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Has anyone managed to unfuck tight/overactive/hypertonic pelvic floor? I think I've had this for over a decade, causing me all kinds of sexual dysfunctions, and I blame overdoing kegels years ago for developing the problem.

>be me at 20
>start having sex
>come quickly, because young, horny and inexperienced
>read a retarded advice that kegeling will give me ejaculation control, better quality boners and make me shoot ropes across the room
>"you can spam them while driving, working, watching TV", they said
>do just that for a few months
>erection quality goes down
>can't achieve or sustain a boner without constant physical stimulation anymore
>become a chronic two pump chump
>ejaculation force pathetic, volume down by 50%
>non-existent spontaneous boners (except nocturnal / morning wood that subsides the moment I get fully awake)
>I didn't connect these problems with kegels because of their gradual onset
>in fact, kegels were supposed to remedy all that, so I kept doing them
>I've been struggling with this for over ten (10!) years, every sexual encounter stressing the fuck out of me which doesn't help either
>tried all kinds of random shit to unfuck myself: diet, cardio, SSRIs, no-PMO, supplements, sildenafil, none of which helped much
>I recently realized that I'm subconsciously holding a semi-kegel 100% of the time
>I recently realized that whenever my dick is touched, my pelvic floor spasms involuntarily and there's nothing I can do to prevent that
>I suspect it's tight pelvic floor that has been causing me all these problems

Has anyone managed to recover from this shit and/or has any advice on how to proceed? I guess reverse kegels, general pelvic floor awareness, stretching, massaging and maybe a period of noPMO should help, but is there any proven protocol?
ketamine in massive excess
Yeah I'd say something like that, this is mostly anxiety. Maybe some valium or something.
He's clearly sperging out, doesn't even make the connection that the more control he seeks the less he has.
Let go, chill out and have a nice touched based sexual encounter with someone that's understanding, like your mom
because she's a whore
>this is mostly anxiety
I don't think it is. Obviously, I am anxious when I'm with a new girl but I've been in a few long-term relationships with someone understanding, like your mom, and I consistently keep having these problems even during solo fap sessions when I'm relaxed as fuck (with or without help of mood-altering substances). I'm pretty sure it's purely physical.
There's yoga routines on YouTube for this, happy baby, frog squat, wind relieving pose, child pose, etc..
Breathe deep and into your pelvic floor to inflate it like a balloon to actively stretch it and manually massage it a bit.
Try these every day with the yoga every other day and you'll be right as rain.
I would fuck her if you know what I mean
You need to do the opposite. Try visualizing and feeling the pelvic floor muscles loosening, and gently pushing outwards, as if you’re on the toilet. However, do not end up shitting yourself like a fucking retard. Just feel the muscles gently pushing down and out, and you will then feel involuntary movement like spasms or twangs in the area. That means that you pelvic floor is loosening, and isn’t taut anymore.

Also, you are stupid for trying to fix a muscular problem with jewish chemical poison.
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Do this and make it a routine. It helped me a lot, I actually feel like i have a much better mind muscle connection to my pelvis now.
>spam kegels
>spam lat raises
>spam x
Can you niggers stop talking and writing like this? It's practically on the level of boomers making their shitty hokes.
Thanks man, I started doing PF stretches and diaphragmatic breathing a few days ago, and plan to continue doing them religiously for months if needed. After just few days of those I noticed my flaccid dick hangs lower, looser and larger than it used to. I guess I'll resist the temptation of testing its sexual functions and go for a few weeks no sex and no fapping to try and reset things.

Yeah, I know how to reverse kegel, I incorporated those, too.

>trying to fix a muscular problem with jewish chemical poison.
If you mean SSRIs then I didn't know I had a muscular problem back then and tried to fix premature ejaculation with them after everything else failed.

