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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
I had the sex. No longer Incel
5’7 afrikans
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I just hit a 2x BW BP yesterday (365lbs @ 182.6lbs BW) and I haven’t even finished my peak yet, I’ll go for 375lbs next Saturday since it went up so fast. Still on track for my goal of lmao4pl8s. Everything has been going well except I ruined my sleep by having caffeine and I keep having wet dreams ruining my semen retention and I can’t figure out why.

Other than fitness I need to lock in on my music.

Anyways, it’s leg day; let’s get this shit, top o’ da morning.
I came to this board for this post.
Failed to have sex with my wife last night despite both of our best efforts - it just wasn't working. She just got cleared for it after her 1 month postnatal OB appointment, so we haven't had sex in several months. Even so, I'm doing my best to stay positive and not spiral into shitty places.
We're gonna make it, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.
My forth week of running 5k Monday, 10k Wednesday and Saturday.. Starting to enjoy it more and more, this will get ridd of the last of by pouch and man tits.. I believe it will all work out!
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Congratulations fren! Do you have any tips for going from a 2pl8 bench to a 3pl8 bench?
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The end is in sight. I need to work hard and believe in myself so I can cross that fine line. WAGMI!
Some things are going very badly in my life at the moment. I don’t mean to whine - but it’s the truth. My plan is to stick to the process and bear the storm until conditions improve. This too shall pass. With any luck, I’ll make it through to the other side - and so will all of you. Have a good week, bros.
life isn't linear, better times will come
>striving to be a boring ass accountant
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Another week goes by bros..
Literally my life man
>get home Friday evening at 530 pm
>beautiful weekend
>literally do not step foot out of the house again until 730 am Monday morning
>pissed away an entire weekend again doing absolutely fucking nothing
>hate myself for doing absolutely NOTHING to improve my pathetic life
>yet continue doing it
I swear I need to go to a psychiatric ward or something
I personally might not make it, but i have to try anyway. For those blessed with far fewer problems, make the most of your time. You have the ability to succeed, so do it.

Take care anons.
>he fell for the marriage meme
Don't worry bro, you won't have to worry about making her cum when she ends up cheating on you with the neighbor :)
>crabcel lashing out
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I don’t know if I’m going to make it, but I have to try
>The anti-marriage poster is projecting his cuck fantasies again
These people want to destroy the family unit. Do no engage!
>kicking a man while he's down to justify your retarded cuckcel fantasies
eat shit and die, faggot
i used to like these threads but i came to realize even the premise is depressing as fuck. ife shouldn't be about "making it through a week", just to make it through the next, and the next after that etc.
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>ife shouldn't be about "making it through a week", just to make it through the next, and the next after that etc.
No. It shouldn't. But for a lot of us, when we feel like we're at rock fucking bottom, making it through a week is a huge accomplishment. Small successes lead to bigger successes and healing.
Without any specific info, all I can give is general advice.
>Follow an actual lifting program
>Experiment with high frequency benching 4-6x/wk (this exploded my bench from 300lbs to 365lbs)
>Be consistent and disciplined
>Gain weight by bulking even if it means drinking a (half) gallon of milk on the days you lift, the harder the lift session means the more you need to eat (this was my biggest problem from 185lbs to 250lbs)
>If you feel soreness or tendon pain then you need to sleep more
>Do biceps to avoid elbow issues
>Make sure form is solid (use leg drive if you want and flexibility for a more comfortable arch)

These threads are less about getting through the week for me and more of a community journal where we can share progress and feel a sense of community and shared experiences.
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pic related is my progression in lifting after a year and a half
- I only have a bench and adjustable dumbbells
- I roon 2 or three times a week, lift about 3 times a week
- the big dip there is caused by a 3 months break
- in all this time I gained 20 lbs, went from a skelly bro to someone that gets compliments now

life is good
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Thank you, I only bench once a week currently. Which training program do you use?
I always interpret this general as a place to regroup and set goals. I do agree with you, life i not a checklist
I believe in you, anon.
Right now I use Candito’s Forever Program 8 Week program bench 6x/wk variant followed by with his 5 week 10RM program bench 6x/wk variant but it requires a subscription and uses a web app.

For actual free programs I would recommend: Sheiko 3 day program primarily and Candito’s free 6 week program secondarily. Smolov Jr also works but is unsustainable in the long term and really requires you to bulk and get proper sleep for safe progress.
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I'm 25 and still live with my parents (more common where I am from but still), no job.

Today I once again failed an important exam to become a police lieutenant, my friends are leaving me behind with high paying jobs in cousel and finance. Most of them have gf now, I'm still a virgin.

In order not to feel like a total looser today I ran my first semi marathon ever, on impulse. I had to walk sometimes and had no motivation at all, but I was still able to complete it.

Just a bump in the road, I'll keep struggling.
I just lost half day on /gif/. Its so over.
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Go workout.
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You are still young and have your whole life ahead of you. Meanwhile I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
If it means anything, I am sincerely rooting for you anon. We are just strangers in an underwater basket weaving forum, but I care.

Do you have any plans to improve your situation ?
Getting through the week is actually helping me, was a neet up until recently and now I have a decently paid job and have been going for a while without thinking about quitting.
The job also gave me the confidence to try online dating, which only got me less than 10 matches and not dates but not long ago the thought of signing for OD would be nothing but a mirage.

Things aren't without challenges, job's hard and living on my own but having roommates at 30+ is weird and oftentimes annoying but if I keep going, hopefully, things will be better ahead.
You can still find purpose. Do you have relatives you can spend time with? Talk to?
Only one way to find out if things will be better in the future. Keep going :)
thanks again for pointing me towards those resources
My pleasure, fren
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You completed the semi marathon, which shows perseverance. Everyone grows at their own pace, focus on improving yourself week by week. You have plenty of time if you continue trying. WAGMI!
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I'm pushing a rock up a hill and you can't stop me!
God's work.
God's work.
do you have any goals you want to achieve?
I was a neet til I was 27. Got an apprenticeship with 27 and a real job with 29. Working full time for the last 8 years now while moving up financially. Its never to late anon.
Things would start getting better now if the liberal milf I matched with started chatting but I guess I that would be asking for too much.
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How do you guys cope with being away from your parents?

