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Now that the Olympics are almost here, what are the top /fit/-approved summer Olympic sports?
Wrestling, nothing like seeing two hot dudes going at it live
I only watch the female Olympic sports to jerk off.
This board is mostly retards so it's irrelevant really.
i've been watching the women's climbing comps leading up to the olympics
it's retarded because janja garnbret is so much better than everyone else by a huge margin; the men's comp is much closer
almost every track and field event is going to be incredibly competitive this year and we might even see the 100 and 200 records get broken by kishane thompson and noah lyles if they get perfect conditions. kishane literally jogged a 9.8 a couple days ago at Jamaican trials
Not to mention shacarri is in peak form and already in the top 3 fastest women to ever live
Going to watch weightlifting, and by watch I mean watch the replays on youtube. I don't care about anything else.
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Pole vault, running, high jump
>summer olympics
Nobody gives a fuck about ice skating.
Women and homos do.
What is her name?

Female goon events:
Athletics, track and field especially high jump and long jump
Beach volleyball
Boxing, weightlifting, judo, sailing and maybe some shooting, equestrian, track n field stuff and swimming.
Women's volleyball too.
>summer Olympics
>ice skating
I remember some of the women of the german olympic team doing this playboy-esque kinda-sorta nude shoot for charity or some shit like sixteen years ago. Wish the olympics were still based like that.
Can't you read? It's right there on her shirt. She's called "Gofit 122 Oma"
that's his point, dumbass
only summer Olympics is real shit, meaning winter garbage like skating is for
fags and women
I can't wait until you faggots start claiming you're in better shape than the gymnasts because you think you can bench press more than them.
didn't they remove weightlifting from the summer olympics this year
>he doesn't watch curling
Please leave.
>that's his point, dumbass
I realised that 0.02 seconds after I pressed Post

Thanks for making me feel even worse about myself, bully
>Now that the Olympics are almost here
No, but weightlifting, boxing and pentathlon are all being removed from 2028. Proof if any were needed that LA is fucking pozzed.

Paris is adding breakdancing, not sure if that's going to be cool or cringe
...breakdancing? Why, to cater to the nonexistent black audience?
Running events are peak
because the french are fucking gay
did they keep surfing for this one?
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why are they removing weightlifting and boxing?? Those and the grappling sports are the only reason to watch it.
alright, looked into it: they've reinstated weightlifting and penta due to the governing bodies undergoing "significant reforms" but withheld on doing so for boxing because amateur and olympic boxing comimissions are fucking retarded and are killing the sport.
Ah my wife.
its basically going to be like red bull bc one events.
I always think I don't have a crush until someone posts her again.
canoe slaloming seems like the most fun event by far
>what are the top /fit/-approved summer Olympic sports?
death march
good god.
How can I ever have a chance on dating Michelle Jenneke? Like, what would be the minimal requirements before even thinking I have a chance? Life's so painful bros...
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Sorry bwc only
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Spear chucking
It's the internet homie, this is not a safe space
I'm whiter than the guy in the pic hence why she's my wife.
Judo is one of the few events where I think the women's sport is a lot more "pure" than the men's. With the guys there's a lot more brute-force shoving going on, the women display some beautiful clean techniques though
Right, that does it, where's the downvote button in this dark-web cess pit?
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Ice skating
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Boxing because my friend will be competing this year
who is he I will root for him
he'll fight for Slovenia
I've changed my mind
Winter Olympics are objectively the best Olympics
Based, I will pray for him
There cannot be an objective best because there is no standard to go by, other than what is arbitrary, to measure by. Therefore your comment is stupid and you are stupid.
>because there is no standard to go by,
Less brownoids=better
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nta, but winter olympics always has kino due to the world seething over ice skating russians
nice, me too, especially netball
Is that even in the Olympics?
I thought only the Commonwealth Games had it
my bad, I end up confusing the two sometimes
You’re not white ranjit no white person on earth has ever said that sentence lol
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literally dozens of us care about ice
Why the hell is she wearing hoop earrings during a track and field event?
Because she is a whore
Women are child-like sociopaths. How old are you?
shut up.
what's the point anymore? they're not allowed to show ass or anything coom.
Hoping for some more titty slips this year. Always a highlight when volleyball spike pays off in more ways than one.
LMAO fit hates swimming holy shit what A bunch of dorks
Kateri je? Jaz grem letos na OI, bom probal dobit karte za kakšno njegovo borbo.
Sandnigger cope
Because she wants dick, that's why duh
Just be 6'3+ and be filthy rich and jacked and black and have a massive dong and a chad face bro. It's not hard
Fit is a high iq board, if you post here with an IQ of less than 90, you deserve to feel bad about yourself
200m wr being broken this year, can't wait till see if Usain Bolt handles it with grace
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>this nigga didn't go see Moana on ice
Tell me you're a pleb while telling me you're a pleb
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it's literally the only reason they exist and why the committee mandate such skimpy uniforms for them
When will they finally go full Reality TV and just set up hidden cameras in all the bedrooms in the olympic village? How is there so little material of all the top athletes getting busy after/before events?
>make sex tape
>lose your 10 million dollar a year sponsor
If you can catch her. A wise man once said: I can run faster horny than you can scared
Because they don't train for 4 years to end up losing their team medal and getting sued for filming smut on private property just so some chud can get a boner
It's the current year, Anon, wrestling is a girls' sport.
>100 and 200 records get broken by kishane thompson and noah lyles
Not happening. Not even close. Maybe the relay, but I have my doubts.

>almost every track and field event is going to be incredibly competitive
Like every Olympics
Men's pole vault will not be competitive. Women's triple jump is missing Rojas. Also, all jumps performed at the European Championships in Rome earlier this month should be discounted since they were performed on a special stage which was bouncy and clearly gave the athletes an advantage.
everything that is being played by women. Except football.
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winter sport is patrician as fuark
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>there is no standard to go by
pure strenth
She has such retarded looking facd hHah
Nice English ranjit post your gf face
Dubu bos edin moj kurac na celo
Javelin throw is absolutely based
The Olympics Committee and the sponsors know what they're doing. Viewership figures would drop 95% if there weren't smoking hot women jumping around in lycra
Dude, have you not seen how female sprinters dress these days? Full makeup, jewelry, acrylics, hair extensions...
>racism outside of /b/
No its not. Winter Olympics is skiing and 27 made up events nobody has heard of or cares about
> inb4 what aboot muh hockey and curling eh
Always funny when the jamaican runners have full on wigs with accessories
you faggots will call negresses vile apes and angry at blacks fucking white women then turn around and shove your nose in that choco-rumper without any shame, I hate you all.
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Weightlifting, obivously
Seething nigger, colonizing if done by men and if they keep the kaffer in their country is fine.
If only she had an entire lower jaw.
I just want to be a women’s gymnastics coach, if you know what I’m saying.
I hear being a physio is a rewarding career
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The only sport I care about is beach volleyball
You leave curling out of this. Not our fault they took being blackout drunk out of the sport.
holy qt
Is he going to fight a S*rbian in his weight class? He'll have my full support

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