Thanks, bro, I'll check it out.
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Try TRE.
Men need to do reverse kegels not kegel.
Yes, but in it's only now that this opinion is becoming mainstream. For years kegels were advertised as the single best thing you could do for your sexual health.
bump, i need to do this as well
Do you habitually suck in your gut? I've been doing this for like 15 years and only recently have made a determined effort to fix it. It's hard as fuck though and varies depending on my level of anxiety. If I take my attention away for one second I suck in again. Anyway the reason I asked is because it's supposed to fuck your pelvic floor.
Nta but it's more of having a tight asshole 24/7. Relax your anus, relax your balls area. That's it. Simple as. Try yoga as others said as well.
Also, tobacco relaxes me to the point I have a lot of control over my body, but that's just me.
I don't. If anything, my abs are under-active, which I heard is supposed to fuck with your pelvic floor, too.

But what you describe with your abs being tense all the time and requiring constant attention/effort to relax is exactly what I experience with my pelvic floor muscles.
do reverse kegels. like when you try pee and push really hard to pee faster.
start jerking it more. edging to be specific. build up your endurance. in my experience the longer you can stay hard and not bust equals half that time with a partner
>loser teen edging for hours at a time
>get girlfriend.
>4 hours of edging meant atleast 2 hours of fucking
tried the kegels thing to, it ruined my distance shots when I'm coming.
as for keeping the bones have you always had issues like that? there is something called a veinous leak or something, but it causes blood to leak out of your erection(not bleeding, blood just drains from your boner unless constant stimulation) maybe look into a cockring or surgery if you can't keep it up for a minute
Please don't listen to these fucking retards.
Fapping for hours is a terrible idea for someone with involuntary pelvic floor contractions on penis stimulation. It just reinforces the pattern. A period of nofap/nosex while working on stretching/relaxing the muscles would probably be better.

>venous leak
90% of supposed venous leak cases are actually muscular in nature (muscles around the base of the penis either fail to contract and press against blood vessels to prevent blood outflow, or fail to relax to allow inflow). Plus, healthy morning woods indicate that veins are OK.

Reverse kegels don't sound retarded to me.
I suffered from pelvic floor dysfunction for like 3-4 years and this was the main culprit, although in my case I liked to suck in my gut when I stood up and when I peed I would keep my gut sucked in (which is really bad because your abs and your pelvic floor are very intertwined) and I would end up having to like force my pee out

Anyway it's something I didn't even know I was doing until I spoke to a PT about it and she brought it up as a possibility so make sure you're not doing that OP

Also like that other anon said don't edge lol that shit's bad for you
Did your pelvic floor dysfunction caused any sexual health problems? Have you managed to unfuck it?
>>erection quality goes down
literally me down to the slightest detail, only i fucked my pelvic floor masturbating on my ass and edging excessively which means really tight muscles. i recently started doing stretching exercises every night and taking magnesium supplements.
>There's yoga routines on YouTube for this, happy baby, frog squat, wind relieving pose, child pose, etc..
>Breathe deep and into your pelvic floor to inflate it like a balloon to actively stretch it and manually massage it a bit.
>Try these every day with the yoga every other day and you'll be right as rain.
pelvic muscles are peculiar to relax and fix. you need daily diligence. edging ruined my erections.
Is it even possible at all to stretch PF muscles? I mean, it's not like with other skeletal muscles where you can manipulate the distance between anchor points to force a stretch. I feel like all these yoga poses do is stretch hip flexors, adductors and abductors, not the actual pelvic floor.
i think that's why everyone says that breathing is key. you have to push your breath deep into your pelvic floor
guys the key for this is that YOU HAVE TO DO IT DAILY. don't expect results before weeks pass.
yoga poses + deep breathing + patience
How does edging ruin your erections? I imagined my sedentary lifestyle was affecting my erections more than anything.
you can get some lube and some gloves and stick your finger up your ass and massage it as well

