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Girlfriend suddenly said she's thinking of taking to drop some weight.
Give it to me straight bros, should I let her? Is this shit safe?
She's the future mother of my children so I don't want her to get turbo cancer.
Tell her no. If she does it, leave her.
She's fat?
Tell her how to lose weight without it first
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Tried unsuccessfully for a couple years already.
well you can listen to the millions of people who had success with it
you can listen to a bunch of 4chan incels who never took it and dont even workout spew a bunch of retard "ozempig" memes they got from other schizos who never took the drug either.

If she just needs to drop 10-15 lbs there's no point because it may take weeks for you to titrate up to an effective dose.
If your gf is a fat disgusting slob who needs to cut for many months then yes, add sema when the hunger starts to make life suck.
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No, the future mother of your children must undergo discipline, if she cannot even lose weight, then it is IMPOSSIBLE for her to raise children (the same applies to you).
>Tried unsuccessfully for a couple years already.
its a lost cause, move on and get a new gf and a better mother to your children.
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So it's actually sAfE anD EfFectIvE ?

>waaah my gf is fat
Your fault.

Garunteed, that if your bitch won't lose weight for the "man I luuuuv" then she's going to be a fat fuck forever.

If she could, she would be a skinny thick slut for her ex but not for you. You aren't worth it. Because if she wanted to, she would hit that gym and watch that fork every fucking day.

So no, give up.
No just get her on carnivore. For me at least nothing gets me quite as rock hard as a woman devouring a steak. Oh and she will also lose weight.
Language. This is a Christian board, we don't tolerate swearing here Jack.

IDGAF about what gets you rock hard.
Yeah okay she has no self control, no financial sense and no respect for you authority.
In a year it will be "why can't we get a new car, the finance is only 20%"
In five years it will me "I need a bigger house, for reasons."
In ten years it will be "I wouldn't have fucked the pool boy if you weren't at work all the time".
Good luck with it.
if either of you are looking for easy solutions now imagine how bad it'd be once you're 45 with kids
let her lose the weight on her own, if she can't find another gf
Well she will lose weight on carnivore.
I'm sorry, I love Christ.

But your woman is fat and that won't change, because she doesn't really love you.
>I r Chad n u r Wojack! (gosh I want the football team to fuck my ass pussy!!)
You should bring your girlfriend to the gym and have her just be at burden and annoyance and a source of conflict between other gym members.

Have her scowl at other gym members she feels intimidated by play on your phone doing minimal workouts and quitting in the middle of yours and sitting around whining and complaining
This sounds like lived experience.
I know someone who just had their gallbladder removed due to taking semaglutides. It wrecks your internals.
>there's no point because it may take weeks for you to titrate up to an effective dose
That's what doctors do but if you're just buying generic semaglutide yourself you can skip that shit, go straight in at .5mg for a week or two and then bump to 1mg if you need more. You rarely need to go above that unless you're an actual fat fuck.
taking ozempic is literally, deadass good for you, even if it doesn't drop weight. thinking about taking it despite not wanting to lose any
>taking jewish drugs is good for you
seriously read what the fuck you typed.

You seriously think taking a drug marketed by Jews as the best thing ever is good for you?
Think on that for a second.
Now think again.
danish people aren't jewish, and ozempic isn't marketed as such, that's just what the literature overwhelmingly concludes. even before semaglutides were invented the suggestion of a drug that regulates insulin this way would mechanistically be assumed good assuming no severe side effects, and the literature still hasn't been able to pin any on ozempic
Find a gf who’s naturally skinny and has never been fat. And whose parents aren’t fat. It’s the only way.
A large portion of the weight you lose on ozempic is bone and muscle. Everyone who takes it ends up frail and looking weird because of it. All kinds of issues waiting when they get old.
>A large portion of the weight you lose on ozempic is bone and muscle.
only in so far that this is true of all weight loss, there is no greater amount of muscle and bone lost on ozempic than in a natural deficit with the same amount of exercise. it only regulates insulin/appetite, it doesn't have a mechanism for burning calories, certainly not one that affects muscle and bone density
Ok enjoy your early onset sarcopenia. Studies on bariatric patients show about 21% of their weight loss as lean mass. In studies on ozempic users it's 38% lean mass lost. It's not literally eating your muscle, but appears to at least inhibit muscle growth. Not something you want in an already catabolic state.
>bariatric patients
so probably people who are on a regiment of some physical activity, as opposed to ozempic patients which is biased to physically inactive non-patients who are likely cutting faster. dumbass.
>danish aren't jews
>the ceo is a literal fucking jew with demon ears, jew nose, and rat eyes

