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Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the Lean Pill General!
Waifu pleasers edition!

>What is the Lean Pill?
The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat, it doesn't matter you can bench LMAOnly 4pl8s.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Time to wake up and be LEAN.

>What is /LEAN/ for?
To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how real the lean pill is, particularly if you were fat and lost the weight.

>Who is /LEAN/ for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.

>Why do it?
"Life ends and begins at 12%"
"There are male models of all races and sizes. Some models aren't tall, but they are ALL lean"
Regarding women the key it's not the muscles. it's being lean. Plus it's healthier. Not only hormonal (higher test), but your heart will struggle if you are overweight.
Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.

- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.. Pick your battle, fight it and win.
- You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
- Hiit exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows
- Focus on the objective. Only one life anon. Do you want to live it without knowing what life is on an easier difficulty?

As always,

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325 start down to 195 right now. Got more to lose but def feels much better here than there.
Guys that have never been a healthy, pean weight as an adult don’t know what they’re missing. The difference in treatment and thirst from randos is night and day.
based motivator anon. Gonna eat an omad zero carb meal today. WAGMI
Whats the difference between /lean/ and /fat/ threads?
only female attention matters
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/Lean/ is about the muscles as well (including skelly modes that want to gain weight), and has more focus on the objective. WAGMI.

Fat loss is more of a comfy bar for fatties.
So the key is keto?
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As long as you dont fall for the "keto friendly" trap you are good to go.

IMO is better to just do zerocarb.
I think i'll try for zero carb after adjusting. Worst that happens, i feel shit after a couple weeks and introduce more carbs.
Do it for at least a month or dont do it.
That pic's fucking hilarious because it's the wrong order. It looks like this gigachad dude became a fat fuck and I can't stop laughing at "WAGMI"
>Some models aren't tall
Bullshit, this is manlet cope
They are all at least around 6ft
/fat/ is for fatties trying to lose weight for the xth time. They spend more time reliving their binges, discussing cheat days and arguing about what meme diet is best
Lean is for those of us who want to ascend
Thanks bro. As a former fatty from a family of landwhales, I can’t help but spread the gospel

I don’t think its all that matters but its definitely a hell of a motivator. Having women actually looking at me in that way was such a game changer for my self esteem

Having that combination of strength and leanness is underrated. I don’t care if powercopers disagree, being able to display true aesthetics with your body is beautiful. Zyzz was right (minus the rampant drug use, keeping degeneracy to a minimum is important)
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Is Adonis belt visibility mostly genetic? I never really get one even with ab definition.
I was him last year
Powerlifters should be ashamed for destroying the beauty of the human body just to pick up heavier weights and eat more food
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28 days best i can do
good enough. By that time you will no longer be a carb addict.
My meal plan so far:
>olive oil
I know you can go look up a bunch of keto meal plans etc. but even then it seems to be rather boring.
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>olive oil
extra virgin i asume. mix it with butter to fry those eggs.
plg strength mogs; yet lean pillers don't mog in esthetics. This is dyel general
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What's wrong with onions? They're delcious and low carb.
Azealia is the best kind of crazy
You are now aware of the devastating effects of reading manga
keto is cringe
Skinnyfat (6'1 165) guy here, how do I get lean?

Right now I'm probably around 16% bf, do I have to accept that I need to bulk up and look like shit for a bit before I can cut back down?
Also how important is it to train your abs?
Not an argument.
not a real diet u meant
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HIIT workouts are not needed for losing weight. Your will burn more fat doing slower Z1 and Z2 workouts. It's even more completely retarded combined with low carb. During that high intensity interval, your body is going to want to burn sugar. If you don't have any you will simply blow up, tire yourself out, and up doing some shitty effort that you think is "high intense" when in reality you just bonked. Not to say HIIT is useless, it's the best way to increase your V02 max, if your goal is to place high in a triathlon or something it's great(on a high carbohydrate diet). Sprints in general are great for cardio health and even muscle development(if you eat carbs)

If you fell for the keto/low carb/fasting memes and really want to just lose weight just do easy training, such as jogging, walking, Z2 bike rides. At the end your time/calories burned efficiency will be higher. I wish OP would remove that bad advice from his threads.
Post body
>muh losing weight may may
Fuck off back to /fat/, this is /lean/ we’re trying to ascend here not just lose heckin weight
The vibe I get is more of fatties larping but if you say so lol. My point still stands that combining a low carbohydrate diet with high intensity interval training is not an optimal way to be lean or "acsend" as you say.
>literally can't explain how keto is bad or wrong in any way
So you're basically saying it's as good as any other diet.
I'm lean you retard, but I'm also 6ft
lol at giving manlets false hope
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>You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs
So if I am 108kg currently but I want to weigh 80kg I should eat 160 grams of protein per day not 216?
>low carb
They have more carbs that most veggies dude.
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I do hiit rows 3 times a week, is it fine just to eat a lot of carbs on these days and just no carbs for the rest?
You would have to eat 2 whole onions to hit 20 carbs, which is still nothing.
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Does this look fat to you, retard?
This does NOT look aesthetic Brad Pitt mode.
Post body
i dont like this pic cuz willpower is the opposite for me, i need to fucking bulk, not cut AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Zero definition. You do look kind of fat.
I know I'm a dyel
That wasn't my point
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Realistically, how much body fat can I lose in 2 months on a ~5-600 cal deficit?
I'm thinking of skipping breakfast and going for a decent midday meal (1000kcal) + protein shake & light snack in the evenings (5-700kcal).
I just wanna be lean...
8 pounds in 56 days. Give or take.
best case scenario?
some anon on /fat/ said 10-15 pounds but imho that's not very realistic
One pound of fat is 3500 cals. 500 calorie deficit per day x 7 = 1 pound a week. 8 weeks in 56 days. You can make it go fast by exercising, just don't eat more because you exercised.
>You can make it go fast by exercising, just don't eat more because you exercised.
Would you recommend eating filling food *after* excersizing. For example, after training could binge on 400g or curd cheese which adds up to 3-400 calories or so, or any other kinds of relatively low-calorie-but-filling food.
Sure. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, just so long as the total amount of calories for the day is less than the amount you burned during that 24 hour period. Do what works for you.
Fuggin trying to lean out a little. Could stand to lose a little fat in my midsection mainly. Lifting 6 days a week, high protein diet, 500-750 calorie deficit 3-4 days of z2 cardio each week…..the fat is disappearing, but it’s disappearing from my face too and getting kind of skinny faced.
The fuck am I supposed to do guys?
I am allergic to eggs and fish makes me vomit. Yes, I've already asked for advice about this. Save me /lean/
I think you've got it just about right, don't worry about those other retards. If you want to be lean being active is the key, otherwise eating less just results in skinnyfat or eventually auschwitz.
As you mentioned, walking for hours/distance especially if you're carrying something is god-tier exercise. If you're lucky enough to live somewhere warm and civilised enough to be outdoors most of the day, working, going about your business, swimming, just generally active your body will naturally assume its proper shape.
As many anons here live sedentary lives in third world shitholes as amerifats do, they cannot eat normal levels of carbs or they will store the energy as fat. These ppl generally cannot walk or cycle either as they don't have any baseline fitness, all they have is a short time inside some artificial gym like rats in a cage, so higher intensity cardio is probably necessary for them to avoid becoming a powershitter.
I personally enjoy fasting as well, don't really know if it's necessary but seems to have a good effect overall.
he still looks better than a powerlifter and he may ascend someday because he knows the way, now he has to follow it
You will not need, or be able to use, more than about 100g/day in all likelihood
100g protein per day?
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>avoid the carbs
Yes rice (carbs) made all asians fat.