I lived with them all my life but now I immigrated and feels like I'm abandoning them. They're doing good but mom already hit 70 and I feel guilty to not be there at this point in their lives, when I needed they were always there for me.
Seems it's time for you to return home...
I cannot stop using weed to deal with negative emotions. Shit feels pathetic
have you tried dealing with your negative emotions instead of suppressing them?
You just go cold turkey and persevere. And find new experiences to remember.
Going back at this point in time would put a stop to the growth I'm experiencing, both as a person and financially.
I know they are happy for things to be going well here but I'm sure my mom misses me since we are close.
I'll be visiting soon but then if things go according to the plan it will be another 6 months before going back again.
Going on 3rd date with a girl. IDK what to ask next. We’ve kissed now and I want to ask what this is coming to (just casual, exclusive, relationship path yall get it). I don’t have any other options rn, so I have no backup plan so to speak.
She comes from a good family, works hard, and likes base(d)ball.

My rarted ass thinks I can click the upgrade to new girl button once I cut more weight. Upon typing this, it sounds deluded AF as current girl is a solid 6.75-7.25.
She sounds like a catch, don’t ditch her yet. Focus on showing her your best side, like proving you’re knowledgeable or passionate about something
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wagmi, simple as.
I have never once got involved with a woman and thought about 'upgrading' or 'trading in' or anything like that. Can't imagine what it's like to view relationships that way.
>current girl is a solid 6.75-7.25
no she's not, you're just in a honey moon phase
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thanks and checked. I started browsing the board after i started working out again. gained my weight i lost almost ten years ago back but it feels good to work out and sweat again
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I hurt my back 2 different times in June, both doing suitcase carries.
I'm full health again and ready to take on the week, going to get 4 more workouts in before Saturday weigh-in.
based return to training. Just the act of resistance training helps prevent injuries, thats the way I look at it if I haven't progressed in other ways.
stick to baseball girl
You will do it anon
I have fallen off after get a new job
I was just making up a reason to not do it
Get sick is what made me realize this

even if I am sick I am working out today,
I might even meditate to help clean my brain up of all the porn I have been watching
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My hate for women gives me strength. Let's do this shit.

good job anon
thanks anons. I'm gonna lose 200lbs again and this time i'm gonna lose it for good
Remind yourself that they'd want you to be strong and happy wherever you are
>place to regroup and set goals
good point, despite the fucked living conditions I still did a bit of my long term project, the other stuff is still on track, and while I'm late now, I will go to bed soon too
Good. Remember you're reporting back on your progress.
I just know I'm ngmi even more there, as I'd be even less of a man in my homeland. It is what it is, an unfortunate set of circumstances. I'll try to make the best of it.
Checked. Love from Kazakhstan
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we're glad that you've recovered! don't overexert yourself
it's never too late to get back in it, you're making the right steps!
Having a mixed bipolar episode and I want to kill myself again, but fuck it. Arm day. Also I hate dykes unless they're sucking me off.
Thanks man,
means a lot
sitting out side in the sun

good pick, I sent it to a fren
You are!!!
Nothing crazy, going back to working on buildings after doing road work for a while, it is seasonal. Got an interview lined up at a new carpentry shop, am excited to return to woodworking.

Being physically fit or even strong while working in the trades is a huge benefit. Everything is easier to lift and carry. I actually love doing heavy lifting at work, feels like the gym and makes you stronger.

One time we had to move this bigass metal grate on the site, friend of mine obviously doesn't want to do it, so he says:

>If you can lift that, you're a badass motherfucker!

I stooped down and gripped it like a deadlift, was so heavy, lifted the shit out of it and flipped it over.

>You're a badass motherfucker!

Kek highlight of my day.
What's wrong? Remind yourself that your pain is temporary
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He believes in us and wants us to make it
I had a rough day but reading this thread gives me confidence. We will make it brothers
It's wild. When I have an episode it's like I'm a completely different person, my perspective and mindset changes so dramatically that I don't know what to do. I feel nauseous trying to ground myself and remember the reasons and strategies I used to make myself feel better, it just goes on and on.
study for it certs and russian language lessons

you will make it CFA anon because at the very least you keep trying no matter what difficulty and hardship is dealt to you; that grit, determination, and persistence is your super power!

trainee anon here. first week of annual leave has been a mixture of upskilling, self-development, and pursuing my hobbies. i've been able to enjoy my time away from the stresses of work :)

keep moving forward anons! become the best version of yourself and do it for yourself. your past experiences do not necessarily dictate your fate.
What are your goals?

I hate my job and want to do an MBA. I know I can do more with my life.

I WILL be an executive and WILL have a yacht, fancy cars, and buy my parents a new house in their old age.
I want to get my body in order so I can get my mind in order. I want to be an indie game dev - I have a stable job, so it would be primarily for personal fulfillment. I can't do that if I am unhealthy.
I will build my body and mind to be well spoken and strong.
I will get a stable white collar job that can let me keep my family safe..
Quit my job to publish a book two months ago, it is currently sitting with publishers and now idk what to do now
Struggling to get that same intensity with other writing projects and to stop wasting my time
Begun learning Latin too
I literally have no goals. I mean I guess my goal would be have a normal life, like having some friends, relationships, worthwhile career, and hobbies. But considering I’ve never attained any of that in over 30 years of life, I realize that it’s not gonna happen

And when you have no goals to work towards, it’s really difficult to have motivation to lead any sort of fulfilling life
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I damaged something on right hand doing flat dumbbell fly last monday during chest day and it is not a shoulder joint. But I still do these goddamned exercises because fuck this life.
fuck normal
I will and have never been normal
I cried at night wondering why I wasn't normal
I you and I can both achieve weird but healthy life
I wish you my very best anon, hope you have a good workout
rice bucket work will definitely help your forearm
and try some towel work too
I'm gonna work on my bachelors and try to write a thousand words today WAGMI boys
Stay motivated anons!
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We go zone my broskis. I have become sleep.
Me today. Had a bad start of day, didn't get up when I woke up but went back to sleep. This always ruins my day. Tomorrow though I have to wake up early, take a cold shower and hit it hard.
Check up bullet journalling. It's a method of journalling blah blah there's two reflections a day (when you review and write down tasks), one in morning and one in evening.
It is advised to write down goals for the next day in the evening so when you wake up you already have your tasks written and don't have to spend energy thinking about what you're gonna do.
I do it a bit differently, I write tasks on the evening but in the day I'm writing. During morning reflection on the next day I review the list and copy the tasks for today. This way I do decide on the morning on what I will do but I don't have to think things up because they're already prewritten. I found that I am more likely to get to work on tasks that I appointed in the morning than ones appointed evening before, because after sleep that decision just isn't there anymore.
>that video
Damn that was scary
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Thank you for your kind words, trainee anon. Although I have consistently failed in my life, I have always gotten up. I need to believe in myself and my effort to push through

I’m glad you have time to rest. Just as working hard is important, so is taking breaks and recovering. Enjoy this week and take advantage of it.