My guy, once again, read your fucking post.
You are shilling for a Jew owned company.
Yeah, I'm sure fucking with your insulin system has literally nothing to do with muscle growth. Give me a single reason someone should use it instead of just cutting normally on a high protein diet.
>Give me a single reason someone should use it instead of just cutting normally on a high protein diet.
no one should. I think the real utility is after, fucking with your insulin is like the main way we can influence our longevity positively
that said, not all fatties have the mental capacity of a a cutting normally on a high protein diet, so to less burden society, if they can lose weight on wegovy, cool
>went to a cathedral school
>nothing jewish in his name
he's just ugly there's nothing remotely jewish about him.
>do it for beau
this is wrong anyways, they should be doing it for themself, truly, otherwise it's just approval-seeking behavior

are posts like this>>74596564 common on /fit/ now? do you really have a zooming niggerfaggot problem?
Put your foot down, stop fucking her and tell her she will go to the gym and eat less shit
don't worry, scientific literacy is an extreme outlier on /fit/.
A temporary ozempic diet could be good for all fatties just to show them that they can eat significantly less and not die. Hunger impulse is detached from reality for most people and they have no idea how far from their required it actually is.
>should I let her?
You probably don't have any control over her, probably have a weak influence as well
>Is this shit safe?
Yes, under strict bodybuilding discipline constraints it is a decent TEMPORARY tool to annihilate appetite and lose weight, better than sarms
But then there's the new issue: how to get a weak, undisciplined, lazy person to understand they need a disciplined regimen with a ton of protein and a ton of weightlifting otherwise they will throw their muscle mass AND health in the trash?
People fuck their ship up on semaglutide because they weight 200kg and take it for an entire fucking year while eating candy and not lifting a single weight
Complementing my post:
You might ask yourself why the fuck would you take semaglutide if you could get into a discipline diet and training regimen in the first place?
And it's simple, it makes the process 300 times easier, makes it feasible. The impulse to eat whatever and not put effort when you spend years (or an entire life) without discipline is UNREAL, that shit is burned in the brain and you cannot control it. This is the issue with fatties: they literally cannot control themselves even if they wanted to lift and eat right. What makes it annoying is that instead of understanding the issue we came up with bullshit acceptance and a million excuses instead.
No, 100% of ozempic users have died or will die. They didn't lose any weight either, don't believe your eyes.
>Think on that for a second.
>Now think again.
Was that supposed to do something? If you had an actual claim you would've stated it, think about it. Now think again.
True, and in six months it will be "I would still be with you if you weren't taking schizos on 4chan making shit up seriously"
Well, if you are sure, that settles it
sema or similar should be a last resort but do it if that's truly what it is

post body showing your discipline going from obese to fit
harder than you basement dyels are willing to admit
particularly for women who have less test and thus less ability to gain muscle/shed fat
Wow so hard to just eat steak and eggs and not drink milkshake lattes. Gay excuses and brainlet if you truly believe none of this stuff has cascading secondary effects.
>Tried unsuccessfully for a couple years already.
>not married
I would recommend critically examining the core reasons leading to this failure and if you really want someone who insists on bringing that to the table raising your children.