You can tell this thread was made by an American.
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skinny fats are also welcomed here anon.
Stop the hate, swallow the LEAN pill and JOIN US.
They eat portions sized for ants. That's their secret. When an asian says they had rice for a meal, they mean 10 grains plus a thimble of miso soup. All asian eat below maintenance and then when they start to feel unwell because of it, they eat some snacks or one larger meal like a bowl of ramen before returning to the sub-maintenance diet.
>elow maintenance and then when they start to feel unwell because of it, they eat some snacks or one larger meal like a bowl of ramen before returning to the sub-maintenance diet.
keep lying to yourself. Like an entire race of over 2 billion people isn't eating till they're full like the rest of us.
It's true though. They went through such large periods of poverty, it became part of the culture to always eat less than you need, then suddenly make up for it with an emergency snack or meal. When a westerner goes to an asian country and asks for a standard rice meal, it's like being a giant. You have to handle their dainty little dishes, bowls and utensils with your finger tips, trying not to break them. Inhale once and all the rice is gone, all 10 grains, just like that. A 6'2 white man of normal build would starve to death unless he ate the equivalent of 50 standard asian rice meals per day.
>It's true though.
It probably is. And they're fitter, healthier, able to work and move more and for longer duration, live longer, much less disease and chronic ailments, don't need a smorgasbord of big pharma pills every day, plus higher iq on top of it all.
How's your goyslop working out for you?
13 days carnivore now
Starting to approach 12% body fat or so.
Not very muscular because I'm a runner but I still look a lot better.
No carbs, so no need to shower. Haven't showered in around 10 days. No odor. Just need to wash clothes and I'm good.
Again, no carbs so brushing teeth is pointless
Went to the pool with some girls. Laughed at some of my bad jokes (they must find me attractive). None of them have a clue I haven't showered. Probably prefer the natural smell.
Thanks for reading blog.
I have some fat on my hips and belly, but I want to start eating more for more protein as I'm about to start working out. Is it possible to lose/replace this fat when I'm eating more than ever before?
No we're trying to lose fat, not weight. Long Zone 2 is optimal
Post body faggot
I think I'm truly blessed with proper metabolism and good health in general and I thank God every day.
My weight has been extremely stable at 68 kg for a decade I think, a bit lighter in summer, a bit fatter in winter, and the only time I've ever gotten fat was when I actively tried to bulk, reached 79, and deflated back to 70 in <2 months once I've started eating normal again.

Just eat at maintenance but make protein the priority. Start doing something easy and enjoyable like walking, tennis, kayaking, biking.

Good advice overall, but I don't agree re fasting. First meal around 12 pm is pretty good for you.
Reminder Araragi is
For keto 20grs is the limit.

HIIT workouts put your body into excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and increases your metabolism for at least 12 hours after you're done training, LISS cardio like walking, jogging etc. are only good for expending calories and won't put your body into a 'fat burning' state like HIIT does.

inb4 expending calories is being in a fat burning state! you're also going to lose muscle as well as fat, look at all of the skellyfags in the /roon/ threads.

You're going to lose a load of muscle as well as fat running a daily 500+ caloric deficit for 2 months.

I'd defo look into a <50g carb/day diet, 3x HIIT per week & 3x weights.
>I thank God every day.
thank your parents broski, they presumably fed you half decent food, didn't use food as a reward and instilled a good routine & sense of discipline
How does water consumption affect your leanness? I naturally drink quite a lot of water and even more now with the creatine intake. Sometimes it makes me feel kinda bloated..
I'm losing 1.5 kg a week, approaching 12% bf and don't lose muscles.
Stop being such a faggot, even if you lose a few muscles, muscle memory will carry you.

Post physique then gayboy

> losing 1.5kg a week (x3 the amount you'd be recommended to lose on a CICO protocol)
> 'none of it is muscle it's all fat!'

