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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Determined Ducks who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74573533
I don't get it. Are the ducks trying to eat the raisins or do they only want the bread?

Also where is the dog? Haven't seen the dog in awhile
they're mining for raisins which is their primary objective but they're still eating the bread to get to the raisins, they even have a milk thrower to soften it to make the job easier for the bread eaters
Can I eat chicken thighs instead of chicken breast when trying to lose weight? I know in the end it's all about your calories but the amount of fat in them scares me. The pro is that they're so much cheaper & tastier than breast
>I know in the end it's all about your calories but the amount of fat in them scares me.
seems like you "know" but don't believe in what you know. yes, it's calories. yes, thighs are higher in calories, but if you make them fit in your deficit then you'll be fine, obviously.
347, a number that will be forever burned into my brain.
Thighs are much much better for you. It's the tastier cut of meat. Cheaper. And has more fat which makes you feel fuller. It also doesn't dry out like breast does. It's very hard to make dry chicken thigh
approved and full-send, just adjust the calories slighty and enjoy your extra flavor, healthy fat, and extra collagen

Thanks for the response. Should I eat it with the skin on or buy the skinless versions?
Yea. Just make sure you're not going over on calories. I eat plenty of both. I tend to prefer lean meats because i can eat more of them. If I'm eating dark meat I up the amount of veg I am eating to keep myself full.
With the skin. The skin is delicious. Again, flavor and it should fit your calories anyway.
I go skinless
Started my weight loss journey on monday

I'm currently 5'10. 230lbs. In other words, fat as fuck. My goal weight is 190lbs by New years, and then 170lbs by May 2025

Calories - I'm going for 10x my current weight. So at 230lbs I'll eat 2300 calories, 200lbs I'll eat 2000 calories etc etc

Protein - Hitting 1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight. Carbs and fat with make up the rest of my calories

Gym - Weight training 6x a week PPL split and 30mins - 1 hour cardio after each session depending on how much energy I have on the day.

Does all of this look okay to people who have been in my situation before?

Any words of wisdom to help a soon-to-be ex fatty out?
>Calories - I'm going for 10x my current weight. So at 230lbs I'll eat 2300 calories, 200lbs I'll eat 2000 calories etc etc
Reading the damn sticky
I buy bone in skin on but I don't eat the skin.

I made arroz con Pollo over the weekend and the bones had so much collagen in it that it's completely solid jelly in my fridge. Delicious.
To add on

>Protein - Hitting 1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight. Carbs and fat with make up the rest of my calories

>Gym - Weight training 6x a week PPL split and 30mins - 1 hour cardio after each session depending on how much energy I have on the day.
Retarded. If you're going to do 6x strength training days then break it up by muscle group

>Any words of wisdom to help a soon-to-be ex fatty out?
Not gonna happen anytime soon with this plan. Where did you even come up with this?
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got some new shorts for squatting today so here's a 4 year progress pic. took me 2 years from 2022 to 2024 to get to pic on the right but it was worth it. still a little bit more to go but wagmi bros.
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I did
Binged during a week long family vacation and I went from 141 to 150lbs. I'm hoping I didn't cause too much damage to my bodyweight, 3 days in the week I'm already back down to 145lbs.
I was so close to my goal of 140, but I just couldn't control myself around the vacation meals. Whatever, back on the grind.

140lbs, here I come. Then 130, you're next.
they also subcontracted some ants, who are clearing out the crumbs. it's quite an efficient mining operation.
Work on your upperbody more. Stop squatting as much. Seriously. Your legs are overshadowing your upperbody and it looks comical
I meant to say, read the damn OP. You won't make it to your goal with that deficit
I think that's a woman
I've decided that I'm going to run every morning when I go to Japan. It might not be enough to offset all the calories I'll be eating but it will at least mitigate the damage
>Gym - Weight training 6x a week PPL split and 30mins - 1 hour cardio after each session depending on how much energy I have on the day.
This is probably too much, especially if you are new to exercising. You will burn out quickly. I would recommend doing full body 3 or 4 times per week at most, and cardio on your off days.
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I will but I like how large my legs are
5 kilos to go
Don't forget to stay hydrated
And not that diet shit
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Happy Wednesday lads. Make sure to get your workout in!
WAGMI one day at a time. It's about always showing up and performing.
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>this is 1000 calorie steak
Bros... how do people eat steak? That's almost my entire day.
>Retarded. If you're going to do 6x strength training days then break it up by muscle group
reminder to not take weight lifting advice from people in /fat/
>how do people eat steak?
most people are fat

you can still eat that if you budget around it during the week, or OMAD it
muscles take 24 hours to recover, this is the most basic fact about weight lifting imaginable, this is why starting strength and other basic programs that have a full body workout put rest days every other day, you ignorant monkey
Why would you do PPL 6x a week? Is he trying to become a powerlifter or go for aesthetics? If it's the former he's going to look fat regardless
cut matters. look for eye of round
You don't want to eat that like a steak though
again, this is why.

PPL IS a six days routine, typically PPLxPPL or PPLPPLx, that is literally how it is designed to be. you get at least 2 days of rest for all of of your muscle groups.
A serving of meat is 5 to 6 Oz raw bro. A steak of that size is probably super thick and 3 servings.
you can, and i do. you can use a bit of Worcestershire as a marinade to make it more tender. its not amazing, but on a 1000+ deficit it definitely hits the spot
>starting strength
AVOID ALL WEIGHT LIFTING ADVICE GIVEN IN THIS GENERAL LIKE THE PLAGUE. In fact, most weight losing advice as well, this general should only serve as an emotional support thing at the very best.
>Milk (80)
>Chicken breast (300)
>Kefir (150)
>Tortilla (210)
>1/2lb 85% protein beef (500)
>Colby jack cheese (160)
>Chocolate pudding (400)
post body
Ive cooked so much chicken breast at this point, and now it always comes out with that nice exterior browning but very juicy inside. It's a big mistake to try pan cooking a massive and 3 inch thick mega-breast
this, most people just don't know how to cook chicken breast they just think it being dry is how it is and not because they always overcook it

I do cook massive breasts in the pan, you just have to use lower temps after searing
More like become slopboy
I've been having normal cuts of ribeye and ny strip pretty much every week. All you have to do is cut it up and and weigh it out. Eat between 100-200g of steak at a time. Started at 147lbs three weeks ago down to 141lbs, steady 2lbs/week pace

I just don't think PPL is a great routine if you're looking to lose weight. You definitely want to lift for aesthetics and PPL tries to fit too much into single days without much room for isolated lifts. It's way better to target 1-2 muscle groups per workout giving ample room and time to work out every muscle you can for that area
Will it help him build muscle? Sure, but it could be better for his goals
I like to just cut it into thinner halves for a quicker cook, but yes you can do the whole breast in one go if you're careful.
People try to cook them on searing temp the whole way through
Just cut the fat off?
Obsessed, what are you going to do when I keep hitting my goals?
For poultry, the rule is:
>low temp for a long time
>high temp for a short time
It's how you cook a whole ass turkey and have it remain juicy.
I think you fail to understand why we call out the bad part of your meals. If you can't control yourself on the diet, how are you going to control yourself when you're back to maintenance? You're going to gain all the weight back
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>You definitely want to lift for aesthetics and PPL tries to fit too much into single days without much room for isolated lifts.
I am begging you to look at any half decent PPL and stop posting about things you don't know about. PPL is a mostly bodybuilding/"aesthetics" routine, not a strength one. it's typically two to three compounds followed by isolation work.
>posts his food blog every day like a faggot
>people comment on it
>"ur obsessed xD"
I look forward to you hitting your goals so I don't have to see your worthless updates nobody asked for.
Put in the work and you will get results. Set goals, plan it out, be practical and realistic. One day at a time, like one brick at a time, until you achieve something great.

This goes beyond physical training, but it requires self-confidence. Positive encouragement helps people with confidence, iron sharpens iron.