Unironically a good test for wife material. If she acts like that at the gym she's not going to be someone you can rely on to put in serious effort over time when building a life together.
You can but its not a good idea. The drug has a very long half so it builds up rapidly with each injection and the sides can hit hard.
That's why have to start with such a low dose (your first time using it anyway)
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fixed that pic for you.
It's a diabetes drug
It's made for people with diabetes as an alternative to needles
Is your girlfriend diabetic?
No? Then she is a fucking retard for wanting to take a diabetes drug and you should dump her
If yes, then she can take the drug. You should dump her for being a weak-willed diabetic lardass though.
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tell her to get fatter
>Tried unsuccessfully for a couple years already.

It's over.
>semen glute - ide
she’s telling you she wants to get her ass filled by other men. leave her immediately
>drugs can never been indicated for more than one thing
ok thanks Dr. Schizo
>It's made for people with diabetes as an alternative to needles
Ozempic is an injectable drug you useless faggot
>can never been
opinion ignored shitskin
tell her to stop gambling her health for no reason. even my fat stupid sister who has the mind of a 6 year old understood that ozempig won't teach her how to eat properly and that she'd go back to pig mode as soon as she stopped taking the drug.
oh no I made a typo on anime pedo image board.
I am therefore a gay nigger from India with AIDS and 6 yo wife.
(admit you're jealous of my virgin tradwife)
Ozempic works for weight loss by making users feel full more often, so they eat less.
Therefore she could just eat less and not take pharmslop riddled with sides.
The pottery of it is the only reason it works is the real reason they're fat: eating too much fucking food.
>won't teach her
Duh, it's a medicine, not a private lesson. Are you hearing voices teaching you when you take meds? Usually it's the other way around. Why won't YOU teach her?
>heh, a medicine for Y actually stops X, and X causes Y, pottery
How is that pottery? What else would it do? Make the fat fall off the body? Get shit out? Block calories from being beamed into people by aliens?
>What else would it do?
Appetite suppression isn't the only mechanism for weight loss drugs. If that didn't naturally occur to you as a possibility you should reread the sticky and lurk more before posting.
>Make the fat fall off the body?
A number of drugs (e.g. caffeine) can promote weight loss by increasing energy expenditure.
>Get shit out?
>Block calories?
Lipase inhibitors (e.g. orlistat) work by blocking the absorption of dietary fats so they get shit out.
>She's the future mother of my children
She has loser mentality. Drop her now or your kids will get infected by that shit
Why are you coming to the crabs in the bucket to ask if your GF should take a couple shots that will get rid of her visceral fat and is overall better for her than 99% of other options.
Fuck off. I’m one of the most misogynistic mra bastards on the forum and even I can tell you just are upset that he is happy.
I’m in the same position anon. Dump her. I’m about to dump my fat gf
Not a single plapjak in the thread? I'm disappointed
Hope you have another girl lined up already. So many guys delude themselves into thinking
>I’m better than this
leave, and then spend the next 60 years alone, not even able to attain another fatty.
I have one prospect that I’ve been talking to for a year now and she’s verbalized her attraction towards me.
And then there’s another girl who was thirsting for me before I committed to my gf. We still keep in touch.
Semaglutide is shit tier but tirzepatide is incredible for cutting

If you're not 10% bf or lower then your retarded opinion on how GLP1s Bad doesn't matter
Why don't people just use DNP?
Because it boils you alive
You just gotta keep it at a safeish low simmer
Why would you use something so dangerous and catabolic when you can just take a god tier appetite suppression drug that's completely safe?

4 weeks of aggressive dieting on tirz and you can drop 20+ lbs with zero muscle loss (assuming not retarded with macros)
He's not wrong and he's not the only person to make that observation.
DNP has been tested more than ozempic
How fat is your slothful glutton?
Yes, that’s how we know it’s retardedly dangerous
Just remember leaving a relationship is like leaving work, better to have signed the new contract and skip the two weeks notice.
There really isn't that many accounts of deaths and all the ones I've seen they really overdid it.
Hard disagree. It's better to be single than to waste time and energy with a relationship that isn't cultivating wife material. At a minimum it's bad optics to start a new relationship before terminating your previous one.
Incel cringe
That isn’t how the world works. Leaving before having another marks you as defective, not able to handle a woman. Meanwhile swing into another woman’s arms makes you sympathetic.
>You were obviously trying with the previous relationship. She forced you into this, and you were caught by the better woman.
You have to play their soap opera game.
Happily married, try again.