My goal is to stop being weak and pathetic.
Army is organizing some month long training on holidays for the civvies, I applied to it and tomorrow I have a date set for interview. I'm kind of worried because I'm not in a particularly good physical condition (it's not vey bad either, I'm just average skinnyfat guy) but I hope they won't mind. Since it's aimed at civvies and meant to increase interest in military I suspect they won't be very picky and I sure could use some help with developing discipline.
Wish me luck bros.
>Get a better job
>Move out
>Buy a house eventually
>Get married and have kids
>Ensure that I’m a better father than my dad ever was and that my kids are more successful than me
Was your father straight up bad or just not particularly good?
Even little duckies are brave. Everyone needs to be brave.
missed this weekly bread yesterday.
still have the snoring. the fucking mouthpiece didn't work, used mouth tape last night and I STILL SNORED even though I also had nasal strips on.
I did sleep a lot better though with the mouth tape. starting today i'm running more since i seemed to snore less when i was training for a ten miler last month.
The biggest factor in snoring is excess fat, right? Probably. Maybe using your respiratory system more often can help improve it too. Hope it works out for ya, man.
Not particularly good. He’s an autist who doesn’t know how to socialize and used work as an excuse to avoid our family. He was also a rich boomer who never understood how good he had it compared to us (we’re ordinary). I’m the opposite, I want to be an involved father with my kids and encourage them to make it
>Not particularly good. He’s an autist who doesn’t know how to socialize and used work as an excuse to avoid our family.
Dude we are brothers!
> He was also a rich boomer
Oh, guess not after all
thanks, yeah gonna tighten up the diet and mix in more cardio, hopefully i'll have better news next Monday.
6'1 and 216 rn, saladmaxxing
Cardio can help with a lot of health problems, it's good stuff. Besides just the snoring, you'll probably get better quality sleep and that's just good for gains and overwall wellbeing.
The way the world works is funny

>spend time worrying about women - none are interested in you
>stop caring about women - meet interested women
>guy with IV line in elbow was on the ground in the shopping mall
>tried to help him
>2 other guys helped a bit (can't speak the local language yet)
>luckily lady that worked in the hospital that's 300m away passed by, started making calls
>still took hospital more than half an hour to arrange something
>stayed with them since despite the language barrier I have somewhat of a way with people in altered states, having been one myself, and so it's not just her, her daughter and the guy in case communications break down, as they did a bit later
the system here is a bit too inhumane, thankfully there's people like that lady that are still human and give a fuck
oh for sure, i was a huge cardio fag ten years ago and the snoring seems to a new issue because no one else has mentioned it. i only started lifting close to a year ago and been alone for two years.
Not to sound like some PUA retard but women are more interested in a man that seems like he has better options. It might be subtle, unconscious changes in your behaviour that signal that.
Based helper, though it may have been an elaborate scam to get your wallet. Did you check it was still there after?
Starting cardio myself and it's way more difficult than it used to be. Think i'll stick to walking for a while. Anyway, we're gonna make it.
>though it may have been an elaborate scam to get your wallet. Did you check it was still there after?
yup, everything's there. Did check after, and had to run to the store to get another bottle of water anyway. Good point tho, I probably got scammed out of 50 europesos in a different "helper" way some years back
>sitting in train against some asian dude
>passerby drops coin
>asian dude bends down to pick it up
>turns out it's when they stole his backpack
>we get off some station and he asks if I can lend him fiddy bux since nomoney nonuthin
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I want to change
I'm on vacation this week
and you can
How will you start? For me, making checklists helps a lot. Something about checking things off my list. A lot of times, I don't get things done simply because I don't have a plan. As soon as I make one and break it up into smaller tasks, it is easy to know what to do next
You live there or just temporary?
Then do so! Start today, fren.
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It’s never too late to change. What are your goals? Articulate clearly what you want and understand how you can achieve them
You’re a kind person
The worst thing is knowing the things I need to do to change but seeing no point because I’ve always been a failure for more than 30 years of life. I could write them all down on a checklist and still just not do them because I know I’ll fail at all of them anyway.

Take driving lessons again and actually buy a car and force myself to drive it instead of getting my license with no car and doing nothing

Enrolling in some college or program to get somewhat decent career prospects, as opposed to 15 years ago going to a college for useless crap that ruined my life

Moving into an apartment alone if I could afford one, the actually attempt to socialize with people

Work hard in the gym

All basic things that most people accomplish in hair early to mid 20s that I’m almost a decade behind in. But I’ve been a loser for so long that the thought of being even somewhat normal actually scares me
Live here, but cucked myself over with the language trap this country has ("you can survive with English"), since I was always taking care of something more urgent - stop being friendless, avoid getting deported since no free access to job market, avoid kms since hard burnout and social isolation, etc
I try to be when I can, I've got a lot of bad karma to make up for
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how about..you just do them?

i mean, instead of thinking about the monumental amount of money and driving lessons needed, just start? one driving lesson at a time?

instead of thinking about enrolling, actually search, and do?

>t. started master's degree at 31
I'm about a decade and a half behind. Small steps, at a sustainable pace, anon. Check for the usual ADHD and depression traps, see if some of the tricks in GTD help, and if your environment is cucking you. Mine is, I even saw the night and day difference when those making it shit were not around me.
It’s fine, most people stagnate in an average job, a handful of friends, an average physique.