Don't give up, the struggle is its own reward. To grow stronger in the mind, to conquer yourself and establish self-discipline.
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Actually this
I had a bunch of fat around my legs and while I'm happy it's gone, my legs look skinny now which looks kind of weird kek
Sorry, I'm not convinced. You can't tell me 6 exercises specifically targeting a different muscle group every day is better than 6 exercises split between multiple if you're targeting aesthetics
What is Haru's fitness routine?
isn't better*
it would be easier for everyone if people specified what do they mean by "aesthetics"

I understand it as fat loss and hypertrophy? not sure what that other anon is about. fat loss can be achieved in many different weights, you don't even need to lift at all.

hypertrophy has mostly nothing to do with what your routine is and everything with how many reps you do. that guy is partially right that a novice would benefit from a strength routine focused routine at first, so when it's time to switch gears towards hypertrophy you can do bigger weights.
many different ways*
i'm retarded
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Idk i don't watch idolmaster. Just saved the pic for future use, i thought it was a manga page. But per my knowledge the fitness routine of Japanese anime lolis is usually ugly bastard rape x failure, daily.
Its mostly for accountability but if its annoying Ill stop
I noticed as I become more fit my preferences have started shifting to onee-sans and 25+ year olds
If it's for accountability then why do you always get triggered when we point out what you shouldn't be eating
Is 40% protein on a 2,000 cal diet really safe? I read on Wikipedia that some people think it can cause kidney disease and coronary artery disease.
I eat 1800cals a day and 1300cals come from meat. Stop being onions
I care more about the totals, and Im not upset
it is literally basic exercise science that 10-20 HARD sets per muscle group per week is the sweet spot for hypertrophy and that muscle groups recover in about 48 hours after a hard session. what you're advocating for makes no sense. you want both more volume than is necessary and more useless recovery time.

>with how many reps you do
no, volume.

by the way, there's nothing wrong with typical LP, full body, beginner 3-4x/week routines for people new to lifting, and it's -probably- true that going from 0 to 6x/week will burn out a beginner (though this is highly dependent on the person). I jumped in because the comments regarding PPLs were fucking retarded. these three, mostly
S o y
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>it is literally basic exercise science that 10-20 HARD sets per muscle group per week is the sweet spot for hypertrophy
I am in the process of deboonking this theory.
I went from 496 LBS (225 kgs) to 445 LBS (202KG) in about 6 months (Started halfway through December last year) while building some muscle. I am kind of proud of it but I obviously can't see any muscle below my stretched skin. I'm hoping in about 1 and a half year the skin won't be too loose since I am trying not to drop the weight rapidly and build the muscle alongside it. Do you guys have any advice?
look up brad schoenfeld, hope that helps
I meant, onions?
Fair. I'll try it and see whathappen.
Lmao how new are you
Yup.. That's 1.42lb of meat tho, basically 23 ounces. It's a lot of meat.
I used to cook ribeyes that size, then top them off with an avocado, and throw some roasted brussel sprouts on the side, partly as an alibi, and partly to absorb a tiny bit of the monstrous amount of saturated fat I'd expose myself to.
But then I started counting my calories, and that's indeed a whole day of food right there.
So now I do the unthinkable. I split all of the above across two plates, and I feed someone else in my household.
The worst of it is, they're American so they expect their meat to be burnt beyond recognition, and I dutifully comply, broiling their half into the consistency of shoe leather. Hmm. Delicious.
Why are fat tards so judgmental?
It's really weird how much shit flinging and random autism judgment pops up.
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5 years newfag now, i think desu baka onions KEKED
I missed one. I can't remember it
Wait i just did, senpai.
Shut up you fat faggot
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From my calorie app it looks like the entire thing would be like 1800 calories. I'd have to split it between two days and only eat that with a light side to catch my calories. Even with fat off it's high.
>Tfw stupid and didn't plan ahead.
I think I'll stick to chicken and fish from now on.
Post body
post body
Nice senpai
Wait for the 16th of next month.
I binged the two large pizzas, may god help me
thank Allah I don't like pizza, burger or any such shit
I used to, I mean. I didn't eat them for a few years and when I finally did I found them absolutely inedible
I shower 2 times a day and keep my house at 66 degrees with AC while wearing a sweater.
Idk bros... I just can't care about the environment or water. Especially when I'm aware of how shit other countries are with this stuff.
Humans don't eat or use calories btw
How can calories be real when our eyes aren't?
I kept within my calories but for dinner last night I basically had yogurt and a piece of pie. I just wasnt feeling like making anything and wasnt that hungry.
I have a question from reading this thread. If I'm a total beginner doing PPL 3 days a week rather than PPLPPL 6 days a week, and if it takes 24h for your muscle fibers to rebuild after exercising them, am I going to lose that by waiting a week between sessions? Or for a beginner is it better to stay on the 3 days of weights? I have no strength in my body at all and never used a gym before last week if that helps to explain my position
No, your body doesn't immediately cannibalize its muscles. But it will get rid of useless muscle over time, meaning that if you stop doing a particular exercise, over a long period the body might decide (this is a heuristic, this isn't a decision process) that it doesn't need those muscles to be that big.
Thank you. I will keep to the PPL then. I'm also doing cardio too, 45 mins treadmill/day. Hopefully I won't kys myself.
do some full body workout for like the first 6-12 month and then just do 6 days PPL. 3 days ppl doesn't hit the muscles of a beginner the optimal amount of times per week. I saw the complete bullshit responses you got last thread. Don't listen to the retards, do something with a good mix of strength and hypertrophy (not some powershitter crap like SS) and with linear overload (i.e. 5 pounds per week on the compound movements) until you hit a plateau of more than 4 weeks. If you're extra motivated, you can even do a simpler split for upper lower (as opposed to the 3 way split of ppl) on 4 days a week even as a beginner, i personally had good results with Candito Linear
I’m 245 21 5’11 and I’ve been doing elliptical every day for 2 weeks and low calroies healthy diet.

Should I switch to swimming? I haven’t swam since I was 13 in 2015 so my form is off and I don’t like swallowing water but if it burns way more calories I’ll give it a try. I usually burn 350-450 on elliptical
Swimming is harder on your whole body. It's not necessarily better cardio, especially if you suck at it.
>Don't listen to the retards, do something with a good mix of strength and hypertrophy (not some powershitter crap like SS) and with linear overload (i.e. 5 pounds per week on the compound movements) until you hit a plateau of more than 4 weeks.
you just described SS retard
SS doesn't have biceps, triceps, shoulders and shit like that as isolated hypertrophy movements
You guys telling this anon to train for strength on a deficit (3x crying while laughing emoji)
swimming is literally the best cardio imaginable (if you use proper form, as with any other exercise)
there is no high impact in any of your joints, no machines that might adjust imperfectly to your range of motion, just smooth water which at the same time washes out your sweat
it doesn't necessarily burn more calories, it all depends on how hard you go at it and how long you do it
it's completely fine as a beginner, especially if fat
>i have never entered a gym in my life, much less lifted a weight
you are not really ever in deficit if you are made of lard
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Wednesdays are my rest days and didn’t record my 30 minutes on the ERG
do I weigh chicken before or after I cook it?
I pan fry it with just some Pam.
I weigh before I cook
it depends. most calorie counter apps (and almost all labels) list calories uncooked, but you may have to double check for whatever you're using. bacon and rice are two particularly annoying edge cases.
because you need to build strength first, that's why it's called starting strength, you can add as much hypertrophy but that will interfere with the strength
some guy who is just starting won't be able to curl the same weight as someone who's finished SS (which only lasts like three-five months by the way, people talk about this shit like it's a lifetime commitment and the only program you'll ever do in your entire life)
so, your options are
being a fat guy uselessly curling low weights hardly ever adding more weight (because you're not training for strength so your lifts don't go up), you have literally no results other than your mediocre fatceps
being a fat guy with some muscles underneath that can start hypertrophy at higher weights, and already has an established habit of going to the gym, you have results in all your lifts going up continuously at optimal pace, now you are free to succeed in any program you choose
I just went on a bike ride to get a tub of low calorie ice cream that'd dig 200 calories into my deficit, but the weathers so fucking awful and humid (29.4c in a brick house) it seemed worth grabbing
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>"yeah I'm dieting for health haha thanks for noticing"
>inhale 2L of sugar free coke during the day to keep me alive until night's omad
This is not a good situation
If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.
I would suggest caffeine free coke though, or slowly weaning yourself out of it switching to sparkling water, then plain water.
at least it's better than
Bros just eat 1200 calories a day it's not hard
Almost there anon. You can do it
I have only done cardio 11 days out of 26 this month
Physically impossible, considering we cannot eat calories.
Least autistic /fit/ poster
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Keep seething while I easily lose weight
Why don't the nuns, the larger of the two, simply eat the ducks?
The ducks are their friends
I’m the same fat ass anon who asked about swimming and I’m considering eating salmon everyday for omad since I absolutely love it and it’s satiating and I think fish is a better alternative to meat.

