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Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

Noob here.

Started lifting recently, have little strength and very small range of weight that I can add to exercise before I can't do a full set.

Coach recommends rep ranges in 12s or 15s depending on exercise (PPL, if that matters) and I stick to that and always feel like it's not enough. I usually reach failure somewhere at the end of 3rd set. After a full workout I stop feeling any soreness or pump in 10 minutes. The weights must be too light.

On the other hand if I added a measly 2.5 kg I magically lose ability to do a full set. I will reach failure on 1st set after 6 or 8 reps when I'm supposed to do 15. Then I feel nice pump and soreness but everyone always tells me to stick to rep ranges, they talk about too much weight leading to drop in T, form going out the window and strength actually dropping.

Should I increase the weights and go for lower reps, or stick to the reps?
You should be going close to failure (< 3 RIR) (or reaching it entirely) every set. You can't do that without knowing where failure is.
So fuck the rep ranges for one day and rep out your first set to failure as a benchmark if you're not reaching failure in under 20 reps you should increase the weight, I don't care if that takes you down to 8 reps, that's a perfectly fine medium rep range.
Eventually with that new weight you'll be up to 15 reps sooner than you realize and going up in weight again probably lose fewer reps the next weight increase.

TL;DR get close to failure, progressive overload, don't do stupid high rep counts (above 15)
simple shit really
I'm a fat fuck, my back is protruding a lot, and it's not soft fat.
Is it possible to get visceral fat on the mid/upper back?
>month in to cut
>still seeing strength gains despite losing 7 pounds
Is this the power of CNS training?
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Will I be skinny if I cut down to 10%? How long would that take without losing any gains on 200mg/week? (hypogonadal syndrome, 200s T early-mid 20s)
I'm having real trouble increasing my bench press no matter which program I try. I'm pretty sure my triceps are the weak point. What do?
More triceps isolation exercises, what else, numb nuts?
Im ugly with a large dick. How do I telegraph this discretely so girls realize my assets but Im not a creep wearing grey sweats and no underwear. Also what is a reasonable DL after 2 years of working out?
I got a fancy new smartwatch that reads my BPM throughout the day, I know those are not 100% accurate medical tech, but for BPM they're not too off.
Is it normal to have like a big amplitude in BPM? My resting BPM is at 70 but on days I go to the gym it can go up to like 150, and when I sleep goes to like 55.
Am I going to die? I know having a low resting bpm is good, but I'm scared it swings so much
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Will taking pregnenolone and/or DHEA post/intra workout cause my balls to shut down?
Going on a cycling holiday in about 6 weeks time. What leg workouts, except for spinning classes, would be good to build my legs up a bit for a good cycling strength?
>Signed up to gym
>Swimming 1 day
>Cardo with spinbike and treadmill another day
>Machines (I'm a noob, sue me) another day

Please tell me if I keep this up, I'll lose my stomach fat, right?
you lose fat by being in a caloric deficit. will the exercise help you achieve that? yea sure, but if you keep eating like shit you probably won't lose any weight.
I am not changing my eating habits in general. I already have decent healthy food

>Porridge for breakfast, 40g
>Lunch and dinner vary, but 90% cooked at home suitable portions
>Very rare to have sodas

I'm hoping that just increasing work out will be enough (I'm very sedentary normally). So working out most days is a huge improvement
Need some help with programming
here's what i came up with, i need some more abs exercises
3 day a week PPL

>Bench press 5x5
>Skullcrushers 3x10
>OHP 5x5
>Lateral raises 3x10
>Dumbbell Pullover 3x10

>Barbell rows 5x5
>Barbell curls 3x10
>Standard deadlift 5x5
>Facepulls 3x12
>Lat Pulldowns 3x10
?Pull ups when i get strong enough to do them

>Squat 5x5
>Decline crunches 3x10
>Lunges 3x10
>Seated Calf Raise 3x10
wheres your cheset buddy
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I started with poor chest genetics/minor pectus unfortunately. I like to think my quads and shoulders are decent to save though. But yeah I hate it too. I couldn't bench for shit when I first started lifting less than a year ago (cut first, was fat, pic rel Sept 2023). Now Im doing 155 for 9 reps on incline bench. 195 for 10-11 on flat.
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April 17th pump
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How quickly should I be doing my sets? I did 5x12 towel pull-ups for example, but each set was between 5-15 minutes apart while I did cleaning/cooking in the meantime. I still get fatigued about the same afterwards, but how long is too long to rest?
I'm a fat ugly retard trying to do /ss/ cus idk, apparently lifting helps with depression. I've been trying to reach it for a year now and literally nothing is happening I'm not getting stronger I started struggling to squat 80lb 12 months ago and I'm struggling to squat 80lb today

I ain't so fat anymore due to 2 weekly cardio sessions where I sweat buckets but still sorta fat got a bit of a beer belly, what is the problem here, what should I do
Do guys with very masculine features tend to look older sooner? I went from looking like a college kid to a dad in the span of a year
anywhere from 1-5 mins rest is pretty standard depending on the lift as well as the sets and reps you're aiming for. if you were resting for 10 or so minutes I'd assume you're going for a 1rm or something super heavy.
do you just or just have insane shoulder genetics
How bad are cheap rowing machines?
Why the actual fuck does my shoulder pop when I go down during a pull-up?
Nothing happens when I hang or go up, it's only when I reach the bottom that the motherfucker decides to pop like a firecracker
It's fucking pissing me off.
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Losing weight is mostly through diet, like 90% diet. Sweating buckets for an hour won't make a difference if you have a couple extra scoops of ice cream throughout the week.
If you are having trouble progressing on squats specifically, your mobility and form probably suck. Can you even do a proper deep squat? You should be able to do pic related and comfortably hold it anytime anywhere, so practice that whenever you can. Obviously don't have a rounded back and butt wink when you are supporting a heavy barbell.
Thank you brother I appreciate the compliment. I am gifted in my quads, calves, and thankfully my shoulders. To make up for my awful chest genetics/pectus.
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Is belly breathing really better than chest breathing?>
I can only do a deep squat if i go on my tiptoes