You can be better than them in just 2 years. All it takes is daily effort.
Maybe at some point you will understand that this daily effort is absolutely not negotiable. It’s like going to work for a year and getting good at what you do - because you do it daily.
nta but this inspires me
bros, I’ve gotten home from work and need to go to the gym, but I lost my earbuds and really dont want to go buy new ones, even cheap ones. Thinking of just bedrotting instead
I know exactly what you mean. And I actually do have a drivers license. I finally got it about 6 years ago at age 26. But I never had a car, and never really had a reason to get one, so I’ve just rotted. And yeah the monumental expenses with owning one… how used car prices now are astronomical, plus huge insurance cost, cost of gas and maintenance, when I probably will not even use one that often. But that’s just one thing obviously. The others… I just hate myself so much. The self loathing man of inaction. All I think about is my rejection and failure.

What do you mean about ADHD depression traps and GTD? My environment probably does affect me
>What do you mean about ADHD
I've had some of the symptoms, regardless of whether I have it or not (not a medical professional, so not gonna diagnose), and for me it boils down to creating all these elaborate plans and then failing to execute, or even failing to execute the activity of figuring out my priorities and what I want to plan
>depression traps
hugely negative self/future-perception, like your personal demoralizer blackpillcel
>and GTD?
the meme productivity methodology of the 00s, but some parts of it have been useful
>everything is a project
>a project is just an outcome (what'll be true for this to be considered "done"), and a next action - the next physical, visible thing you can do without thinking, that will move you toward the outcome
boils down on analysis paralysis
also throwing every distraction in an inbox, doing shit immediately if it takes less than 2 minutes, keeping lists of next actions based on context ("ok I'm at the computer/outside, let's see the @computer/@errands list to see what I have the time and energy to do")
and some others
>My environment probably does affect me
mine's basically like living with a mix of your bullies and the negative stereotypes of your local minority, in a tiny-ass room, completely sapping any energy to do productive work
>Not to sound like some PUA retard but women are more interested in a man that seems like he has better options
This true. I'm not even attractive, I'm a skinnyfat dyel (though face is a solid 6 or 7) and I sometimes get smiled.
Not because I'm very confident or whatever. It's because I've never received the slightest amount of interest from girls until I eventually accepted my fate and lost interest completely. Now when I interact with women it's strictly business, like when I enter gym and buy a preworkout shot or whatever. Get the thing done and go away.
Women think this is evidence of confidence and options whereas in reality I straight up gave up on them and want nothing to do with them.
>inb4 why don't you take advantage of it fag
Like some anons ITT, I'm also a schizo retard. This isn't going to get me into any woman's pants, she'll lose interest the moment she knows me better.
Can't let the thread die just yet. Arise!
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I need help getting my mind right, but I haven't had any success with therapy or professional help in the past, and meds just made me feel worse. Been reading books on CBT and positive thinking, but I keep falling back to bad habits and demoralization. As for goals:
>talk to one stranger a day and work on vocal exercises
>hear back from jobs I applied to and start by early next month
>get at least 7 hours of sleep a night
>drink more water and eat less garbage
>practice guitar
>lift 3 days and run/calisthenics 4 days this week
Put some pants on, faggot
>work a job
>7 days workout
>practice guitar
That's a lot. Maybe ditch guitar for a while, will be easier to stick to working out. Once you turn that into a habit, then add guitar.
I hope it's bass
>That's a lot.
Not really, especially for an unemployed guy whose been on the job search for months. A new job will be the base for a daily routine, then I can fit working out/everything else around it
jokes on me I'm married and we don't have sex but we don't have kids
Just make sure it's not a three shift job
You'll get new earbuds. Stay motivated!
Personally hoping cardio has decent anti-depression effects like they say, you know, when it's not killing me because i'm so out of shape. Not a miracle but man, i want to feel better sometimes.
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Our spirit is unbreakable!
Buy a whiteboard and start writing down the steps to achieve these things. Cross them off and write the next one on there until you do it
Snoring update:
Mouth tape first night, didn't work so good.
Literally taped the fucker shut last night and ran two miles earlier in the day - no snoring as far as I can tell. Also down two pounds (probably water weight but i'm not getting fatter)
>mouth tape
Never even thought to use such a thing. Sounds uncomfortable. But hey, if it works?
I had a job interview yesterday that seemed to have gone well. The one I'm at right now is pretty bad so I've been looking for an upgrade. I'm also below 20% body fat for the first time in my life. Just need to find an opportunity to talk to this girl at the gym and I'll be doing pretty good
It's cringe as fuck but everytime something gets me down or I experience I setback or I don't want to do another rep/set I think of Vegeta crawling out of a crater covered in blood STILL shit talking Buu because he promised he'd buy time.
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bros please dont laugh at me.

>want to do no fap, to prove to myself that i can
>fail many times
>a busy period of life comes
>i am able to do a month or so
>A church girl shows interest
>we go out, "sex" on the first date in a park, she's a total whore
>i say "sex" because i couldnt get it hard.
>this happens days later with her, again and again
>go to urologist
>he injects medicine directly in my dick
>get the most painful erection you can imagine
>he says i have to go home, and masturbate to completion, otherwise i will take quite a long time to go away
>go home
>masturbate, but its painful
>erection goes away in like an hour or so.
>get my bloodwork done
>turns out i have diabetes
>a month passes
>i managed to lower my blood sugar, that could be the reason for the lack of erection
>now i masturbate every 2-3 days to "check" if everything is allright. also because they told me that i have to use, otherwise lose it.
>can get an erection, but only if i touch myself. it takes a while, and it goes away very fast

I don't know what the fuck to do. I've met another girl, didn't even kiss her yet but i fear we might become intimate and i will not be ready.
what the fuck did they shoot into your dick to make it "use it or lose it"?
mfw never saw the Buu saga because it hadn't aired on Toonami when i was a teenager
it's actually pretty great because it makes you breath through your nose. it's a pretty nice stopgap while i'm cutting weight
idk but it's normal procedure.

the use it or lose it came from other source (not doctors)
dam wat happen to that guy pp
it's ok anon, you're going to deal with this
1) keep working on the beetus, adding more non-goyslop to the diet and physical activity might help improve it
2) coom every 3 days, but buy a toy to prevent death grip (e.g. tenga air tech). try doing it with less and less porn, or even with your imagination of what you'd do to the current girl or any of the previous ones
you've got this
thanks man.
we still dont know if its type1 or 2.
anyway, i never eat goyslop. workout 3-4 days a week, dont smoke, dont drink. EVER.
it was genetic, my mother had it, my mother's mother, etc.
there's nothing i could have done, or not have done.