Wouldn't that require freakishly long fingers?
you can get up in there pretty far with a finger, but there are wands you can buy as well
>How does edging ruin your erections?
it tightens the muscles. Obviously.
you do all this retarded shit and still haven't seen a doctor. i dont get it bro lmao
99% of doctors would be like:
>morning erections OK? it's psychological, then
>just relax
>in the meantime, here's a Viagra prescription
how do you know this?
pelvic floor issues and pudendal neuralgia will not be diagnosed by the average doctor

it takes an average of 5 years of going to specialists to get a proper diagnosis. Medical professionals are exceptionally poor at diagnosing these conditions.
pde5 inhibitors can help relax the urethral sphincters and they can help some people with pelvic pain.
>how do you know this?
not even him but i've been to countless doctors. i even got an injection to "force" an erection and get a doppler scan.
the injection did absolutely nothing. but the doctor said the blood flow was good and attributed everything to psychological issues.
only pelvic stretches have had an effect on me.
I fucked up my pelvic floor by doing too many pull-ups and chin-ups. I basically made these my main exercises because so called open chain exercises were the best. Well, not they are not, at least not in volume. It took me close to three years to get right. Any exercise where my feet aren’t on the ground fucks up my pelvic floor. The best advice is to try to relax and apply heat to your pelvic floor by resting a heating pad on your pelvis just above your penis. I did try physical therapy but basically they just did some electrical stimulation and applied heat. Stretching seemed to aggravate the issue.
My buddy had an issue with this. He said it made the post-ejaculate period very painful. He went to a doctor and they recommended him some stretches and I think that helped.
get a tennis ball or lacrosse ball or massage ball and do a myofascial release


basically what she's doing.
The main issues it caused was probably pain during cumming and pain afterward when I went to pee it would sometimes be super painful

Yeah my symptoms are gone at this point, I fixed it with a combination of not sucking in my gut while peeing/not forcing pee out (this is really bad because it taxes your pelvic floor muscles) and lexapro. The lexapro I think really helped because for me part of it was probably the mental aspect (which is a big part of it), look up the pain-anxiety cycle if you want to know more about it. Basically the pain leads to anxiety which makes the pain more intense which then leads to more anxiety etc etc. Since I have OCD this effect could be pretty compounding.

Oh yeah I also don't edge anymore which I used to do like all the time, I just jerk off and cum normally
It's just not an area that has a lot known about it, especially compared to women's pelvic floor dysfunction, which has more information but still not that much

I went to my PCP, she referred to me to a urologist, he gave me a prostate exam and told me my prostate felt "soft" (??) and then gave me antibiotics to take because he said it was prostatitis

The antibiotics helped a little bit but not a lot, and after doing two rounds of them he was basically like
>well there's nothing else it could be lol
so I did research myself, asked for a referral to another urologist, and asked her if pelvic floor physical therapy could help. she said yes and referred me to one.

The physical therapy was somewhat helpful, but it wasn't so much the exercise aspect of it as the informational side that made the difference for me. Basically I had to relearn bad habits I had acquired at some point and needed to fix them in order to solve my problem. I did that (plus started taking lexapro which I can't say helped for sure but I think it did) and the problem is pretty much solved

tldr doctors dont know shit about this and also there are like a million different branching conditions that have similar symptoms that they also dont know about, go for a pelvic floor physical therapist since they're the ones that actually know shit about it
I haven‘t had the same ejaculation issues you had, but I previously had chronic pelvic floor pain and I tried everything and nothing helped until I started stretching day and night with my hip and leg muscles, specifically when I incorporated the butterfly stretch hold, the pain completely went away after a day or 2 and I have not had pain going on 7 months now
have you ever seen a doctor? they are retarded beyond belief
my doctor is a woman from africa who can't spell worth shit and just googles everything and usually just trusts the diagnosis I tell her and then even prescribes the meds I tell her I need
at least she isn't harmful, I had one doctor damage my back terribly causing years of grief and pain because he was testing for a herniated disc and did it in a violent and brutish fashion
Imagine curling your arm and never fucking releasing it? People would call you a retard. Now imagine a grown man walking around with a half puckered ass all the time. Relax it nigga.
Dudes that only do curls and chest all day every day actually do walk around with half bent elbows and forward shoulders. It's the same principle, except pelvic floor has no joints you can manipulate to stretch it or antagonist muscles to work, so it's incredibly difficult to unfuck compared to a tight bi or chest.
very good thread. im only going to be jerking off in a squat position from now on.
>Fapping for hours is a terrible idea for someone with involuntary pelvic floor contractions on penis stimulation.
i once edged everyday for an entire week to maisie williams. did i destroy my pelvic muscles, yes. was it one of my best cums, also yes.
I noticed I started having problems after doing weighted kegels when I was about 18 or 19. (I'm in my 30's now).
I would drape a towel over my erect penis, while standing, and do kegels like that.
I thought the weight of the towel would make my PC muscle extra strong, so I could have super explosive orgasms, but it seemed to have the opposite effect, where the muscle would spasm but the cum wouldn't shoot out as hard.
Basically I think I overworked my PC muscle, and need to work on relaxing it, so I'm gonna try reverse kegels, and some of the yoga stretches.