Would i suffer from increased mercury levels?
This is why you gotta have them deens (they are low on the food chain so they are safe)
Hey /fat/sos,

been on the journey for 2 months so far. Trying to lift weights every two days. I do feel results regarding some strength gain, but due to cut calories I expect most of it is improving neural connections rather than growing some muscles, but that's fine, since I have a lot of fat to lose (104 kg @ 173cm atm).

I wanted to ask - how long does it typically take or did it take you to stop feeling like shit during/after lifting? On one hand I'm glad that all the lifting sets make my body feel tired/exhausted since hopefully that means it's doing something, but at the same time, it just feels way too painful. All the youtube vids of people lifting, even at higher weights, have them smile through, at the end feel excited, meanwhile I'm collapsing. Better than at the start where I just had muscle cramps for a couple of minutes, felt like vomitting and dropped down until I got back to life, but I still feel way more exhausted than I would like to. Doesn't help that all the internet is pretending like I'm supposed to bench 2pl8 after 2 months easily for some reason.

How long did it take you to get your body stronger enough to not feel like complete shit after lifting? Are there any tricks what to do before/after lifting, e.g. drinking something specific or eating something specific?
Milk is cheaper per gram of protein.
Heavily debating if I should have a "controlled" binge this Saturday. Haven't drank alcohol in so long but I really want to try those Japanese seltzers now
salmon is a freshwater fish, it is harvested in farms in a controlled environment, not caught in the wild, and the standards are very high, there's very low risk of mercury
Futurama reference!
All this talk about chicken and nobody mentions the #1 thing you can do to prevent dry chicken. Salt it appropriately and let it sit.

I salt all my meat and let it rest in the fridge for a few hours/overnight. You do this, and use a thermometer to make sure you aren't overlooking meat, and nothing will ever be dry.
Good news some of the weight has come off from my binge eating. I legit held water weight for like a week.
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anon, the thermometer is doing all the work there
>if I use an instrument to avoid overcooking things won't get overcooked
Usually with some side dish.
Fries, bearnaise, lightly steamed firm broccolli/carrots/brussels, baked potato, pepper sauce, various puree, sweet potato fries, etc.

Only for things like ocean fished fatty tuna.
Even then the risk is only cumulative.
Either works. Just make sure you're counting the right food in your calorie counting app.

I usually count raw unless I'm making something like chicken thighs where I'm removing bone/skin after I cook it.
>Go to usually empty apartment building gym
>end up on same schedule as one of my neighbors
>today she has her phone on a tripod behind thr treadmill making a personal trainer stare at her ass while she runs

Why are people like this? No one wants to maneuver around your tripod at the gym.
Fatty contest
> (3x crying while laughing emoji)
Ooh I like that boomer vibe. (3x fire emoji) I shall now use text descriptions of emoji liberally in my quality posts. (clapping hand emoji, rocket emoji, clapping hand emoji)
Fatty Contest

Started binge eating again in feb, went up to 240lb by the start of may, down to 207lb today which is the lowest I've been in years. I think I've replaced a cringe eating disorder with a based one.
we are going to make it this time (I think)
Imagine not knowing about brining
Thanks bros, also I’m assuming wild caught is better than farmed, does it matter if it’s Atlantic or not?
I know what brining is, is it your claim that if you leave a brined chicken breast for 5 hours on a stovetop it will remain juicy?
brining has nothing to do with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAn4CXk1sQw
What? No. I leave the chicken in my fridge salted for some time to let the salt penetrate the meat
>I’m assuming wild caught is better than farmed
it is not retard, unless you like parasites
see >>74585489
>in a controlled environment
>standards are very high
very high is relative I suppose, but at least I know norway and chile have big industries, if they fuck with regulations they can't sell their salmon anywhere, they don't pump them full of hormones or anything it's just keeping the water uncontaminated and avoiding pests and parasites and stuff like that
Foolproof method for juicy chicken breasts. An 8 yr old couldn’t fuck it up.
>pan, searing hot
>a little oil
>salt and pepper one side, slap it down
>cook 1 minute while salting and peppering other side
>turn heat to low, cover and cook 10 minutes
>turn heat off, wait 10 minutes with lid still on
Comes out perfectly cooked every time, a nice sear on the outside but juicy inside. Works from regular ~6 oz breasts up to the giga huge Tyson ones.
>weigh in this morning
>now 19lbs down from start
>no alcohol besides two beers at dinner the other night
>no added/artificial sugars
>if I hit -20lbs when I weigh in Saturday I’m making chicken nachos
Fatty Contest

My parents refuse to use a meat thermometer. They even have one, but they never use it. Every time I hear them talk about making chicken they complain how dry it turns out for them. I tell them to use a thermometer and they refuse.
Same thing with timing how long baking a cake takes. Most of the time they complained about how "it got a little burnt" but they would never put on a timer/alarm to even try not to do it.
I just don't understand.
You are gonna make it
I'll try this next time
Tried to switch from thighs but man I nuked the shit out of the last breast I tried to pan-fry, followed basic googled instructions with a meat thermometer to internal 165, I guess they say it keeps going up after you take it off the heat so how the fuck are you supposed to know with a thermometer while cooking then

That's why thighs are nice, they don't get tough and stringy
Just make sure the pan is really hot before you start. And yeah expect 5 deg added while resting, also poking with a thermometer can make it lose some juice. There’s nothing really wrong with thighs though, cheaper and easier to cook well or batch cook. The little bit of extra fat is easy to work with- eg if I’m going for buffalo I’d add a little butter to the sauce for breasts but not for thighs
please be bait
Post body
My mother believes in woman food hygiene nonsense and will always give poultry "another ten minutes" to dry it out even though I bought her a temperature probe.
She believed the 90s UK salmonella scare but not the vaccine autism one so I grew up vaxxed and eating dry chicken and overcooked eggs.
I did it bros, i stopped myself from ordered a takeaway
What was it
Nothing, since i didn't order it
What were you thinking of getting though
Chinese, don't know why it matters
I wanted to know
Yeah. You can pull them off early. Also cutting them thin helps as they cook more quickly and are a consistent thickness.