lol i dont wanna buy a toy. should i try to keep it to a 7 days? i've read that there's a test spike after 7 days.
problem is with porn, i've downloaded so much, and organized it so well, that if i delete it, i'm sure to start again. fuckin hell.
I hope you get the new job fren! I'm unhappy at my current one, but can't look for a better job for a while
Why did you make sure to specify “church girl”. What, supposed to be your tradcatg church virgin gf, who’s a whore but surprisingly you didn’t care when she does it with you?
>big type1 risk
I'll pray for you anon, that it's something manageable and even improvable
>dont wanna toy
if you've got the privacy and death grip risk, it can be worth it, but different strokes (heh)
>7 days
whatever the doctors said, ig. For me personally a few times a week seem to be not too much and not suspiciously little
I feel you on that one. It's kind of why I got the toy too - I put on music with the appropriate tempo (smack my bitch up, surprisingly) and I can turn it into a half-hour marathon (or more) instead of a 7 minute choke session that needs more and more extreme visual stimulation
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i stuck to my diet all week and didn't make any unnecessary purchases all month, and saved some money as a result. gonna treat myself this weekend with some nice salmon.

i fell behind on my gym routine though but hey, you win some you lose some. gotta get back to it.
Im not even a fan of marriage but this is some salty cuck incel shit.
for future reference if someone's putting a needle in your dick, find out what's in it first.
I always imagine Master Guy telling me not to give up
I quite literally do the same

>what are you gawking at?
is this the scene?
Yup, gets me pumped up everytime
I want women to avert their eyes in fear of my raw MASS.
[spoiler] But God made me 5'7" [/spoiler]
same. I hate knowing that there are limitations on me :(
Dude get a car. Fuck the money, the bitches. Get a fucking car.
Life is so amazing if you have a car I mean holy shit. I can't imagine living without a car. With a car you can go anywhere you want.
Get a fucking car faggot
Nothing to cope about. Get money and move them to where you are or at least make sure they are well off whenever they are. You're not supposed to stay with parents for life, that's retarded
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because she was supposed to be a good one. i liked her kindness, and her soft-spoken mannerism.
but then she reached for my dick.
i didnt want to believe it myself, but church girl are indeed, the most promiscuous.

>pray for you
thank. i'll take all the help that i can get.
>something manageable and even improvable
i will manage. i will improve it. its just another problem (>wanting it to be easy)
>I can turn it into a half-hour marathon
uhh..i should mention that i usually do it for a hour if not 3..maybe its too much to expect it to be hard for that long? lol

lol it was a certified clinic, from the urologist from the hospital, and he did say the name, but it was difficult to remember.
i should mention that it did not solve much, since i didnt manage to cum, that day.
>uhh..i should mention that i usually do it for a hour if not 3..maybe its too much to expect it to be hard for that long? lol
yeah 15 minutes per pounding session (possibly multiple of those) ought to be average. I just timed myself one time humping the thing doggy style, 46 minutes in figured it's enough cardio for now. Real thing's a whole nother ballpark ofc
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>mfw masturbation is my cardio and i have lost endurance with nofap
nofappers btfo once again
after fapping I always get hungry
based calorie burner
>buy a toy
I am going to shill the Julia+ onahole here. Its a little pricey for some, but its more than worth it. Had mine for years and its still my best non-hip hole. Theres a reason /jp/'s ona general recommends it.
thanks anon, might give it a go
I fucked up. Was doing great, getting up early going on long walks starting to lift. Head space was amazing no more shit feels. Lost 15 pounds. Had a slightly bigger lunch and gained 4. Then fucked off the last two days. I got up early today at 4am but didn’t go on my walk. Ate like shit last 2 days. Gained 10lbs. Yeah water weight mostly but feels bad.
But I’m not done. I’m getting up early again tomorrow going on my walk lifting and eating my cutting diet again. I’m gonna get lean if it’s the last thing I do.

Side note I could use some help. I’m a 28 year old neet with no skills any not much experience. I need a job. I apply and apply and nothing happens. Idk what to do. Idk what types of jobs I should look into even shit I have experience in like retail hasn’t worked out. I’ve applied to janitorial shit as well but nothing. I’m over 150 applications deep right now since starting. I’ve been doing doordash but it sucks and I want something like a stock clerk so I can be active all day in addition to my exercise while I get paid but they won’t fucking hire me. My goal when I’m lean and I can run far enough again is to join the military but I probably won’t be lean for another 6-10 months so I would like a job in the meantime, it would speed the process up if anything. Any help here bros?
Keep going anon. Everyone slips up sometimes. As for getting a job, if you're white in a western country, especially America, you could always lie about having some non-white heritage or describe yourself as non-neurotypical or something.
Sup Bros? Lets keep the positive vibe as Long as possible. My Weeks going good so far, Hope yours as Well.

Never give Up, never give in. Step by step - No Matter how small they are - WE ALL GONNA MAKE IT BROS
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>neighbors are fucking loudly again
I'm not mad, just a bit jealous, 2 months ago I was just like them, had to drop her (not worth it). But them fucking moans bros. Fucking cardboard walls. I need to start actively looking for a gf immediately
>are. You're not supposed to stay with parents for life, that's retarded
Fuck off bugman kike.
>he thinks someone who gets a car will suddenly spontaneously get a life
How should I have responded?
>be me, walk out to my car parked in front of house, look for something in glovebox
>as I walk towards house, door to door pest control sales zoomers walk by
>hate dealing with these type of guys because they won't shut up or leave
>they say hello, I ignore them
>keep saying hello, do you need pest control, other mocking shit because they know I'm ignoring them
>whistle to get my attention, laugh then I assume walk off
Looking back I feel like a bitch for not confronting them from the start, but I've been irritable the past few days and didn't feel like dealing with them.
> basement dwelling incel got mad
k bro.
i can't imagine how you must be feeling, anon. my parents live barely an hour away from me but they're getting older too and i worry about them sometimes.