Recently I've been using tadalafil or whatever it's called. The Hims, generic cialis.
It works good, and I had awesome sex this week with a woman I've been talking to.
I'd rather just fix this problem and not have to take pills though. I've been having ED for the past 7 years or so.
guys i think THE sign for me was ejaculation. my ejaculation USED TO BE strong enough to blind a mf.
then it was dripping 100% of the time.
but also outside under direct sunlight
Some people with PF problems unironically do exactly that.

Classic symptoms of fucked up PF.
How do I relax my butthole?
I just tried to do pic related with my legs and it didn't happen.
You know when you're taking a shit and you're "pushing"? That's the agonist of a kegel squeeze. Also op can simply use progressively larger squat plugs to stretch what is overtightened.
Unironically this.
And not for gay sex.
>That's the agonist
Nah, that's just intra-abdominal pressure pushing against the pelvic floor, which is not nearly strong enough to make to actually stretch.
My wife said she wants to “domesticate” me when I return home from this extended work trip I’m on and to prepare myself.
>which is not nearly strong enough to make to actually stretch.
why not.
Except when you push your intra abdominal, your sphincter naturally relaxes. Just the same as your bicep naturally relaxes as you contract your tricep.
Because there's not enough (if any at all) elongation involved.

Yes, but relaxing by itself won't undo any tightness. Say you have tight quads: you stretch them by pulling your heel to your butt and forcing mechanical elongation. Just relaxing them or contracting your hams won't do shit.
Are you telling OP he needs to stretch his asshole with mechanical means?
No, I'm saying tight pelvic floor is extremely difficult to unfuck completely because of the muscles' location and function.

If it was anal sphincter causing the problems though, then yes, mechanical asshole stretching would be the way to go.
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.
>No, I'm saying tight pelvic floor is extremely difficult to unfuck completely because of the muscles' location and function.
that's true. that's why physiotherapists tell you to keep doing the routine for weeks and months before you see some improvement.
/fit/ - Mechanical Asshole Stretching
Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. The exact same thing happened to me. Why did they push the kegel meme so hard back then?
Push out a turd without actually doing it
Ive been told by my PT that I need to avoid holding breath in when doing most of the effort while lifting, and has instructed me to do the opposite of the valsava maneuver to not put pressure on my pelvic floor which I’m skeptic of since it can be dangerous for the spine
I have weakened pelvic floor so opposite problem from OP, but I was wondering what bad habits did you need to correct and why?
do you watch porn? This just seems like massive confirmation bias
same, this is is awesome and hopefully gonna result in great sex
>Medical professionals are exceptionally poor at diagnosing
Don't need the other words. In can't wait for GPs and the entire radiology profession to be replaced by AI.
>do you watch porn?
the problem is HOW you masturbate. if you sit on your ass clenching your anus for hours while edging it can give you problems.
> be me
> two pump chump
> 100% psychological since I can control myself while masturbating

Is this lack of experience? I've only been with two girls in my life. Probably had sex 8 times in my entire life.
I do not watch porn, probably jerk off once every two weeks and it takes me 20 min to bust even though I have pent up arousal.

I do not have the issues expressed ITT but still seeking advice. Thanks brothers.
OP here. My pelvic floor muscles being tight and firing in a weird way is a fact. The connection between PF imbalance and a wide array of sexual dysfunctions is also a fact. Now, I allow the possibility that some other factors are at play here, but >implying that it's all purely porn induced seems like a massive speculation to me.

That said, I decided to do no porn, no fap, no sex for as long as possible and try to reset all my mental, neural and muscular patterns while I work on the physical side of things.

