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I’m not a misogynist myself, I swear
But whenever I see women trying weightlifting, 95% of the times they’ll be repping out the lat pulldown, barely making any effort, going nowhere near muscle failure or anything, it just seems like a warm up or mobility drill, that or they’ll be chest pressing the 10’s or 15’s at the absolute most, again barely struggling or ever getting stronger
They’ll be bench pressing the bar with 5’s on and never ever get beyond that
They for starters have a harder time building muscle and train at like RPE 2, probably don’t track protein at all, and don’t ever progress beyond pressing the 15’s or lat pulling like 40 lbs
And I don’t get it, you got absolute freaks like Erin Maloney (Lexx Little’s gf, bish stronger than me), LeanBeefPatty or RenaSerena, girls that are actually strong and pull some good weight and actually have developed muscularity
But 95% of the time, women in comercial gyms train like it’s a walk in the part
Hell I even respect boomers that deadlift with their spine or bench press at RPE11 and almost break their joints more
wahmen don't care about getting big asf, they just want more definition
>why are girls girly
Because they're not like us. They've never been. They didn't hunt the mamuts, they didn't fight the wars, they didn't die for anyone.

Most of them aren't built mentally and physically for making big efforts or getting close to their limits. The biggest effort they have to make is giving birth and it scars them for life.

They don't stop yapping about inequality and sexism but they would kill themselves if they had to endure how lonely and helpless a man's life can be. The ones who kinda do (fats and uglies) just keep the victim mentality instead of trying to improve.
My wife was concerned about getting big and bulky when we started the gym. I told her she probably couldn’t work hard enough to get big so she went hard as fuck trying to prove me wrong.
They never learn.
that's literally all they are.
Correct, they hate any kind of discomfort. Socially, Physically, psychologically.
My GF complains when shes hot, when shes cold, when she doesn't feel like doing something, when something is physically exhausting, the list goes on. And she is far from the worst in that regard. She also has no notion of risks and rewards.
Thats why men are "win" basically every aspect of life while also being the gender that has the bggest loosers among it.
>They didn't hunt the mamuts, they didn't fight the wars, they didn't die for anyone.
like you incel
good. women shouldn't lift upper body
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It's like they unconscously know that big muscles would be useless, both practically and visually. Let them burn calories.
You are missing the point, retard. I'm saying we are the way we are because we had to do things that they just didn't, for millenia. I'm not saying we're better, we're just different. We find easiness in things that they don't and viceversa.

I have a wife, I love women. We're just built different.
Saw a woman uniroinically using the 2kg pink dumbbells for dumbbell pressing yesterday. She was taking 5min tiktok breaks between sets.
>men and women are different, more at 11
I’d personally rather have women be feminine than try to be poor imitations of men
>But whenever I see women trying weightlifting, 95% of the times they’ll be repping out the lat pulldown, barely making any effort, going nowhere near muscle failure or anything
They're smart. Enjoy your fucked elbows and torn muscles going to failure with heavy weight.
So why go through the motions of imitating men by going to the gym multiple times per week?
Based. It's the only way to motivate them
They're not, they're literally just occupying their time so at least they're not stuffing their face with donuts and 2000 calorie milkshakes.

Even if they lifted something moderately heavy it would benefit them, especially in old age. You always see old women with arched backs having to walk with a frame because they've spent their whole lives sat down doing nothing.

The best thing a woman can do is get on Starting Strength but double the reps and half the progression.
cause they got a pussy?

wouldn't make sense if they trained like dicks

They just want to be looked at. But not by you, only by Chad. They want their mystery man to be oggling them at the gym and dream about being approached and getting all sweaty in the stream room. Of course they'll never ever actually do that, it's only a figment of their imagination. It's why women get all excited about hot tubs. If you ever buy your wife a hot tub you've just failed a massive shit test. She's dreaming about having hot steamy sex with someone (not you) in the hot tub but will never ever actually go through with it. So now you've spent thousands on a stupid fucking hot tub just to indulge in her silly fantasy.
THey go to the gym to find a bf. My brother goes to a crossfit gym and every fucking year around march/april a bunch of new women enlist to the workouts and then leave immediatly after they hook up with someone in the group.
The owner is furious about it. He can't keep women in the gym for his life.
It's actually quite interesting about both the psychological and physiological differences between men and women. If you ask a man and a woman to perform an exercise at 8 out of 10 on their rate of perceived exertion the man will perform at about 7/8 and be pretty much bang on whereas the woman will be delivering a 5/6 and genuinely honestly believe she's at an 8. When coaching women it's important to get them to understand what they're actually capable of. They're much more afraid of getting injured and are much more self conscious about being seen to be "busting a gut" in the gym.

