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/fit/ - Fitness

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>normies consider this the average male body

How delusional are they
Why would he have a seizure?
Because he’s a pasty as fuck timmy
But... that is pretty average. For 18-22 year olds at least. He's just lean, has little to no muscle at all. Not a hard physique to attain at all.
I don't understand what either of those people are trying to convey.
because of all the pussy
This is how I picture the leanpill general posters, but the realist is most likely worse than this.
i think the person is saying the typical beach has many bodies better than that one
nope, everyone's fat
i agree, that person is the gay version of incels, never goes outside and has completely wrong worldview
Why did you post this? Nobody here knows what either of those X posters is talking about.
I disagree, he pretty clearly has a good amount of muscle on top of being lean

Developed pecs, shoulders, arms, six pack abs

If he didnt have any muscle he would just be skinnyfat
that would be an average male body if obesity wasn't so ubiquitous. that's what a normal, healthy body looks like without training.
/fat/fucks think it’ll take 2 years of heavy lifting to achieve
I'm skinny fat and these kind of compliments make me seethe. Half the mfers here call people with solid physiques skinny fat, when I'm borderline underweight and still have zero muscle definition at a BMI of 19
/fit/ has no idea what skinnyfat is
>/fit/ has no idea
That's not the average male body because the average male is +20% body fat
yeah because they've never seen what their own muscles look like.
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this is what he looks like btw
> cut scars
It's pretty average in terms of muscle mass. He's just lean.
That physique is unironically more attractive to women than some muscly gymcel
damn, thats just like 4chan
It’s not cope lol, you going to a corporate gym to do corporate exercises you learned from a corporate YouTube channel in hopes that a woman will one day find you not ugly is the real cope
I look like shit and I could rape this twink to death
It's giving me the vapors.
>some fag on Twitter with an anime icon says something
Who gives a fuck? No one in this screencap works out
This is above average in 2024
>cutting scars
>faggot smug attitude
>palpably jealous of the leanchad
>anime pfp
he sure checks a lot of boxes
>It's not cope lol
>copes harder
That's probably true but that's not the point, the point he's trying to make is that it's the "default" male physique you get without going to the gym at all, which is not true
shut up sandeep
Sir, it is Ranjeet. You be paying the price for not getting it right.
>I disagree
Well, you're wrong. He isn't completely sedentary such as >>74566212 so being skinny looks okay on him. Any young male who hasn't been absolutely sedentary their whole life will look something like that. No amount of disagreeing and coping will change that.
You’re delusional and living in a fantasy world. Most young men spend their days drinking beer and playing fortnite with little to no physical activity. If anyone is coping here it’s you, friend.
You can't just stumble into six pack abs. That takes a shitload of work. I remember doing 100+ crunches every other day for like a year, and I never got one even though I was underweight with a flat stomach. You basically need to have very big stomach muscles while somehow also somehow avoiding accumulating any stomach fat during the weight gain period. I guarantee you 100% this person works out religiously.
that was average before 1970 I guess. now the obesity rate is far too high.
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Women think this is average because they see about 5 out of 6 men as "below average". When they see actually average guys, their brains basically don't even process them as humans. Their perception of the male gender is ridiculously hot turbochads (above average), chads (average), chadlite (below average), and subhumans who don't count (everyone else).
this is why god gave men superior physical strength.
>cut scars as a male
His fate is either suicide or becoming a tranny (then suicide)
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this is true when you consider the fact that fat aren't people
should've just signed up to a gym with a ab crunch machine
100 crunches is not going to do anything if you're not reaching failure
>six pack abs
you can't be serious...
huh? you've got no permission to reply to me
>permision to reply to me
oooooooh you are mentally ill, got it.
You think the average man goes to a gym and uses ab workout machines?
Skinny fat is being a fat guy who looks skinny with clothes on. Usually defined by having a small muffin top which is visible without clothes on, but not so much with clothes on.
why do I care what they do
I replied to an anon crying he couldn't get abs because in reality he did fuck all for a year
/fit/ is a strange mix of self loathing fatasses, pajeets, skinnyfat retards who will do anything except lift weights and eat properly, schizo attention seekers (big overlap with the other groups), and a core of roid trannies and powershitters. This board has no idea about what the average reasonably fit person looks like. Dumb cunts on here will deride someone who is lean and lightly muscled and then wonder why they don't have a gf because women don't find their massive traps and flared quads attractive.
roastie please shut up
Fuck is bro yapping about
>Any young male who hasn't been absolutely sedentary their whole life will look something like that.
My point was that this is untrue.
oh I wasn't arguing against that sentiment
just giving general input about ab training
Ah yeah, overdose of free black pussy.
My take is that he would "have a seizure" because he is in fact stronger than most people at the beach. But most people do not exercise daily nor are they in shape
Who fucking cares. Stop tailoring everything you are to what women find attractive.
>dungeon meshi avatar
literally an insane tumblr tranny. pay no mind to it.
why do people compare themselves to the billions of people on the internet, this is retarded. You're always going to be last if you do that.
Will you be making him a good price?
i literally can't think of anything more embarrassing as a man than having cutting scars
this is a body of a dyel who spams abs exercises. I know because I'm similar
how do I get rid of them
This guy doesn't look strong
He honestly has a decent body and is significantly ahead of the average american man. /fit/ just has body dysmorphia
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It’s always the ones you most expect
because he’s mid
Clinical scar reduction and then a tattoo over the area
>How delusional are they
OP's pic takes work is above average.
this is the true average skinny fat body.
don't be a pussboi faget in the first place
The timmy meme is hilarious because the stupid nigger who created it was literally killed by a white man when he tried to enact his impotent nigger pseudo masculinity and talk to the white man's woman and disrespect his superiors.

