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/fit/ - Fitness

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Went from 225-205 in about a year and a half. Would look much better if I didn't drink 375ml of vodka a night..
damn bro I have these fucked up tits from the first and second pic maybe I have some hope
nice job bro
Even at my most jacked I still kinda had titties.. it's over for us bro
You did good progress aesthetically but were you only slightly cutting the calories/not doing cardio ?

20lb in 18 months seems a little slow. Depends how much weight you wanted to lose/how lean you wanted to get ofc
it's not that bad in this pic bro. I'm not sure if your tits also looks fucked under some certain lightings and angles like my tits do, but it's not that noticeable like OP's first and second pic
>maybe I have some hope
You do have hope broski. It's gonna be hard, but do it!
Way too soft this summer.. to many pizza and beer
Maybe 2025 will be my year bros
Well it's a whole body recomp.. I also wasn't tracking calories and drinking booze nearly every day. Just ate smaller portions and exercised. I'm more like 200 now but that picture was a couple weeks ago.
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Is there anything I should focus on in particular? 6’2 175 lbs. Trying to improve my posture more.
Yeah I actually realised that after I posted that. Great job, well done.
you have body dysmorphia
You have great potential but if you take 4 months off and pizza/beer too hard you will become fat thor. Good luck anon
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i’m sort of feeling like a small cut is necessary
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172 lbs

I just want V taper lats bros
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Can some kind soul please tell me how to filter tripfags?
No I’m not new just dumb :(
5’8” 76kg
I lift solely to meet giddy, mog him, then send him to Valhalla.
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Ignore kam's legs

Should I keep cutting or maintain for summer bitches?
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5’7 147. Just about finished my cut and will maintain for summer. Not feeling the best but never been this lean before. Pool party this weekend bros, did I pull it off?
You did. Now, I wish you'd pull me off.
congrats on your contract with the jaguars, i see you've put that money towards getting strong this offseason
as a quick guess, delts, lats, and mildly so forearm, but overall you look quite well rounded. Back work possibly too, depending if you could get your shoulder frame wider
crazy bicep insertions/posing, you def could use some forearm and lat work, maybe some trap work too, hit the shrugs brother
nice but there is no contest when it comes to mass
same photo so many times, possibly meds poster, if that's you anon nj, but didn't you have a whole thread already that you made?

picrel is my fat ass, ofc still lots to do
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Imagine looking like complete shit and having the audacity to comment on the 6’4 thor guy
Schlubby retard kek.
>samr photo so many times
Yeah it’s almost as if people post body in a post body thread, insane innit
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I sure am shlubby my parents fed me goyslop like it was there job and never pushed me to do anything physical. this is my progress over the past 9 months so far. Also just being cautious cause some anons will scalp the archives for physiques and larp, you think Shelby Chad was him every time too?
note the "c" in "cbt" it stands for current implying that most engaging may at the very least consider taking a current photo, i.e. a new photo. Wild concept for you I am sure
grim start fasting and only eating whole foods when you do eat, that and go to bed when the sun is down. Best of luck pal
You should go see a doctor. The number of moles on your stomach has increased significantly. this can't be good.
congrats on the progress
for 9 whole ass months I'm not incredibly impressed though, the worse part is that you still blame your parents for your own failures, you are never going to make it with that mentality
I understand getting defensive when you're putting yourself out in the open like this but you have to take responsibility
did your parents also force you to be a weeaboo manchild?
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6' and 180lbs
Maybe my last cut before I start frauding idk, I do intend to cut to even lower bf than that. Also I'm showing off the Adonis belt so abs aren't flexed, therefore a bit less visible.
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Just so you know we have a lgbt discord server where we save and repost some of these, we also have nicknames for some

Ink blotch
Plaid boy
B grade giddy
Paging autistic John
We're all just fishing for compliments because men get starved of it, and we don't care if it's from faggots
achievable natty?
your thumbs are hilariously big compared to your hands and forearms
agency as a child is an interesting idea anon, and you are right it's not entirely a one issue problem. I have been working at my weight full effort since I was 15.
5’3 59 kgs. Summer shreds
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im trying to /twinkmaxx/
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> 6'0" 180
> Can't tell if I'm too fat or too DYEL
What do I do bros