if i had the money and if houses weren't so fucking expensive i've love to buy a large duplex where we could all be close together
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Got a concussion after being hit in the head by a garage door on Monday, though fortunately my headphones band took the hit and ablated off, taking a good chunk of the punch with them, otherwise I would probably be in hospital.

sat at home banned from exercising until its cleared and realising a lot about my main jobs boss, in particular how much of a cunt shes being over this, and over the monday I asked to have off next week."The work you didnt do this week WILL carry over to next week and have to be finished then, along with the work from that Monday, and you WILL go and do the other job you didnt get done on this Monday on Friday" followed by a whole load of shit about being well enough to go to festivals (im going to Tankfest on Sunday with some friends, a day of watching tanks drive on the track and listening to lectures in a museum) means im well enough to work. 0 sympathy, just "get back to work". Compare this to the bro of a boss ive got for job 2 whose rection was "Are you okay? Take as much time as you ned off". I dont even like job 1, and this shitty attitude coupled with her double standards (others want time off/holidays? Sure, cover is arranged. I ask for a single day off? Nah, work is going to have to be made up) is making me think its time to get out. Bitch forgets I gave up a holiday in the Cairngorms I was looking forward to last year to cover her fuckup, and never complained when she couldnt pay me for several months because of cash flow issues.

Aside from that, using this time to get back into studying Japanese, and work out a way forward with life. Cant wait to be well and be able to start at the gym and cycling again. Might get back into Renaissance Germanic fencing again, I enjoyed that, and knuckle down to clear the project backlog. Im hoping to hit my bench goals and OHP goals for the year soon.
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I’m sorry about work bro, your boss is a bitch. I don’t know what your financial situation is like, but you should look for a new one. In any case, I’m glad you didn’t end up in the hospital, that outcome would have been far worse. Good luck in moving forward! Remind yourself that there is something better out there. WAGMI!
my job is making me want to die guys.
but i'm still going to do the work.
pray for me.
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Stay strong!
Bros, whenever i feel like i should keep fighting i see this picture.
>Hur durr Hitler
I don't care about that faggot, just the quote.
If your parents expected you to stay home with them, and not go out and experience the world then they failed as parents.
We’re not living in the 18th century anymore, where the kids looked after their parents until death. If they didn’t save up for old age and to take care of themselves, that’s on them.
Haven't been here for over a year. I'm glad this kind of threads are still a thing.
It's Friday tomorrow here and I better not see you faggots posting here on the weekend
Get out and go outside
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I may be autistic but this unironically motivated me when I started gym lmao
I'm not even a nazi, just thinking "work will make me free" then breaking PRs
For me, it's that quote about horses from Osama Bin Laden.

You're best performing foreplay on her while fapping yourself to atleast half mast, then going ontop & letting gravity keep the blood in there.
Over a few sessions your anxiety will go away and your dick will get used to it

Best time was 20 years ago, second best is today. The past is history, learn from it & do not dwell, deal with those feelings of regret & begin moving. Time will continue regardless, so the questions is whether you'll be in the same place at 40, 50, 60 years.

i am NOT buying anything. fuck off.
i am going to STOP masturbating, and get with a real girl.

either that, or i touch it for too long.
today i woke up at 6am on the dot, and couldnt get back to sleep. so i prepared my coffee etc, but i realized i couldnt start the day this way. so i went back to sleep.
>couldnt stop thinking about sex
fookin hell. so i jerked it, no porn and with sleeping mask on. i dont think i ever lost the erection, but it wasnt rock hard either.
maybe i touched it too much these days, lel.
Was supposed to go for a 2 week hike in Norway starting 3 days ago. Deep tissue bruise on my calf from blocking too many low kicks still has me limping after nearly 3 weeks, hiking is off the table.

Nasty cold has me at home with sinus inflammation for the past week.

Arm barr that went too far a few weeks ago has been giving me some elbow pain at certain angles.

All that has led me to backslide horribly into eating sugary crap (making my own ice cream at least) and watching too much TV, not doing my homework or even the stuff I know I enjoy and will benefit me in the short and long run.

Extremely clean diet the last 6 months with regular exercise 4-5 days a week for the last 9 months has given me strength, conditioning and body self confidence for the first time in my life.

Once this cold lets go of me I'm getting back to the gym. I'll work around my injuries. Before that I WILL smash my checklist of things I can do at the home. I MUST be patient and not overdo it with walking/biking/leg exercises for the coming weeks so my trip to Mongolia in August is pain free and big distances can be covered. I REFUSE to let this situation last.

>almost the weekend
oh my god , thanks the lord...
We're all gonna make it so hard it's fucking insane. All it takes is trying. It's so easy that it seems unreal.
>straight white male
I’m assuming you’re not in America. So you guys from other countries know about this bullshit? It’s fucked bro. I’m of Italian descent and I’m tempted to start listing myself as Latino. It’s super fucked up right now. And if I told anyone this the shit storm that would ensue is almost comical. No one likes to admit this. Whites have some pathetic guilt about it and will use their anecdotal BS to try and prove me wrong “well I got a job [from my parents] with no problem so you’re lying!” And the nonwhites especially negroids will cry and just say “nuh uh look at this cherry picked article I sifted for over 3 hours to find which disproves you it used sources from the 80s so clearly you’re wrong! We have it harder!” Meanwhile jobs quite literally post “no whites” I’ve seen over a dozen in my search. A company that did the same recently saying “white candidates only” got sued. Most aren’t that brazen and will just not hire whites, or I suppose these days use AI to filter them out.
I even went to my local Italian grocery store to apply and it had 2 blacks and an Asian working there.

