dogberg had an explore about the park because it was empty today
>tfw I loose my pants because they are too lose
>I'm intentionally being retarded to show how "cool" I am
your brain on Jewish television
Nice photo of nice doggington
I've been walking for 2-3 hours now every day from basically sitting at my desk. My stamina has become quite decent. I'm still overweight 84kg at 184cm though.
How do you begin rooning? It feels cringe. I get why adults don't run now.
How do you avoid sun damage? Sunscreen if is fine I assume. I don't think I can afford lathering entirety of my body though.
Is there technique/form I should do?
Should I get special shoes? Most of my regular ones broke down fast just from walking so long. I assume it'll be even worse.
Read the sticky ("Advice for new rooners") then do a 'couch to 5k' program over 8 to 12 weeks (or more if you have to repeat stuff). Doing 6-8 weeks of callisthenics exercises for your legs before you start will make you stronger and thus less injury prone (bodyweight squats; bridges; calf raises). It's not essential though if you can't be bothered to wait (most people start strength training after c25k even though that's the wrong way around imo)

Search running for form vids on youtube so you can see what you're meant to be doing; basically run with your head up and chest leaning slightly forward, pushing with your hips - kind of as if you'd fall over if you were to lean like that standing still. You don't need fancy expensive shoes but new shoes ($60-80, I dunno, maybe less) will provide more impact absorbancy than used ones (which will go further to prevent injury - especially if you're heavy). Just don't run in shit you've been walking in already for years.
Oh and run at a slow, "conversational" jogging pace, or if talking isn't possiible just jog slow as fuck as you can without actually walking (unless it's a "walk" section of c25k or you're too tired).
corr diss a park? look like countryside
>I'm still overweight 84kg at 184cm though.
This is barely overweight and perfectly within bounds of a reasonable non-elite running BMI, especially if you are doing strength training as well.
>How do you begin rooning?
The best way to start (that almost no one actually does) is to jog at about the same speed you walk.
Wake up at 4:30am
>How do you avoid sun damage?
do you still believe this?
sunscreen is worse for you
30m-1h of direct sunlight a day is very healthy, leaning towards the lower end of that in summer if you're in a hotter area
>t. bronze goblin
Buy shoes half a size up from your regular; feet expand when rooning. If they have heel slip google "runner's knot" (it's what those extra eyelets are for)
I guarantee I'm whiter than you are
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The VO2Max style intervals seem to be oft-misunderstood. People seem baffled by the idea that significant rest between workbouts can be reasonable.
In particular, you'll note that although Daniels recommends a 1:1 ratio of work:rest, it becomes much less efficient the shorter the interval. The ratio in the bottom graph looks closer to 2:1 (2 minute intervals with 1 minute rest between them). Otherwise you spend the entire workout trying to ramp back up to max from resting and only spend a little time actually at maximum.
The countryside doesnt have nicely planted little trees in the middle of fields you retarded cunt
uhhh mine does in cow / sheep / horse fields
Longest run by 4km, still moving slow but happy with this. About 25km total this week.
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10km in the rain. It's good to be alive.
can you give me the qrd on sunscreen being worse? not like.. your take but some actual sources to back it up. I'm curious, that's all, i'm not challenging you to an arguement or anything.
Wear a hat if you run during mid day, your scalp will thank you.
What other people suggested already, reading the sticky and couch to 5k. There are techniques and forms you should be doing, just do a simple YT search of running forms.
Yes, get running shoes. Spend time with the customer service rep, have him measure your feet. You'd be surprised how many people have a foot longer than the other.
Also, one tip that really helped me to prevent heel striking and to run on your middle foot is to think that you're running on ice.
Also the best advice is to start slow, don't push yourself too hard and if your knees start to hurt, listen to your body and take a break.
I started running at your weight and knee and calf pain is real. You may also want to look into doing core training as well.
But yeah, don't try to push yourself to go fast. Slow and steady is the way to go. Baby jogging steps, let your shoulders and arms be loose, and lift those feet so you don't trip over yourself.
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>4x 5k a week at 30 min (speed 10)

10 as in a 10 min mile? Could be okay depending on your fitness. 10 as in max effort? Express train to snap city.
women are so funny bro imagine making these
retarted ass tik toks and shaking your ass drinking
a green smoothie while being like "hehehe look at how cute I am hehehehe ;)" and thinking that cool

