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Is this the source of all the envy /fit/ has for fat people?

Previous thread >>74563682
Holy mother of God, what the fuck is that?
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>um sweety, it's not a pannus, it's a panniculus
>have you ever read a scientific paper? a peer reviewed paper, in a journal?
>then maybe leave fat people alone, yeah?
I believe the kids are calling it a "BWC"
It's infected pubic fat
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Do it stank?
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I hate the body positivity movement so much. I used to be fat and it was a fucking terrible way to live.
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Somewhere over the rain-ACK!
What was the thing that made you decide to lose weight?
It's a gargantuan edema. Fluid taking the path of least resistance and building up in his dick tissue.
A hernia.
>Initial frames
>I mean she's fat but it doesn't seem too bad
>Back shot
>Oh jesus fucking christ, its a god damn goblin
What can I say except, you're welcome
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goblinx general
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Superior Aryan genetics
One of the things I’ve discovered on my fitness journey is just how much I hate people who eat in bed. Crumbs, the near-inevitability of food spilling which’ll necessitate immediate sheet changing, dirty dishes on nightstand..
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Do you swipe?
Holy shit it's Gru
made me spit
the worst goddamn hernia i have ever seen. that gigantic, phallic sack wrapped up in bandages? that's his from intestines slipping out of his abdomen.

Looks like black Quasimodo
>What was the thing that made you decide to lose weight?
I was 250lb at 5'8". I just woke up one day and all the little shit hit me all at once: the constant joint and back pain, the fact I didn't have mirrors in my house because I hated seeing myself, always feeling like shit, my doctor telling me I was pre-diabetic, and the fact that I couldn't breath when I bent over to tie my shoes. I felt such a visceral disgust and self hatred that I ended up vomiting on my bedroom floor, and felt an immediate need to fix it all. I called out of work and started throwing all the prepackaged food in my kitchen into the trash. I went to a bookstore and bought the first cook book I saw that gave me a specific shopping list, and started following it. If I don't cook it myself I don't eat it. That was a little over a year ago and I'm down to 170 now.

My family thought I was having a major mental breakdown and got the police to force me into a hospital for a few days, but the doctors told them nothing was wrong and I was just having an epiphany.
A little dramatic, but I appreciate the change.
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The way people treat losing weight vs gaining weight is so stupid. Get interventions and forced medical help when you are 250 pounds trying to get to a healthy weight. But if you're underweight trying to gain weight, they'll throw fucking parties
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It's lymphatic failure in that area so it just keeps filling up with fluid. don't be a disgusting fatass if you'd like to avoid this fate
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can we have more like this? like please, like in the threads in the olden day, fat people who still resemble humans behaving like fatties?

I am completely desensitised to stuff like
my brain literally doesn't register them as humans

if it's a long wall of text or some retarded tiktok video giving me two words at a time forcing me to watch these fatasses for a whole goddamn minute, it's just not fun nor enraging, I'm just skipping it
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>My family thought I was having a major mental breakdown and got the police to force me into a hospital for a few days

Are they all fatties? It's typical for fat people to tear each other down.
>Man, she's pretty cute.. OH MY GOD NO
Is that the tiktok trend where people put pillows underneath their clothes? If you look at 22 seconds it looks like she has one in the front and back.

If not, that is the worst fat distribution I've ever seen.
Now that I think about it, it does look like pillows or something. At this point in history though, who knows
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>Are they all fatties? It's typical for fat people to tear each other down.
they're all at least overweight, my siblings are all obese. my dad also has a weird opinion that 'exercising' is just a different word for 'playing' so working out or doing sports is childish and something you're supposed to grow out of.
Nice to see some self reflection
makes it sadder actually
You cannot convince me these people wouldn't be happier, or god forbid, "cured", if we'd take them out of humanzoo cities and away from the constant stimulus of internet and noise to live on a retreat for several months in nature where they learn to accept their birth gender, do fun activities outdoors, while eating healthy, doing some exercise and making friends.