Completely delusional, look forward to you looking DYEL and asking for bulking tips in 2 months time loool
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Is 80 kg too low for 6’5? I was 85 kg before and still had love handles.
>Is 80 kg too low for 6’5?
assuming something like ~10%BF
that's still not a lot of muscle to show
I'd add 5-10kg lean mass

>I was 85 kg before and still had love handles.
bad body composition
85kg at your height is optimal

I'm just 5cm taller than you (something like 6'7)
and at 90kg
which is the lower end for my personal optimal 90-95kg
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Well, should I try to hit 80kg and bulk up from there? I’m too fat for my liking right now and would rather be skinny than fat with more muscle.
1.75 litres of Coke is 189g of Carbs. If I just stop drinking that each day that counts as low carb right?
I stay mogging these lean queers
>bulk up from there
do you even wanna get /lean/?
only a clean bulk and only when you are under 12%BF

as you are currently already too light, eat maintenance
make sure to get enough protein
and work out

you wanna build muscle at this point
not lose weight
the fat is gonna get less and less naturally as long as you don't overeat

>would rather be skinny than fat with more muscle
but doing a clean bulk is way harder (to do correctly)
than just doing body recomp (which is laughable easy)
I’m not actually 80 kg right now lol. I’m slightly over overweight BMI, don’t know my BF%. I’ve been steadily losing weight over the past few months.
Can you eat the whites?
I love the "less BO" perk you have on carnivore
>Vascularity on arms

You are almost one of us. Don't lie to yourself and fully accept the LEAN pill.
Man that pic is the best motivational pic I've ever seen
I don't eat slop i eat free range eggs, grass fed beef and organic fruit.
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Ok. I posted already but here is an update
No, I roon. My goal is to be a lean runner, not a skinny-fat runner (which is common, unfortunately).
Im thinking about doing climbing as well for upper body strength development
Be careful with the keto hairloss and kidney damage. Even women lose all their hair on keto.
Then why are there no comments under keto videos or articles saying "why my hair fall out?" or anything of the sort? Even here i don't see anyone claiming it happened to them, and people could lie more easily here. Weird.

Sounds completely made up.
It can happen if you don't eat enough protein/calories. Some people lose so much weight so quickly that some hair falls out. But it is temporary.
Take a closer look at the typing style. It's Moxyte. He's a 'jeet, so he has that stupid habit where one will occassionallycombine works as such for God knows what reason.
Literally all you need to be lean is to not eat processed bullshit they introduce today. I remember seeing a lunch menu for Warner Bros studio that was back in the 40's-50's I think? It had a lot of shit that'd make you fat today because of the shit they put in already-made food.
Bread has bleached powder which is processed to shit and back even without sneed oils, and looking for any bread that doesn't have that shit in it is a pain in the asshole for instance.
I thought I was moxyte. You called me that last thread for saying meme dieting is for faggots. Is everyone moxute?
Based noticer
There does seem to be some absolutely insane vegan who shitposts 20+ hours day. Apparently his name is moxyte?
I'm 5'5" and balding, but I'm also fat (170 lbs). Down 20 lbs, hopefully I can at least experience love once in my life, through someone else or from myself
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You don't need love. Just gains fren
The shortest guy on my boxing class is banging a tall teenager.
He is shorter than you.

For more info he is lean, has the face and he probably isn't a coomer (has a deep voice).
216, your current weight, at 90kg 180g protons etc
If you dont lift u can go lower like 1.5x your bw
I agree HIIT is super tiring but don't underestimate the health benefits. The v02 max or whatever can make you feel better. It doesn't burn calories well directly, but I think it might be worth it.
Yeah, nothing wrong with improving your health at the same time. Might also need to run away from zombies in the future or something.
If you really lift with zero carbs,you must look like dyel.
You sont even lift xaxaxaxa

Fuck bulk if you dont lift properly.

If you wanna get big you must lift big!
What's funny? Elaborate
>>You're going to lose a load of muscle as well as fat running a daily 500+ caloric deficit for 2 months.
Why? As long as I get enough carbs and protein in, it's all good, right?
>3x HIIT per week & 3x weights.
HIIT for what reason? What's the point of doing HIIT when on a cut?
>Vascularity on arms
not that anon but I'm fat as fuck and my veins still pop when I do arms or back.
Odd af if true
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Learn from my mistake fellow keto/carnivore chads.

The cheat meal/day is NEVER worth it.

Dont do it.
I’m male, almost 6’2 and woke up this morning 163 lbs. yet I still have all of my fat in my butt and legs. Will it ever go away or do I just get lipo? Top half is lean and can see veins and muscles. Bottom half is just gay and I hate it so much
Its a top body world anon. Women and str8 men care little about your legs and ass.

Dont skip the leg day, but do it for health, not for aesthetics.