I’m not white enough to be considered white by most people or benefit from the made up supposed privledges the weak woke folk bitch about, but also too white to be considered anything else by most or again, to benefit from the other side (current reality) of this nonsense. I’m about to just say I’m Latino because it’s not even really lying, I’m of Latin descent technically. Or flat out say I’m a tranny
Just do it. I'm in Canada so we don't have Hispanic or Latino as a race, but a (white) Colombian friend of mine insisted that French people are Latino. If we are then so are you
Yes for the same reason, you guys are technically speaking of Latin descent. The language is based on Latin. So fuck it if our societies are this fucked up im gonna do it and if I get questioned or given any bullshit in an interview I’m gonna double down and act offended, considering the current climate with these bitches fearing cancelation and all that (ironically the fucking cause of this shit) it would funnily enough probably help me land any job
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Thankyou anon, and aye, you are right. We ARE going to make it. We WILL pull through together. Every bit of suffering is the hammerblow to sculpt us, the flame to temper us. We WILL be stronger.
cant wait to be back at the gym, not being able to exercise leads me to start eating shit again, I bought apack of shortbread earlier. Its a weakness I need to overcome. But once im biking and lifting again the urge to eat shit will vanish.

>i am NOT buying anything. fuck off.
>i am going to STOP masturbating, and get with a real girl.
I wish you all the best anon. I would still get the Julia+, its far better for you than a bare hand and deathgrip syndrome, and trust me, you have to blow the steam some time. But I wish you all the best and I hope you find someone perfect. If it helps, I regularly go 4 days to a week or more on nofap, partly due to exhaustion from work admittedly, and I have and use several onaholes and a hip.
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I've been getting the rough of it too. I messed up my sleep by having too much caffeine and then when I tried to correct my sleep schedule I get a wet dream that interrupted my sleep then I got sick all within 5 day, I've almost wasted the week feeling miserable, but today, today will be different.
>I don't care about that faggot
Then that makes you a faggot. Hitler was the greatest man to ever live.
based and gonna make it my afrikaner brother
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> /mis/ lasting to Friday

I can feel it,
/fit/ is healing
>ugly dysgenic brown manlet x ugly dysgenic yellow roastie is "making it" now
Manlets on suicide watch
I spoke to my gym crush (who I've seen looking at me many times before) and it seems that she's either shy (which would make sense since I've never seen her talk to anyone else, even the girls) or not interested. I'll find out for sure though
What are you doing then? Just chilling out or what?
it real has,
it is beginning to slow down
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Finished my second term of grad school. Still have a year and a half til I get my degree library science degree.

I'm keeping up with my workouts despite dealing with some bipolar/ptsd symptoms recently. I'm starting an as needed med tomorrow.

I hope to go for a hike if I have the time this weekend. May take a book and an MRE out into the woods and just read in the middle of nowhere.
khalas ya charmouta
Hey. what a run for this thread. That’s a good sign to me - that people are willing to participate in this type of thing more and more. Remember to get lots of sleep and stay hydrated. And just keep moving forward. You will make it.
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LOVE mondays
I would say I’m basically back to where I was already, I’m getting up at 4am again, almost lost 8 of the 10lbs I gained already, walking again. Yeah bro, get to it. Make today count.

Plus side my knees are hurting less and less. Fuck I just want to be lean again already
>Remember to get lots of sleep and stay hydrated
Best advice.
I won't give up. As someone who is struggling to make it, with the odds stacked against, i urge other anons to keep trying. We all have to try. Keep pushing the rock up the hill. It's the only way forward.

Don't let them win. You know the ones.
Good job, anon.
It's still here!
early mornings are perfect for improving by your self
Nice dubs
Stay motivated, anons!
nice job! you're getting closer to the finish line. You're stronger than you can ever imagine, far stronger than your illnesses will ever be
Honestly, try changing your diet. Going on a carnivore-ish diet gave me a ton of energy and got me out of a depressed slog. I made plenty of other changes along the way that had a similar effect, like supplementing Lugol's iodine. Start with the body first. Don't go to the psychia-jew until you've exhausted all other options.
>im gonna do it and if I get questioned or given any bullshit in an interview I’m gonna double down and act offended
Good luck anon. Come back and post results after. I'm genuinely curious. I'm white and I haven't applied for a job in a while. I want to know if playing the woke affirmative action game is really necessary these days.
Ignoring them was fine. The only problem is that you let their retarded behavior bother you.

Aternatively, you could have just looked at them sternly and said, "I'm not interested" very matter-of-factly, and then walked away. I've done this with door-to-door salesmen before, and they get the hint and leave. Just don't tolerate people wasting your time, and they'll stop doing it. The problem is that you feel the need to be polite. Politeness should be a kindness that you offer to people who add value to your life, or at the very least aren't obnoxious cunts.
Agreed. Say "not interested" in a neutral way and carry on with what you're doing/leave. Though i understand when you're irritable, you kinda worry you might overreact if they continue to be annoying.
>goals for this week
work 8 hours
practice music
become a year older
avoid heatstroke
practice computers
play pickleball
practice foreign language
try not to hate myself

stretch goal - make a friend that shows up and asks me how i am first
it will come back give it time, ive done it about 5k times with my fat wife
its the screen part thats killing him. What possible good can come of it? Plus the booze always makes everything worse
the term cannot possibly describe the complexity of the ethnic micro culture that I come from, that was distinct from even the next street with different games, slang and customs. Its a genocidal term.
It really is a struggle. Who could ever spend a significant amount of time in this world and disagree? But no matter what, you must never give in to despair. Despair is the true enemy. Despair is the absence of hope and you must never lose hope. Where do you find hope?
>blind hate for his fellow man
>Sorry man, not interested.
>i am going to STOP masturbating, and get with a real girl.
t. >>74584013
It's not supposed to describe complexity. It's identifying an obviously existing group, that is a global minority, that is under attack and has been for a long time. If you're personally struggling with an identity crisis, well tough shit. Doesn't change anything, doesn't invalidate the existence of a race of people.
Believing that the future will somehow improve
maybe he's reading a motivational post. the problem is when all you have as a hobby is looking at a screen.
Not gonna lie, seeing this thread in the catalog almost mad me think i had slept through the entire fucking weekend. Gonna hit the gym now, thanks for the boost, really needed it.
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Any of you guys do NoFap? I'm on day 6 and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.
One day at a time, man. Keep going.
That woman is disgusting and mentally ill.
she can NOT have my coom. I'm transmuting that shit into physical strength and spiritual enlightenment
>monday thread
>still up on saturday
Jesus, how slow has this board become?
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I find inspiration in my own strength, and the strength of others. I’ve been beaten down by life many times. I’ve always gotten back up. I know people who’ve been through so much worse and come out better on the other side. You really can’t help but come to the conclusion that human beings can survive anything as long as there’s something in them that won’t give up. I know it’s some pussy shit, but there’s something so beautiful about that, that I can’t help but be inspired.