Tldr Timmy put that nigger 6 feet under, that's what Timmy gonna do. Cope and seethe shitskin.
Nice argument, Senator, how about you back that up with a source.

Lmao at redditards and their sourcefagging. It's real. You can look up the names of the deceased and the white man who shot the monkey dead and him getting prison time for practicing animal control without a license (killimg niggermonkey)
Twitter is more less an image board like 4chan, just not anonymous. Especially after mobile posting became a thing.
Definitive proof that no amount of shit talk will ever trump 'post body'. /fit/ will still try to skirt around it, but you can’t.
Eh. If we're talking fizeeks. I am an athlete and my cardio and fighting is better than most of yours but I also look like normal daily gym goer so I don't comment on other people's fizeek unless they're cartoonish monster people...
I’m just saying if you get called out for talking shit and told to post body, there’s no further comeback. You’ve lost the argument if you don’t post body.
Not the same person, the timmy tiktok is a different guy.

>lmao at redditards

Everyone you don't like is a redditor, I get it. Next time don't be wrong, faggot. Also I'm glad he got shot, I just wanted to read an article about it so I could know for sure it was the same person. Faggot.
Oh absolutely. Like I said, I don't comment on guys fizeeks because a lot of you have waaaay better looking bodies. Post fizeek is great for aesthetic arguments, it's just annoying when it is used when we are talking about cardio, or fighting, or something /fit/ness but completely unrelated to bodybuilding.
If a guy is talking shit about a body (excluding monster creature people) and he won't post fizeek, you won the argument.
Cope and seethe shitskin
The most insufferable part is the self-deprecating attitude, like he’s aware he’s being cringey but thinks excusing himself is gonna make somebody care. Lame.
Consider looking outside your shit clique. Active young men generally look like that if they're skinny, this is a fact

Kek this post is unbelievable. These are the types that post on this board god I need to stop coming here
>Active young men generally look like that if they're skinny, this is a fact

