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/fit/ - Fitness

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>open up IG
>most of the guys have puffy bloated face. Either fat or skinny fat
>the girls are either wrinkly as fuck already or straight up pigs with melted butterfaces

Did the vax fuck everyone up or something ? All these same people looked good in 2019.
yeah, it's the fucking vaxx, man. They'll all die in two weeks, can't fucking wait. Billions will (and must) die
kek i wasn't being serious but it seems like it has something to do covid and lockdowns that accelerated aging in my generation
my face has gotten way more wrinkly in the past few years and i'm only 29
I have eczema though so I kinda always had bad skin so i don't really care that much, I just have to uglybastardmaxx
>fat people didn’t exist before 2023
Are you retarded
No. It just seems like people usually become fat in their 30s, a lot of the guys and girls my age are already fat in their mid 20s. Wondering if Covid or lockdowns had anything to do with it
>critiquing other people’s appearances to feel better about yourself
What do you look like op?
this nigga got vaxxed lmao
>Did the vax fuck everyone up or something ? All these same people looked good in 2019.
closer to 30 you get the more your peers will get obese, happens in every generation.
Its not even metabolism its just people gaining a pound here and there slowly over a decade.
You're right in a sense that it's a stupid pastime to compare yourself to your peers, but OP is not wrong, there's something in the water.
I turned 35 today. I'm a NEET manchild. Give reasons not to ropemaxx pls
the shit in the water makes you look like a girl not a bloated corpse
I said the exact same thing about myself. I'm almost 31 and I looked at pictures I took at 25/26 and it was demoralizing to say the least. My temples receded, I have eye wrinkles and bags and something I can't really put to words, a sort of youthful glow, is missing.

Granted I had severe health issues and smoked weed so I am worse off than I naturally should be but still. I can't judge others too harshly when I see father time creeping on me.
Lockdowns turned everyone fat and ugly
>I can't judge others too harshly when I see father time creeping on me.
Why did you judge them harshly before you turned 30? Did Mean Girls teach you to be a BETCH?
It's because of alcohol, smoking, and goyslop diets.
Americans have been fat and ugly for the past 30 years
Damn that sucks. I look the same as I was at 21. My face is frozen in time

t. Asianic genes
Lol this nigga aged like milk
>I didn't take care of myself and had shitty habits and it reflected as much in my appearance
Yeah no duh, budd. You aren't stuck looking fucked up, though.
Post face
Bingo, currently young people are split 50/50 between the health obsessed and the hedonists, there is no inbetween.
I have an autoimmune disease.
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>All these same people looked good in 2019.
yeah, because they didnt have a job then
Im 23, been working for 2 years now and when I see my photos from early 2021, its a night and day difference
work and responsibilities fuck you up
Chuds are fucking insane kek
4(four) years later there still crying about it
Where we 98% of the world has moved on. Insane
Two more weeks bros. Hold steady!
tuatara meme
Bro hit the wall at 23?
Not him but I clearly peaked at 19. If you guys become dads, make sure your sons are based. Get their mindsets right. You can throw away everything if you're a pussy.
Being pumped full of drugs since kindergarten will do that.
Im objectivly better looking at 29 then i was when I was 19, fat and not /fit/. I am unirionically one of the most attractive men I know but alot of it comes from having 'heart' and the way that I carry myself. Would I have looked better then(19) if i was as fit and lean as I am now? Is my love of fitness bourne from my lack there of from my childhood and through my adolescence? Guess we'll never know.
>dox myself to prove a point
Just avoid the sun and poverty dummy, the other half is genetics
>omg like stop mentioning our mistake like we moved on like incel chud bruh...
They have every right to shit on you and rub it in your face forever for alp the treatment they received.
I am not soulless retard faggot, i am true to myself, i regret cucking out deeply.
who cares, the older you get the more milfs like you. there are hot milfs
Insane cope
99.9999% of women over 30 look like shit
99% of men over 30 also look like shit (including you) (yes, you reading this)
Also milfs like young guys
Nobody wants some crusty post wall man
I didn’t become not puffy and lean until my late 20s. I also didn’t take the vax
I don't get how people this young look at old pics and feel sad, I've been upgrading every year
Delusion. Human biological and sexual peak is 17-19.
the world would be better off without you, so you must live on.
lol based, ty
the god awful truth
Don’t take things too seriously bro. You could be the average 35 year old wagie married to some fat nagging sow. NEETdom is infinitely preferable to that.
Roping yourself is precisely what they want you to do.
We'll need you, anon.
Most normies are too lazy to work out like 4-5 hours a week which all it takes to look good

