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/fit/ - Fitness

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/fit/ humour thread
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No cap this time bros, is this real?
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Holy shit is this real??
reddit-tier humor
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And how do you know the humor of reddit?
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Good one
That fucker
There was no way this could have been anticipated or prevented.
>"Eating 12 eggs a day will give you liver and heart disease"
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Fuck you
Nah, strawbefants have been extinct for 300 years
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Hey he's flipping us off! Right back at ya pal!
nah nah it's curls for the gurls you gay powershitter fr fr
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>The accident wasn't your fault, my friend. It's time to let me go
I can't, I'm paraplegic now.
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if you don't delete this post you're mom will die in sleep full of regrets and hate
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Between sets I like to sketch my friends in a notebook, then edit those drawings in scenes
here's Moncho
Haha this great! May I save it?
Love me mum m8 shrimple as
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Lifts for that feel? Losing a raccoon bro hurts like nothing else
Leaving this here to break the thread
No way this isn't a satirical video made on purpose
This is so retarded it has to be true.
If you're going to do that, then at least strap them to your chest or something damn
worth the read, thx anon
>United States, 5.1"
got em 10/10
Everyone who replied to that post should leave this board immediately. As shrimple as that.
that post is a legend at this point
Is this real?
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Sure, whatever. But those fuckers at least could've posted something funny, the thread's empty.
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>Just noticed all that bouncing
>he said, contributing nothing
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I contributed valueaeable fitness advice.
>bodyweight squat
and people say americans don't have culture
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Lol I love this gif but can't find the source for everyone digging in the sand at the beach.
Look up pompoir and you'll understand
This is why I love this board.
I hate this so much
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Fucking lmao, well played
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so true
Haha I can’t stop laughing
Where did you find something this crazy?
The Pope can not nullify this power.
He is illegitimate in the organization he serves, what he practices, what he preaches, and what entities he serves.
One of my exes could grab me and I wouldn't be able to get out.
She was better than the single mom I was fucking later whom I could fist without warmup.
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>those repeating digits
He should've dumped that oil in the toilet, not the sink.
I've seen worse still.
There was a guy, I think a university student who did all of his cooking in a dark dorm room in his bed while Netflix played in the background, using the non-keyboard part of his open laptop as a cutting board and getting everything in his bed.
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Actually, if he had put the plates on a barbell and placed himself on a bench press with proper safeties, it would be significantly more safe than this retard exercise.
Unless your first post was sarcastic, in which case I have been made a fool.
of course :)

I found it on the internet haha
sspx? sspv?
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I really really like this image
Absolute zozzles
>He should've dumped that oil in the toilet, not the sink.
It's a hotel. Not his sink, not his problem.
Very crafty to reply to three threads in the hope noone would you notice you replying to the mother dying in your sleep element
Imagine going to the gym for years, enduring the discipline and suffering of lifting heavy as fuck.
Just to look like a fat dweeb retard.
Lmao powershitters are truly mentally ill.
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I knew it was coming but I still read it
fuck you
Holy shit...
no way
Whatever you do you should do right, even if it's something wrong.
Fuck you
fuck you fag
Haha, where'd you find this one?
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>those ingredients
you made me do it
thingamajig x failure
You got me this time..
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never seems to be the case, its the opposite, climbers have a thin lean musculature not jacked bodybuilder aesthetic unless they also train with weights like everyone else which is contrary to their sport.
I can still see him... we could have prevented it bros.... WE COULD HAVE SAVED HIM...
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>"hey guys I'm new to lifting, I want to start with squats"
>start by squatting with just bodyweight and the bar
>proceeds to load 100kg on bar and squat
>snap city
>"Everyone that keeps saying bodyweight is just my body is wrong"
>"I was told I should be able to do 1x bodyweight which means my bodyweight plus bw on bar"
I wonder if this fucker ever came back
frenzy's a legend
i cant get it
even if the anon was right, and some idiot in fit posted that he should lift his own weight in plates. How the flying fuck do you take his advise without any concern??
>yeah doctor, i did fucking squats with 100 kls because some random in internet told me to
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kys faggot
Kill him yourself faggot. Or are you scared he’ll laugh at your genitalia too?
>source: my local rabbi
Do you have the after sudden weight loss pic?
>training to peg boogie2988
Dunno man. I enjoy climbing every now and then, but like 90% of the guys doing it are soï
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Fuck, got me good
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>Pressing on NLC station
Now that I think about, the NLC station might actually be amazing for training the muscleup if you were to pull a barbell from the ground onto your waist