Femoid mentality, have some masculine integrity.
Hate the game not the player, Christcuck.
dont get children retard. the world is overpuplated and the earth will warm 2C by 2050
She's fat because you're still with her and she's become comfortable and entitled, the best thing you can do for her is leave her fat ass and find a /fit/ girl.
>Is this shit safe
No, but safe is relative. If you're a hambeast with the backbone of a slug then it might be your safest bet. If you're a human then there's never a reason to take it.
This, women feel entitled to get fat for the man they settled for. That is how you know she doesn't really feel you if she believes she can get fat on you. If you where really that dude, she would compete and hit that fucking gym and she would WANT to look sexy for you.
literal nerve poison
>ozempic isn't marketed as such
lmao even
I'll take 20-25%
The marketing pre 2022 was just
>Are you still having trouble controlling your a1c? Ozempic has been able to help where others have failed
afaik it really just reduces appetite by slowing digestion, has pretty shitty side effects, and going off it people just bounce back like any fad diet hack bs
just use calories in calories out aka get off the fucking couch.
>She's the future mother of my children so I don't want her to get turbo cancer.
if shes willing to take drugs now to fix her problems she will resort to that in the future too. drop her.
>What else would it do
a side effect of these glp-1 is gastroparesis, extreme nausea, and your gut falling out of your ass. People shouldnt be ignoring these side effects, they are quite serious.
Dude just pair it with a workout schedule/diet so she'll have good habits when she goes off the drug.
Obviously we have no long-term studies on the effects of ozempic for weight loss at this point, but there are such studies regarding ozempic and similar for diabetes patients. Start there when diving into the literature.
If she takes it short term with the advisory of a doctor and maintains a regiment of high protein intake and weight training while she takes it it’s more or less safe.

I think people can and probably should take it to get to a weight where they can more comfortably move around and then get off.
She can’t drug her way out of being fat long term. She has to learn about nutrition, appreciate lifting and exercise so she can benefit from it the rest of her life and most importantly so she can teach her kids about it. What will she do if her kids become fat, she’s going to push drugs for them too?
Lmao you're going to be fighting against your pig to instill any sense of nutrition and discipline to your kids. How well will that go when your pig is constantly undermining you? I was at the zoo with my husband recently and it became clear that one skinny parent and one fat parent meant that ALL their children were fat. You're going to use medicine to hide the physical manifestation of why she'll be a shit mom, but she'll still be terrible underneath
You are at level one of women mind games. The real pill is that you can do or say literally anything and women will like it if appear smug and mysterious enough.
>She's the future mother of my children so I don't want her to get turbo cancer.
If you're serious about this, try to get her on an anti-inflammatory diet and get her lugol's iodine 5%. She needs to take 2-4 drops daily in water.
Almost all overweight or obese people have hormone disruption from diet and low iodine from their poor diets. Fixing these two issues isn't a silver bullet, but it would provide her with the relief she'd need in order to not overeat.
If she'd rather just use ozempic, attempting to get her on a nutrient-dense anti-inflammatory whole foods is imperative, as many of the negative symptoms from semaglutide manifest from continued eating of inflammatory foods while on this drug.
>Claims other anon is at the level of a woman
>Proceeds to advocate doing things like a woman
>should I let her
Consider it. This might be the kickstart she needs. Convince her to eventually do it the right way though
>is this shit safe
Long term? I don't think anyone knows yet.
It works wonders. I'd pair it with 2 IU GH and she'll see the fat melt right off. You can get 100 mg UGL for $300.
i think being vegan isn't about getting nutrition and benefitting yourself.

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