Saw this tonight, I’m like a male version of this. I just want to wear a tucked shirt. Shit sucks
Now im curious. Post ass. blur the face.
Thanks lean bro. It's eggs and deenz every day for me til I die at 159 years old
I’m sorry lean bros. I wanted to build muscle and fell for the memes. All I did was look like a freak. When I started my fitness journey I wanted Tyler durdens body then was foolish to follow roid tranny videos online. I see my pics when I’m with a group of people and I look like a sloth. I genuinely hate my fucking face. I’m going on a serious cut now. Good thing is I only need to lose like 18 pounds which is not bad. I’m 6ft 190.
>I’m going on a serious cut now
Welcome to the flock.
Don't be a bitch and stick to the plan
Just eat some extra protein dude. It literally is just 5 min of effort.
>Doesn't understand the ...benefits.. of being able to move very, very fast for a few minutes
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WAGMI boys, lets goooo
(Tbh women prefer the middle mode but fuck it I feel lighter and better on the right)
>women prefer the middle mode
Good job on the weight loss, but now you are more skinny than lean.
Lift more and eat some extra protein dude.
>Im thinking about doing climbing as well for upper body strength development
my arms really blew up after starting climbing (I was 80kg though). Going to the sauna afterwards helped.
I’ve always hated fat people but getting back into shape and stopping being fat myself is really making me abhor them. I got fat because of some knee injuries that left me in really bad pain even just walking too far which lead me into a depression and made me give up. It’s my own fault I’m at least getting my shit in order now. I’m fighting through literal bone on bone knee pain to shed the weight and get lean again and there’s fat fucks who are like that without any of these problems. They could get it together and not even struggle half as hard as I have to with this and they don’t. I hate fat people so much. Then you have the fat bitches who demand to be treated like they’re beautiful. They’re not. They’re ugglier than normal fats because they also have that shit entitled personality. They could just eat a little less and walk a bit and be patient for 1 year but they’d rather spend their lives convincing real people to be delusional. I hate fats so much and it’s getting worse the leaner I get and the more my knee hurts me
It was for a recent competition where I must be 10kg lighter than my normal weight. But I'm actually somewhere between the 2nd or 3rd pic.
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I Look Like this and my Gf‘s girlfriends Tell her it Looks terrible and i should gain some Weight what is wrong with women
Or are they just intimidated
Aesthetically your Adonis belt is oversized in comparison with the rest of your torso, but this is not a massive deal. You look better than 98% of men and those women are simply trying to bring down your standing for their pecking order purposes, since recognizing that your girlfriend has the better looking boyfriend would likely disrupt their hierarchy. Your girlfriend likely already knows this but she wanted to know how you would react. If you dismissed it with a smile then you did it right, if you fumbled and sounded insecure you fucked up.
I told them they are fat
if the girls are fat, they're just jealous. if the girls are thin, they're into roided out dudes because of tiktok brain. theyre losers either way.
Lol dude they're jealous and are trying to sabotage your relationship.
you are exaggerating and incorrect. there is a standard size of rice bowl in oriental countries but many cafeterias and causal restaurants give bigger portions. a "bowl of rice" is about the size of a adult mans clenched fist.
>anecdotal experience
Currently losing fat and gaining strength @2/4/5/5 strength level & 25% bf nattily, 5kg lost in 2 months of frequent social beer+pizza style lapses
wake up, go to gym, 1rm, 4xf @70%rm cycling rdl/dip+kroc row/trap dl/incline+chin/hatfield squat/db bench+woolam row, abs/low back on top, go home, eat sammich with sugary tea, then eat starch and protein and vegetables until 6-7pm, then stop eating starch, eat about 40g of lean meat or casein based protein before bed; no sugar minimal added fat no counting kcal, ~120-140g protein from all sources, repeat every day.
>zero carb for weight loss
okay homo I bet next you'll also say that cardio is bad for you because it doesn't actually use fat as energy.
You look like you stuck your hand in a blender and then let a rat gnaw on what remained? Those disgusting fingers. That hand hasn't even been washed for so long that the filth is literally VISIBLE. I can't imagine letting anything that nasty touch me, let alone anywhere near my genitals.
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Help a retard out
Im 178cm and 105kg
I want to be lean
I work out 4 times a week, nothing crazy just your standard exercises
Im also on a calorie deficit (want to lose weight)
I dont want to lose any muscle I manage to make so Im wondering just how big can my deficit be
Is around 1500kcal (this includes 120 grams of protein) too little? Should I eat more so my body doesnt burn muscles?
Something like 1800 kcal per day?
That's your body turning lipids into carbs to restock glycogen. In this time your body is trying to break down fat stores into carbs and- (this is the part where zerocarb fags fuck up) carbs are necessary to convert to pyruvate and oxaloacetate to begin crebs cycle with acetyl-CoA from fatty acids.
Using energy directly from fat stores. oxidative metabolism/aerobic metabolism.
These two things basically do the same thing when you're considering only the energy cost of exercise. however, LISS can be done in tandem with HIT weight training or regular weight training. the same way you wouldn't do fucking sprints and then have a leg day at the gym.
anyone who does moderate to high intensity cardio for longer than 10-15 minutes is retarded and begging to die young. Cortisol is spiked CRAZY high when doing prolonged moderate exercise. Not good for your overall health.

The whole point of lifting weights on a cut as well as eating enough protein is that you're trying your best to work against the catabolism of muscle while encouraging fat loss through proper energy expenditure. As long as your regiment is effective and structured and it works for you then keep doing it. but it doesn't mean you should discredit other methods.
I'll give you some perspective:
I'm 194cm, currently ~89kg, about 20-24% bf. I eat 2200 calories a day and do PPL, each muscle group once a week. I also walk 30 minutes each day to speed up recovery from heavy lifting. my current problem is that I fear I am actually too far below my caloric requirements. I should be trying for about 2500 to lose fat at a more slow and steady pace.
Point being, if you're actually active, and you're worried about getting good results from your cut and you- no matter what will stick to your plan- you should try to find a good diet you can eat about 200-300 calories under your TDEE. You can get a rough estimate from your height, weight and level of activity online but if that doesn't work then try to experiment. Weigh your food and count your calories to see which diet gives the best result.
how tf did he get rid of lovehandles? I swear by the time I get shredded I'm still gonna have flaps of skin like wings hanging off my sides.
you fags need to learn how to upflex instead of downflexing ffs
1500 is ok if it's from protein/starch and you keep volume low. Body breaks muscles when:
a) muscles have to contract but are out of glycogen (yeah yeah atp and free creatine and shit) -> you eat too little starch (you can eat more protein instead if you're scared of starch but it's dumb its just gonna be turned into glucose in liver) for given volume
b) they have to contract but failed to clear hydrogen ions resulting from contracting -> you rest too little between sets/use too much volume

Re b, rule of thumb: if your reps fall off rapidly between sets: 12->8->6->4 vs 12->12->11->10 you're doing too much volume/too little rest. ~5 min reps if doing 4x12, ~10 min rest if doing more sets (per muscle). Low rep sets are like, whatever.

IDK if it's true but imo if your piss is foamy it means protein breakdown. So you can check that.
>Gf‘s girlfriends
They dont like her having the hot guy while they have average joes.
I don't get why you say starch, why are you caught up on starch? Also muscles break down when there isn't enough stimulus to grow them faster than they are broken down. (the body doesn't just pause it's metabolism) everything is an ongoing process. Exercise is supposed to damage muscle to cause a growth response too. what's the idea behind your point? don't exercise to keep your muscles? I just don't understand so don't take this as an attack.
indirect disgust/rage response that their bf doesn't have that body/your gf doesn't deserve to date a guy with a hot body.
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>Bro has the Deoxys' adonis belt
But yeah, >>74569973 is correct, bitches are just jealous.
It's cab trannies trolling. And food industry shills.
500 cal deficit is just too much. You will lose muscle. Go for 200. It will take much longer, but the muscle loss is going to be minimal.
Stick at it bro. Don't be a bitch.
Nta but my last exes best friend was single for years and actively sabotaged our relationship. She's not to blame for everything that went wrong of course but she did her best. Talked shit about me and my friends, tried to make gf doubt me, interfered with our plans etc.