>Fries Chicken in a garbage can and then pours the oil down the drain
This man is a degenerate top to bottom
>Ireland smallest in Europe
it hurts bros...
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>NLC station
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Nordic Leg Curl station, dyel bro.
pic unrelated
it's called a GHD
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Upper body day was today
He could have read the fucking sticky.
This should be in my diy folder but I think you'll appreciate the can-do spirit.
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It's funnier to believe, but this entire thing just reads like bait. No real proof besides a photo in a hospital, could have been made up for any reason, especially attention.
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>I remember this thread
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good one, nigger.
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>hit the wall at high speed
Damn shame
Have you ever noticed how strawberries in the wild are tiny? I think those are diploid. The ones that you get at Costco that are the size of apples tend to be octoploid or more. This one must be over hectoploid!
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>final swoleution
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Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead Winslow! HAAARK!

Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til’ ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more -- only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin’ tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye -- a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself -- forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!
I knew I recognized this thread but I couldn’t remember why
ever since my sister died i reply to all such posts. Not that she died because I didn't reply to a post, but I'd like not to take chances.
That sucks anon. If I get digits, none of your family will die until you’ve passed
>off by 1
Fuck. Sorry anon. Guess I just killed your whole family
Everyones right...or just fist pushups
It's a blessing in the skies actually. Don't wish this for anyone. I'll let you figure out why kek
fucking lost kekmao
>random heil hitler
Kek I would think this too depending on general demeanor and build
>sleep alive
I love my mom and will not take any chances
It's squats for the thots
How will tennis ever recover
>they forgot tris for the guys
Glutes for the sloots
I am gladly replying to this post. well done.
got damn
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Self reported nonsense
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inline skating still holds the top spot
fuck you
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It’s cap that’s talking about immigrants not natives
Genuine question what is wrong with the people who actually thinks it matters if they reply or not? Is the bait for people with OCD or something?
fuck you
tf is going on in venezuela and colombia
Probably a LARPING trad cath, sucks about TLM. Orthodoxy looks better and better every day.
What the actual fuck? Those aren't his teeth in OP are they? How do teeth come to look like that?
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People like (you) keep us from the stars
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It's just a long running meme/board culture
Most people reply to those posts out of respect when it actually tricks them into reading a variation of "mum will die in sleep"
And that particular post is a well done version of it
got me
>made it to 6.5 just by losing weight
>been donating sperm
i will save the future, that or everyone is just fat like me
I should've known by the grand (you) count, have your (you) but I'll be back for (you)
>has equipment to bench
>retardation still ensues
Fuck you
yeah anon this board is full of homos, funny but not uprising. This is why I never post in the generals.
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>Whalehog - Plapjak Anthem
kek. got me
the funny thing about this is that the numbers are all self reported so it could just be that the men in green and yellow countries are more insecure about their size and add on an inch when reporting
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if only he consulted picrel before he decided to fail at 7 reps
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Me too anon. Why did you have to say that.
gotta go post
Fuck you
fuck off
Got 'em!
oh no
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lmao you dick
If I saw this in the grocery store, i'd be pulling my hair out, having a schizophrenic episode, trying to explain why it is so based to my gf
Thank you I've been trying to find this picture for a while
damn, why are women pegging looking so hot. I dont even would enjoy in my ass, but I would enjoy the girl doing that. Not even into trannys.
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nta, maybe you'd fancy the scientific version as well
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lol I still have a few things saved
>ai will take your job
sex on /fit/!!!
i cant fucking breathe anon please post more
I hate you
f u
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Is this among us?
always gets me
Fuck you
fuck you thrice
Theres nothing wrong with peanut oil, if you're allergic hehe nothing personnel
When Landshark talks, I sit my White ass down and listen
damn you got me
Anon are you ok? You are having a stroke.
Did he turned into the punching bag?
Does anyone know what happened to this guy? Last time I recall he had a youtube channel (can't remember what it was called) and I think he was homeless.
ill fuck ur mom
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I hate you
Absolutely based.
fuck you
I dont get this fucking post what the fuck is so funny about it???
its sad that threads last a week nowadays.
its like when the cumtown sub was banned. i miss 2014.
>when the cumtown sub was banned
They're trying to replicate how heavy our balls are. They may be able to get as strong as a man by doing this
no i cant have that happen
A, a historic image! My gym bro bought himself one called ZEUS POWER (STRAWBERRY), raped and impregnated all the gym bunnies and then disappeared in the mountains. The craziest thing? The dude's married. She's a bitch tho, drives people mad.
You bastard.
fuck you lol

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