Probably lack of experience and/or performance anxiety.
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assuming you're not stupid.
have you done the opposite of a kegel?
its the same motion as forcing out a poop, fart etc.. or holding your ass open.
take a deep breath in and push the pressure down.
watch vixenxmoon on prawnhub if you need visuals.

that said, assuming this is as you say and not some hallucination. test it out and report back before we move on to the regular ED/PE treatments
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I had to work at being a two pump chump. visualizing my gf as a radiant receptive Goddess most beautiful thing in the universe. Took months to get there. she was super pissed. never went to that headspace again, its very self indulgent. Come to think of it I should have told her, she might have misunderstood what happened. Lul
this thread should be a sticky. if someone has weak boners with no other explanation they should do pelvic stretches for at least a weak
>>I recently realized that I'm subconsciously holding a semi-kegel 100% of the time

my nigga I just want to congratulate you for identifying the problem. I went thru the exact same thing years ago and was able to find fucking NOTHING on the internet addressing it. It's a problem you can't even google until you stumble across "pelvic floor" as a search term, and even then it won't be much help.
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>Try visualizing and feeling the pelvic floor muscles loosening, and gently pushing outwards, as if you’re on the toilet. However, do not end up shitting yourself like a fucking retard.
>be autistic
>religiously do kegels for boners
>massively overdo it
>causes ED

>be 95 IQ normie with zero self-reflection
>never heard of kegels
>never heard of sexual dysfunction
>never have ED, shoot ropes, enjoy sex without obsessing about it

Many such cases
>Do you habitually suck in your gut? I've been doing this for like 15 years and only recently have made a determined effort to fix it. It's hard as fuck though and varies depending on my level of anxiety. If I take my attention away for one second I suck in again. Anyway the reason I asked is because it's supposed to fuck your pelvic floor.

Yep. And this is the first time I've EVER seen it mentioned online. I figured it out on my own through trial and error.
>Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. The exact same thing happened to me. Why did they push the kegel meme so hard back then?
Same reason (((they))) push the race mixing meme. The women's liberation meme. The sexual revolution meme. The inflated sense of self-worth meme. Anything to hammer the white birth rate.
>Has anyone managed to recover from this shit and/or has any advice on how to proceed?

1.) If you go on google maps and type in "pelvic floor", there will be at least one doctor in your area that specifically helps people with this. Their website will specifically say "pelvic floor" help on it. If you go there, don't tell them about the kegels or your past. Tell them that the problem started recently.

2.) You can go get a nerve block done, where a doctor will inject a nerve block through the front of your lower stomach. I had this shit done to me without knowing that it was going to be done (the doctor walked into the room with a giant needle when I was laying on the table and he injected it without asking me). It fixed the problem.

3.) Lay on your back, pull your knees to your stomach, and at the same time spread your knees as far apart as possible. Hold your knees there with your hands. Push your stomach out as far as you can and hold it there for 10 seconds, and then release it. Repeat pushing your stomach out and holding it 5 times. Do this exercise twice a day. Sometimes this exercise will loosen up the pelvic floor enough to get you back to normal.

I'll send you an invoice for this consultation.
its in the book of the 5 rings
not new
I think you faggots might finally be right about something so now I am asking do I need to constantly try to unclench my asshole and pisshole like I’m pissing/shititng
Won’t I start actually shitting myself if I do so?
shit typically only moves into the colon just before poopy time. there might be a little nug left over but you can usually feel that.
Use a buttplug, start small then work your way up and you'll be able to relax your pelvic floor.
I'm retarded enough to actually consider that.
i accidentally farted doing reverse kegels
does that kill my relaxation gains or double them?
>I'm retarded enough to actually consider that.
lol don't. it's gay.
>I'll send you an invoice for this consultation.
i would unironically pay if it works. i have wasted so much time and money on urologists.
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That's a specific case of a more general phenomenon:

>be autistic / overly sensitive / shy / socially awkward / whatever
>feel inadequate
>seek improvement, but strive for perfection from the start instead of taking small steps
>feel even more inadequate and self-conscious
>hate normies for not having your problems
>hate yourself
>join 4chan