But no. The satanic ritual must continue. There are no differences between man and woman. Biology is sexist.
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I think it is that trend
This woman in the video is delusional.
>and people don’t really do that without fucking over their bodies in other ways
Where are people getting this demotivation from if they don’t browse /fit/
Very sad to see Donatello let himself go...
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>so mentally infantile, insecure and low t the only thing he can think of dominating is vulnerable children
>but is a skinnyfat neet and of the above so 2d tranime lolis (brainchild of autistic japanese manchildren) will do
Pathetic kek
No, putting yourself in a 4cheddit chad meme doesn't make gay (actual) pedophiles based
Tranny shit is so glaringly, obviously, literally insane. How soiciety "collectively" decided to let it slide out of fear andor in the name of political correctness and "niceness" is a diabolical tragedy and will be studied in the future, Because of the insane amount of permanently damaged, and killed victims.
Anyway this is bikeshedding at this point since I thankfully feel we've passed peak 'woke' and the mainstream all over finally really is waking up to it. Feels good to not have to be a crusader for common sense as much anymore
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Plapjak bros, we eating good tonight
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Fat rekt thread on /gif/
Oh, for fuck's sake
I'm not fat and was never fat, but one thing I've noticed is that being outside and getting sun will make you lose fat.

There are no fat people living close to beaches. If you have access to a beach, start going, especially during spring and summer.
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Damn that's kind of sad. If she wasn't a fat retard she'd probably make a good mother.
It's pretty cringy and over the top to ask someone out on the first date. Plus it's something a woman would want not a man. I'll take the candy but what am I going to do with a stuffed animal.
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Don't let this cute, sweet girl go, make her lose the weight and wife her.
This is so over the top for proposing a first date. oml. My heart goes out to that poor bastard who had to reject her.
Went from 265 to 150 5"10, last year, my life was going to shit and I was a fat lazy fuck so I wanted some control over at least one thing in my life. A year later I have a good bit of loose skin, but I look way better, have a way better job, and I'm about to buy a house now.
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What are the chances it's just a guy at work who is nice to her? He freaked out and ghosted her when he realized she really liked him.
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What would you do if you saw this at the park?
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>just date a needy obese girl

That's how you end up here
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That's because living close to a beach makes you want to walk. Cool ocean breeze on a bright sunny day with loads of stuff in walking distance lets it be enjoyable even on 98° days.
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Where do people like this even find their jeans?
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I cannot stress this enough, touch it!
"Dating as a black woman is so hard and unfair" -the 70% of black women that are 300+lbs and expect princess treatment
>High value
>Supporting himself and two kids on $60K annually
Why? You looking to succ sum dik boi?
>is in a bad place
>also: is a jerk for rejecting my advances
Let me guess, he's way more attractive than she is?
why do people post this? is it a cry for help?
>clearly molested as kid
>can't stop cutting herself

Sounds like a catch
I adopted an obese cat a few months ago. Her past owner allowed her to eat kibble goyslop whenever she wanted so naturally she got fat. I've been counting her calories and she's only 1lb away from her goal weight now. Proud of her.
Yeah I suppose that's possible. It's terrible how she called him a jerk in response to him turning her down. Entitled guys are notorious for doing that to girls, but I guess girls do that sometimes too. Kinda surprising that a girl would do that though.
Girls won't lose weight unless they personally decide to anon. Others' advice flies over their heads. If you bring it up, it'll make them self conscious and fixate on it rather than actually doing something about it.
>man must be healthy, in shape, and have life insurance
Uh statistically speaking she's probably the one that needs life insurance.
Maybe a tailor?
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>Kinda surprising that a girl would do that though.

Women hate being rejected probably more so than men. That's why they will not ask a man out. Even hinge had to get rid of their women message first rule because they couldn't stand to be the one to get no response.
Angle frauders get the rope.
Also an adult woman getting a date a stuffed animal as a gift reeks of tism.
She was probably insufferable.
No laws against public nudity and indecency in burgerland anymore it seems.
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>fat people complain about joint pain primarily due to a psychological and social component
So instead of telling them why they're in pain, tell them that it's all in their head and it's society's fault instead? Geez, how validating and helpful.
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They do that and they still complain
that's likely scar tissue from the trauma, all it takes is hard massage and some exercise and her foot will be fine.

Doctor is retarded for not referring to physio
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Jesus Christ
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Y'all I lost 10 pounds so far in my weight loss journey. Be proud.
Oh you
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Words cannot express how much I fucking hate rednecks and jews for the body positivity movement.
Something like that would have been beaten to death with sticks 70 years ago and the community would have been better for it.
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It's genuinely so fucked up that our society believes that getting fat just happens to you, you are innocent and you didn't do anything to get fat.
Additionally, it seems like we've just decided that as you get older you will just get fat and there's nothing you can do about it.
fucking outrageous cope. Getting fat is your fault, no matter what. Learn restraint. There is no excuse. Fucking getting pregnant doesn't even mean you have to get and stay fat. Just be mindful and take fucking care of yourself. You can limit your calories without being considered anorexic.