I love my sous vide though. 2 hours at 150f and they come out perfect. You can cook them to a lower temp and have them be food safe bc you hold them at temp for a longer period of time.
Random achievement blog post: Since April I'm below the maximum allowed body weight to drive the Formula 4 car at my closest race track. Today I went to drive a Formula 4 car. Was lots of fun
>chatting with my dad
>he's super obese, 6+ alcoholic drinks a day
>I'm at 24% body fat and still got like 20 pounds to lose
>he says I shouldn't go any skinnier, that any more will be too thin and doesn't want me to get sick
>hes says that with our family's body shape it's probably not possible to get a fit body, he says with his body he probably couldn't ever not be obese
>say that I'm trying to get out of overweight and it only seems skinny because being overweight is so normal in NA
>he says that healthy weight is bullshit and it would only be normal to not be overweight if everyone was still hunting and gathering for food
The crab mentality is real
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Is there anything wrong with drinking 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil? Basically I eat 1600-1650 calories a day. I currently have 1400 calories planned out for the day (5 eggs cooked in 1/2 tbsp butter (400 cal), 180 calories of olives, 120 calories of Broccoli, 700 cal of Chicken Thighs), but I'm not getting enough fat as I would like. The 1400 puts me just under the 100% DRV, and I usually shoot for 130-150% since I'm only eating like 15-20g of net carbs a day. I can't think of anything else that's basically all fat, besides butter and I'd rather not eat straight butter.
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It's going to slow down a lot soon but damn if I don't like the early fasting losses
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It sucks but its his own mind making up bullshit to protect himself from a lifetime of regret. If he actually had to face his issues hed realize he wasted 30+ years being fat as fuck and its all his fault.
My family seems to think anything under 200lbs is unhealthy
You know how elite athletes will not mention their ridiculously good genetics when justifying their performance? It's because it detracts from them selling others the image of being hardworkers. The exact same is happening here. Your father is saying his genetics are to blame for him being a fatass his whole life, so it's not because him being a lazy piece of shit that can't keep his mouth shut has nothing to do with it.
so him being a lazy piece of shit that can't keep his mouth shut has nothing to do with it.*
His back and knees are fucked up (half from labour work but being fat probably didn't help) so I think its a bit more that he subtly hates that he can't exercise like he wants. He doesn't want to do anything else to not be fat though so it's hard to really help him. My family has been supportive but I think they didn't really expect me to actually not be fat.

Yeah the weird part is that my brother has been super athletic and big into weightlifting for years. I think he just projects it onto me because since we were both fat that was just our fate and our genetics
I'd use coconut oil.
Look how fat those ducks are. They aren't trying to cut down on calories at all, eating an entire loaf of bread in one sitting.
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338 cals
The only times I've seen people literally put a spoonful of oil in their mouth was with fish oil.
This would actually be a fantastic idea for you health wise if you don't already have a solid omega-3 supplement, although I'm told the taste might be less than amazing.

One question here would be: You need more oil, and you're eating chicken. Why are you not putting both of those things in a pan with some heat underneath for a bit and see what happens?
Add more butter to your eggs, or roast the broccoli in the olive oil instead of just drinking it lol. Cheese gives you a protein bump too.
Looks pretty healthy, I won’t yuck your yum. I’d like to get into salmon but haven’t really practiced. Does it freeze well raw? I do most shopping at Costco.
I am a simple man. I see a meal with salmon, I upvote.

Also, your frequent reliance on cottage cheese intrigues me. I tried to eat some a few weeks back by mixing it with a bunch of berries (of the straw, black, rasp and blue varieties), and the overall taste profile was underwhelming, bordering on the unpleasant.
You are leaning into a more savory approach here, which might be what I need to try. Are you simply mixing cherry tomatoes and pepper into it, or is there more hidden magic in your mix?
Have you considered/tried adding some olive oil in it?
Do you find that sweeter tomatoes work better here than their more acidic counterparts?
>Does it freeze well raw?
pretty well in my experience. Trout is also very fucking good, a little bit cheaper and almost as tasty. I know that freezes great.
>go to nutritionist as part of my blood pressure treatment
>anon you need to eat less fat and more carbs
>eat overnight oats every day for two weeks
>stop losing weight
>constantly famished
>no change in BP
>oh anon that wasnt for your blood pressure
>were just bringing your macros into alignment with recognized standards
I refuse to believe medical personal from here on out.
Also my blood pressure was BASICALLY fine as soon as I cut processed foods and I dodged the BP meds bullet.
Makes sense, trout is a salmonid
Governmental agencies want americans to be stupid and fat.
Every 2 lbs of excess weight roughly equates to 1 point of blood pressure increase. My cardiologist remarked how accurate this rule of thumb has been with me as I've lost over 90 lbs and keep shedding BP meds as I lose weight.

Be really strict with sodium intake. Some people are very genetically predisposed to not being able to tolerate sodium. I have to keep it under 2000mg a day.

Also, alcohol is atrocious and will spike your BP after consuming it. If you're a drinker, quit the booze
For more than forty years I have been slapping people around with a large salmonid while knowing nothing of it, and I am the most obliged person in the world to you for telling me so.
Thank you. This is my first time I'm trying it with cherry tomatoes, which this variety in particular is very sweet. Surprisingly, I preferred it with regular tomatoes. For some reason, perhaps I may have went overboard with the pepper, but it had an unusually dry texture today
The secret with the cottage cheese is all in the portion. I first tried it with the full portion of 1/2 cup (by weight) on its own, and while it was good, it does become a bit "too much" after a while. That's why I only use 1/4 cup of cottage cheese mixed with tomato. It not only gives me a lot more portions, but it's also less calories and still as filling with the mixed in toppings. Sometimes I'll use Trader Joe's "Everything But the Elote" seasoning instead of black pepper. I've been wanting to "Everything But the Bagel" too
I have been wanting to try it with berries but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I heard it also goes well with honey
I ate 4 fucking Jimmy Johns sandwiches in a single day this last weekend. May god have mercy on my scale.
I'm making up for it this week. All things considered it was merely a setback but losing a week of progress sucks.
> Every 2 lbs of excess weight roughly equates to 1 point of blood pressure increase.
That would be nice. I'm down 25 lbs, my BP has remained high, and artificially kept in "borderline" territory with Losartan.
I was hoping the weight loss would help with this, but it's been disappointing so far.
Awesome. Are you going to continue your weight loss?
Next time you crave Jimmy John's, consider getting an "unwhich", where they replace the carby bread with lettuce leaves. Most of their ingredients are otherwise low-carb, so chances are good you'll feel more or less full after finishing one.
I usually buy them in two, one of which I eat immediately, while the other goes in the fridge for the next day. Since there's no bread to get all soggy and gross, it keeps reasonably well until then.
try coffee
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With how big you are, you're looking at 1900 cal a day deficit to lose 1lb per week. If you can burn an extra 500 on top of that, 2lbs per week. It's much easier to train your body to eat less than commit to the exercise. By all means, try to get the cardio in and stick to it, but most people burn out there or use it as an excuse to have cheat snacks. You should try a week of 1500 cal a day or a 24 hour fast. It will shrink your stomach and give you a new baseline for feeling full. Do not buy snacks and do not keep them in the house. Only keep food in your house that is in your weekly meal prep plan. You WILL be hungry at night for the first week. It goes away if you commit to the plan. You'll make it if you really want to.
I'm bummed that you still get the dreaded "too much" effect even with savory toppings. Still, I've got to give a try. As you say, we can experiment with spices, and maybe some combination will make the whole palatable.
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I am going on a demonic 10 day work trip tomorrow. It is an unwritten custom to abuse the corporate credit card for take out and "fancy" restaurant trips. Breakfast bar.

I will try my best but I have the nasty habit of stuffing my face to be "busy" and not have to socialize. And my 1 drink a month rule is going to be violated a lot of times too I think. Please kill me I do not want to go. I want to get t-boned on the way to the airport
general tso chicken and pork fried rice? kung pao chicken?
szechuan beef? or are you a lo mein fag?
Strangely enough, both my scale and the Navy method give me just about the same number of lean mass in my body, but my scale clocks me in at about 15% BF whereas the Navy method clocks me in at 19%. Regardless, I estimated about another 12-15 lbs to reach my target body fat which seems to be about right. Hopefully I can hold onto as much lean mass as possible and maybe even build some on the way there if that's even possible
I had a BP of 145/90 for years (even 150/90 some of the time). Even at normal bodyweight my BP was high.
It all went away when I started taking supplements. Just measured 116/82 and I'm still overweight.