>be a normie
>feel great about yourself even if you're nothing special
>believe in your capabilities even if they're objectively, verifiably not that great
>succeed in life because your own mind doesn't hold you back
>be happy
>be resented and called NPC by autists

The former group consists of /fit/cels, penis enlargers, looksmaxxers, shut-in nerds with the imposter syndrome at work and 90% of 4chan population.
kegels are literally ONLY for guys with incontinence issues. they can ruin your ejaculation and boners.
Idk it feels weird to constantly have my aashole “relaxed” are you sure you people aren’t just mentally ill ans your butt being semi clenched is normal?
It's not about the asshole, it's about the muscles surrounding the "inner" part of your penis which are crucial for proper erection and ejaculation. They're difficult to get mind-muscle connection with, so people often get their asshole to tighten/relax when trying to kegel/reverse kegel.
Self-improvement is a good thing. People who are content to live mediocre lives are sheep; they are not to be emulated. And they're also the reason why we live in an objectively miserable, deteriorating slave society. If they had the self-respect to demand greatness of themselves and the world, they wouldn't tolerate frankenfood, shitty TV, the degradation of their culture, and the destruction of their families. Do not envy normies - they're weak and self-destructive.

Thanks for reading my blog.
>le weak mindless sheep degrading our culture and not striving for greatness like I do. I don't envy them, I pity them.

I know that sentiment extremely well because I've had it all my life (and I'm a 40 year old fucking boomer), but I recently realized it's 100% a defense mechanism from feeling inferior, inadequate, vulnerable, hurt or whatever. It has fucked up so many good things in my life so many times and cost me so many lost opportunities and broken relationships that I'm now spending time on a Mongolian hunk photo exchange forum at 40. I haven't gotten rid of it yet, but realizing it was probably my biggest self-improvement step yet.

Thanks for reading my gay pop-psychology blog.
>his penis doesn't have muscles
Are DYELs for real?
Sheep detected
Seriously, man, you just wrote me a soliloquy about how bad it is to want to improve yourself, with passive aggressive undertones. You still clearly have a lot of internal work to do. You're just making excuses so you don't have to do the work.

The original comment I respond to is literally making the claim that there are 2 different types of people: self-improovers and mediocre yet content normies. That is fucking retarded black-and-white thinking. You can self-improve without being autistic and arrogant about it, and you can be a miserable, lazy normie (they're fucking everywhere). Laziness and unwillingness to change are obviously not traits you want to emulate.

But if you're content living in mediocrity, that's genuinely fine. I don't give a shit. Just stop lying about it to strangers on the internet. That's the annoying part. You types have constructed an entire ideology to rationalize your personal shortcomings, and it's disgusting.
you ever heard of people walking like they have a stick up their ass?
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well the disconnect between feelings of superiority and actually being superior is a vast ocean of work and success. we live in a society. No one cares if you're the strongest lumberjack in Madison Avenue. Just like know one cares if you're the most intuitive Ad man in the woods.
Holy fuck, thanks for this thread. I've been suffering from this bit like others have said I never knew what the real problem was. Anyone else ever had pain in their taint? I also have that when I stand for extended periods of time.
thanks I'll try that exercise
Yeah, pain in the taint is a common symptom of pelvic floor dysfunction.
When I jerk off and get closer to cummingI notice my kegels/asshole tightening. Should I not be doing this? It's very hard to get to the edge and keep the area relaxed without really focusing on it. erections are rockhard though and instead of cumming fast it feels like it's harder to cum. One thing that I feel helps is to take a lot longer to warm up and massage the taint area.
Most likely normal pre-orgasmic contractions.
Anyone else get a numb taint and dick from sitting too long on a bike or something?
I got it a couple times and have been standing as much as possible since, but I think I pinched a taint nerve.
I got it with a massage gun for a week and it seems to have helped, but I'm still only getting 90% hard
Yes same. I think I got that varicocele thing where the ball veins get thick from cycling.
I've been trying to calm my overactive pelvic floor, but I feel like lifting interferes with it. Squats, deads, OHP, pullups, pretty much every compound lift makes it clench with the force of thousand suns to the point I actually get DOMs in my taint after a workout.