The joint of my ankle simply cannot go any further and if I don't go on tiptoes I lose balance and fall on my ass, I guess going on tiptoes isn't really a bad thing?
I'm 7ft 210lb. How much should I gain if I wanna try for the WWE?
If I stop benching and shoulder pressing for three months but continue squats and deadlifts will I lose a tonne of upper body strength?
It will help give your metabolism a boost, but you should still count calories and do some research to find your maintenance caloric intake
normal for long leggers, but short leggers will endlessly tell you it's form and practice.
What do?
lift weights and directly target forearms
Been working on my posture lately, mainly keeping my chin up, core straight and shoulders back
Is it normal to feel a kind of tingly pinch on the muscles on the inside of each shoulder blade, is it from unfucking myself or am I fucking myself?
>Captcha: phag
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does protein powder have long-term negative health effects? what is the best/healthiest/best value whey protein powder brand? no added sugar, pref. vanilla
What is the best way to get rid of sciatic nerve pain?
go to a doctor
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how to fake a Testosterone blood test to get the doctor prescribe me juice?
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Bros, it happened my best worst fears confirmed, my b l urst fears confirmed. I let myself go and binge ate for 2 months in that time I gained weight and I said I should at least work out regularly, because I was working out just not as regularly. Needless to say I was easily getting in over 240 g of protein daily, no it was mostly just a psychological thing until one day I got the craziest pump ever and I did that for a few weeks. I treated it as a sort of mini bulk, but didn't expect anything major from it, only to find that not only my arms had returned to the size from before the extended break with only a few workouts, but had actually gained half an inch. Bros I'm mortified, I have never gotten such wild arm pumps, but I know from my first bulk that I can easily go up to 250 lb body weight before the weight plateaus at those calories being maintenance for that weight. I promised myself I'd never go back that high, but I'm afraid if I start cutting again my gains will be cooked. I'm scared what do I do?
Doctor will try to push pills on you, ask to see a physiatrist. Tell them you want to get to the root of the problem, they'll either try to push physical therapy on you (which may or may not work), but ask for imaging like an MRI to see if anything is wrong. Tell them you'll refuse to do anything until you get imaging done to see exactly what the problem is. Could be a herniated disc in your back, could be hip/leg issues.
start gooning 24/7 and secretly eat a lot of junk food. dont get fat though
>does protein powder have long-term negative health effects?
No. People have been consuming protein powder for like.. 70+ years? Probably longer. As long as it's good, high quality powder, you have nothing to worry about.
>what is the best/healthiest/best value whey protein powder brand?
eehhhhh this is actually kinda hard to answer because sales/deals happen all the time. Optimum Nutrition is one of the better ones out there, though. Dymatize is pretty good, so is MyProtein.
>no added sugar, pref. vanilla
Check ingredients yourself, there are too many out there for me to sift through
not him but with what lift? i only know wrist curls
Need some help with programming
here's what i came up with, i need some more abs exercises
3 day a week PPL

>Bench press 5x5
>Skullcrushers 3x10
>OHP 5x5
>Lateral raises 3x10
>Dumbbell Pullover 3x10

>Barbell rows 5x5
>Barbell curls 3x10
>Standard deadlift 5x5
>Facepulls 3x12
>Lat Pulldowns 3x10
?Pull ups when i get strong enough to do them

>Squat 5x5
>Decline crunches 3x10
>Lunges 3x10
>Seated Calf Raise 3x10
stop making up your own retarded shit and follow an established program
i have bad posture so i need to adjust for that and youre a faggot btw not sure if you've noticed
>OHP 5x5
Not really something an inexperienced lifter should be going heavy on, think about doing 3x10-12 instead. Way too easy to fuck it up and destroy your upper back by letting your form fail (I know because I've done it. Twice.)
>Barbell curls 3x10
Use the EZ bar for better comfort. Or use dumbbells. Barbell curls can cause bad wrist/forearm pain.
>Decline crunches 3x10
Crunches/sit ups are terrible in general. Do hangling leg raises or use the ab machine.
>making your own routine
Yes there's already much much much better routines out there (yours is very mediocre), but that's not taking the whole "do you enjoy it?" into account. Do what makes you happy, do what keeps you returning to the gym.
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>Do what makes you happy, do what keeps you returning to the gym.
i dont give a fuck
i want to be huge
>Yes there's already much much much better routines out there
ok like what? i've look at ello yuchub's program but there's a lot of weird exercises i either can't do yet or i dont have access to machines that theyre done on but i'm open to suggestions
>Barbell curls can cause bad wrist/forearm pain.
ive noticed
>or use the ab machine.
i dont know what youre referring to but theres a good chance i dont have one at my gym (picrel?)
>Way too easy to fuck it up and destroy your upper back by letting your form fail
can you expand on that? what happened
nta but I snapped my traps 2 times when close to 1pl8, I mostly just use the shoulder press machine now and focus more on the bench press instead
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>i dont give a fuck
>i want to be huge
Then why the fuck are you making up such a shit routine? Use a proven one created by people who know what they're doing.
>ok like what?
Google exists, ya know? I'm not gonna do your homework for you.
>no ab machine
Pic related? Every gym has one, it'd be weird as fuck if yours doesn't. Do hanging leg raises if you don't have access to one, it's one of the premier ab workouts.
>can you expand on that? what happened
Upper back arching outwards, causing shit to get pinched/compressed. Had to take like ~2 months off from the gym each time, I said fuck it and stopped doing heavy OHPs after the second time, now I do 3x12 with lighter weights. I cannot recommend heavy OHPs to anyone who's not an advanced lifter
>Google exists, ya know? I'm not gonna do your homework for you.
90% of any fitness advice is literal dogshit and snake oil how am i supposed to know which one is good if i dont even know how to program myself?
>Every gym has one
ok then probably so does my gym i'll just have to look for it i guess
Masturbate to completion (do NOT goon; it's up in the air as to whether or not masturbating without cumming actually raises testosterone, so have an orgasm just to be safe), eat loads of low protein junk food, do the hardest high impact cardio workout you can without making it obvious to the person drawing your blood that you just did plyo for an hour+ (or actually do plyo for an hour+ if it's a self test kit), don't take any otc CNS's like caffeine (if you're taking a fuckton of caffeine or a prescription cns like methylphenidate, that's not only fine but will help; coffee is NOT, as it has shit in it that lowers prolactin which raises testosterone), stop smoking (nicotine is fine; yes, nicotine, bizarrely enough, appears to NOT be the reason why smoking raises testosterone), artificially stress yourself the fuck out (basically do the opposite of psyching yourself up, like, OMG, THE BILLS, I HATE MY JOB, MY LIFE IS A FRAUD, I'M A TOTAL FUCKING LOSER!), don't consume any media that makes you laugh or that you find funny, stay up all night, ect.
Is there a trick to getting plates off and on the bar when it's on the floor?
I swear to god getting those stupid things on was harder than actually doing deadlifts
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Load one plate, then put a 5lb plate underneath it to prop it up
What if it's the first plate I struggle with lol
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Your gym might have this contraption? Or a longer version that the entire bar sits on? Sometimes it'll have a handle on it. If you don't have one, then oh well time to suck it up (the first plate is the fucking worst, I know.)
bros im so fucking sore today, ive been lifting and running damn near ever day for about 2 weeks, honestly i feel and look great but i dont know if im capable of going for a run or lifting any muscle groups but i feel like a fat fucking loser if i dont do anything physically(i have mental problems) should i suck it up and go run or am i being crazy and a rest day could actually be good?
>rest day could actually be good?
Rest days are required, this is common knowledge. "Rest" does not mean be a lazy slob and do nothing all day, it just means don't work your muscles hard like a workout. Take a long walk around the neighborhood while listening to music, that's my go-to activity on rest days
my neighborhood is dangerous, i usually drive out of the city to go for runs and walks but it doesnt feel worth it if im not going to exert myself yknow. i’ve already done yoga and fucked around in my garden this morning so im at a loss
How to get rid of the hanging belly fold?
I've lost like 13 kg, and this is annoying me.
Do I need to lose more weight?
>the first plate is the fucking worst
It's literally the easiest one, wtf am I reading?
Stand the plate up even with the end of the bar but to either side of it. Then lift the bar and lean the plate away from the bar so you can set the bar into the hole. Pull the top of the plate toward the bar to fully insert.
>I've lost like 13 kg, and this is annoying me.
Diet harder and longer. It took how many years for the weight to add on? Guess what fucker, gonna take a long time to lose it. Don't like it? Shouldn't have gotten fat in the first place.
>doctor tells me blood work came back showing B12/vitamin D/folic acid deficiencies and high cholesterol and they want me to make an appointment to come back
Are they just gonna tell me to change my diet and take some vitamins or could there be something worse going on? I swear to god I thought I was eating better compared to when I last had it done 6 months ago (was eating a large fast food meal literally every day and was 20lbs heavier) yet they never called me in that time.
>Are they just gonna tell me to change my diet and take some vitamins or could there be something worse going on?
There's literally no way for anyone to know this. We don't have your results, we can't analyze anything. The fact they want you to come back instead of just saying "yeah go take a multivitamin and eat better" tells me it might be kinda serious, though.
I've lately been thinking about buying squat shoes, mostly because my ankle mobility has always kept me back more than lack of strength. I squat barefoot, front and back, and every evening before bed I do a mobility work.
Yet today I had a very satisfying workout, the stretching paid off and I front squatted ass to grass every set without feeling like the movement was wrong.
Should I still buy the shoes? Would wearing them around the gym even when not squatting look ridiculous? Am I overthinking this?
If things are starting to work, then put off the purchase for a bit. You can always wait a bit longer to buy them.
If it seems to still be a consistent issue (and today was a fluke), then make the purchase. If things continue to get better, then don't.
Serious question.
Whats the point of being /fit/ when i'll never be able to have sex with a female?
How important are weightlifting shoes?
You’ll be able to have sex with men
Thanks anon, I guess I'll just keep at it and see.
>Would wearing them around the gym even when not squatting look ridiculous?
They look fine but you can hardly walk in them.
If squatting or oly lifting, better than anything with cushion, and if your legs are long mandatory.
Noted, I think I can feel that my squats are starting to suffer due to my shoes. I'll get a pair today
Evening fellas. I recently had a schedule change at work so I’ll only be able to go to the gym from Monday to Friday, rather than to Saturday like I used to. I’ve been running the same PPL for a while and I was wondering whether smushing my leg days into my push days, and doing abs and forearms on my pull days would be a decent way of working around the lost lifting day. All I do for legs is high bar squats and RDLs, so my back shouldn’t be too fried before my pull days, and it would give me a chance to go running twice a week after said pull days. TLDR, I’d be going from a regular PPL to
>Push + legs
>Pull + abs + forearms
>Repeat, then rest on Sunday
ive been on a cut with a deficit of 750-1000 kcal a day, planning to run it for 2-4 weeks, maybe a bit longer and lower the deficit, so a mini cut into a regular cut
im eating exactly the same thing as when im bulking or maintaining, my diet is 95% clean (i count non-neutral-flavour whey as not clean but i still consoom it anyway)
two questions: pretty much immediately on day 1, smaller portions fill me up SO quick and that hasnt changed so far (almost 2 weeks in), when i have to eat bigger portions at the end of the day i feel sick with the portion size. does the stomach "volume" / satiety really adjust that quick or is that mostly in my head?

