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Or are people morebrutally honest today? As in, did looks always matter most, but it's not until today we admit it openly?

Kek she doesn’t even know how to surf
it obviously didn't matter as much back when you were a 15 year old woman and had to marry the property-owning 32 year old faggot from the next farm next door
Yes you retard, social media, the rise of perfect angles, filters and edited photos. Everyone appears to be a supermodel online but irl they look above average at best.
I'm not sure it's an a or b thing.
I think there's a kind of intentionally irreverent attitude people put on to be cool that's like "hell yeah I'm shallow" but really they aren't as much. But of course people see that and don't realize how much of it is an act and it just winds up enabling their worse nature.

Some of it is honesty but I also don't think people really filter their relationships in person as much as media. Lot of people just fall into relationships with people they never would have looked at online. So there's still some kind of homefield advantage in terms of just being able to be with someone now.
OP girl is beautiful, and those are YouTube screengrabs = no filters or editing.
She's only beautiful because she's young and not fat. Look at that space between the upper lip and nose, at how her mouth projects in a simian fashion in her profile, at the beady unintelligent eyes and complete lack of gluteal medius muscles. This woman is a dog but hasn't grown into her full form just yet.
Just say you would nigga that ain't no beauty cuz fr fr laughing emoji
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Jak Plappin
What's so funny? She's stunning and no one here would have said no to her.
>space between the upper lip and nose
What the fuck is wrong with that?
>mouth projects in a simian fashion in her profile
How is that ugly
>beady unintelligent eyes
>complete lack of gluteal medius muscles
OK, you're DEFINITELY trolling.
OK, you're trolling?
>She's stunning
This is girl talk. "All women are queens and 10s!"
Her maxilla is so far down her face that she looks like Nicolas Cage.
>no one here would have said no to her
it dont make her stunning bruuuhhhh lmaooo simp
Do you have any internal concept of actual classical beauty? I can go on. Look at the linebacker shoulders and wide waist, or the ridiculous distance between her eyes and mouth. I'm surprised I'm not being trolled with images of a Brazilian tranny hooker. Is this really a woman? She's 10 pounds away from full fridge body.
Do you know what the gluteal medius muscles are? When they're not atrophied from disuse and improper stance, it gives the ass a rounded shape. This woman is a square as they come. If this is you, I strongly advise that you do some fire hydrant bullshit yoga poses so you don't end up with a hip replacement because you have zero muscle supporting your hip joints.
this guy gets it. girl is busted, just young. happa monster.
>it gives the ass a rounded shape
It's clearly round in the top right pic, which is a profile shot
This whole discussion around looks is so pointless and dumb. Good looks (and height, to a lesser degree) are simply signs of good genetics and good health. People will always be attracted to that, it will never change, no matter what you do. It's so pointless to rant about it or try to make people less superficial.
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We always were, but we didn't know. Now we know and on top of that social media favors superficiality.
I got kinda sad when I realized I got 10 times the attention when I got fit. Men want to be friends and be around you for no fucking reason and women are way more friendly and indulgent with you.
However, I also realized I'm vapid in my own way. Everyone is. So yeah, might as well ride the wave.
Ugly people do not take care of themselves which means they lack discipline and intelligence. Beauty is a sign of wealth, culture, sophistication. I subconsciously have less respect for ugly, fat, bald, short people.
>no one here would have said no to her

The fact that I'd do her doesn't mean she's stunningly beautiful, it merely means that she's not completely repulsive.
And from behind she looks like a mexican fridge with no definition.
She clearly has hips.
I'm literally only obsessed with hating black "people"
You clearly don’t know what hips look like, you mong. Highwaisted bottoms does not constitute having hips
slide thread
And you should stop looking at Instagram girlsn OnlyFans and TikTok fake and go out in the world and look at real women.
We’re talking about this cunt in OP, you dimwit. Stay on topic, moron.
No everyone's just more of an asshole these days and the amount of makeup and filters has skewed people's perceptions of what beauty is
>this one's real
so what, faggot? the average isn't
yeah but they will drop the asshole act if you look good enough tripfag
Only irl
Yeah this never happened lol. Why would you waste prime 15yo genetics on some crusty post wall 32 year old sperm

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