My advice to myself is to try to avoid dating women with single friends or friends with shit bfs, they're literally evil
good advice anon, thanks.
A 12% bf dyel mogs any 30% bf powerlifter lol
Is that not a good thing? Lean faces have more definition, which tends to make them more attractive. You're probably just not used to the new look
11% bf here. Women do make eye contact now.
>500 cal deficit is just too much. You will lose muscle. Go for 200.
Why? 500 is like the gold standard for a reason, you can definitely do it for some months without losing any lean mass. 200 is so little that most people would have to be in a deficit for over a year to get anywhere. You don't want to be in a constant deficit for that long
>most people would have to be in a deficit for over a year to get anywhere
That's the point.
But whatever. Do what you want. You will lose muscle with 500 cal. You do you
Need some help bros. Do I take a diet break for 4 weeks after being in a cut for 6 months. I'm 6'0, cut from January to now, 3rd week of June, went from 190ish to 158. Had a 1 week vacation in April where I ate well above maintenance. Other than that it has been intermittent fasting 20/4, low carb under 50g a day, and roughly 130-150g protein a day. Lifting since mid February, made strength gains while cutting, I'd estimate I'm at 15% bf. For the last 2 weeks, I'm pretty much exhausted all the time, my sleep has been regularly scoring low (low 70s) for over a month even though I changed nothing. I was taking 2-3 hour naps in the evening which I didn't before. Yesterday I ate an extra 800 calories, sleep score shot up this morning (88), feeling great, but put on 1.3 pounds in 1 day (mostly glycogen obviously). Does this mean I need a diet break to stabilize my body, and hormones from cutting fat for 6 months now. I really wanted to lose another 8 pounds of fat to look really good but it feels like something is off
show us your tummy :3
nice tummy :3
Post tummy :3
No homo
Thanks, i didn't know how to describe it and it always pissed me off
Bros, my escort just told me I look like a Greek God. Is it legit?
She told me "how can you be a virgin with such a body?"
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my experience with getting fit and Lean:
-40lbs in total.
people treat me better.
people no longer look scared when I look in their direction.
people come and talk to me at random.
old people love me now for some reason.
much easier talking to women as they'll ignore my social retardedness now.
getting dates is easier
easier to get better looking women, still can't pull 8-10s but that's ok.
better than pulling 4-5s
I found out women are just as horny as dudes.

but, I'm also 6Ft5in tall, so my foundation is better than most.
So I just need sugar? Would drinking diet cola be enough?
Shit, what happened?
Usually I just lift and do nocarb and it felt good.
Yesterday, I rode my bicycle for half an hour, had enough protein and ate some additions whey in the evening, but today I feel like crap. Not rested at all.
Did I not eat enough carbs after all?
clearly you’ve never went to anywhere near asia dude. good food is always sized small, just especially in places like japan food has very low oil so you’re “starving”
fuck off amerifat
4mg retatrutide injected every week is making this way easier
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How to calculate my intake to be lean green mean machine?
Because currently I'm stuck at 17% bf, and don't know how to lower it even lower.
Dyel virgin general
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I want to make it so bad...
but I'm still my own worse enemy
Fuck off fag. Straight men call it a V or Adonis belt.
I can't get into Keto for long term, but I could try it again for the short term.
How long is long enough to get the keto benefits?
newfag from /fat/ here
I'm stuck at 250 lbs (down from 283), is Keto really my only solution?
I usually work out 4-5 days a week. If I do keto will I need to adjust my workout routine since I won't have carbs?
>you fags need to learn how to upflex instead of downflexing ffs
unironically this, start doing stomach vacuums bro. Learn to suck in the pooch/adonis belt area, and straighten your torso instead of hunching over. This will stretch your obliques upwards and will look way better
Good fizeek just need to fix your posture
>keto retardation
Too bad it started good
Post body
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ok so i have belly fat, love handles, my triceps has water retention, i am 189cm and 70kg, what's the logical step, cut and then bulk or? i assume also lift weights? do i quit soft drinks and do cardio? im new to this
How can you be so fat you have handles and belly fat at 70kg while being 189 cm? I'm 10 cm shorter than you and weight the same and I have neither
I can only assume you're a massive dyel because you assume you lift weights. My suggestion is to focus on PATIENCE and perseverance, cut until you see your abs (while training abs), should take less than 6 months (worst case scenario). Don't forget to eat 140-160g of protein while cutting. Yes, it's possible, but you'll have to remember 3rd grade maths to count your shit.

Forget soft drinks completely. It's easy to accidentally drink 2x calories you need in a day. Only buy zero cal drinks if you're a based retard who can't live without funny water
Re cardio - don't do it unless you enjoy it so you won't kill your ambition. Hating your training is the last thing you wanna do. Cardio is good tho.
i don't lift, i work as a pharmacist and i do night shifts and i know that i am a lazy piece of crap
do i take protein shakes to cover the daily protein target?
Oh I misread it, the post is rather chaotic. Yeah of course lift weights, the more muscle you put on the bigger your BMR the more energy your body will burn by *doing nothing*. It's free fat loss.
>do i take protein shakes to cover the daily protein target?
I personally love whey/greek yoghurt/frozen berries/crushed ice smoothies. Great way to cover 1/3 of your protein needs. Just make it tasty for YOU. Remember everything you do must provoke as little resistance as possible.
Recipes? Count calories and macros but make it delicious.
Gym? Should be close, and you should like the vibes.
Outdoor workouts, calisthenics, sports? It's your choice, pick something YOU will enjoy doing for years.
Cardio? There's more to it than running and cycling.