2. i make sure to still give it my all on my workouts, especially on the isolations but i cut the volume by 25-50% on accessoires, keeping it the same on compounds (focusing on keeping as much strength as possible), working out 5x a week.
im not ravenously hungry after my workouts anymore, just a slight bit of hunger but i could go for hours after without eating. what the fuck is going on? that cant be normal, especially when i get way less calories than before.

for reference, i was maintaining on 3600 kcal before, now im eating between 2100 on rest/less cardio days and 2300-2500, depending on how much i move that day (varies a lot due to work and other commitments)
how do i structure a full body day? ive been running my 6 day ppl for so long that i feel like ive gassed out, so i wanna force all my lifts into 3 big days. if it helps, i do
>ohp, dumbbell bench, weighted dips, french press, lat raises
>rows, weighted pull-ups, weighted chin-ups, barbell curls, hammer curls
>squats, rdls, leg extensions + curls, calf raises
What’s so magical about a pre-established program? Shouldn’t I be able to design my own if I hit all my muscle groups enough times in a given week?
wrist curls
wrist extensions
hammer curls
pull ups
anything with fat grips
I need to focus ony my lower abs. What lower sb exercises can I do at home right before bed?
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Pic shows exercises that will emphasize your lower abs, but it's near impossible to target them separately.
>Shouldn’t I be able to design my own
It's usually the kind of thing you do after a few years of lifting consistently. So if you grasp all the concepts of making a good program, sure.
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Any recommended flexibility and stretching guides or info-graph?
do cheap green tea bags, like the cheapest ones bought from lidl or aldi, have the same positive effects in terms of theanine as expensive ones?
im not a coffee drinker and im scared of getting addicted caffeine
Im an absolute beginner just starting to work out. Ive heard that youre supposed to feel some pain in the muscle, like a mild burn, and soreness afterwards, if you have properly fatigued the muscle enough for growth. Ive also heard that you hit failure if you can't complete another rep.