Playing tennis twice a week is eating into my lifting time :/
Fucking gay flag behind you. Burn it with you wrapped inside.
Paging baby dick
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what's up babe
You look good, retard. If you stopped now, that's all you would ever need
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pls ruin my life and my insides
you look good
fix your arms
It's acne from a medication I'm on
Can I get a faggy nickname?
Sure thing, faggot
sorry about the face
tiny forearms and triceps
nice shoulders
me uwu
more pls
Too fat. Cut while working your chest and core more
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Barely progressing. It's so over
164cm 58kg
really is a shame you've still got a dick.
ugliest tattoos I've ever seen
btw show your ass you fucking tranny
kill yourself monkeypox tranny

kill yourself whore
kam, thoughts on t800 secretly lurking cbt?
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210lbs at 6 foot, any guesses for my bf% ?
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6 months back at it on July 1st.
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I've seen worse
Yeah, this is suckable
whatever you absolute whore just post your fucking tits or ass
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my bonds are automatically going toxic and i don't know what i did to cause it
it seems women are getting more turned on by me now for the cause
this shit is too wild i'm in lala land
sad whiny bitch
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erm, i don't really care

you have to stop taking old posts by me so literally, there's obviously a drama twist to everything; you do watch movies?
Oh no, did the eating disorder underage girl escape her /fat/ containment thread?
lads ive been lifting for a month and im.still tiny wtf
oracle kam, thoughts on trump v biden?
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erm, i don't care about politics
trump is objectively cool as fuck
how the world is ran, who does what, law/policy... man, i couldn't give a single fuck, i explore the stars in my mind
20% (depending on legs)
oracle kam, should i buy calls or puts for my next earnings play?
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money repulses me i hate it as a concept i wish everything was free
kam, thoughts on obese women?
u look great my heart
6’6 82kg
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you just can't fucking hate this guy

physical content is underwhelming dude idk what to tell you
When will this meme stop
>posting body in a body thread makes it a meme now
Grim autism
Funny thing is I’ve literally posted it twice, so the people complaining must do nothing it spam f5 all day in here lol
posting the same picture, 6 times a day makes for a nice personality disorder

...on the chance that it is OP
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did you send it yet?
I’m the guy you’re talking about
Prove its been posted more than twice doc. Should be easy for u
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Where are you from, I understand 2/3 of your sentences
>no evidence provided even tho archives is right there
Concession accepted :)
>10 min pass
>no proof
Anons.. not like this
Anyyyyytime now
morals of an ally cat
guys pls respond
debate nigga fate of the world shit
i need my attention
Literally top tier body and you think you have tits? Bruh that's wild.
What do you do for obliques brother?
it's really funny nobody even tries to talk about the troubles teenage girls face that lead them to troubling personality traits that decide society
it's really funny how women don't realize all they have to do is keep their mouth and legs shut and 99% of their problems are solved
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trump's mask fucking sucks
he can take office again, i'm #1 now
get fucked
there’s two, i’m the anorexic one in “recovery”, i only use /fat/ a little bit

i don’t think i’ve seen bulimia girl post in cbt before
jon where's my money bro

how much more do i need to cut to be "lean"?
None of these are new photos, only Giddy and void constantly take new pics
Wild concept for a newfag I know
>she still thinks majority of these are current body
>came back four hours later to see if they’d been insulted
where's the lie tho? or just screeching over being called out
This is you >>74588920
and you’re screeching because you think genuinely current body pics are posted here.your autism isn’t my issue
Meds (weight loss ones too)
Who is giddy and void? Is this basically a circle jerk general /soc/ tier thread?
>mfw I asked this tranny to prove the pic was posted before
>it’s now been 5 hours and she hasn’t sent a single image in the archives
Yes to the second one
look this only works for me cuz i'm formless
my mom couldn't card me so i was formless
it's very schizo and very hard to control but it gives you access to the sky
Still nothing? It's been weeks and it's not stalking dns unlisted isn't rocket science. Come on fauna ^^ I love you don't cut me out aren't you lonely enough?
ika was also formless but she got fucked over sb
NTA, but a basic lookup brings up
on top of the one in this thread.
I think that's more than two, but I'm not good at math, so y'all figure it out.
fucking narc
I posted a pic that I took the same day, you could even go back to a previous /cbt/ to see how my cut went
What the fuvk I defended this guy out of good intentions and he’s just an attention whore
>calling himself chad
Jfl. My mistake fellas
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started in may, bulked 4kg since.
need to start working abs tho, any tips on something i can spam for 5 min every day at home?
why are your nipples so high
I know what I post is current and I often see current photos, that's why it's odd to me when someone doesn't update their photos for an extended time frame my guy. Also in breaking news man discovers that fat people losing weight are in fact still fat
that was me (anorexia girl)

sorry anon that’s not my bag
u r not serious! i'm not posting my boobs
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Not everything is about you
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1 month of lifting, hopefully getting rid of the skinny fat look in a couple of months.