You can really push yourself and properly abuse your muscles once you've been doing it for months/years, but the most important thing is consistency, and it's hard to build it when you're struggling with your new artificial routine and hate it. You can hate your fat ass but don't hate the lifestyle that's gonna get you results.
i got a 8kg kettlebell, an ab roll, a pilates sponge thing that you lie on, 2x10 dumbbells, can i work out at home with these? i dont like going to the gym and i live in a 3rd world country so it would be a bad investment, as stupid as it sounds, i also am kinda antisocial so i wouldn't like to have contact with strangers if possible
thanks for the advice btw
Dumbbells provide infinite possibilities. Good weight too. Curls, hammer curls, reverse curls, lat raises, shrugs... there's a shit ton of things you can do and each has many varieties too.
Ab roll is a great tool.
A mat is great, you can now hit your core in like 30 different ways. You can even train neck.
Push-ups: gradually improve form, push reps past 40, increase difficulty by doing decline ones, move to handstands.

You literally have everything you need for a decent upper body routine. Find a way to add dips and pull-ups and you'll never need a gym.
No, you're way too heavy for Keto. Just reduce your calories and train harder and get your cardio in.
when i was closest to sex, from three girls at the same period, was indeed when i was extra skinny. i ruined it that opportunity by being a sperg virgin as usual. i think it really makes a difference between 10% and 13,14%. sorry for being esl
ruined that opportunity*
13, 14% bf*
I feel like shit bros
If you are hungry eat more fatty protein, cut the carbs and spend time without eating every day.
You will get some benefits in just weeks. Three months for the full experience.
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What you have to do depends largely on how fucked your hormones are (how long have you been fat).
If you were fat for a long time then yes, CICO ain't gonna do the trick.

Try low carb and intermittent fasting.

If that doesn't work then Omad keto.

If that doesn't work fucking carnivore.
I think that the reason why everybody quotes the 12% as the magic number is testosterone.
whats the bigger enemy for getting lean, fried stuff or sugar stuff?
Sugar by far
im a poor fag and am lean on someone else to pay for my food. That person likes to buy carbs more then meat, so my macros are more carb dominate. if i still at a deficit how much muscle will i lose/ hold on to fat? Or does it even matter as long as im at a deficit
Anyone have experience with semaglutide while on trt? What to expect? What does for effective weight loss?
your being fat isn't helping you retain muscle, your body burns all the sugar and because it has excess energy it stores any fat you eat. just try to eat as much protein as you can and lift. And be in a deficit
any non steroid supplement that would help the process of losing weight, i know nothing beats deficit, cardio and weightlifting but i need something on the side to speed up the process. anything will do, just no direct steroids.
the protein is the issue here. Im still training(ex power shitter) and want to lean down now. am i good with a more carb heavy diet as long as im at a deficit?
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tfw 20% bf
yes, your body will burn body fat for the extra energy you don't give it. Carbs are generally just pure energy and are fine in moderation, but I imagine you're being fed rice and pasta not apples and grapes. I'd worry about micronutrients if it's really that dire but eating more empty carbs won't help with that anyway
my carbs are coming from sweet potatoes and fruits. I cut out all shit food for the most part, minus a cheat snack once or twice a week.
if the carbs are fruits and veggies you're golden, pony boy. As for cheat meals think of it like this, cheating 2/7 of the week is almost 30% of the time. I personally stay entirely away from candies and the like, if you're feeling like snacking on something sweet just eat grapes or something, you'll never even remember craving junk.
The only thing that gets me is when my mom home bakes brownies or cookies, she puts a lot less fat than what you get at the store so it doesn't just taste like grease and I actually enjoy it, but it's my mom and I get to tell her that her cookies were delicious and I love her :3
If you train hard your body will crave nutrients, not sugar from carbs. You will be hungry and miserable. Just go carnivore.
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>eat more fatty protein
That's what am I doing.
>cut the carbs
If I cut more I'd be ketofag
>spend time without eating every day
I'm averaging 1300-1500 cal /day
Any lower than this is not sustainable.
i try to as well but i live at home still with other family members and they are not on the same page. When i do eat like shit im measuring it to make sure im still in a deficit for the day.
enjoy the mom baked goods anon. i lost a parent and it sucks when they are not around anymore
Sugar. Especially bread and pasta
Get a better job, retard.
its on the list of things faggot. its not lost on me what my position in the world is right now. Just trying to do the best with what i have
bf estimate? can i get to 12% by the first week of august or mid august?
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>Or are they just intimidated
its just women sabotaging women, as soon as she dumps you or even before, her "friends" are gonna be making moves on you and bullshitting or telling dirty secrets about her to you.
women have always survived by being social animals that work out the best way/time to slip in the knife when people are most vulnerable to gain another social status step higher.
aint no way im 13%, im flexin if it isnt obvious btw
Dick's lookin real lean and thin
Here‘s your fucking leanpill:

>be in love with a girl
I automatically ate less when I could obsess over a girl and regularly talk to her. Hunger only occurred when absolutely needed. Helps if she’s skinny so you kind of adapt.
You will also workout more because you want to impress her.

>break up with a girl you love
It feels so ultimately sad that you will hardly be able to eat anyway, sometimes even breathing is hard when love sick.
Makes staying hungry really easy.
Just don’t forget to keep lifting moderately even though you might not feel like moving. I recommend to do this in the home gym because the catharsis from the workout will make you cry a lot of tears.
But you’ll also become leaner.

That’s the ultimate lean pill gents, just go out there and fall in love. leanness will come on its own.

One afterthought:
You might be aware of the social status that being lean brings in society. It is directly connected to the fact that you become lean from love.
So if you’re always in love and with a girl, you will be naturally lean all the time and people see your social value.
I may also suggest that this graph >>74577783 confuses cause and effect.