Im having this very weird experience with dumbbell curls where I can hit a point that I physically cannot do another one, but there is no pain or burn at all. It just can't happen. Then I rest like 30-60 seconds and can crank out a few more, then again the muscle just won't do it but still no pain. Repeated for like 10 minutes, now Im posting 20 minutes later and my arms feel completely normal though shortly after I had finished my wrists felt weird.

is it normal for shits to feel extra pleasurable after squatting or dling heavy? I feel so completely emptied out and I feel like somehow that might be a warning sign that I have too much internal pressure during those lifts and I'm squeezing my intestines like a toothpaste tube
i _THINK_ there is an ab machine but i look at it for 10 minutes and couldnt figure it out i think it's FUCKED because there are no handles unlike
Unpumped before the gym just now, did I make considerable enough gains since late February/beg March? I still feel small. Deffo added back on some fat but np, comfortable with cutting.
Fuck forgot picrel
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Perhaps I should rope
In this case it seems like your muscle simply gave out because it couldn't do more. That's what happens.
>Ive heard that youre supposed to feel some pain in the muscle
It could be slightly sore right after you work out, but it doesn't have to be. If you do a hard workout, your muscles might experience delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which usually lasts 1-2 days.
>like a mild burn
You might be able to experience a good burn on an incline bench with like 12+ reps, because you'll stretch the muscle more.
>Ive also heard that you hit failure if you can't complete another rep.
You achieve failure on the rep which you won't be able to finish. Great for growth, but also very fatiguing for the muscle. Reps on next sets will very likely decrease because of it.
>I can hit a point that I physically cannot do another one
Try leg extension to total failure if you are in a gym. That's like torture.
>Then I rest like 30-60 seconds and can crank out a few more
If you enjoy evidence based shit and basedentific approach, then rest between 1:30-3 minutes. That seems ideal for muscle growth.
Train hard, do like 2-4 sets since you're a beginner, and if something hurts in a suspicious way then FUCKING STOP doing it or you might hurt yourself. You might be overthinking the wrists, but idk. Maybe you gripped it too tight.
I was comparing the two pics in Gimp and in general it seems like you somehow managed to grow your clavicles (give tips). Shoulders seem bigger and abdominal area wider. I wonder how you'd look if you started maxxing your traps. Thoughts on behind neck over head press?
The satisfaction of being able to do stuff. As opposed to not being able to do stuff. I used to not be able to open a beer bottle with a lighter. I could close my palms around my waist. I could close my palm around my arm. It wasn't living. I was the weakest person on Earth. I was entirely dependent on the mercy of others.
Don't be that guy anon.
why the fuck is my ball aching
You'll be able to take more people with you when you go.
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Anons i am in desperate need of assistance.
Muscle soreness is beating my ass especially on pull days. My forearms are extremely sore days after the workout. What can i do to limit muscle soreness?
How the fuck am I supposed to get enough calories eating clean? I made a bunch of meals for the week to hit easily my protein goal of 140g a day, but when I add up all the calories it comes to ~1800 total which is ~800 below my TDEE. I figured I'd just snack on things then, but I'm so stuffed from eating clean I feel like just eating 3x a day will make me vomit
>My forearms are extremely sore days after the workout
This shouldn't be the case anymore after you're past the initial DOMS stage. Sounds like you're overworking them way too hard. Your muscles should have that tired/fatigued sensation for the next few hours after a workout, but generally be at like 80-90% the next day after you wake up.
You just... eat more. Take what you're meal prepping, and.... add more food. It's literally that simple.
>I feel like just eating 3x a day will make me vomit
If you're trying to pack in 2500+ calories into 3 meals you're doing it wrong. I eat 4-5 times a day when bulking. Split your meals up
what's your definition of clean? what do your meals look like?

Post some meals bc you're fuckin cooked bro.

I get like 180g of protein on 1600 calories.
It’s been like this for almost a week. My forearms were typically getting sore from lat pulldowns more than any other back exercise. Maybe my forearms are just that weak compared to the biceps& back
>Maybe my forearms are just that weak compared to the biceps& back
Could definitely be it. Grip strength like that is generally the first to go when you get to the heavier weights. You could try backing off 1-2 sets/lifts and do some supplemental forearm stuff like farmers walks to try and help them catch up

You're doing those exercises wrong because you should be getting none or very minimal forearm activiation. Dont wrap your thumb around the bar, pull with your elbows and not your arms, pull down and try to move your elbows into your armpits or lower back to activate your lats.

Get straps as well to take the arms out of it
2 eggs with cheese, greek yogurt and oats with some fruit (600 kcal, 45g protein)
Enchilada bowl with chicken, black beans, greek yogurt, spinach, tomato, onion, and rice (660 kcal, 70g protein)
Chicken and chickpea curry with chicken chickpeas, mushrooms, onions, spinach, carrots and rice (550 kcal, 50g protein)
Pork tenderloin with rice, brocolli and carrots (550 kcal, 50 g protein)
I've asked this in the running thread since there's no homegym thread up, but not much in terms of a concrete answer.

I quit smoking a few months ago and am aiming to get back to healthy heart and lungs, as I had been smoking for 10+ years with 0 exercice. I've been doing basic calisthenics and jump rope but can't go running or cycling as I live way out in the sticks (can't cycle on roads because of the very real danger of constant trucks passing by and trails are just muck you need boots for in this season). Even just this is kicking my ass and I'm coughing my lungs out, but the real problem is boredom, my mind wanders and I can't focus once it gets tough. I tried a stationary bike at a friends house and found that really worked because I could use it in front of a TV or e-book, kept me going for an hour and a half straight.

So I'm looking for advice on buying either a treadmill, rower or stationary bike. I'm quite poor atm so am aiming to cheap out, is there anything I should be looking out for? Are there machines to avoid at all costs because they'll break or don't work? What are good models/brands I should be looking for on the second hand market (I'm in the EU if that makes a difference)? For example I've seen a lot of really cheap treadmills where it's basically just the rolling mat on the floor with no attachments (handle etc), are these worth it or are there so many second hand because so many people made a bad purchase?

I knew someone in college that was debating dating a guy because she didn't find him objectively attractive even though she herself was attracted to him (funny, kind, listens, strong etc etc). She pushed through it and when they slept together she was very surprised he had quite a sizable cock (like in her mind being ugly meant you had a micropenis? I dunno this isn't my story), She said it was like a reward for not putting too much weight on what he looked like.
Your dick is your secret weapon anon, keep it hidden for maximum shock effect.
Simplest program to switch to that contains bench, deadlift, squat, and ohp and trains 4x a week?
So thanks again, I have fibromyalgia and some other issues like bursitis and also Scoliosis so my body is generally a mess.

Weight wise I am 80kg 6ft going from google says im a good weight/height ratio.