>Verification not required.
I know.
Because it KINDA does. Hear me out here.

The average person can eat pretty much whatever they want for most of their young lives, they become accustomed to it and then after they get out of school and get a desk job or age out of growth, BOOM, MAJOR SLOWDOWN.

That isn't to say there isn't anything people can do about it, but the abruptness of it after years of not caring is what absolutely obliterates people. I want to blame health education in schools, but we already know its just lazyness.
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This girl was raped and the fat is a cope. She's not even smiling in these pictures.
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>I'm 500lbs
>yo guys is my doctor fatphobic?
It's crazy the shit women can do on their profiles and still get men lining up for them.
why do fat people lie so much?
Insecurity and denial

is she stupid?, why would anyone want that?
They are 450 pounds. Far larger and grosser than anybody they'll see all day. They have to lie to themselves and admit this was their doing and not genetics and they are repulsive. For many it's too painful to admit to reality. My fat friend (almost obese but nothing like you see in this thread) was ok with his size until he took some shrooms and looked in the mirror and said he saw Jabba the hut looking back at him. He said he couldn't look at himself in the mirror with pride until he started losing weight.
this is why
>I can take hormone alter drugs and drastically change my appearance to help my gender dysphoria
>I cannot lose weight to change my appearance to help my body dismorhpia though
Their post is so hypocritical. Estrogen can make it harder to lose weight, but it doesn't make it impossible. Eat less and go on a walk.
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>throw up food
>i swear i didn't eat
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>can we get on the disney rides even if the six of us collectively weight over a ton
>can the 260 pounder (the skinny one of the group)
Why are so many folks wrong on this?
His guts have fallen into his nuts.
Worked on a guy like this.
Had to expand his abdomen and bring him back afterwards to push his shit back up.
Dude was still working construction and had been like that for 12 fucking years.
Something about having the whole stomach engulfed in your "lingerie" (refurbished lacy window blinds) is mesmerizing, in a bad way.
I'm so used to seeing these megafat people I forget that your stomach is not supposed to be in your underwear
I hate stoner culture encouraging consumption because of “the munchies”.
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beat me to it
Crab bucket. I've kept my weight off for years
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You sound like a basketball American seething over what is obviously BWC
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Of course, a razor blade across my wrist
>pic rel, me having quit nicotine last week
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fucking grim
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She’s not really fat but it’s still a funny cope I came across recently.
Did you know women with guts tell each other that it’s just their internal organs and that flat stomachs aren’t real?
is she stuffing her tits into her pants?
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damn right!
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being underweight is unhealthy too, anon
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maybe later
Because yoga wear has never been about wearing "comfortable" clothes. It's been another method by which women flaunt their beauty. In much the same way retards put fart cans on their civics.
ah yes, being so high T youre attracted to women that cant breed? just say you want to fuck trannies at that point
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>be obese
>find a vein
pick one

>Verification not required.
Based, imagine browsing her music collection after seeding her boypuss.
zoomer girls are cute as fuck but the main character roleplaying narcissistic facial expressions they make are so cringe. how many times do you think she practiced that goofy smile before taking this video?