Naturally, if you are spending time with girls you love, the test will rise. The leanness is the side effect here.
I’m the opposite. Incredibly skinny my entire life. 5’10” 115lbs. So skinny my doctor put me on testosterone therapy at age 28 after some injuries and surgeries. I was off and on trt since then and at 34 I decided to start back on trt once and for all and forced myself to eat and hit the gym daily. I learned how to train and eat. That was 2 years ago. I’m 180lbs lean as hell and still struggle to get 3000 calories in because if I don’t I will lose weight incredibly fast. Yes the lean pill is the truth. I wish I could eat as easily as you fat asses though.
i never done anything with a girl tho
Im starving rn.
Daydreaming about kebabs

But i will make it
heh I lost 10 lbs after my breakup because I couldn't bring myself to eat. Everyone's different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What do you eat usually?
I do weights and rowing 3 times a week. But struggling to lose bf% should I throw OMAD twice a week into my routine?
Anything, mc Donald’s two sausage McMuffin with egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast, family size meal the share cheese chicken and rice tv dinner for lunch. And grilled salmon with sweet potato fries i make myself at home for dinner. The first two meals during work so I’m not cooking anything. I also drink couple of sodas a day and one chai later in the morning. Pretzel snacks while I drive. And lots of water during work outs.
Meant to reply to
>1518 calories, 128g protein, basically done for the day

god, give me strength
how do i deal with a club that i go to every week where there are always tea + biscuits offered? i normally can stick to a low carb meal plan all week but it’s hard to resist especially when it’s all in front of me. i had about 4 little things this time (but still can imagine the amount of carbs and calories) but how do i resist the craving? should i try and eat one less each time? want to get lean and getting there but the social eating struggle is real
Ok so I am getting impatient, want to be leanpilled™. I will try Anavar ONLY to burn fat and avoid muscle wasting.

Weight current: 80kg
Goal: 73 kg

Stack: Semaglutide 5mg bottle, 20mg anavar, clen. Bottle of hcg in emergency. PCTs don't work read haarlem study.

Vanity stack: ru58841, Finasteride, 10mg accutane.

1w 20mg anavar + 20-40mcg clen
2w 20 anavar + 80mcg clen
3w 20 anavar + 0.25 mg semaglutide
6w 20 anavar + 0.5 mg sema
8w 0.5 semaglutide
Try to find new Maintenance kcal for a few weeks until i run out of sema.
Hgh semaglutide/tirzepatide/retatrutide clen Ephedrine. Most effective but muh dangerous is DNP.
The fuck is wrong with you?
You could just fast instead of giving yourself gastroparesis, chemically castrating yourself and giving yourself synthetic hypervitaminosis.
Don't eat
Simple as
What the fuck do you think anavar does or how suppression works?

Hundreds of HIV patients have taken 80mg of anavar for 12 weeks and still had endogenous Testosterone production. You can find studies on oxandrolone spermatogenesis too.

GLP1 drugs are literally the cure for obesity.
The semaglutide gives gastroparesis and other unclear side effects we don't know about yet.
The DHT blockers chemically castrate you.
The accutane gives synthetic hypervitaminosis A.

Anavar may or may not fuck you up long term, I don't know enough about that.

One thing is clear though, history tells us there's no such thing as free lunch. I know from experience fasting and cleaning up my diet worked for me, no chemicals needed.
Be a man. Go through pain and resist. That's what men do.
Nothing worth doing ever came easy

Just follow this channel already.

Buy a crate of shirataki noodles.
Buy an add
>my Gf‘s girlfriends Tell her it Looks terrible

Why are you dating someone who associates with people like this?
>Your girlfriend likely already knows this but she wanted to know how you would react. If you dismissed it with a smile then you did it right, if you fumbled and sounded insecure you fucked up.

Why are you an insecure simp?
24 hs of fasting in the bag. 24 more to go. WAGMI
>be me
>40lbs overweight, been lifting for a few years
>start fasting
>lose the excess fat
>have visible abs for the first time in my life
>see no improvement in how i'm treated by women
what exactly do you guys mean when you say that women treat you better when lean? i'm 5'8 150lbs, rated 5/10 by photofeeler (no physique pics, only clothed). is confidence really the key? were the normies telling the truth this whole time?
how do I develop my glutes?
gaming in a chair for most of my has my ass looking like hank hill's
remeasure your macros and find a high protein meal plan with fewer calories. (but don't reduce carbs too much since you do cardio)
Women hate when the man in the relationship increases his aesthetic worth a simple reason: First, it makes them feel overly conscious about themselves and how they look. It puts pressure on how much they are taking care of their own body, raising the bar, forcing them to have to also watch their physical appearance. This mainly happens because in a relationship the woman is the one that always looks better. Women are petty creatures, they gossip shit in their friend groups and she will be pointed as the one who has a husband that is more pretty than her, stripping her from her femininity. Being the good looking one is a female spot. It's like if your woman could lift heavier than you. Not many like the idea that their wife is the one that opens the jars in the house. Well women are the same, they want the husband to have the scars, the belly and the beard even if it looks terrible on him. The worse he looks the less she has to work on herself.
or you could just eat better and workout consistently, like many people have done before you and not have to deal with the oxidative stress from burning 7kg of lipids over the course of 2 months
simple, don't eat low carb but don't eat trash. the cravings take care of themselves as long as you aren't in too big of a calorie deficit.

I eat 300g of carbs and 160g of protein per day and I am losing weight because it's still below my TDEE. It's from buckwheat, potatoes, 1 bowl of cereal in the morning and some other miscellaneous calories from dairy, veggies and things like pelmeni or bread.
All of which give me something other than just plain carbs and soi lecithin (emulsifier) from biscuits.
I hope you enjoy your aged face and balding head.
sprints, leg press, kickbacks, hip thrusts. It's all on YooTchoob good buddy. use some common sense in which movements are activating your glutes. also try flexing your glutes as you walk when you kick off. most people don't do this and I find it's good for mind muscle connection.
How is reacting nonchalantly to a shit test being an insecure simp?
Long zone 5 is better
If lean doesn't lower test then why do you have to significantly lower calories once you're "aesthetic?" If people were largely realistic about what's respectably strong for a grown man and/or natural you'd know you have to get a lot of muscle before you can look cut without tanking your testosterone.
why arent you potatomaxxing?