I am wanting to make some sort of balanced diet with this stuff in mind:

187g of protein over 3 meals- higher amount than standard as I want to aim for a 85kg diet

I guess I am just not sure like what to have in meals generally... since youtube videos and google throw so many nutrients and confusing terminologies I get lost easily lol

But I want to make meal prep stuff so im covered each week so things like rice and chicken etc
How simple you want? 4x/week is easily done with an upper/lower routine. ULUL with the 3 rest days spread out according to your schedule
>3-5 min between sets of T1
>6 sets of 2
>10 sets of 1
>dedicating 30-50 fucking minutes to ONE lift
Holy christ what fucking cancer. Probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen in here
>only 3 lifts per day
Okay that doesn't sound nearly enou--
>3-5 minutes of rest between sets
>tells you to do 6 or 10 reps if you fail out
>up to 50 minutes of rest for ONE lift
Lol this has to be bait. No one actually does this, yeah? There's no fucking way people are spending an entire full goddamned hour just standing around in the gym to do their 10x1 lift, right???
I fell down the stairs. Most everything else is healed besides a few scabs. I don’t normally get visible bruises (need to practically hit me with a baseball bat or something before I get visible bruises) but I bashed the side of my knee on concrete fucking hard and got a visible bruise. I’m not sure if I hit muscle or bone. the bruise is no longer visible after about a week. It didn’t really bother me at first but now here on the second week, it’s starting to ache if I walk too much, and now i randomly get 8 or 9 out of 10 pain level for 1/2 second here and there for seemingly no reason. Sometimes it happens several times a minute and sometimes it’s maybe once every few hours

How fucked am I? How long should I wait to give it a chance to heal before I should actually be concerned and go see a doctor or some therapist?
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I like doing them at the same time
it literally doesn't matter though
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Drinking BCAA/electolyte mix good for during and after workouts? Or is it just another supp you dont really need? I usually grab a powerade after training but thinking some powdered form would be a little more econonmical. Such as xtend?
Need a new gym water bottle, what should I get?

I prefer alternating so on the last few reps where I'm struggling I can drop the weight in my off-hand and do some assisted cheat reps and then do a really slow negative to get more time under tension
Sounds like a ligament is fucked, probably the LCL, or it could be a bone bruise. Tell a doc, get at the very least an x-ray done. Will probably need an MRI to check your ligaments
>How long should I wait to give it a chance to heal
ehhhhhhhhhh man this is hard to fuckin say. If I were you I would've gone to the doc already, since it's been well over a week. You can try icing it and taking painkillers and give it another couple of days but you really wanna fix fucked ligaments ASAP or you'll end up with permanent damage
>Or is it just another supp you dont really need?
bingo. Protein powder is the only one you "need", if you don't get enough protein in your diet. Creatine is debatable for more serious lifters (chicken breast has plenty, btw). Everything else is not necessary at all unless you're doing world-class exercising (think Olympics/Tour de France/etc). Unless you have a reallll shit diet, you don't need electrolytes for recovery
go to the dollar store and pick one. Don't fuckin buy some $30 "trendy" lookin fuckin thing.
I had a bit of a rash on my chest (I think I spread some athlete's foot up there) and I was having trouble putting cream on it cause all the hair was just soaking up the cream.
I went and shaved my chest (Not like with a razor, just a trimmer with no comb on it so there's still a few millimetres of hair) but now I look weird cause I've a hairy abdomen and then shiny bald chest.
If I shave my abdomen too then I'll probably need to shave my back.
How long does body hair take to grow back?
I never trimmed it before so there's like 20 years of growth there
Is there any specific workout I can do to get rid of anterior knee pain?
I had it since my teens and was told would go away in thirties, but it just got worse.
>was told would go away in thirties
Whoever told you this is a massive dumbass and had no idea what the fuck they were talking about.
>Is there any specific workout I can do to get rid of anterior knee pain?
MAYBE physical therapy. Probably surgery? It completely depends on what the actual problem is, and to figure that out you'd need an x-ray/MRI
Sometimes when I drink alcohol I'll feel woozy and retarded and still smell it on my breath for the next like 12 hours. It's like my body refuses to process it. Sometimes I handle it fine. For example, two weeks ago I downed a Four Loko and felt fine (drunk, obviously, but fine). Today, about nine hours ago, I had three beers and I still feel dizzy, slow, and generally just not high performing (so I apologize for my post sounding retarded). I don't know what variables factored in to this, they were both on an empty stomach quickly followed by food.
What's up with that?
>Sometimes when I drink alcohol I'll feel woozy and retarded and still smell it on my breath for the next like 12 hours.
Yes, that's how alcohol works.
>It's like my body refuses to process it.
You're wrong about this.
>I don't know what variables factored in to this
Amount of sleep, general fatigue (work/gym/whatever), diet leading up to drinking, amount of food in stomach, general mood, there's too much to list.
Yeah, I was diagnosed with patelofemoral syndrome.
Basically thin cartilage, and would get between when I get stiffer.
>patelofemoral syndrome
Okay that makes a lot more sense than "I have pain and it'll go away year later?". Read up the treatment section on the 'Patellofemoral pain syndrome' wiki page to get a good idea of what you're looking at.
>Treatment typically involves rest and rehabilitation with a physical therapist. Runners may need to switch to activities such as cycling or swimming. Insoles may help some people.
The general feeling I'm getting is "you're stuck with it, do things that don't cause pain", unfortunately
Back when this board was good every reply would be:

I'm 192 cm and squat ATG no problem. Have you tried putting in a modicum of effort?
Eat fattier cuts of meat.
the sticky is shit
>you're stuck with it, do things that don't cause pain
Well, this is gain goblin.
Can't do squats because of the pain, can't sit with my knee bent for long time, and even some times I feel as if my knee cap lock and have to really flex my quad to feel it click into my knee.
Yeah, shit sucks. I'd def try the physical therapy route though. Better than just becoming a couch potato
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Do I really need to take a rest day if my splits allow for 3 days rest between each body part
Chest Tri
Back bi
Legs shoulders
If you only do lateral raise for shoulders (no tricep), give it a try. I've done 26 days straight PpPlPpl, don't detect systemic fatigue.
What kind of an asshole question is that? Maybe you have shorter femurs. As long as there's gravity some people can't do a2g because they will literally fall backwards first.
from my experience yes. I've done a month straight with no rest days running a similar split and it definitely wore me the fuck out. as soon as it was over and I took a rest day I was noticeably stronger and less fatigued and my progress sped up. the other anon was fine though so maybe you just have to try it out for yourself.
>physical therapy route
What do I need to do?
currently doing nsuns 4day lp, compound lifts + db at my homegym and cutting
want to bulk up in fall again, any mostly compound routines for strength?

work a physiotherapist to do rehabilitation exercises as well as massage etc.

I fractured my patella and have predisposed shallowing of the bone the patella sorta sits in, and it was always a bitch to do much. As I worked on my legs, built out my quads/hammies evenly, did the sus machine for abductors, and worked on foam rolling + stretching, things sorta settled down.

You might have to be careful tho bc you dont want to burn through your cartiladge.