What a dumbass existence , love em thought what would we do without em .
nice run m8 you'll be under an hour soon
Thanks mate, about 6 weeks in now and it's getting better every week.
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her life is pure joy and yours is pure seethe
10kph, which is obvious when you see i said a 30 minute 5k
run more
how small is she? that treadmill looks gigantic
damn, she mogs me
I gotta start rooning soon, boys. I still have weight to lose. Anybody have any experience doing running while fasting on OMAD?
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>pace mostly stays the same while HR gradually shoots up

damn that hot humid summer weather
>running to lose weight

Running to aid in weight loss*****

Obviously caloric deficit and OMAD is the main weight loss tools in my arsenal.
Ignore ghouls like >>74554897. Running in the morning fasted feels pretty good because you’re empty and light.
Thank you. Last time I ran fasted I think it was when I did a 12 day fast, on my 9th or 10 day of no food, I went on a run and I felt like I was dying. I wanted to know the difference with OMAD fasting since it's not as extreme.
Yeah, that sounds pretty extreme. What time to do you normally eat when doing OMAD?
I live nocturnally for-the-most-part. I wake up around 6:30PM, then eat around 12AM, I go to bed around 11AM.
Assuming it’s summertime where you are, that’s not too bad. You could get a fasted roon in around 8 when it’s cooling off a bit.
Yeah, it's hot as balls in the midwest now. Running at night is more enjoyable for me. I like running at night in the small city when cars are out and places are still in business for all the light out.
>Running in the morning fasted feels pretty good because you’re empty and light.
it doesnt matter how good you feel honey, calories are still the same
Yeah but running on an empty stomach makes you feel faster and lighter.
After how many total kilometres should you change shoes?
race shoes? hundreds. dailies? thousands.
So the 600 or so km that are the 'limit' on the Garmin app is basically bullshit for daily trainers?
I generally buy two pairs of neutral daily trainers and alternate every two days. Modern running shoes have really durable rubber and foam.
check the sole and if it's completely worn through it's probably time to replace. I have a three year old pair of saucony Rides that I run in every second day
When your feet start aching more than usual in them. Foam is constantly degrading from the moment it's manufactured (so, even in shoes that haven't been used, only at a much lower rate - 10 year old shoes will feel like rocks even if they;ve never been used). It's not just useage that reduces the impact absorbing qualities of shoes but impact does knacker the foam a lot quicker.
About to take a huge shit then I'm going out for my roon.
>76f at 6am
I hate summer
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Just yesterday did 3.5 mi (5.6 km) gripping two 8 lb (3.6 kg) dumbbells.
I'm always astounded how just a few additional pounds at the wrists can RIP my distance; I can do 7 mi with two 6.6 pounders, but I can't seem to even get past 4 mi with the 8 pounders yet. Also, anyone else run concealed carry? Pic related (s&w 340 pd).
Guns are for cops, soldiers, farmers, game hunters, and niggers.

Which one are you?
>Which one are you?
Someone who doesn't fit into your pathetic worldview ig. Anyone/everyone has a right to self-defense. Plus, you'll probably never be as publicly exhausted or vulnerable as you are while rooning.
Can't read much?
Mine? Dean. Why?
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A case study in how the less someone engages with what you actually wrote, the more they've nothing of substance to say.
t. Sam Hyde and/or Cum Town fan
I'm an amateur boxer who wants to get the endurance and conditioning to get match ready once I do my medical in September.
Would doing a 5k 3 days a week and the odd mile time trial to try and get a 7 minute mile be a good start?
I hate roadwork so it's why my stamina is shit compared to my power and fight IQ when tech sparring
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you pillowpunchers really need to get some better terms
Fucking cringe
Your plan seems good to me. Maybe a month down the line combine two of those 5ks into a 10k. If you want resistance, do a weight vest over dumbbells because it sounds like you already got your arms covered.
yeah I'll give that a shot, thanks. Everytime the in house doctor would come to do hard sparring med clearance tests I'd either be at work or exhausted from training/didn't sleep well so I'd skip. but I'll get there
Despite the heat and humidity I rooned 6 miles in under an hour for the first time in my life. Quite pleased with that.
finkin about whether to do the long roon or just stick to easy grass

low mood recently

always enjoy long roons through the landmarks of the city
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Do you have a running buddy, /roon/?
>buy jack daniels' running formula
>time to improve my training
>"Use your best performance so far as an input for the vdot chart" verbatim
>hmmm ok my 1 mile PR is 5:59.
>vdot score of 49.
>ok lets see what my training paces are like
>easy: 9m/m, threshold: 6:56m/m, interval: 95s/400m, repeats: 88s/400m
>huh, the interval and repeat speeds match up, but my easy pace is not 9 fucking m/m hell no its more like 11m/m. same goes for my threshold; 6:56m/m would cook me alive.
>ok i guess Ill use my 5K pr of 23:20
>vdot score of 41
>wtf, 8 points lower? anyways lets see what my training paces are like
>easy: 10m/m, threshold: 8m/m, interval: 110s/400m, repeats: 102s/400m
>ok so now the easy and threshold match up more but these interval and repeat times are too slow

fellow rooners, what the fuck do I do?
Im kind of debating to just drop this shit all together and just do zone 2 running for a couple of months.
>fyi, picrel chart is NOT the exact same as the one in the book (4th ed)
>fellow rooners, what the fuck do I do?
you are not a pro, no one cares about your times
no one cares you will be 40th place in the Semi-marathon of McFuckingVille, No one cares you will be third in the baker's running competition
by buying anything to improve, you've been scammed by pro runners/failed pro-runners that need to convince dweebs like that you NEED to have that sub 20 min 5k, you NEED a sub 45 min 10k, you NEED to finish a marathon