light potato soup

4 pounds potatoes
2/3 cup heavy cream
2 cups milk
4 cups chicken broth
1/3 cups flour

4-8 tbps of salad bacon bits
minced garlic and onion, salt and pepper to taste

mix ingredients other than potatoes in pot, peel and dice potatoes in large chunks, bring to a light boil
cook for 30-45 minutes
keeps well in the fridge

2500 calories per pot

french baked mashed potatoes

3 pounds potatoes
3 large eggs
2/3 cup grated swiss cheese
2 tbps butter (to butter the pan)

peel, dice, and boil potatoes until they are cooked
mash potatoes, combine with eggs and half of the cheese
melt butter, use to grease a deep pan of some kind
pour potatoes mixture into pan, top with the rest of the cheese
bake at 400 for 30-45 minutes

1661 calories per pan
Are you just stringing together words you don't know the meaning of?
Can I fry my chicken on an electric grill as a substitute to frying it in a pan? Will it not affect my cut if i cook it without oil that way?
> brother went to the movies and brought some popcorn
>eat 300g
Enjoy chronic disease
>see no improvement in how i'm treated by women
You're perhaps too ugly
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Is lean /lean/?
anyone have that webm of the dude with paper thin skin, it's a closeup of his abs
See about an air fryer, or conventional oven if possible. The oil distributes the heat over the food so it cooks evenly, if you don't use oil then you'll get one side over cooked and one side under cooked. You can avoid this by using something that's closed and holds the heat all around the food
Skinnyfat here, starting today I'm going to eat 1000-1200calories a day because recomping isnt working, plus calisthenics will be easier and bitches love calisthenics.
Here's my breakfast (doing twoMAD)
>1 egg 80cal
>1 flounder filet 110cal
>1 cup jasmine rice 170cal
>street corn 90cal
>pico de gallo 20cal
>cojita cheese 50cal

for dinner I'm having pizza, no choice it's just what mama's making ~700 cal
Weights followed by 20 minutes of cardio every day. Is that a good idea for getting a bit more lean?
I do 20 min cardio for my warmup which includes 5 min jump rope superset 25 pushups for 5 sets.
Then I do my weight training which is also high intensity involving supersets.
3 days weights + 3 days cardio.
Cardio days are cycling for 1.5 hours and running for 40 min.
Has that been giving you good results?
I'm looking to change up just my meathead heavy lifts as I wanna really slim down now but obviously keep as much muscle as I can
I was, but today I am probably going be cleared to walk in a brace so I likely have to give it up. I got injured pretty bad and was on the good drugs all year, which was nice but being bedridden has turned my body to mush. PT is going to be a joy
I've been requesting my girlfriend to lose weight since last year, and she is receptive for about a week every time after, then she gets madsad and goes on about how I should love her regardless of her body size. I told her that I do, but I don't find her physically attractive like this. I live in the /fit/test state in the US and there are so many hot and /fit/ chicks in my city. It gives me internal conflict desu
I'm about to end it with her this Friday bros. I don't want to become a plapjak after marriage. Wish me luck
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>becomes obese
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skip breakfast or have a coffee and a banana or something
eat chicken
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Give me a few months
How the fuck do you lose love handles ?
I am still struggling with some fat on my tiddies (not gyno) Can I just water fast + train as usual for a couple of weeks to fix this or will I lose too much gains? I can accept some gains loss.
Having developed obliques helps
You must cut harder
>Ever present core-fat having Scott blooded fuck
Same, bf is 14% and still have stomach pouch.
You got fat as fuck boy
Jk sick cut
Checked and cringed
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>you need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
This is the most important part of this OP
Before I sarted taking seriously my protein intake my progress was shit and my gains minimal

I'd say eat even more protein
It's better to have too much than not enough
>2g protein / kg
as in 2g of meat per kg?
So if I'm 80 kg, I need to eat 160 g of meat?
Every day I an reminded I'm sharing the board with actual retards like the one you're replying to. It's incomprehensible how they'd survive if not for the modern conveniences. They can barely understand what they read.
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no nigga
2 grams of proteing per kilo of your goal weight
meat isn't the only thing that contains protein and evn then 1 gram of meat doesn't equal to 1 gram of protein
if you'e 80kg you should consume 160 grams of protein minium
it doesn't have to be from meat. It can be from whey, yogurt whatever
As long as you're consuming enough source doesn't really matter
0g carbs a day
rolling 48s with ECA stack
>They are all at least around 6ft
Hey, retard. Nobody knows how fucking tall you are in a picture by yourself
Before and after. So he got fat? How retarded does a person have to be to not know that the before is always on the left?
love handles and lower-belly seems to be pretty much the last thing to go. Just lose fat
So how do I know the amount of protein in meat?
I eat 250 g of chicken breast a day.
I was always thinking this contained 1000 cal.
literally just google it
>how much protein is in 100g of chicken
Manga-consoomer retarded
Leanpill is 100% real for people who’ve been fatties their entire life
I’m 5’10” and went down from 237 to 142.
I couldn’t give a rats ass men think I’m small. It’s not just a physical weight that’s been removed, it’s the mental weight that’s been removed.
It’s the confidence it brings you. I find any excuse to take my shirt off outside now and not worry about people judging. Have a nice haircut, wear clean clothes and you can carry yourself through anything
>Be lean
>Oh yeah my biceps look so distinct
>My abs are so visible if I take my shirt off
>Normies just call me thin

Only gymbros recognise the lean pill
Wtf is manga? Are you saying a before and after is an after and before?
>Muh look big
I don't have body dysmorphia. Don't care about being massive, I am already secure in my masculinity/had a strong father growing up.
I don't have a gigachad jaw so need to get lean to look good for 1 breedable grill is all. I'm 5'9 155lb, decent weight for my height, just need to recomp.
Lifting is the most boring sport, if you want to get autistic about something athletic and compete, choose a fun sport like tennis.
T. Autism
Not sure if they have it in your country but in bongland the back of the packet should show how much protein is contained.

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