Best bet is to talk to actual professional.
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>You might have to be careful tho bc you dont want to burn through your cartiladge.
What's like the top five things to avoid there.
Ritalin reduces testosterone and increases serotonin and cortisol. It's terrible for building muscle, only amphetamines are worse.
Strength coach wants me to do high rep bodyweight squats. I thought he meant just my bodyweight but he meant my bodyweight on the bar. WTF I can’t even do 1 of those
Basically prescription grade meth. Do some TRT and it's probably great for cutting.
According to martin berkhans formula, my max musculature potential is 189 at 15% body fat.
Dors this mean I should never bulk above 189? What am I supposed to cut to?
Ive always been a bit confused about how muchg I'm supposed to gain when bulking and how much im supposed to lose when cutting before finishing the bulk/cut
There's no reason to alternate your biceps. It's an isolation exercise, and it's not heavy on your cardiovascular system like squat would be for example. I'd recommend incline dumbbell curls.
how could i fit squats and rdls onto my push and pull days? i dont have enough time to have two legs days a week, but i still want to do both lifts twice a week. i considered having a squat day on the first pull day and an rdl day on the second, but the difference in back engagement would probably make tracking my back lifts a bit harder
If you're not competing you cut to whatever bodyfat% you want and the same goes for bulking. But obviously there are thresholds like, why would you ever want to go down to 4%BF if you're not competing? And realistically, why would you ever want to go up to 30%BF? Pick a cut point and a bulk point that you like and just keep going between these points. I probably don't know what the fuck I am talking about so DYOR.
>martin berkhans formula
Don't know what the fuck that is and I do not care.
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is there any reason to go to aldi when walmart has a way better selection and basically identical prices? having to pay for bags and do the stupid fucking coin thing with the shopping cart is really starting to piss me off
No, visceral fat is around the organs. If you have a backfat issue that's just normal subcutaneous fat, along with muscle. The protruding part sounds posture related.
do you need an arm day if you want decent arms?
If you want to give your money to a horrible company like Wal-Mart and be a fat, lazy Wal-Martian, go for it.
keep squats away from leg day, rdls aren't that leggy.

you need arm exercises, and you have to do them someday.
What do you do for fun on lift days?
>Can't booze cus muh protein synthesis
>can't do edibles cus muh estrogen
What, a I supposed to meditate and be sober all weekend?
not to sound like a fucking nerd, but am i gonna miss out on gains from reduced volume if i go from doing a ppl to a full body? ive been running the same routine for 1.5 years but i cant keep going to the gym as often as id like to anymore so i need to work around it. id probably do something like push+squats and pull+deadlifts with calves on both days and a rest day in between, but that means id only be working a muscle group 3 times a fortnight compared to 4 times on a ppl
>be me
>180cm/5'11" manlet
>face suddenly looks manlier, better chin, eyes look more confident
Why is happening?
Does it mean its not to late grow taller?
Is this normal?
So my high school weight lifting instructor says after establishing your 1 rep max the 3x12 should go
>15lbs under your 1rm for 12
>10lbs under your 1rm for 12
>5lbs under your 1rm for 12
>5lbs over your 1rm for 1
And then next time it is 15 below that new 1rm and so every week you have a new pr. But when confronted with just establishing your 1rm then going 60% under that and increasing volume then retesting in 3 weeks they say you will never improve that way. So do I listen to the gym teacher or the internet?
the sticky fucking sucks
>15lbs under your 1rm for 12
>10lbs under your 1rm for 12
>5lbs under your 1rm for 12
>5lbs over your 1rm for 1
Unless your 1rm is <50 pounds that's not possible to do. 5 reps of 75% 1rm is difficult.

Additionally training at max has basically no benefit, you only max for pride or competition.
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Zercher question:
I was cutting and hauling logs today with zercher technique. The last log was the heaviest and as I picked it up and walked, I had the sensation of about to slip a disk or ejaculate. I dropped the log and rolled it the rest of the way but I was wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone else? I've also deadlifted and had an ejaculation occur. Not sure what's causing my lifting style to forcefully release cum. And since this is possible for me, do you have any idea how to control it? Cumming on command could be useful.
Thank you in advance.
What is it called when I do a set of an exercise and once I get to failure I immediately follow up with an easier version of the exercise before resting.
Example would be:
Pushups till failure -> Knee pushups till failure -> rest -> repeat 3 times
Is there any benefit to doing leg extension at 15 pounds? I just wonder what the 90 year olds think they're gaining. I think about it and maybe they can't even walk much, so they can only lift, but 15 pounds, man.
Drop set.
Thanks mate.
I’m freaking out about microplastics after noticing the water bottle I use has small bits of plastic coming off the threading. What bottles do you guys use that aren’t made of plastic?
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even if you take the precautions to avoid microplastics in your bottle, its the microplastics that are already in the water, in animals, in the soil, in the food we eat and in the air itself that'll fuck you up. It doesn't hurt to stop using plastic bottles and the like but its going to be hard or downright impossible to mitigate the amount of microplastics you ingest. Best you can do is donate blood or plasma in the hopes you'll dilute the microplastic concentration already in your body
>noticeably smaller left leg and left arm (1"+ difference on circumference)
>actual strength difference is minimal
[incomplete comprehension]

yes i am beginner literally first week in the gym
probably just greasing joints. I'd guess its more like physical therapy rather than lifting for gains
It's called a coregasm.
Is there a difference between crossing your legs and leaving them hanging?
stainless steel bottle
Got your grip types crossed in that pic.
Routine check?
I'm switching to a hypertrophy 3 a day routine outlined here: https://youtu.be/1EHrp8-2Kg8?t=1418
I'm keeping my weight to above 40% of my one rep max (15-30lbs, will keep adding weight as needed). Study said anything below 30% ORM is worthless even for very high reps. I'm doing 25 reps (dumbells, both arms at same time) for each movement, 3 times a day, so 75-80 reps total, hitting around 12k lbs~ a day. Hopefully enough to hit the bout effect and gain growth.
What should I add to my upper body day? When arms get too sore, I'll be doing core+legs+cardio. Not listed are pushups, deadhangs, chinups, forearm exercises, neck exercises. I'll supplement those as I feel needed.
>bicep curls
>lateral raises
>tricep extensions
>overhead press/standing military press
>floor bench press
first google link for reference, I don't know if adding any more would be a good idea.
Situation: Been fucking like a mad man all day. How do I maintain my libido in peak mode for the week ahead (lots of fucking) without getting all spawned out? Best way to recharge?
how does the number of pull up reps on a bar convert to when done on rings?
I hope this is bait.
play some vidya and jerk off
don't fuck up your program by working out when you're not supposed to work out
those are good but NEVER put your hands under your butt when doing lying ab exercises, it makes it a lot easier.
helps prevent you from swinging your legs for momentum but you can do either and just be mindful of keeping your form in check. Also you might be forced to cross your legs and pull them up if the bar is too low (usually the case with doorway pull up bars)
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is it based to send unsolicited dick pics to girls after they've ghosted you? because I kind of feel like sending one to all the girls who have ghosted me recently just to see their reactions. there are lots of them.
you are mentally ill and they probably ghosted for a good reason
they would say they want to come over, then when I invite them over the next day they would ghost. they don't even talk to me long enough to find out if I'm mentally ill or not. if anything they are the mentally ill ones
>slip a disk or ejaculate
i didn't realize they were similar sensations.
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Hi /fit/, I'm not really a lifter or anything. Just a normie who irregularly exercises to stay moderately healthy.