For women it is. Men peak in their late 20s and early 30s if they take care of themselves
>99% of men over 30 also look like shit

What's with retards on this board thinking if you don't look like a twink, you look like shit.
If you an hero, the Jews win. Never let the Jews win
Women peak around 15 and men around 25. For feminine twink faggots it's lower but people attracted to that are weird so it doesn't matter
People tend to do that they get old anon (2019 was half a decade ago).
This is what happens to most men. How do we avoid it?
Two more weeks bro you’re so right
You just wait
All these Normies gonna drop like flies
Two more weeks, hold out
It’s been two weeks for four years now chud
>misses the point completely
Genuine coping tourist retard response.
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>he let the jews pin him for a fucking flu
>responds 4 hours after the fact
>n-no you see I’m acruslly the chad because I didn’t ge the vac and I’m not a sheep! I’m the real martyr because everyone moved on but I’m still here!
>if you move on you’re le tourist!
2 more weeks bros. Hold steady!
>mfw the chud is soo buttmad about being rejected everywhere he not only replies 4 hours later, it samefags too
2 more weeks bros. All these Normies? They’re gonna be fucking dead. 2 more weeks
T. Said in 2020
Mid 20s is when the abuse that you have been dealing with you body first catches up with you. When the years of sleepless nights, drinking and goyslopping begin to show their signs. I'm 25. I went to a 50/50 college. All my male friends and students are either fat or skinnyfat by this point. All my female friends and students are either wrinkly, fat or both. Yesterday I went to have my picture taken since I discarded my student id and my face has remained the same except for maturing. Take care of yourselves lads, if it's this bad at 25 imagine how it'll be when these people hit 35
How are /pol/tards going to cope when they realise their endgame scenario isn't happening, that no-one cares and society carries on as normal? What will they even do for the rest of their lives? Seethe?
2 more weeks and you’ll see! Fucking notmie! Just you wait, you and da jooooz are gonna get what’s coming to you
T. 2020
Be honest. How many boosters
Don't do it.
NEET can be good.
Find a hobby, something you like and become good at it.
If you are in place that allows this expose yourself to natural light, to the sun, it bossts dopamine.
Hang in there Anon, there's value to you.
It is my firm belief that we solved fitness in the 80s and 90s, and afterwards we're simply past our prime.
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>All these Normies gonna drop like flies
They already are.
Wow they all died from the vaccine that's crazy.
They don't take care of themselves.
I think it’s always been this way. It’s just worse now because they’re far and unhealthy. But it’s always been normal to start to age pretty hard in your 20s. People seem to have known that forever, until it was lost on Millennials and Zoomers. They really thought they would look 20 at 30, which is kind of nuts.
This red pill is beyond you dumbasses pay grade but research pottengers cats
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>threaten to ruin peoples lives over a vax that doesnt work
>shit on people for being smart enough to not make the mistake you made
Yeah we will just forgive you guys for calling for our financial ruin, and actual death at points. All vaxies made their choice, and it was objectively wrong, least you could do is apologize for being faggots.
>give 4chan an opportunity to bully me
>they respond with unadulterated positivity
t-thank you Anon, I'll keep my head up
alcohol, shitty diet, no exercise
> Eat like shit
> Drink booze
> Stay indoors
> Don't work out
> Seed oils
> Vax
> Microplastics and estrogenic chemicals
The zoomers who actually taken care of their health still look young. But even zoomer teens look like shit so it's a wash.
read BAP reclaim your SYMness (if you are white)
Stop shilling grifters
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Lol it could be worse you could be an ugly ethnic msnlet with ohimosis
begone, phoneposter
it's all the goyslop they eat
too much bad fats in seed oils
dudes yeara younger than me look older than me
it is madness but I dont care anymore
I got mine the rest can fuck off haha
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I'm 28, turning 29 in a few months.

Recently ran into an old childhood school friend who is the same age as me, maybe a few months older. Found out he's got a wife and two kids. The guy easily looks, sounds, and acts like a full decade older than me. Don't know if it is the kids or just poor lifestyle decisions, but jesus christ, it was such a weird feeling. He was with some other people I knew from my school days and they were looking basically just as haggard so idk what tf is up.

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