Next is to do with their recovery. They actually recover faster than men for the same RPE. So it's important not to use a cookie cutter mens program when training a woman. Let's say you are training a muscle group twice a week, you might be giving 3 days of rest before hitting it again. Well with women you can give them 2 days of rest. They're ready to go earlier than men are, probably something to do with them having to pop out babies and needing to be on their feet asap, but that's just my speculation. They accumulate fatigue differently too so if you are doing a strength program which asks for sets of 5 then I'd consider putting them on sets of 8 instead.

Some women though can't be coached, they won't take advice. I often see a woman at the gym on the rowing machine who does this weird thing where she slides the seat back first and then pulls the cable past her knees but then let's it catapult back and swings the cable back over her knees as she slides forward. It's bizarre, jarring actually. It's anything to avoid engaging her core by the looks of it. But there's no telling her.
Yep. Crossfit is a great way to find a psycho girlfriend. Usually they've just been dumped or cheated on so they're on a fitness kick to look better and get out on the scene again. Crossfit can't keep members because it breaks them though. I learned pretty quick after pinging my arse doing deadlifts that Crossfit fucks you up.
Yeah, crossfit is more concerned about the aesthetics of exercise than exercise itself. It breaks begginers. I'd bet crossfit causes more injuries than a normal gym routine.
Crossfit is about volume at all costs. So you have a work out where you go out for a 1 mile run, come back do 20 reps of OHP and then back out for a 1 mile run and then back for 20 deadlifts. You're looking for volume so it's encouraging you to load the bar with something that you would probably just do a set of 20 in the gym and be done but you're trying to smash these reps out whilst being fatigued and in competition with your club members to put some numbers on the board. It's a recipe for disaster and you have to basically not give a stuff about any of the competitive aspects of it. Like I couldn't do double unders and just kept getting frustrated so gave up on it and just did normal rope jumps. They were saying "yea but you have to do 20 double unders or 40 single" and I just did whatever the fuck I wanted at that point and say "yea yea I did it yea". I proper went off it. I liekd the club, I liked the coach, I liked the idea of being in a club and doing workouts with a coach and a 'team'. Really what I was looking for is soem sort of barbell club where I could do a weightlifting program in a group with some coaching.
People who put others people down like this aren't /fit/ in body and/or mind
which is achieved by gaining muscle.
I hate the term "I want to get toned" because it implies that there is a kind of exercise that just makes your muscles look nicer without """bulking up"""
Yeah I told my wife she should be able to deadlift 225 for a good amount of reps once she’s no longer a beginner. She told me I was nuts. Last week she did 185 for 3x10 so she’s getting there. She could probably do 225 for a couple right now but she’d piss herself.
Women don't need to lift weights to have good bodies.
>She could probably do 225 for a couple right now but she’d piss herself.

Let me know when she's ready to give it a go, she can use my mouth for a toilet.
I thought you were only supposed to do a few deadlifts
the other day at gym, there was a above average fit girl doing hip thrusts as if the world was ending. she was moaning and grinning and you could tell she was giving her all till failure. later she was doing pendlay rows the same way. big respect.

but usually it is true, you don't see much effort put into reps, it even applies for many men.
Because a woman's testosterone peaks in her early 20's at the same level as a geriatric man.
Meg griffins bedroom is set up similarly to this. Her bed is in the back corner next to the window in the same orientation. You cannot make this up. Patty is Meg Griffin incarnate.

Who would be the Chris Griffin of the fitness influenced world? The Peter? The Lois? The quagmire? I guess Ronnie Coleman would be Joe
>Biggest effort they have to make is giving birth
>aren't built mentally or physically for making big efforts or getting close to their limits
This is contradictory, also no it doesn't
'scar' most of them. A lot of the mental scarring that does occur is literally from the medifags behavior, not the actual process itself. Literally everyone right now is socialized to be weak and helpless, and it is making most people (which includes women) a lot weaker and more mentally frail than they should be
This is just a standard way of setting up a bedroom, there's not that much variation
We did 5x5 for awhile but we got sick of moving the weights on and off. Now she starts and does her first two sets with a medium rest between then she gets a long rest while I do my first two sets then she’ll switch out her weights and do her last set then I switch out my weights and do my last set.
>ill save you m’lady
hope she sees this bro
hey look its another thread about some weak browncel who compares himself to women because if he compared himself to an average white guy he'd get mogged
My wife deadlifted 275 for 2 last saturday. let your wife know my wife mogs her.
Yeah I’ll be sure to bring it up. She’ll say it’s roids though.
>"why do women train like pussies?"
>claims to not be a misogynist
fuck off faggot
Because they say they dont want to look good for men but only work their ass out to attract men. As in, women are constantly contradicting themselves so you should never try to understand them. They are children. They can read all the books they want, get high grades or whatever, train as much as they want, at the end of the day; they're fucking retarded. Absolutely braindead.
the only woman ive seen put in effort at my gym was wearing a hijab and covering her entire body in baggy clothes lol
fuck off misandrist
We excludes you and your incel „friends“ from pol. Not having sex and seething about Jews all day while being a NEET is the opposite of the „warrior“ you faggots always larp as.

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