Uhh lately when I sit down my left leg goes numb really fast and what's interesting is my left nut ALSO goes completely numb with it. Is that normal? I feel like I should maybe go see someone about it.
Any exercises to get rid of the baby fat under my chin? It is the last remnant of my land whale days
Whats some underground brands that only /fit/izens would know? Looking for some new gym gear, hoodies etc, but dont want to wear your standard athletic brands
Sat down on a railing the other day on my left but cheek and feel like I sat right on a nerve. Is this sciatic nerve? Feels like I need to roll out my arse or something.
Go listen to some death metal and buy the most offensive looking band hoodies/tshirts you can find on ebay. Keeps the normals away at the gym, and I've met some other cool nerds who are good to chat to about music and weightlifting.
Can I get a QRD on dumbbell bench press vs regular bench press?
rows, pulldowns, face pulls
Is this a decent dumbbell push workout:
5x8-12 dumbbell ohp
4x8-12 dumbbell bench press
3x8-12 incline dumbbell bench press
3x8-12 french press SS 3x15 lateral raises
my aunt told me that eating/drinking raw eggs is stupid because food needs to be cooked for it to be digested properly. she told me this is specially true for eggs. is this true?
yes it's true
Listen to her
If one has zero (0) experience in a gym, it worth paying a personal trainer for your first few months? Paying $50-70 an hour like 4x a week is very expensive for me, but I don’t even know how to hold the bar.

How long did it take you to be comfortable in the gym on your own?
My chinup routine right now consists of 1x10 50lbs, 2x10 bodyweight and I'm not really happy with my bicep development. I'm thinking of adding a set of ez curl bar reps after this, what rep range should I look at? 12-15 with lighter weight or maybe like 8-10 with moderate weight?
Not at all. Just pick a non-retarded routine and maybe check out a couple youtube videos about bench press form and shit like that.
Kinda like a weakness in my lower back, my legs were losing strength and shaking, my abs convulsing, and I was becoming lightheaded. Maybe slipped disk isn't correct but my lower back felt compromised, so I tossed the log not wanting to crawl through the woods or clean up cum.
I would watch a bunch of videos, like Sam Sulek's (Skip to the gym parts). Then look up some PPL routines if you want to do 6 days a week, or "full body" if you want to do 3. There are others.

Being short on funds is exactly the WRONG situation to hire a trainer, because they're as luxury as golden shower taps.

I didn't have an awkward first time @gym because I played around in them a few times as a kid.
>be me
>try to build muscle for years but fail
>even when I eat as much as possible I just gain fat
>fast forward to recently
>i got a job as a trash collector
>work 8 hour shifts, only eat a few slices of bread in my break in the middle
>suddenly I am building muscle and getting ripped
How is this game mechanic called and how do I utilize it in my workouts? Should I only work out after waking up because my body will be in starvation mode? Or do I need to maintain it for the majority of the day to get gainz?
Why do zoomers love to do sumo deadlift?
No. Just a meme
What’s the catch with flavoured sparkling water like Bubly? What the fuck is “natural flavour” and how will the small hats use it to destroy me? Since I got sober I’ve been having up to 3 of the pineapple bubbly’s a day and I barely even crave alcohol anymore so now I need to know what makes these things too good to be true.
If I'm not actively training for competitions and am a beginner runner do the sneakers I get for running matter? I got a random pair of underarmors that looked good.
Why is the fitness and bodybuilding environment so full of bullshit and lies? Is it because of the Jews? All I see are idiots trying to 'reinvent the wheel' based on stupid scientific studies done on 10 morons. People like Schoenfeld, Israetel, and so many other (((scientists))) seem to be there to obscure real knowledg."
Do you have pronation/supination issues? Impact issues? If not then you can probably be fine with any decent quality all purpose runner. I’ve always been an ASICS guy cause I’ve found under armour doesn’t fit my wide feet as well but that’s a personal thing.
but rocky did it

no seriously, is it not worth it to eat raw eggs then? it's such a quick way of filling the stomach with lots of nutritional value and so on
>Raw foods such as meat, fish and eggs, may harbour food poisoning bacteria, which if consumed are likely to cause illness.
>Most cooking methods ... will prevent many food borne illnesses that would otherwise manifest if the raw food was eaten.
>The fundamental reason we consume food is to extract the vital nutrients that different foods contain to allow our bodies to function properly.
>many of the nutrients contained in foods are not readily accessible prior to cooking and thus, cannot be easily digested by the body.
Dumbbell BP
>Best for hypertrophy (better looking chest).
>Better ROM.
>Easier on shoulder joint.
>Easier technique.
>Made for bodybuilders.
Barbell BP
>Best for strength.
>Heavier loads.
>Harder technique.
>Made for powershitters.
Note that you will still build strength and hypertrophy with both. At a certain point it's better to pick one as your main chest lift, but you can continue to use both.
>can barely walk immediately after leg workout
>30 minutes later I'm completely fine
>no doms the next day either

Am I properly working out my legs?
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bois plz, what would a good full body workout plan look like for 3x a week?
Best thing you could do for effective full body 3 times a week workout is probably having at least 2 compound exercises, having isolation exercise between them, and having 2 more not so important exercises at the end.
Example: (behind neck) Overhead press, cable lateral raise, barbell row, leg curl, incline dumbbel curl
Ideally you want to avoid training the same muscle twice on the same day to be effective, but I personally want to grow my shoulders a lot so I'd give it OHP + cable lateral raise
4-6+ exercises per day. idk how advanced you are.
thx anon
my personal situation has changed a bit and i need to decrease my gym visits in the future while still trying to get an effective lift, been lifting for a year
If the total amount of sets per week will be lower, then the growth is likely going to be slightly lower.
What does it mean when you're coming up from a deep squat and the knee you twisted some time ago clicks/pops?
An alternative hypothesis is that working in the sun cured your vitamin D deficiency.
We've all heard of push/pull/legs, upper/lower split, Arnold split, even anterior/posterior split, but did anybody ever try a torso/limbs split?
One of the things that's supposed to be good about the Arnold split is that your arms get a secondary workout/active rest on the chest/back day. The problem for me is I only want to go to the gym 4 times per week so if I do Arnold split I will only work some muscles once per week.
So my plan is to do something like:
>A: reverse grip cable curl, cable curl, behind back wrist curl, overhead cable extension, squat, leg ex, leg curl, calf raise
>B: incline press, chest press, pull-up, machine row, upright row, lateral raise
What do you think?
anything quads
>I'm hoping
how about you calculate your tdee and eaten calories to know
if those pullups are not the only thing you do you'll be fine
stop drinking beer, eat protein, train consistently
testosterone does make you look older faster so I guess yes
>do you juice
he literally said in an earlier post he does (yes it still counts)
rotator cuff exercises
also if it doens't hurt it's probably fine
a lot (of muscle)
yes obvsly
yeah and deadlifts
maybe you're pulling too far back?
healthiest protein comes from real food
nerve flossing might help
>Not really something an inexperienced lifter should be going heavy on
quite the opposite as you need a strength base to work off of also ohp is not a hypertrophy exercise