Wat do? I don't feel like trying to relax it during big lifts is a good/safe idea either.
Wouldn’t reverse kegels give you haemorrhoids instead?
I don’t think there is a win win situation in here
such a veinpilled ballmaxxer
is prolapse a pro or con to you.
You can and should be tight during a hoist, but not at rest
unless you're a gayboi into prolapsing
t. cucks who get high on sniffing their own farts
>t. bluepilled copemaxxer
Does Viagra/Cialis help?
I am honestly considering going full curl bro. Squats especially seem to make things worse.

t. dripping piss for years now
>t. dripping piss for years now
same but worse because i also don't cum right. it just drips every time.
I think this routine of stretching in certain poses while breathing into your stomach might be the key.
fit might have actually found the reason so many healthy guys have terrible sex health.
>Does Viagra/Cialis help?
i've tried them also injections with inconsistent success. i believe that tight pelvic muscles might finally be the culprit.

i will try: daily stretches with deep breathing + strict nofap + magnesium. for 2 weeks.
gonna need to nofap for longer than 2 weeks. I have hard flaccid. 2 months will be better.
If you train to keep it relaxed during the big compound movements for long enough, you'll need a squat plug.
>vixenxmoon on prawnhub
One of the best. Raisa Wetsx also has an extremely loose pelvic floor. That's the key to why she can hold a kong toy out so far before birthing it, and why she can literally punch herself so hard without hurting herself.
Maybe fart before doing them, unless you enjoy it like those girls who piss during big lifts.
That was indeed gay, anon.
Viagra helps to an extent, although the results are inconsistent, like the other anon said.

Without viagra:
>impossible to get a boner or even a decent semi without direct penile stimulation
>need a lot of stimulation to get to ~80-90% hardness, anything more than that is super rare
>the dick starts deflating the second stimulation stops

With viagra:
>70-80% semi from just making out
>somewhat easier to get to 90% and sometimes up to 100% with stimulation
>the dick takes starts deflating after a little bit later and a little bit slower

Dose doesn't seem to make much difference, so it looks like increased venous flow makes things better, but since that's not the main problem (as confirmed by normal night boners), things still aren't perfect.
you've never smelled my farts, they're majestic next to yours
me, fartmaxxxer
you fart like a girl
guys, it works.
raisa's got a wart
can't stand seeing it
>3.) Lay on your back, pull your knees to your stomach, and at the same time spread your knees as far apart as possible.
Just look for happy baby. That shit should bring up thousands of yoga hotties showing it in tight spandex.
wonder if there are any showing it wearing leather boots
Nah, leather cuffs and a collar.
Perhaps with a bar to aid them in their stretch.
>but I was wondering what bad habits did you need to correct and why?

a lot of it was sucking in my gut while peeing and also using excessive to pee while im peeing

once I changed that a lot of my issues went away
Where on her?
Nice thread.
>using excessive to pee while im peeing
word missing?
im getting ready to save it so ill have it for reference. i haven't seen an actually useful post on here in years
lmfao OPs gonna speed run ED with edging
this is why dumbasses shouldn't give advice
yeah meant to say
>using excessive force to pee wihle im peeing
I've read that numerous people have successfully treated these pelvic floor/hard flaccid/prostatitis type issues with getting prescribed alpha-blockers like flomax.
Probably more of a bandaid fix for the symptoms caused by having fucked up overtight muscles but seems to offer relief for lots of people by relaxing the muscles in the area
I used to shoot loads across the room, then for some reason became a pathetic dribbler/oozer and developed a bunch of erectile problems described in OP. Last night I was having a relaxed fap laying on my back and keeping my other hand on my taint to monitor the pelvic floor. I noticed a lot of involuntary contractions and as I was getting close to cumming, I noticed the muscles got tight as fuck (I would say 80-90% contracted at all times) so when it was time to jizz, they were only pumping between that and 100% (no full relaxation between contractions). I'm pretty sure that's the reason for weak expulsion force. Someone please tell me this can be fixed.

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