would hate fuck / 10
Didn't read the previous comment lmao, just now discovering that's a tranny. Ngl i'm impressed, I definitely got fooled...
No, it's understandable. He's very young and has the proper lighting and angles. If you saw him in person you'd know right away. This is the only time some trannies can pass. For a brief time in their youth and with carefully selected angles.
I flirt a lot with girls, and I am moderately good looking, so I get to do this a fair amount. I always feel like a prick shooting down some poor girl who is mental/a freak. I know I just destroyed their confidence for the next while. Any way to be more direct in explaining that I am not interested in being more than friends?
>thank you that took a lot of courage to do. I wouldn't mind going on a date but I have gf at the moment, i'm sorry and don't let this dismay you
I swipe about half as fast as this, but only because almost every woman is visibly obese just from their shitty angle-frauded profile pic
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I may be retarded, because I haven’t thought of this
Actual human beings don't enjoy lying and would rather not default to it, you're fine.
Yeah, makes sense, kids already tend to look androgynous in general. Probably why so many of them an hero once the masculine features kick in.
Shutup and let me believe that's a real woman
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> Hello police? Anon wants to stop killing himself, can you check on him? I don't think he's OK
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Based, after you lose weight and try doing farmers walks with your former fat it’s crazy to feel how taxing it was on your body.
On the one hand I have sympathy for her… but on the other hand she looks just like Thomas the Tank Engine.
Unironically how do you flirt with girls? Fat or otherwise?
The only advice people seem to give me is "dude talk to her that's all flirting is".
>low t
Exposing yourself as a Reddit election tourist kinda hurts your point
No worries bros, she'll be losing weight when they amputate her feet.
Looks like ynl jordan
Why are you advertising goods that aren't on sale? Just don't flirt with girls you're not interested in. You should rightfully feel bad for what you're doing.
this shit is the reason men go full incel. No pussy is better than fat, disgusting pussy.
I would date a fat girl before a crazy girl that cuts
What about a crazy fat girl that cuts?
Your point?
Does anyone else get the crazy urge to do soccer kick her fat ass hard enough to break your foot?
your brain is so highly developed so you can play social games and outthink others, faggot
not really
i'd slap it, sniff it, plap it. in that order
women are so fucking abhumanly up their own ass, its absurd.
this drives melanin boys crazy
>sound like a future engineer
I said "work", nigga!
That's not a camel toe, that's a moose knuckle. Nothing at all sexy about it. What retard would wear that?
Giving muh gorl Heather flashbacks not cool man
notice how much heavier the make up gets as the weight goes up. Pretty much guaranteed among young fat social media girls. OldFats totally give up and don't bother with the make up.
Left still seems salvageable. She can come back from that just fine if she gets off her ass and burns off the munchies weight. What in god's name happend to the brunette though? She was genuinely skinny before. How much did she have to eat to get that fat in just 2 years??
Nah that’s sad, he had a beautiful soul
This person has now lost their medical license for spreading medical misinformation.
Couldn't fit my holster in my pants. I lived in a city with a lot of niggers so I don't go out unarmed. Now I keep the weight off so I can scare the suburban soccer moms at the costco
what does that couch smell like?
ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
i present to you: miss sara milliken, winner of the miss alabama 2024 beauty pageant contest
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fugg, forgot image from laughing too much
HAES has definitely become mainstream now tho
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Her short stubby little arms can't reach her vagina. Imagine the smell.
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>Honey pot
I'm guessing that rancid pussy smells like anything but honey. Disgusting
I assumed it was her unwashed anus not her crotch
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I'm a 3rd worlder and can't grasp the concept of 'ableism'

Can anyone explain it to me ?
god her face fucking cracks me up
good job kitty
Racism is discrmination against race.

Ableism is discrimination against disabilities. In their case their disabilities are being really fucking fat or stuff that happens when you're really fucking fat. Most of the time when you hear the word ableism it's most self diagnosed or problems that are easily fixable.
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After years of struggling to meet women when I was 25 my friends *finally* offered to set me up with a friend of somebody's gf, she was a total disgusting hambeast. I figured that if my closest friends thought that was the best I could do, I needed serious change

9 years later I'm in the best shape of my life, I don't talk to any of those people anymore and I've had a couple relationships and have never fucked a fatty or any girl under a 7. People treat me much nicer in general too.
somewhere there exists a person who is incapable of performing an activity. If you mention that people should do said activity, they get mad.

per that post:
the activity: run around with your kids, for games, fun, whatever

the persons who cant do that activity: crippled people and the fats

Therefore it is ableist (handicapped people) and fatphobic (fat people cant do it)

Its used as a way for these people (although handicapped people dont really use this kind of language, its usually just retards and fatass) to avoid accountability for their own self imposed shortcomings
That's good that you had that self awareness. I have an obese friend who complains that the only women who can get are equally obese. I tried explaining you are what you attract but he doesn't see it.
someone please put the coomer face on this one
Why has our man wojak sunk so low in the past couple months?
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>burger police: LOCK N LOAD, BOYS!! >Gotta do a wellness check on a suicidal person!
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What do we call this?
cocaine is a helluva drug
It's safe to assume her vagina and anus are both repellently scented, but here's an assier one for you.
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>i forgot to feed my kids so i ordered so much food the chinese place is concerned
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Angry zoophobic sheboon
Its point is...to make fun of the fit, flexible, human female? Lol, so fatbrained and retarded/delusional that it thinks this is an "own"?
I demand that new technology be invented to accomodate my absence of willpower, atrocious nutrition, and lack of exercise!
>Do my legs bother you? Do the rolls make you uncomfortable?