I take:
>Magnesium (200 mg) as magnesium citrate
>Vitamin D3 (50 mcg - 2000 IU)
>Vitamin K2 (50 mcg - 2000 IU)
>Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 - all are about 80-150% of RDA)
>Vitamin A (400 mcg) - retinol (in the vitamin B complex pellet)
>Zinc (15 mg)
I think most of the benefit is from magnesium though.
Ive done that and made decent gains despite being on a MASSIVE deficit at the time.
how many days for sugar cravings to go away?
Use it for expensive healthy food? Sushi comes to mind or those $20 salad chains. If I’m honest I wouldn’t be very good in your shoes either. I would 100% be hitting up a Brazilian steakhouse, kbbq, etc
That's not something I considered, I'll keep that in mind for next time I decide to get a sandwich from there.
Gettin kinda tired of showering 3 times a day to be honest

Maybe 2 weeks, but you will completely reset yourself if you relapse.
I was eating clean for 2 months and I made the mistake of eating some cheezits my parents had around in their house.
Holy hell, it was scary how easy it was to eat them and afterwards all I could think about was getting more.
Just be strong, it'll be easier eventually. Its worth it.
Why are you showering so much
Morning and night before applying anti-fungal cream, afternoon after a workout
I have probably posted about this too much here I'm just tired of it it's been over a month
My body was not used to sweating this much and is not handling it well
Not him but some of us with weird skin need to shower regularly. I have eczema so when I sweat or get dry I take a 2 min shower and then moisturise with dry skin cream. In the summer I take like 3 short showers a day.
Today I walked 6 miles in 1h40 min (in one go). It was a very hot day and I was sweating a lot.

I have been lifting and eating less. Getting much stronger and developing great stamina. But I am not losing weight or belly fat. So now I have to try also cardio maxxing. (6ft0 220lb/100kg)
have you tried eating less?
I've eaten 5 lbs of beef within the last 24 hours and I'm not going to step on my scale
Nutritionists aren't medical personnel
By your thoughts, it seems you already do
Overall in recent months I've been eating too much for someone who's trying to lose weight but I ve cut down a lot.

I never buy/eat snacks, desserts etc. and I don't eat take out. But I will sometimes just go for a second plate of rice and beef or something. Need to be more disciplined. But also I think I need to burn more through cardio allowing me to eat a bit more (around 1900cal a day).
Return from whence ye came.
Having some carbs a little while before or right after you lift might help. If the pain you're talking about is just the burn in the muscles you're trying to work I'd say that's fine. If it's in your joints or something then lower the weight and focus on form. Also keeping it under an hour has kept me from feeling worn out.
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I just fit 8 outfits and some miscellaneous things into a carry on luggage case. Skinny privilege?
Is 160 a reasonable weight at 5'10? Down to 174 from 270 but I've been in weight loss limbo for way too long now and I wanna go low to comfortably maintain a surplus before I go all in on working out again.
Not sure how long ago you started but whenever I change my exercise routine I stall in weight for like a week or so. If youre eating at a deficit it will go down no matter what.
How do you figure?
Just started to really try losing weight three weeks ago.
I'm 6'1 and really let myself go, ballooned up to 390, though that was down from 420 a few years ago.
I'm doing a keto diet, and have so far lost 28 pounds. Haven't started exercising yet, but I'm not sure if I'm too strict with my diet.
Haven't broken out of ketosis once, but lately I get dizzy and my vision blurs when I stand up too fast. I'm guessing I'm not eating essential vitamins.
congrats bro, a solid step in the right direction
>Is 160 a reasonable weight at 5'10?
I probably have a bit more muscle than you, but 157 is the absolute lowest I could go. Like I literally couldnt go further. I started bulking and couldnt be happier. I think you should go for. Just dont get scared a month in when you get a bit fluffier. It is VERY worth it. Just be smart with your bulk.
>Stop eating sugary pure slop
>Stop having random bouts of tiredness throughout the day
Huh maybe I am pre diabetic after all
Misery likes company. But my experience over time is that more people will be inspired than jealous.
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>3 weeks into weight loss, full transformation will take ~6 months at least
>insanely jelly of normal people
>feel like pic related
>I probably know more about nutrition than them yet I am a disgusting walking planet
>I think I "deserve" to be at a normal weight
>other people don't have to think about what they eat as autistically as I have to
>they don't have to restrict themselves as hard as I am
>they are happy with who they are
>they all look better than me
>it's all my fault
>it took me years to get like this
>it's my fault
>I did this to myself
>I'll probably do it again
>why can't I be normal
>why do I hate myself
>I will never be normal
>I can't imagine myself being slim
>I should have killed myself months ago that would have been easier
>being fat may have saved me, the idea of a team of randos lifting my disgusting body and a second team putting it on a monstrous casket was too much to bear, I can still imagine the smell of my decomposing fast-food fat rolls
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Right, don't fuck around.

1. You're on a restrictive diet, you are not going to get all the micronutrients you need. You MUST get on supplements ASAP.
- multivitamin. Take some weak mainstream shit, or go hard like me, and take something like NaturesPlus - Source of Life Original.
- Fish Oil /Omega-3 pills. Trust me, unless you eat A LOT of fish, you're going to want this.
- Moar Vitamin D-3. Have you been hiding in your house? Do you avoid social interactions? Feel vaguely down or unmotivated? You almost certainly need more D-3. Get 2000 IU daily, or 5000 UI if you're for serious.
- Fibers. Soluble fibers, specifically. Your diet is pushing you to eat a lot of fat, and an inevitable chunk of that is going to be saturated. It's also pushing you to avoid all carbs, which means you get very little soluble fiber to help flush out the saturated fat before it goes all LDL-C on you. Do you like Psyllium Husk powder? No, me neither. Doesn't matter. Make love to it. Drink at least 10g of the horrible stuff daily. Your heart will thank you. Also possibly your bowels.
- Lion's Mane? Sounds super random, I know. But it might help you.

2. You need a doctor's supervision. Not just for her to tell you to get off of keto (that's always fun), but mostly to have her run all the blood tests on you regularly and maybe catch terrible happenings before it's too late.

3. You should get a blood pressure home machine. Maybe one of those cheap wrist things at least. Track your numbers consistently, it'll help your doctor sort out what's going on with your blood pressure (and quite possibly your bouts of orthostatic hypotension.)

4. Don't worry about exercising yet. Walking around would already be awesome.

5. Try to pick good fats as much as possible. Crucifers are your best friends. Berries are fine. Snack on mixed nuts. When in doubt, eat less saturated fats and more proteins.
This is the first time in my life ive kept the weight off for so long. Its been like 4 years since I started. Keep up at it. Ive gotten to a point where I workout so hard I literally have to forcefeed junkfood all day to not lose weight at 175lb.
Thanks for all the info, I will definitely do that. I feel great most of the day, but those moments concern me.
I'm not backing out now, I feel like these three weeks have really cemented that in me.
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>not having a healthy relationship with food
I guess it's an addiction. Like some people can't moderate themselves with alcohol.
I envy the people, who just eat when they're hungry and not balloon up
FWIW, losing 28 lbs in 3 weeks in the absolute is really high, but for someone at your size just starting to control your calories, it's actually pretty normal. However, your weight loss will slow down over time. At some point, you may need to tighten your calories further just to keep losing weight. That's also normal, don't get discouraged when it happens. Right now, it feels like a sprint, but it's going to end up being more of a marathon.
You've got this.
>took the potato pill
This shit be bussin
>opportunities slip through my hands like the grains of sand in the hourglass of my mortality