It all really comes back to this poem for me. Life is been hard, and the only thing you can say with any certainty about the future is that it will probably be worse. You can be crushed by this knowledge, or face it and know that the only thing you can do is burn bright. If you can stand tall you have won. That’s all there is to it. So stand tall, anons.
Nice poem. I am inspired by your post, so thanks. Keep going, man.
It's gonna be Monday again soon and this thread will still be going
faggots ruined /fit/
news at 11
I stayed consistent with my workouts this week. And I’ve been consistent in putting together consistent weeks. The progress and the gains are enough to keep me coming back. It’s much better than the alternative.

I find hope in pretty simple things. Enjoying a nice weekend or spending some time with good people. Maybe it’s a beautiful summer evening under a golden sky or spending the day golfing with my dad. Or a movie night with a great film or a dinner with some barbeque steaks. You get the idea. It’s those simple pleasures that’s serve as a reward. But I only get to fully enjoy those pleasures if I’ve put the work in and earned it.

To sum it up: I guess I have hope because I have faith that my efforts will be rewarded - because we are all gonna make it.

4chan has been a withering and dying culture for more than 5 years now, but it’s especially noticeable these days. Nothing lasts forever, I guess. But it does make me happy that these threads are thriving. It’s nice to know that there are many other anons out there trying their best.
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>tell boss I'm gonna need another pay bump if they're gonna start dumping more shit on my plate, if yall really want me there 40 hours a week you're gonna pay me like it
>put in at least 20 hours of drawing and improoving
>hit 3500 cals a day all 7 days this week (repeating until back to comfortable weight)
>cut caffeine down to 60-80mg a day excluding gym caffeine
>try not to stress about not having a lot of money right now since I just got my first house
I believe I'll do all of this
>"Does" nofap
>Posts coombait

You will never have a foreskin
It is Sunday you idiots
Well, the spirit is indomitable. It says so right in the post title.
I’m with my rover brother are we’re running game. Let’s get this shit.
my initial instinct was that the poem would be cringe, but it's actually pretty good, as is your post
today I am sleep deprived due to failing last night, so my mind is acting against me, but I will rest, fuel myself with good food and sleep enough to get back at it tomorrow, the day I start work after 8 years of neetdom and physical and mental health issues, at 35
thank you, anon
>shit dies
>good thread is kept alive
4fag is healing
>I just know that something good is gonna happen
>I don't know when
>But just saying it could even make it happen
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We did it reddit
>I want the board to be heckin FAST and filled with dogshit posts!!!!!!1!!
Doesn't matter. People still gonna make it.
> bottle of alcohol
it's over ...
For me it's cigarettes and vapes, today I stopped
based Kate Bush appreciator
>you're like my yo-yo that glowed in the dark
>what made it special made it dangerous
absolute banger
Remember frens that Hitler was right.
Actually inspiring. Thanks for that, and i hope the best for you and any other anons struggling.
>a whole week
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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
Stay motivated this week too, anons.
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I was gonna wait until tomorrow but I'm feeling good today and I wanna bring that into tomorrow
>quit nicotine about 2 weeks ago
>caved and started vaping again 4 days ago
>quit on a whim yesterday, no side effects today
>got lucky and didn't vape long enough to get a withdrawal headache/irritability again
>cut is going well
>rehabbing fucked up shoulder and it's going well
>going to downsize all of my belongings soon for extra money
>planning on travelling around the US soon to figure out where I want to start my life
2024-2025 will be the year of action
Bless you brother. Living the dream. I'm happy for you.
Well done brother
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We're all gonna make it.
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We're all gonna make it
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The finish line draws closer. I will not view it with anxiety but with excitement about proving my capabilities. I’m ready to cross that fine line. WAGMI!

Karma is a cruel dominatrix bitch that I willingly submit to. Last week my dumbass decided to get drunk M-W and now I'm having to play catchup. There's so much fucking work to be done in 3 days it's un-fucking-real. Don't ever become an alcoholic. You WILL lose everything or at the very least come close to it. Please press S to spit on me for being such a fucktard. I'm still not even entirely over the shakes.
Last week started off great but went terribly. I was supposed to max out on squat, bench, and deadlift but only maxed squat out for 500; I was maxing out late at night with no one around so I used a power rack to bench (which I never do) and it messed my set up so even warming with 315 felt heavy so I called it quits then I was too exhausted to do deadlifts.

Also, I was sick and still am, in addition, my sleep was messed up so it felt like a waste of a week trying to bring myself back to baseline but sometimes you need to waste a week getting back on track to avoid wasting the rest of your life; I’m thankful that I made it through the week.

New cycle and a new half of the year. Lock-in and let’s get this shit. Only 6 more months.

Top ‘o da morning, Rover brother
>small but steady and measurable progress
you love to see it
S you can still get back on track though
3 days? Doesn't sound that bad. But if it motivates you to quit alcohol, good. Keep going.

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I hate women a little less than usual this week. Let's do this.
Just interact with one of them and you can fix that problem right up.
wouldn't that make him hate them for good?
based nicotine quitter. I have four 2mg pouches left and I want to make today my last day
benis on this angel?
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Going to the gym now. The indifferent cruelty of the universe doesn't know what's comin'.
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Been lifting for years but about 2 months ago I joined my local rugby club. best decision I have made in a long time, the comradarie is great and it gives me new inspiration to lift big and eat right. Highly recommend finding a sport or activity, the social and physical gains are fantastic.

based I've always dreamed of joining a lacrosse/hockey club but I'm afraid they'll tease me for being a complete beginner
probably prostaglandins

yeah if you have type 2 diabetes you are an old shitter
basically type 2 diabetes is a disease of fatfucks that never do cardio, so no wonder you left that out in shame
>Made Weekly Goals
>Broke them down into daily goals
>About 7 per day
>Only 3 left today to do
Off to a good start, lads! Hope your weeks started well, too
holy based
nice digits rugby king
Nice work!
Too many fags around for team sports. Better to do rock climbing where you can find women.
It was one off day, don’t let it get to you. Rest properly and approach it with full strength next time. YGMI!!!

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