No honey, but I’m sure they make you uncomfortable when they start rubbing and chafing in the 90-100+ F heat.

>They used to make me uncomfortable too.

Did you decide to never go outside again and live in air conditioning so they’d never get sweaty and start chafing?
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Why do these fucking faggots go to Disney World so much?
I would never take my kids to Disney. Why drop thousands on a shit trip when we can go to Six Flags and ride cool rides for 1/10th the price?
World's biggest & saggiest vulva
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Or it thinks it can be beautiful by aping the pose & clothes of the beautiful.
reminds me a few days ago, I was at the sushi buffet and leaving. Walked past this table of a seriously fat family, parents probably 300-400 pounds, kids were probably 5-10 years old, all at least double the weight they should be. I think that's the first time I've ever felt empathy before at seeing those fat fuck kids having no chance at a real life due to the choices of their parents.
Is CPS able to ever do anything about parents who are obviously overfeeding their kids?
There’s a certain immersion at Disney that you don’t get with 6 Flags. 6 Flgs you get ride next to ride next to ride. At Disney, the rides are themed, and the decor/ambiance/aesthetic of the area/building around the ride fits in with the theme of the ride. At Disney, you stand in line for Space Mountain you’re in a sci-fi setting, Haunted Mansion has a spooky setup, etc.
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>they insisted on ordering chinese as penance
methinks forgetting to feed her kids is a regular occurrence
Not going to lie that made me want to go even less. All I heard was:
>gift shop at every ride
>themed snacks, $15 each
>here's your kid's favorite prince/princess/protagonist only it's gonna be a tranny of some sort
Might make a Virgin Disney, Chad Six-Flags meme just out of spite.
You need a back brace or lifting belt to safely unpack that living meat moon.
Ignoring disney adults, most people these days grew up going to disney at least once and would like to show their kids too. There was a time where going to disney was "the thing" to do. It was literally a white people pilgrimage
>There was a time where going to disney was "the thing" to do.
That time has come and gone.
Iz was cool, I don't care what anybody says
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I heard this one song of his where he was bitching about white people and how they ruined the islands. Kinda made me mad, since Hawaiian cuisine, bastard child of traditional Polynesian cuisine and American goyslop, is what killed him. I finally learned to like poi & Laulau, but holy shit there’s way too much carbs in the modern Hawaiian diet with shit like loco moco and macaroni salad.
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>Where do the organs go?
Is visceral fat not common knowledge?


God I'm so lonely
Bro? no soda? add the 2 gallon "sugar free" soda to it and your golden.
Also, no latte? no 2 parts of syrup 1 part cream and 1 coffee?
You're not fat hate maxxing
It's cute to see how everyone agreed to let the down syndrome girl win. Hope in humanity restored.
Honestly after a few days of NoFap I would fight body fascism with her
Typical Buffalo fan
you got a source, I want to see a fat shitskin kvetch about white people while eating mcdonalds
If there is too much fat the image gets blurry with a low contrast and you can't see anything. There is pretty much nothing you can do as an xray tech, they already use the highest allowed settings for fats but the images are always low quality.
The same problem happens with ultrasounds, if a patient is too fat you can't use it anymore as you can't see anything, even on someone that is just obese you have to push it in pretty hard and then they complain about you pushing it in. Health care providers will not pay for a mrt for something that could be checked with ultra sound. Doctor can lose their license if they issue an mrt in a case like that.
I'd fuck this tranny.
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Why can't marble women be real, bros?
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Look how roomy AI thinks airplanes are. Otherwise, accurate depiction.
>12 years
I'm not someone who likes going to the doctor much, but goddamn I don't think I could do 12 days with a hernia that bad, never mind 12 years. Fuckin hell
Classic webm. I love how he just lays down and silently admits defeat. The chips have won this round.
So much potential, ruined. This is like the inverse of butterface
Kek, apparently epiphanies aren't allowed anymore, they're mental illness
fuck off
you be surprised how often that happens. for me i weighed about somewhere between 360-380, saw myself in a photo at a halloween party and decided to lose 140 lbs
What does "not asking for it" mean?
I ain't unpacking nothin. Peter Griffin ass lookin bish
It could be as bad as “getting raped” to something innocuous like getting asked on a date or complimented as orelude to such. Of course if you meet the 6’s rule that’ll go out the window.
True. So many modern neuroticisms would be cured this way.
There’s tranny shit and then there’s tranny shit. Not all of it’s insane. There are people less wrapped up in abstract identity concepts who just want to look like the opposite sex. It’s been a thing forever. Modern internet has just done the same thing to it that it does to everything else i.e: creating progressively deeper rabbit hole echo chambers
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me general :^)
Ur mom
Post hand & timestamp
thanks, reminded me to put baby powder in my gym shoes as they're starting to stink
This is the last stage of the fatty mating ritual. Next you find the wet spot amongst all the powder; that’s how you know you’ve found the vagina.
>nb4 where’s the clitoris?
God save you if you go looking for that in there.
>I vomited under anesthesia
>Doc says I must have eaten
>Would they have said that if I was skinny?