172cm - 70kg - 31yo
why does everyone keep asking that, dunno dude
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Stfu you braindead anorexic whore
You look great bud
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Started SS one month ago, before that I did the Recon Ron Pullup program for a few months. I'm excited to see what progress I make along the way :)

What weight did you cut from to have that loose skin, and what weight are you now?

You above 6ft?
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my traps and neck after a few sets of cheaty and explosive high rep 30 kg barbell rows with fat gripz extreme
i feel like light weight high reps is very good.... 30 kg is all i need
im 175 cm and 79 kg
I used to be like 230 at my fattest and got down to 135 over a few years. When I started lifting I was at 147 and now I'm 151
5'6" btw teehee
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6'3", mid-30s. 272 lbs in June 2022, down to 182 in May 2023, up to 202 today.
Seven-day rolling average has stalled at around 203 lbs for the last 10 days. Might need to eat more.
Surplus above sedentary TDEE has averaged ~500-600 in that time, which I thought should be enough for ~200-300 surplus after accounting for lifting/cardio. Might give it another week though before I change anything.
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nice progress, time to bulk up

looking strong, perhaps get a lil leaner see how it goes

maybe do a lil more core work to try to increase the size of your abdominals so you can fill in the loose skin, arms are solid

train more for hypertrophy in your upper body, your legs look solid but seems like you just do squats and diddlys

clean up your diet too and keep lifting

boat pose, hollow body hold, leg lifts, knee to nose/tricep from plank position, l-sits, pike compression lifts

a fair bit, you're probably 18ish% right now, so another 5%

6'2, 220lbs in my pic
do you make a sour face when you do these hateful little images?
I do!! Fight me faggot. Come get these hands
Your head looks like something a plumber would pull out of a drain. Fix your ridiculous hair and facial hair.
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130~ lbs

Too big to go full twink
Too small to go dwarf.
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Im ex fat, so I lost weight. Im working on muscle now
literally my goal bod as a 5'8 guy
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it's funny to me that my 3 biggest haters are body dysmorphic with physical security issues & violent inner thought
at the end of the day it's my fault. i don't belong here, but god damn is it funny
Hilarious images*

That’s not even the person who made it you fat retard. I did lol at their reply though.
you're really not smart
Name them Kam! Expose them biches
foughts? Been working out for about 3 months. Main goal to lose weight went from 71kg to 67kg.
>a little slow >>74587368

Why are you posting the OP with this if you know its dogshit progress, which it is? Because you actually thought it was good to lose 20 lbs in 18 months as a fat ass and then backpedalled to cope
>body recomp
Body recomp into a blob of shit waste of time

Fatties stay FAT
Relax brudda. OP had fine progress. Jaw dropping for 18 months? Of course not. But does he look better? Sure. Better than staying as fat as he was or getting fatter.
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Is it over for me bros?
4'5 150lbs
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I took some anons' advice and added more legs as accessory exercises at the end of my workouts. I think my legs are growing a bit. Have a good weekend anons.
white boomer
half naked in a public locker room

name a more iconic duo
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men weren't designed to deal with emotional trauma
look, words don't matter, what comes from me has a certain kind of venom that paralyzes men
there's an ill projection that if it affects them that way, it must do the same for me, but women have decompression tools, men don't
as i've always said, men are projectors, women are projectionist; they can change the picture.
i am only what i need them to believe so they'll do what's best for us
we are past the point of no return

oh, my apologies to bulimia girl
Another victim of /fit/
Upper body is spot on. Legs are veering towards too big.
left looks more fertile
u have soj?
>your legs are too small
>your legs are too big
I dunno anon
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Looks awesome
mirin, goal body
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Neck yourself faggot. I would literally kill you and it wouldn't be close.
I am 40% sure this is a tranny
the #1 pickup line in 2024 is "are you a tranny?"
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Do I even have a chance of being attractive if I lose weight? I feel like I'm beyond hope, and I'll just have a generic fridge body. I don't know where to start beyond cutting out all the junk food I've been eating.
Only one way to find out: lose the weight. You'll be healthier regardless. Want kids someday, or have them already? They'll have a much better life if their mother is fit enough to actually keep up and play with them.
I was basically invisible to my nieces and nephews when I was a fat fuck, because I had no energy to really play with them. Lost a bunch of weight, and now they don't treat me like a fucking stranger because I actually spend quality time with them when I see them, instead of sitting on a couch doing nothing.
oink oink piggy bitch
Is every single person posting in this thread roiding
even kam is on roids dude
>Do I even have a chance of being attractive if I lose weight?
You can do cardio and lift weights. Just remember to have a good workout regiment and a healthy balanced diet.