Shit sucks, but at least I'll eventually be able to die alone and in shape.
man, i cant even finish my breakfast of 4 eggs
but im still fat
>I'm guessing I'm not eating essential vitamins.
start eating liver and/or other organs, they have everything you need
>grouping shit that replaces food addiction with a worse addiction that has long-laating health effects
>with meds that actually remove addition and have no effect after stopping
Nutrition science still refuses to see it as addiction, they think it is stigmatising and therefore counterproductive.
In my opinion this is a refusal to see things as they are. This is why pharma will defeat the nutritionists, nutritional therapists and others of their ilk.
took me a while to realize I'm an addict. I like to talk about a lifestyle change, I've not been fat for more than a year now. But put an all-you-can-eat buffet in front of me and I actively have to fight myself not to fall back into pre-weightloss behaviour. It's a struggle and I don't think the struggle has an actual end. It's just a matter of staying in control.
I'm thinking of getting an exercise bike
Walking up the hills has gotten easier now
I no longer feel tired after my walks and I want something that is more intense that's not running
Do it, I have one.
Try using one in the gym before you waste your money, tons of people buy stuff like that and then never use it.
I got home gym and I still go to gym for the stuff I don't have space for at home.
this >>74589539
I thought I'd love it but I used it in the gym a few times and I don't, so I started doing other type of cardio instead
Ok guys I decided to get a rowing machine instead because I am a viking enthusiast so I can pretend I'm a rower on a longship
This is a good cardio exercise right?
Also I don't like gyms
anything that ups your heart rate is cardio
you also dont need to do cardio to lose weight
Yeah I know
That's why I don't care to spend so much time exercising
I think I want to do a push/pull routine, and maybe a couple of leg excersises a couple of days a week.
By not eating a POUND AND A HALF of steak at once
Steak is based
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>sleep for 5 hours from 10-3am
lose 2 lbs while sleeping
>sleep for 5 hours from 3-8am
lose no weight at all

this happens every night and I don't understand it
>getting up in the middle of the night to weigh yourself
Never gonna make it
of course, it wasn't my primary motivation to do so, I just randomly recalled that I wanted to drive that some years ago but they told me I'm too fat, but this time I was able to
It was my main cardio from the beginning to the end of the journey and helps with maintaining. Major pros are
>you don't depend on the weather outside or time of the year
>you can watch TV shows, read, play vidya or even browse the web while doing it
>relatively cheap and available almost anywhere
>you can do it at any weight and doesn't impact your knees and joints unless you overdo it

100% bro.

Can constantly grind harder and harder on the bike just by pedaling more or using more resistance.

Also good benefit of just being able to do fucking anything while doing it. Like I'll play some games on my phone or watch tv shows while I do my cardio, makes it go by much quicker.

+ Lowimact
How bad is it to go cheap?
I was searching up rowing machines and my God people have opinions and they're often very expensive
Do I need to spend a lot on an exercise bike? I was hoping to spend only $200-300
not much, you just need to see if it supports your weight(like when I started with 144 kg it was a bitch to find one that wouldn't buckle under me) and see a couple of reviews if it's robust enough because you'll be using it a lot. I'm currently using one that cost 150 euro and even after a lot of usage it still works like the day I bought it
Mine cost £350 I needed a robust one since I was 150kg
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Moved my old bench press that I haven't used since forever because it sucks and it's thin as hell but it'll do until I buy something better.
I never liked benching in the gym because it's really crowded in that area, it's surrounded by tons of things and everyone's walking by all the time.
Now the only walking by is Mathilda but she got out of the room right away when I started benching, she always stays away when I lift weights. The only lift she doesn't mind is OHP.
I had wings last night and 3 pieces of pizza
Its also run day and I am struggling to get out of bed
>said I'd skip lunch all week
>caved and ate some fish
Forgive me......
Can confirm
I only was able to keep the weight off after I quit cigs/vape.
Nicotine is a hunger suppressant but it also can trigger food cravings.
>no effect after stopping
I have some bad news about your bowel health
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I am 230 currently and 5'11. I understand, I am fat as fuck. I have already lost 20 lbs. How many more do you guys think I could lose in 30 days?
Cheated like crazy on my diet yesterday. Me and my boyfriend had the place to ourselves and I had
>an entire deep dish pizza
>A bag of fudge drizzled popcorn
>a bag of gummy worms
>3 cans of soda (non diet)
I'm disappointed with myself but I need to keep in mind one shitty day won't matter in the grand schemes. I only have 30 more pounds to lose and 2 years ago I was over 300 pounds.
Why does it matter? Just keep losing weight.
it happens but it's best to plan when eating more than you should will happen so you know how to adjust your diet and exercise in accordance to the planned fuckup. For example on Saturday I plan to drink 2000-2800 calories of cider because one of my best friends plans to visit, my meal/exercise plan for the next 2 days and 2 days after that is already adjusted to take that into account. After you get into the habit of planning like that it'll help a lot later when you get to your target weight and need to maintain, it helped me and worked for the last 5 years
>3k cals of cider
disgustingly delicious. Also no hangover whatsoever so it's basically consequence free
I just had a mental weight I was wanting to be by that date. I fucked up and took my sweet ass time. I never feel the pressure until my deadlines are breathing down my neck
You can't control weight loss and be an exact weight on an exact day. Just make sure your losing rather than gaining and that's all that matters.
I have a messed up sleep schedule right now. I wake up at like 9 pm. I start awake until about 1 pm the next day. During this time I mark all my food onto the day I woke up on. Should I just skip a day forward on my calorie app?
I've been eating at 1500 calories averages throughout the week(120g protein on average). Walking ~ 5 miles daily, two full body workouts a week (compound lifts), and once a week running (pathetically low distance but trying).

I can't think what else to do
Why don't you fox your shit sleeping schedule duh. Fucking neet loser.
Fat brothers I did my push day today after pull yesterday and I'm well and truly aching. 12 different exercises with varying levels of success. Never lifted a weight before in my life until yesterday and I'm 30+. My upper body felt like it had weights attached to it when I was showering afterwards. I'm doing 45 on the treadmill every exercise day too. Legs tomorrow. I'm aiming for 5 days on 2 off.
Don't do anything else, that is more than enough. You are losing weight. You clearly have a bad mentality towards weight loss.
If you're gonna think like that then why even bother because you will never be happy.
>adjust your diet and exercise in accordance to the planned fuckup.
Do you mean I should just fast(or eat less)/ exercise the next 2 days? I'm thinking I'll fast today since I'm not even hungry after all the shit I ate yesterday.
Eating 1500 cals/day strict
2 mile walks daily with a 10 mile strenuous hike on Saturday

Lost 3.8 lbs this week (from 254 to 250). I'm pretty confident there isn't water weight in there, because I've been dieting for a few weeks, thus was just my first week of being super strict.

Am I eating at too much of a calorie deficit? I feel fantastic, but the weight almost seems to he coming off too quickly.
yep. Just don't get into a habit of fucking up often
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I mean probably not. I am not in to the leftist hippy shit where everyone gets a medal, including myself. I set a goal and seems as if I am going to miss so I failed and fucked up.

Might include a stretch of fasting.
Forgot to mention 3 days of lifting
Not counting calories.
Got freaked out when I reached almost 99kg and getting fatter (seeing the 100 when I got on the scale for a micro-second was the wake-up call).

But I didn't went crazy unsustainable shit. I cut on a bit of everything, stopped munching between meals, went almost full water. And light exercices ofc.