Yes. Because that's what makes you throw up. Dumb cow
I've felt that on occasion. Especially when you see those fatties with the weird high butt flaps
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Well hey anon, that's fuckin great. Good on you. Make sure that weight stays off.

Got it. So another victim card.
Never heard any disabled people talk about or use that word, ever.
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But income equality does bear some responsibility in making people fat.
thats why theres so many fat but starving african kids
>socio economic retard is back
>even on someone that is just obese you have to push it in pretty hard and then they complain about you pushing it in.
There is nothing fatties won't complain about
>t. ED Tech
I will do this.
He's been through a lot
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uhh anon there are definitely fat people at beaches
A fairly average sized boner.
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Finally someone else who knows how to quote other boards correctly
>>trying to date a grown man
>>here is a stuffed animal, a ton of candy, and orange juice (that is just more sugar and will also make the candy taste like shit)
>she’d be a good mom
No. Why?
>it would be really embarrassing if people knew I was such a fatass that a delivery company mistook my dinner order for catering an event
>all I need to do is not tell anyone
>whoopsie I just tweeted out a screenshot of the conversation
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She’s actually right. Diabetes and being fat are both punishments for being insulin resistant.
>who cares if I bedded a putrid hogbeast, I had sex!
You don’t actually feel this way, do you? That would be kind of sad.
How the fuck does this stay up when that one OP way back got shoah'd for being a fucking MSpaint of some nasty bitch's unwashed ass?
Murray ain’t no state I’ve ever heard of.
Moose knuckle is slang for a penis bulge.
>nothing sexy about it
I think it’s just so you look at them and think about vagina? Who knows why asians do things, they eat bugs and rancid fermented things.
>curveless man-ish body
Probably from a plant based diet meaning your hormones are fucked up
>still tummy
Probably bloated with gas from a plant based diet full of useless fiber
>carefully selected angles
>taking 20 videos and throwing away the 19 you are obviously a tranny in
This is the only way any of them “pass”. They will never pass in person.
The real trick is getting in after hours. My high school marching band performed in their thanksgiving parade one time, and the one night they let us into one of the parks to ride all the rides for free as much as we wanted with no lines, and set up an all you can eat catering buffet in the middle. Shit was cash, waaaaay better than when I went with my family in elementary school.
Looks like knocking back pizza dough
You should get something small and double action to throw in a pocket when you can’t use a holster.
>sticking around to take a picture with it
Why? After this insult I would leave. The only reason to stick around is if you get 2nd place because you’ll inherit the crown when it dies of a heart attack in a month.
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Americans, explain this microwave-over-the-stove-thing. I have a kitchen fan over my stove to be able to get rid of smoke and shit. How can you not?
Please do the world a favor and kys
There's a button on my microwave that has a vent for smoke. I hate the layout though because you're holding potentially scalding hot stuff at head height
What is the source of this webm
What’s so funny about this? Who doesn’t vomit buckets all over themselves while at a sporting event? I doubt you virgins could even drink a hazy IPA with the boys. It’s called intuitive drinking, educate yourselves, losers.
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>female statue
>literally an idealized female body
well, duh
>most accurate AI depiction of blacks
Qrd on goblinx?
>women wear only their underwear to the gym and aren’t asking to be looked at
why can they never be honest? and don’t say it’s because you’ll get hot, broads’ll be cold when it’s 85°F.
Stanley Tuccis CNN show.
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I recognize that coinslot
The Iz.
He was fat. Yes. Very very fat unto his death with bad heart.
A great and gentle voice of an angel. Yes.
But for whatever reason, he should have had thise around him saying to him
>iz, buddy you got a huge huge weight problem. Lad get up we're going for a walk, a swim, everyday rain or shine you are going to get up out of that couch and get your ass moving outside, now C'mon it's only a two mile stroll to the ocean.
>iz, no you shouldn't be eating that much. Yes you live it and it makes you feel better but that shit is killing you.
>iz, you can eat better along with diet choices, now let's mention proportions.
>iz, you're hungry but you know that's only in your mind. Your body is sending false messages because your endorphins are a bit screwy. Take that feeling of hunger and let's climb that hour up the mountain and eat some apples at the top. You can do it
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welcome to the third circle of hell
Seems to be a mixture of low muscle mass and an unfortunate body-fat distribution.
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It’s more a state of mind & being than a physical one.
I genuinley want to see her body as she sees it to gauge what she means by cute. What about this puffy, bulbous, lumpy sack of flesh is cute and appealing.
Excess adipose tissue (fat) fucks with your hormones. There is a reason a lot of trannies are fat.
None of these words are in the Bible.
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You don't get to 300lbs without eating an extremely unhealthy diet. Even fat fucks that eat Doritos every day don't get that large.
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They're so desperate to drag others down to their world of gluttony, it's very sad
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>lightly dust your sourdough before popping it into the oven
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>your blood sugar goes up and, uh, this is bad. somehow.
personally I'd rather not lose consciousness and vomit while being unable to breath
The smallest white cock
Sad but i can't deny that i've blown a couple of loads to her
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not 1st date
I have literally never posted in an /FPH/. I usually browse them over dinner so the gainz food I'm eating feels that much better. Knowing that I'm fueling my body properly for it to grow after my monstrous workouts, while these pathetic excuses for life sit there, architecting an entire sub-culture instead of just putting the fork down and going for a walk. This made me gag. I'm fucking disgusted.
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See for me /fph/ makes me hungry, I have no clue why
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I'm pretty sure I made out with this girl in a bar once. Not joking.
>since i know the answer is "yes"
>gets a no