Also, work out because you love yourself, not due to self hate

I hope I can look like you brother, doing a similar cut, by the end of it if my body looked like yours with what looks to be no/minimal loose skin I'd be fucking ecstatic.

6'1, gone from 129kg down to 121kg currently. Aiming to go down to about 78kg and then slow bulk up to around 85kg ~ 90kg.

You've given me hope man.
neither of those things will result in significant weight loss unless she fixes her eating

i suspect you are a retard or a woman
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200 to 142
Loose skin and stretchmarks are frustrating.
both the compliments and the insults here seem to motivate me to keep going.
how the fuck did you avoid stretchmarks?
Amazing bro.
ily mwah
Thanks anon
I am not
How much weight should I lose
Pretty close to where I started, and I'll bet you're younger than I am, which will be an advantage. It can be a grind, and you'll fuck up some days. Just keep at it.
I didn't really, I just don't have a lot, and none on my stomach. Mostly around my hips, couple near my armpits. Doesn't really bother me at all, none of them are very bad.
Maybe just got lucky; I didn't do anything specific to try to minimize stretchmarks or loose skin. But also none of my fat had folded over yet, which I think is when it becomes a lot harder to avoid those things.
Try 15lb, see how that looks
prolly cuz theyre high mate
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Can someone give me a BF% estimate? 155 lb, 6’0”. Aiming for 12% (formerly skinnyfat)
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6'4 233. I feel weak from cutting so much. Almost done tho
Low 20s to high teens. You're not fat anymore, but you have very little muscle mass, so you still look soft. Keep lifting.
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What's my bodyfat%?
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This isn't me, but is this impressive progress? I got this image from a reddit post.
Doesn't matter cuz you're handsome
181 cm
Yeah but you're going to have to preserve your tits at all costs.
damn dude you look like a calvin klein model.
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kam thoughts on joe?
Legs are slightly too big for that.
the face of anyone having to listen to trump irl
no they're not.
t. B.H Signed model
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a puppet of trump, a story for history, an useful idiot
the wind down of my 4chan story is pushing me back into dms and it's rough as fuuuuuuck
at least i'm getting some cleaning done, can't wait for workout days to resume, but as always I suspect the confidence boost is going to send me into another crazy ass bitch who fucks me up for months
Neat, post your favorite image of yourself. Are you the indian joker looking guy?
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No frens just jim.
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took this after lifting bros, I want to lose some fat but am I approaching alpha midwest white trash look yet?
the faggot is a libtard what a surprise
shut the fuck up tranny
??? they're helping me
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Sept 10th 2023
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Jan 20th 2024
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Post poopa
IDK why but I feel like my arms didn't grow as much as they should've despite being quite abit stronger in all my lifts. Bench went up a solid 30-40lbs aswell.
My shoulders look gorilla wide though
But something has to make up for my absolute shit chest/pectus
Overall I know I'm going to make it.
I want to get Zyzz shredded now. Think I'll need tren for that though. IDK if I'm big enough to look good at 10% now though.
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You are fucked. You are built like a garden gnome and will be left looking like a loose skin gnome.
damn! that's a rough lookin' bitch
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5'11 154 do I just kill myself? I look horrible even when I was 112 pounds. I've tried bulking and this is the result.
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I wish I looked that good
High fat carnivore to satiety. No spices, minimum a stick of butter a day. That cellulite on your legs is inflammation
>Roiding for this
Who ordered the pepperoni?
Pooners detected
That is....weirdly disturbing. The edited, blown up belly button makes it look like someone has been gaping the shit out of it with a truly enormous dick.
I went from 220 to 153 currently in less than a year. You really need to get your act together and stop dragging this out. It's not that hard.
Look at my transformation in just my cut from Sept 10th to Jan 20th
Good job, but you're moving an an insanely slow snails pace with probably not very big aspirations.
> Would look much better if I didn't drink 375ml of vodka a night.

Maybe, maybe not: https://rwkasten.substack.com/p/crazy-russian-bear
Honestly if I'm mirin my shoulders I know y'all are mirin my shoulders
I'll give you another reason to mirin brah
Not my chest tho sad face

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