Lost 8kg in 8 months and still going. It's slow but it never got up again.
Not a lot but I'm happy with it.
>1kg a month
Don't care. tried going full sport+healthy diet and I always end up losing my shit and stopping. It's not for me and it's okay. it's something and it's mostly fat.
4-5 lbs. You're making a smart choice.
If you want to achieve something then you should set yourself SMART goals:
I've been setting myself weight loss goals about once a month. My current goal is to get to before 95 kg by the 12th of June. I'm at 96.6 kg so I'm not sure if I can make it.
Fuck you, doll
Fix your sleep schedule loser
What's the hurry, anyway. You need to hurry if it's an uncomfortably big deficit. Then people get mad they're still losing their weight too slow. In your case, doesn't seem like it.
>June 12
how's the deadline coming along...
Exactly my experience
What's your blood pressure?
Mine has gone way up since I started losing weight, from normal range to 149/82 at last visit which is technically hypertension stage 2
Weird thing is the doc didn't mention it at all, I just noticed from looking over my shit after the visit
I meant July.
How do you account for water weight? My weekly weigh in said I was 172 last week it said 179.
I have a deficit of 900 and exercise 4 days a week. Cardio and lifting. I eat clean too so I don't know why the water weight would shift so much.
You don't. You just weigh yourself in the morning right after you've been to the toilet. Many measurements combined will show you a trend.
NTA but same thing happened to me. Had high blood pressure, went on medication for it, got a lot better, and boom as soon as I started exercising and eating less as well as cleaner it went back up again. Really weird, I thought it would help if anything
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Get out, fatties.
>The sun is were you're supposed to be a certain amount of time per day.
Well no shit. They could have given ME the millions in research grants.
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>ate 6.600kcal meal on refeed (ribs)
>felt nausea at night
>took a shit, nausea passed
>woke up
>0 weight gain
And today is a fasting day, so there's pretty much guaranteed weight loss. It's like I can't even make mistakes if I want to. How can fasting be this easy it's not fair to everyone else who tries dumb shit.
Quitting smoking weed, cigarettes, alcohol and fast food all in the same week.
So close to relapsing. I hate myself for having so little self control.
>Loses all his muscle
>Metabolism drops as a result
>Regains weight
Fasting? Two. Keto? Four. Just caloric restriction? They don't go away.
for cigs install the "Smoke free" app, the money saved tracking and the app telling you how close you are to getting back to normal gum health, taste, breathing etc. really helped motivate me. I smoked less than a pack a day and I still got to over a 1500 euros saved a year. If you're also quitting all the other expensive shit try to start tracking how much you normally spent on them weekly/monthly, money is an incredible motivator
Weak bait deserves no (you).
Never. Its a demon.
Diabetics know its killing them and still cant stop.
>“Even though I knew I had it [diabetes], I was in denial, so to speak. I had to have my sugar.” Yet, he also framed his dietary struggles as a matter of addiction, rather than just “bad” behavior. He explained, “Of course Ali Shaheed and Q-tip was beating me in the head unmercifully about it. ‘You gotta do better than this…’ So, I step up, then I’ll slip again. Step up, slip again. It’s really a sickness, man. Like straight up drugs, man. I’m just addicted to sugar.”

Not even trying to blackpill. You gotta be aware of it. Figure out ways to deal with it.
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>They don't go away
Thanks, yeah the last couple packs I bought I felt guilty and threw them away after smoking a few. Just pissing money away at this point.
I'm so glad I don't have a sweet tooth. I do appreciate a good ice cream, donut, or cake, but in the past three weeks I haven't really felt the need to eat one except for when I was looking at Japanese donuts
Fasting, all food craving went away for me. Keto, I craved sweets a ton. Caloric restriction, I crave sweets a lot still, not quite as bad as the worst keto cravings
I do. I had like 10tbsp of raw honey yesterday. Been doing that every day for about a week and don't really notice a difference. Honey doesn't seem to hit the same as sugar.
I also craved sugar a lot during keto, but I thought it was because I was eating too much protein and too little fat. I remember laying in bed salivating over the thought of eating a bowl of cereal. Fasting is what made it stop completely.
You ever realize that you move around through life as if you were a normal weight, that you picture yourself as being a normal weight, that your own self-image and sense of self is not obese...and then you look in the mirror or catch your own reflection at a side angle and realize you're fat as fuck?
I enjoyed keto for the stint I did it, but I think fasting is better if you want to just do a diet reset, and I am simply NEVER abandoning all carb heavy food nor do I see that as necessary for health. I dont understand people who can do keto for years but Im impressed at the dedication
Happened to me when I was 13. I swear it was the exact moment in time I stopped being a normie. I envy the fatties without self-awareness.
It's been 3 years since I started. Lost a little over 50lbs, actually put on a bit of muscle but still skinnyfat. I didn't get big enough that I have excess skin but I'm well within a healthy weight range and my tits are still pointy and stomach and love handles are still big and flabby. If you got fat is there just a certain amount that never goes away?
People will do anything but eat a caloric deficit it's so easy
are you me
It's kinda crazy how little people understand about diet despite how easy it is to lose weight if you're serious. Everyone wants that magic pill.
I don't think so. People can go from morbidly obese to normal weight so I don't think there's a hard limit on how much fat you can lose
I literally clip things with my arms when I walk by because I'm just wider than I realize. I fucking knock magnets off the fridge when I walk by it sometimes
no. it just gets harder/slower the lighter you are.
Maybe my skin is just more fucked up than I think. Or I'm just still a flabby skelly.
maybe! Loose skin can heal over time and you can also get leaner over time, so either way I think you're fine if you just be patient and keep working
todays meals:
Breakfast - caffeine pill and glass of water
Lunch - coffee with 2g of cocoa fat
Dinner - energy drink and half a pickle
Supper - nicotine spray 1 squirt
do you exercise? do how long do you sleep?
Do you enjoy feeling anxious and fatigued 24/7?
I've started walking a bit, normally get 8 hours of sleep.
i dont know then
i was very sleepy for a few weeks after quiting caffeine, it could be that if you quit that too
>keto tortillas
>keto bread
Fucking horrible

I knew adding a slice of toast with the eggs for only 35 calories was too good to be true
>stop losing weight
Did you forget to count calories? Fat retard.
I enjoy it more than having fat.
No i don't drink any caffeine. I think it's just that i'm pre diabetic and sugar makes my shit go crazy.
rip then
Why would that be rip? I'm losing weight and that'll fix my pre diabeties
Average /fph/ poster
i wouldnt trust shit made from sludge to be "keto", anon
i have no idea what pre diabeties is, sorry
its was more of a rip because you have it, i had no idea you can get rid of it
Keep on bro
I turned my pre-diabetes around in 3 months, very doable
>step on scale
>step again
>step again
I think my scale is out of whack bros. I can't take this. How will I know if I'm losing tha pound a week now??
Idc about keto, just the much lower calories
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I was always sminnyfat and i always convinced myself i was "fit" and people even said i looked fit (not their fault, most of my fat was around my legs and I love baggy jeans), then i gained fat and posted height and weight here and someone replied "that's not skinnyfat, that's fat fat" and i faced reality.
Simply buy a doctor's office scale from a medical distributor
why would you eat bread that makes your body produce fat more then?
Because I can control my daily caloric intake and I like bread
Are these supposed to be accurate? I don't think doctors care about the last pound. They just want to put you in a range to determine the power of the medicines they give you. They care less about your weight then autistic fitbros do
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General advice seems to be to start slow and increase the deficit over time. But it's the opposite for lifting: heavy sets first, light sets last.

Wouldn't it make sense to start with a big deficit and reduce it over time to compensate for the fatigue?
>Wouldn't it make sense to start with a big deficit and reduce it over time to compensate for the fatigue?
No because you'll burn out plus the deficit needs to increase as your BMR decreases from less mass