If she was think delusional about that imagine what else she was delusional about. He was probably just someone at work who was nice to her.
They talk about the concept all the time among themselves, they just don't use the word ableism.
t. somehow know a lot of legit disabled people
Dumpster twerking has to be a metaphor for something
Based kid but cringe father who should have been the one to tell uncle to fuck off instead
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this lard was so fat that X RAYS couldnt pierce through her thick blubber. insane to me how people get this big and think its the machines fault when they ate themselves into opacity
Great way to get mesothelioma.
MRI machines can cost $10k a year to calibrate and maintain. I imagine the bigger ones at the zoo cost more, but those are for a specific use case.
I work in healthcare and I know how much hospitals have to protect their expensive MRI machine. It's the most expensive thing in the damn building.
Why would they want to buy a bigger MRI machine meant for animals just to accommodate a fatass that probably won't pay their bill anyway?
BITCH, WTF does the name matter? You're still fat, unhealthy and going to die early.
Imagine caring more about having your feelings hurt than being able to live.
God I hate delusional people.
I believe they call it an American
>captcha XDXDX
>remember kids the letter 'B' stands for Buttergolem!
Whiteboy bros, how can we recover from this?
this is sad, she went from attractive to a hideous beast
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>You don’t actually feel this way, do you?
Yes. Yes, I do. A conquest is still a conquest. Be proud. Have fun but, above all, make no apologies for enjoying life!
I guess most animals have disordered eating. Snakes eat maybe 2-3 times a week, someone tell them they have an eating disorder

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Left full of pookadumpadoodie
kek this image is 10 years old. This is what a body positive influencer looked like in 2014.
What point are you trying to make?
Best I can find, bro
I got in trouble over that in one of my psych classes. Professor had said "Getting raped is like having a blowout. It can happen to anyone and it's never your fault". I replied with "if you're driving around on bald tires with exposed metal, do you really expect anybody to be surprised?" I had to fight like hell to pass with a C after that comment.
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