also ppl bad
stop being a bitch
where's the question if you answered yourself?
never goon
eat more
look up the vertical diet
bcaa's are useless
you can get electrolhytes cheaper
yes but not always
retard plus wasted
so either he's retarded or he somehow doesn't know your strength
yes? pursue a hobby or at worst one beer on a rest day
if you actually were a nerd you'd know that ppl is bad
it depends on how you train
>Why is happening?
Why you complaining?
this and mobility training for non 90 yolds that also do that
>yes i am beginner literally first week in the gym
I recommend going to the gym and training then
if it is a muscle imbalance it will balance (heh) itself out over time
you'll be worse on rings since they require way more stabilisation
>Is that normal?
caloric deficit xF
you probably sat on a bone
train your (literally) skinny ass
protein needs to be cooked to be absorbed properly as in eggs as in meats
no, watch, read and listen
ask here later
after the first 3 months I had everything figured out personally
see which you prefer
but maybe lean towards higher reps since your biceps will already be pumped so you could stretch them with ez bar curls (john meadows style)
they are gay, stupid and gullible
read what they are made out of
partailly yes but also since everything has already been said they need to bring people in with retarded shit to grow their followings
I don't know are you?
are you progressing (weight muscle?) no doms doesn't mean that much what matter is how soon you can hit legs, if it's the next day then no not hard enough
air escaping the joint or a tendon moving over bone, if it doesn't hurt it's probably fine
>, but did anybody ever try a torso/limbs split?

yes I have just responded to most of the thread in 3 posts what are you gonna do about it?
>does the stomach "volume" / satiety really adjust that quick or is that mostly in my head?
it depends on the person and placebo helps
>what the fuck is going on? that cant be normal, especially when i get way less calories than before.
I wouldn't complain if I had it that way, just enjoy it man
>Why you complaining?
Not conplaining but curios why is happening and how can I improve my growth. I dont care about chin but height
I'll assume since you didn't type it out that you got leaner which explains your face looking better
and more test from lifting
height growth stops at 21 except for maybe crazy schizo methods
also learn to type esl
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Hello Anon
Question for you
Can fat gain impact visibility of new tissue growth pretty hard?
I started my first bulk beginning of March.
Despite getting noticeably stronger I feel like my muscles, especially arms haven't grown as much.
My chest looks like shit because it always has having pectus and bad chest genetics...and especially shit because Ive added back on some fat lol.
I hit chest very well though, consistently sore after each workout twice a week, and my incline bench has gone from 115 for 8-10 to 155-165 8-10. Flat bench from 135 for 8-10 to 185-195 8-10. All other lifts up.

Picrel is current lats flexed (definitely put on some fat as well)
Will post others
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Yesterday before sick arm day and good sleep
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At what point should I be worried about fucking my shit up by going too high on weight with say something like curls? Like Im hitting 50lb dumbells for 10x5 and I notice it puts a lot of strain on my shoulders more so than my biceps and I really dont want to fuck up my shoulders doing curls lol
>you didn't type it out that you got leaner
Because Im not.
>and more test from lifting
Also not lifting since last year.
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This is Jan 20th after my 1st cut and a couple weeks before the bulk. >>74594190 found here
>>74594200 sick pump brah
>>74594182 when I officially began in Sept 10th 2023
>Can fat gain impact visibility of new tissue growth pretty hard?
as in can fat cover muscles?
yeah especially when bulking
>I feel like my muscles, especially arms haven't grown as much.
if you made progress on your lifts and didn't pig out on food they will have grown
>consistently sore after each workout twice a week
I can make my chest sore with baby weights but those woulfn't grow my muscles
you want intensity progress and reasonable volume and frequency
if you want a bigger chest specifically you might want to hit it 3x a week
also amount of time (years) lifting? you look pretty fat so you might wanna cut or reduce the calorie surplus also maybe gyno? (form trt?)
warm up more
also pay attention to your form
while curls are le full body exefcises lol lmao XD your shoulders shouldn't hurt from them
Is it OK to do lower/upper days if I have absolutely no time for full body?
Thanks for the answer but definitely not gyno. If you look at my initial start in Sept 10th, I had significant chest fat. I just haven't gotten lean yet. From the Jan 20th cut pic it looks significant less there.

Stubborn chest fat just sucks
>This is Jan 20th after my 1st cut and a couple weeks before the bulk.
looked good for a few months of work >>74594182 and this much of a cut might want to maingain for a bit as it's probably too early for you too bulk and cut
>are you progressing (weight muscle?) no doms doesn't mean that much what matter is how soon you can hit legs, if it's the next day then no not hard enough

I've never tried but my legs don't feel like I actually worked out the day before so maybe that is right. But I'm working out until I can't do much more, as I said I can barely walk so I'm not sure how I can do much more.
yea sure. upper lower is a very popular program format and my personal favourite.
yes it's fine
do what fits your schedule and what you like as long as it fits some criteria
Have only been lifting since I started to work out in Sept 10th. Calorie deficit that entire time form then to late February. First bulk started Feb 29th. Been bulking since then
well I can't walk after doing legs either but it's because I do intensity on many exercises and I don't know what you do

legs just as any other muscle group recover differently for everyone but I've never heard of someones muscles being ready the next day
as that ususally means you didn't go hard enogh
>my legs don't feel like I actually worked out the day before
yeah, try going harder next time, more rest between sets (if it's the limiting factor), incorporate intensity techniques, get more electrolytes before and during lifting and some simple sugars (ex honey) before the workout to give your muscles energy
I work from home from the same room my gym equipment is in. I had the idea instead of working out like 1 hour per day to just work out continually while I'm working at the computer over a longer time. So instead of doing 5x5 reps with 3min rests I would do a single set then go back to working for maybe 15-20min and then do the next.

Is this a fucking stupid idea or not?
15 minutes between sets is quite a long time
I know, but would that have any negative consequences?
Why does my shins hurt when I'm running? I run 3 miles three times a week. It starts to hurt after just 5 minutes in

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