If you're strongmind you can start big and end bigger but it's mostly a mental game, works better for more people like this
That's not a thing so
>the deficit needs to increase
Rather the caloric intake needs to decrease to keep the same deficit
>bread is full of carbs
>carbs turn into sugar in your body
>sugar makes your body produce fat
you burgers have no idea
>breaking the laws of thermodynamics with one simple trick
Yes you are correct no thin person has ever eaten any bread ever
wow you burgers cant stop strawmanning
you 2 should kill yourselves
>tfw losing weight but realise it's going to take like 18 months to get to my goal weight
Fugg this shit takes a while
it takes a while to become a whale too
Are you 80 kg too heavy or losing too slowly?
I'm 150kg and my goal weight is 85kg
Yeah I'm glad I never became full on "fat" when I think about some people I know and if they were to go on a diet, it blows my mind how long they would need to stick to it. For some, it would take years
>resorts to ad hom
>can't back up his claim
Concession accepted
Checks out. Could probably go a little faster at that weight. Loose skin will be a problem either way.
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mmmm concessions
Hi Robert
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you dont know what an ad hom is, retard
if would be one if i said your "argument" is wrong because you're burgers
you have no idea what you're talking about
>too much
Concession accepted.
straw man, you should kill yourself
Get well soon. No idea why you have a agenda against bread. I eat bread and I'm thin and strong, like billions of other people.
yes, you love it, that's why you're here
Yeah it's pretty good glad you agree
reminder to not feed (You)s to the ketolards
I bought wheat bread to make sandwiches for my friends for our hiking trip, but now I have a bunch of bread I can't eat. What the hell am I going to do with all this bread? At least with the other ingredients I can put them into a wrap or something
you also strawmanned me in this post
i have no agenda against bread, im just saying that eating bread or carbs in general will make your body produce fat
you should stil kill yourself tho
Was stuck at 205 for weeks woke up this morning to 202
i dont even do keto
rent free
Ah okay you are a low carb person. Nothing you said is true though, but keep being mad about people eating carbs, seems to really be working out well for you. I guarantee you aren't thin or fit in the least which is why you are so vitriolic about food. I won't reply further, have a good day
i accept your concession
You ever notice how people who eat low carb are always so angry and obsessed with people who they dont know eating carbs? Its really sad
I don't intentionally eat low carb but I find carbs burn through me fast so I tend not to eat many.
you're mentally ill
which part of >>74591374 is me sounding angry?
>which part of >>74591374 is me sounding angry?
>you 2 should kill yourselves
>you should kill yourself
>stil kill yourself tho
Is 4 days exercise + 3 days off okay if I have a somewhat physically active job where I'm walking and lifting boxes all day? I have a fear of burning out. I'm trying to do 5 on/2 off but generally by day 3 I'm starting to feel it.
Yes that is fine
>you're mentally ill
You're the one responding to people angrily
>>you 2 should kill yourselves
>you should kill yourself
>stil kill yourself tho
all that was in response to them strawmanning me, i dont tolerate disingenuous retards
sorry that i dont read someone calling me mentally ill as them being angry
Get well soon anon. Maybe eat some carbs to boost serotonin
i never said eating carbs was bad, you should kill yourself too
To the anon asking me about cottage cheese yesterday, I tried using raw honey today and it makes for a delightfully sweet treat. It only took the slightest amount too (5g). Perhaps it's because I haven't had sweets in so long, but I daresay it might be even a bit too sweet, I could probably have gotten away with 2.5g. Regardless, I think I will have my cottage cheese this way from now on, as a bit of a step-up from yogurts
Thank you. I hope that as my strength improves I will feel more able to go more days.
The workouts won't really do much to help you lose weight, but they're good for you for other reasons.
Very roughly, you're between a 500 to 1000 daily calorie deficit. You could expect to lose around 10 lbs in 30 days.
To be clear, those are fairly high numbers, and you don't really want to go above that, unless you want to risk acquiring loose skin flaps.
You're not going to have that hot beach body in time for summer, but let's face it, at your numbers that was never going to happen. Pace yourself. Beat yourself up if that's what you're into and you think you have to put yourself through it as a substitute for basic willpower and self-motivation. But more importantly, stick to it.
It's easier to stick to something sustainable than to some wild crash diet.
Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Don't fall for the right-wing memes. Leftist hippy shit is what you accuse *others* of doing, it never applies to yourself, just like how screeching pro-life activists will quietly get abortions when they need them before resuming their post on the picket lines.
I'm going out to eat at an unknown restaurant for a very late father's day. Kind of sucks. I'm only eating a boiled potato with guacamole until 7pm when we go out.
Hopefully the food will only be 900 calories or else I'm going to be over my limit.
Been yoyoing up and down since 2013.

3 lbs until I'm down 100lbs from my max
6 lbs until the lowest recorded weight I have on record

July is gonna be a month of milestones
Did the same, small breakfast and skipped lunch, went to a chinese place and had chicken stir fry (with a lot of sauce) and a bit of the fried rice portion and a beer
No blip in the loss progress
Learned that it's okay to go out occasionally you just have to make room for it and not order relentlessly
Try to find out the ~demon~ restaurant's True Name. It will give you power of it, in the sense that you can google it, find the web site, see what the menu looks like, and preemptively pick something that isn't too obviously cursed (sauces and breading are two dreadful curses to be wary of.)
Remember, it's okay not to finish your plate.
Obviously that's I usually do but I have no idea because my friends father hasn't chosen yet and probably won't until we actually get there.
At what % body fat does skin sag become unavoidable? Or is it purely genetics?
Am I fucking myself losing ~18 lbs a month coming down from 400 lbs? Will the speed at which I lose really affect how much loose skin I have left over at the end? Coming from that fucking big I'm going to have a shit ton of sag no matter what, I imagine. I don't want to increase my eating to cut the rate in half or something, the progress feels good
Based man, i hope one day i'll be joining you
I think that if you lose the weight slowly enough to match your skin's elasticity, you should not get skin sag.
Skin elasticity itself is primarily a function of genetics and age, but folks try to nudge it along by eating more proteins, using sun screen, using a moisturizing body wash, and taking various supplements.
Even if you see a bit of sag, your body will usually be able to resorb it over time. It gets iffier when the skin folds become pronounced enough that gravity starts to work against you.
So that's your choice: Go hard, lose the weight quickly and get healthier, with a somewhat high risk of getting some loose skin (unless you're young), and get the extra skin removed later if you can afford to.
Or go slow and steady (probably less than 10 lbs a month), work on building muscle mass while losing weight, and pay attention to your body as you go to make sure you don't sag yourself into a corner.
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I reverted back to my old habits. I guess i couldn’t handle the stress of my job after vacation. I’ve been binging for 3 days non-stop. Pizza, chips, ice cream, burger, fried chicken, etc you name it. But this day i stopped myself and went back to dieting and lifting. I’ll weight myself tomorrow i hope i didn’t fuck my 1 month progress.
Dammit. I'm on a very low carb plan over here, and you're tempting me with delicious healthy raw honey.
Still, at those quantities, it might be okay.. Fine, I'll try it your way anon.
Your penance is to look back at those three days, make a list of everything you ate and add up the calories and macros for each of your lapsed days.
Enter them in your food tracking app, my son, then go forth and sin no more.
I think you might be pleasantly surprised. Keep in mind I was using a 1/4 cup portion of cottage cheese. I'm thinking 2.5g of honey per 1/4 cup of cottage cheese is ideal. The honey really is overpowering
>Feel low energy
>Don't feel hungry
How do i fix this?
You sleep
>try to lose weight in part because I've developed GERD symptoms and this thing where eating bloats me if I don't keep it to smaller portions
>start losing weight and lifting
>today felt like I've been hit by a truck
>realise I was way overestimating how many calories I was eating
>my intake for mid weight loss as per the calculator should be ~2,200 now but I only ate 850 today
>got one more meal left but it will probably be about 800
>since i became more mindful of my eating and the bloated feeling i legit struggle to eat as much as i used to
bros how the fuck do i get cals
i'm thinking of buying a smoothie maker and making those green smoothies with some seeds thrown in or some shit
If you're not hungry I'd say don't force it
I should rephrase, how the fak do i get cals without binge-eating chocolate and feeling the acid crawl up my throat? Even something like a sandwich + one bag of potato chips started to bloat me before (for reference, I used to be able to eat like an entire six pack of chips and barely feel full)
Yeah but my energy is truly shot today and I'm worried about getting too burned out to stick to workouts long-term. I don't want to quit on this, it's the best I feel about myself for 5 years and good for my mental health.
What are you eating now? Take your proteins and make bigger portions. Same with the carbs
Leftist are a societal cancer
Today, small chicken thighs because they're cheap and I'm poor. But even if I eat two that's only like 350 cals max according to Nutracheck even with skin. On the side I have spinach and brocco (good for you but not mega high cals) and wholegrain rice (about 170 cals). I suppose I could double up on the rice.
Someone make a new thread
I'm too new here it wouldn't feel right for me to take initiative
you came here at the final moment
this is the last /fat/


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