This is the part you dont understand, most young men are not active, making this not the "default" body
This is a skinny fat physique btw. 25-30% BF and probably normal if on the higher end BMI.
Posts like these are created by women who don't want to admit that the baseline for what they find attractive is far above the norm even though they themselves don't work out.
No, most men don't have six pack abs. No, it's not easy to get them. Yes, if that's your bare minimum in terms of guys you want to fuck, your standards are very high. Sorry if you don't like it, but that's the truth.
Well yes, the definition of mid is that there are loads of people better looking and loads of people worse looking.
start making adrenochrome from lower races
Sensitive to sunlight after browsing twitter all day.
Classic retard. When that dude fucked around and found out, people were REFERENCING the “what Timmy gon do” TikTok and then troglodytes like yourself thought “durrr it must be the same person cuz da peepo on 4chan keep talkin bout it”
The real reason the Timmy meme is funny is because it’s been completely appropriated by online Indians trying to make their own version of pajeet to use, not realizing that terms are only offensive if the underlying object they evoke is. Pajeet is offensive because Indians don’t like being reminded who they are, Timmy is not because wypipo don’t actually care.
No they don’t are you fucking retarded?
I once read that if you can do 5 pressups in a row you're already stronger than 95% of people. idk how accurate that is, but it seems like the sort of fact pathetic enough to be true.
This might sound weird to you but outside of your clique there are other groups that do not overlap with yours. On a more physically active clique you will see people like this. This is the result of a body that plays sports, that's literally it. I'm starting to realize some people here are too autistic to understand without a way to visualize it: every highschool will have sporty people and they will generally include guys that look like that, does that mean everyone on every high school looks like that? Does that mean it's a rare trait if it's seen in every highschool? Again, think outside of your sedentary clique please, and try thinking what that type of body looks like with a shirt on and you'll realize it's not as rare as you think it is
>noooo!!! Women aren't allowed to find traits attractive!!!! Aaaaaaagghhh!!!!!!
Grow up. Aren't you able to look at a male body without thinking of le evil women Boogey(wo)man? No one even mentioned w*men and you're still seething. If a skinny teen (posted by a literal faggot homosexual male) makes you seethe so much I can't imagine what actual attractive males with women thirsting on the comments will do to you lol
Triple posting, I don't care no one's going to read this anyway
If some skinny dude with no unremarkable traits besides his leanness is enough to make you feel insecure about your own physique then you need to focus a bit more on your diet/lifting/rest before posting on this board
The reason I figured out you're a woman is because you post like one.
Im a male who was completely sedentary until 15 years olds (skinny fat), I got really into swimming and eventually got into the high school swimming team and ended with a physique like op when I was 17-18. Every active teenager has that physique. It's a fact. I'm sorry you were sedentary your whole life I guess. Consider lifting for 12 consecutive months before replying to me again
Bet you can't cook.
if you don't have visible abs even when skinny you're either an alcoholic, you have a shitty diet or you're low T (or all 3)

or considering that you're absolutely retarded there's also a chance that you simply have flat abs without realizing it cause not everybody has "6-pack" abs, some people have flat abs or anything between 2 to 8 pack.
I'm not sedentary, I walked / jogged habitually and then added crunches and other exercises on top of that, and I never got six pack abs. I also still jog and work out once or twice per week, and I still have nothing down there. So it looks like you're just wrong and probably larping as chad.
post body refuters on suicide watch
Everyone has six pack muscles, it's a part of human anatomy. "Flat abs" just means you're toned enough to see the contours of the ab muscles, but they aren't big enough to see them in more detail.
reverse body dysmorphia is crazy, he is lean but thats it
some celebrity

point is dude has an ugly face like a regular guy
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Funniest part is that the person he quoted is a 16 year old gay boy thirsting
>Any young male who hasn't been absolutely sedentary their whole life
Is anybody gonna tell him?
Achievable natty?
Real answer: The original xeet is saying that they are horny for the bodies in the pictures attached. The QT is telling them that bodies like that are common at the beach (debatable) and that if the original xoster were to visit one, they would be so overwhelmed due to the sheer number of peak ottermode fizeeks they would have seizure.
The correct term is streetshitter.
i knew it.
he is jealous
His abs look pretty decent, is this what an all ab workout will do?
How does he have abs that high? I think he's lower bf
>The timmy meme is hilarious because the stupid nigger who created it was literally killed by a white man when he tried to enact his impotent nigger pseudo masculinity and talk to the white man's woman and disrespect his superiors.