what you need to do is run as much as you like for how long and how hard you like, didn't even need to read most of your post, get a personality besides obsessing over useless numbers
Not that guy but "get a personality" is such a stupid thing to say. People who say that have no idea what a personality is or how social interaction actually works.
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>comes to a running thread
>anons post about their runs
I literally look like that IRL but I'm bald
Yes, mine's a person unfortunately, but I only see him once a fortnight for parkroon so it's bearable.
Not the guy you were responding to but I live in the ghetto. Robberies don't even make the news here unless someone dies because there are just too many.
You call a cop because they can use force to protect you.
based and no fucks-pilled
I'm the roondog


Woof woof

Went to the pool afterwards

With some mutual friends

A few breedable single females there

Contemplating the next move

impregnate them, fag
this nigga eating 3lbs of rice to not look like a cancer patient after all that jogging
>good, people dying of cancer makes me happy
How long ago was your Mile PR? My mile PR is like 5:53 but that was in 1999. I can't come even close to that today so I wouldn't use that in the chart no matter what the book says "verbatim" (out of context).

Pretty sure that "verbatim" line means to control for day to day variables that affect your performance (fatigue, soreness, terrain, heat, dehydration, and so on), and is very likely aimed at young people in their teens or early twenties who are already near-peak physical condition. If your 5K pr was 10 years ago and you've spent the interim watching netflix, playing videogames and eating cheetos your VDOT will have declined so you'll need a more recent test.
>vdot is 24
let's gooooooo
kill me
>good, people dying of cancer makes me happy
This but unironically. I hide plutonium inside seats on public transport to give people ass cancer.
How am I supposed to run 14 miles when it’s 85 degrees and 65% humidity
that is not what verbatim means jesus fucking christ ESL headass
meant for
Is there any good alternative to c25k for beginner runners? Workouts in c25k are too short for me (20 minutes with only 8-10 minutes of running), I did them and felt unfulfilled. My goal is to be able to run 1-2 hours and feeling comfortable while doing so. I'm not fat and my cardio is not bad due to rowing, but I want to get into running.
>ran 9 miles
Why are you using miles and kilometers
If you can run 5k then just do this

broski, shut the fuck up
stop, don’t do this
>look guys, I can run [insert distance] in [insert time]; surely this means I'm no longer an empty shell of a person right?
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Freeze rolls? What are those

Why is running so addicting?
I don't particularly like it, but I feel compelled to do it. Like my day is hollow without getting my heart up on the treadmill.
Is it some ancestral shit?
I started running today and I use zero-drop barefoot shoes, it felt fine but is there anything to worry about in the long term? I've been walking in them for an hour or more per day for like two years now but I'm curious if there's anything I should be careful about with running in them. Kind of hard to search info on it because it's a lot of people trying to sell you the shoes.
I felt like that on my 30 min runs. But kinda getting bored on 45 min runs. Want to be in zone 2 though so
What gadget can track my cadence, heart-rate, gps, and hold mp3s?
It's the other way around for me. I feel like dying for the first half hour and then it's suddenly comfy as shit.
I didn't claim that nobody one cares though; it's obvious there are plenty of these soulless drones all over the internet. Your reading comprehension is as hilarious as your ego and your obsession with what other people think about you all the way downto some numbers which are only relevant to yourself.
great run dog

do you bring water and some gels for this type of run? venturing into my first 15 miler this week and i've always gone in raw dog but considering taking some supplements due to the heat.

Ok grandpa it's time for your nap.
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dont use diss spreadsheet bullshidd

trial and error really. you are a unique individual. jake fuggin daniel cant tell you how your body works

just try things out and adjust itto make it work. gotta be patient if it fuggs up
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Really nice roon this morning
Perfect weather, cool, a little breezy, mostly overcast, but I could still see the mountains in the distance somehow.
Run felt good, a little groin pain but managed to make it go away by tightening up my posture.
Was running behind this group of women for a while, and was gaining on them, but we eventually took different paths. They didn't seem all that cute anyway.
Saw two herons fly by... could have been the same heron, idk. Saw a bun, but at a distance so didn't get good look, but I'm sure it was cute
can kitties have waffles
I always run long on trails with water fountains. I make sure I am salted up before the run, other than that I don't take anything while running. I don't think it is as risky when you are running easy/medium effort
Seeing some zone 2 improvements finally I think. I walked for about a minute from 16-17 to sip some water.
15 minute mile pace otherwise which is slow yeah. Did a mile and a half. Calves were starting to burn too much near the end today
Is it possible to run forever if you bring an endless supply of Gatorade?
uhh they called kittingtons
Pretty much, until you get to extreme sleep deprivation. I'd say 2-3 days straight is possible. Horrendous for your health but possible. Maybe longer.

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