Because he is a faggot
He thinks he'a hot shit lmao, that is a mid tier beach body.
Mogged by literally any twink and lanklet.
Cut them off.
I can't remember the quote, but it reminds me of that old pic of some kid commenting on some high school kid's abs.
Do you really thinks that's enough exercise to consider yourself an active person? Have you ever considered you weren't skinny enough? Answer honestly. Why do you browse this board anyway? I'm kind of hoping this is bait. Getting into arguments on a board that isn't even particularly aligned with your hobbies and interests has got to be the lowest of the lows I think. Idk. Please reply honestly
>smug leftist
>anime profile pic
>pathetic cuts for attention
>self deprecating

I'm at a loss for words.
read this in an indian accent, was dying laughing for around 8 minutes straight
depends where you are. if you live in flyover new mexico or something no thats not the average. if you live in some wealthy area with good athletics programs and shit like that then of course, a lean athletic build will be common
why all the autism? are people just bored?
he said you have no persimmons and you reply again. Absolutely disrespectful behavior. This board has gone to shit good sir!
>implying Chads on any kind use Tinder
My bmi was 18. I have a flat stomach, but it's exactly as I said: you need a combination of low bodyfat AND specifically targeting that muscle area to make them huge, like by using gym machines. Playing most sports doesn't work your abs enough to make them huge. Running around and kicking a ball won't do that. That's why even a lot of pro athletes DON'T have six pack abs.
I disagree, in my experience women find scars hot so long as you never talk about it.

My older brothers and drunk mother used to beat the shit out of me and I've got a ton of scars on my back as a result. In my early teens I would cut into my thighs to deal with the mental pain, I don't know why it helped but it did. Anyway as time went on I managed to get away from it all, eventually got a girlfriend who would eventually be my wife on my way to find God. My wife told me she found my scars super attractive when she found out both the ones on my back and legs, we went to the beach and normally I wear one of the faggy uv shirts to cover the scars and long board shorts but I forgot to pack it because I was busy packing the kids shit and wore my cargo pants and thought I would change at the beach. Anyway some of her girlfriends joined us at the beach and my wifes bro came along too. He brought a spare pair of buggie smugglers and when I didn't have anything else he gave me the spare. Afterwards my wife made a note of how she was uncontrollable with how her girlfriends seem to swoon when I came out.

Don't listen to the negative twats here anons, chicks dig scars. Don't listen to the degenerates here either pussy is temporary (8 years max) but God is eternal.
last I checked the average person is either a fat blob or they have the muscles of a terminal cancer patient so yes, he's right
his muscle amount on it's own isn't impressive, but it's pretty good with his low bodyfat. most people would either have less muscle, or more fat.
My little brother had visible abs as a child (healthy weight), I think ab visibility is largely genetic assuming you're not fat
>His abs look pretty decent, is this what an all ab workout will do?
Those aren't abs. Those are creases in the skin from sitting all day.
You are projecting a male perspective onto female data - something all incels seem to do. For you, appearance + physical 'fuckability' is far and away the primary characteristic of women. Genuinely ugly women or women you just wouldn't/couldn't have sex with do not exist, not as 'women' in your mind at least.

Women do not care nearly as much about this, and will frequently date or have sex with men they'd rate as 'below average' in appearance
Anon you don't see how scars from being attacked would look & read very differently than scars from self-harm? One marks you as a survivor, the other as mentally ill
Massive cope. The simple truth is that they just don't actually find most men sexually arousing, period. They're visual creatures just like men.
kek at this blogposting faggot
your wife was being nice because she feels pity for you dumbass
pity for the little baby boy who cut himself, poor widdle baby
Good Chost by this 4oster
>One marks you as a survivor, the other as mentally ill
Suicidal indentation is the cancer of the mind, being able to survive through intense mentally draining situations is a feat regardless of how you want to put it. If anon has cuts it shows that something has happened to him that put him under immense mental anguish. If anon hasn't gone through a intense mentally draining event in life and cut himself for being a emo faggot then he'll have to swear to never speak about the scars or why he has them.

Mystery can replace strength in this instance and still achieve results.
nah, people who say post body should post first. fair enough then. otherwise you just look like a homosexual

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