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>tells you to avoid all alternative exercises
>Advocates only straight sets
>His sample program is the most basic bitch upper lower imaginable
>I take his advice and make subpar gains
>Say phuck it and start doing pump workouts on a bro split that focus on the burn
>Make better gains

Why do people still listen to le BASEDIENCE BASED phaggots?
i am heavily into basedence lifting and this guy is really not it, nigger. even the basedence lifters often debate each other about "facts" and they both usually have it wrong.
you might feel better while doing bro split, pushing yourself further and all the basedence goes out the window.
ideally you'd do full body workout optimized to hell, but not even the best of the best basedence lifters have it optimized. most of them have it optimized for enjoyment, not gains.
i don't like his face so i don't watch any of his videos or listen to any of his advice
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Its almost as if steroid users are some deluded fucking creatures who have genuinely miswired their brains from steroid abuse and live in a fantasy land every day
People think that they don't admit to steroids because of their pride but its because they're actually weird nutcases who probably dont even know they shoot up every week.
So that feeds into their delusion that their programming and hard work are the reason why they have results and start preaching to an audience about them
Pic related is a good example, of course 100% of his audience knows hes on gear and he has a young impressionable audience but he never acknowledges it, ever and it's really fucking weird
Ignore all roid trannies. They’re mentally ill genetic losers.
OP says he trained more like a roider tho (pump instead of simplistic straight sets)
Just figuring out for yourself what in the sea of shit actually works for you and your goals, is the first step to making it.
literally me
He's pretty open about his steroid use. You somehow sound more mentally ill than roidtrannys.
Fuck strengthtards
i litereally hate this dumb fuck, teaches yo how to be the most above average average normie

complete nigger bug. total fucking chud cuck. id kill him
>tells you to avoid all alternative exercises
>Advocates only straight sets
This is just autism but I can understand focusing on simplicity with novices because the ones that complicate things or add contradictory schemes just wind up fucking themselves.
>His sample program is the most basic bitch upper lower imaginable
>I take his advice and make subpar gains
How long?
>Say phuck it and start doing pump workouts on a bro split that focus on the burn
>Make better gains
This is pretty typical when you go from first year strength training and LPs to actual bodybuilding. It doesn't invalidate what you gained from the first year it proves it's utility because you can physically perform those advanced splits and volume without injury, you have the work capacity, fatigue threshold, the connective tissue durability, the improved recruitment and strengthened stabilizers to do this now. If you had probably jumped in this from nothing you'd have probably fucked your shit up and ran into a lot of plateaus because of lifts being bottlenecked by smaller and weaker groups.
I blocked this dude months ago. Life has improved significantly.
Fuck Sean nalewanyj
>tells you to avoid all alternative exercises
No he doesn't.
You started with a lie so everything followed is disregarded
Who is the best /fit/fluencer bros?
Post body
>their delusion that their programming and hard work are the reason why they have results
Go look in /fraud/ sometimes. Most guys that do steroids look like complete shit because they don't know how to lift. I do agree that programming matters less than natty but it still matters a lot.
What constitutes pump workouts? I feel like I never really get a significant pump when I workout desu even if my muscles feel more tight and sore.
so true
Jeff nippard is a great guy
Science nigger influencers are retarded.
>natty sub 1y lifting cuck finds out about strength and hypertrophy
Great post
High rep isolation lifts and supersets, like for example benching, then going and doing ez bar curls and skull crushers 3x12 super set, then cables focusing on the same body part(s), probably also super set. Which is fine, you can be a "power lifter" and also do this lmao, which is what a lot of them do. Please don't listen to any posts on /fit/, take mine with a grain of salt too.
>It's almost as if
stopped reading here, you're a faggot
this x100
looks like a complete dweeb gymcel
Ya I'm sure he's got some good advice but he's a bit of a pencil neck
He doesn't sell anything or plug any bullshit supplements or pretend to be 100% natty
> I don't understand case and effect
Stfu nerd
Unless you're a competitive athlete (bodybuilding is not a sport) explicit routines are retarded
Uh, I never had a problem with this dude.
Back in the day, he gave me some free advice too.
I still watch his vids.
Did he keep PMing you about stretching too?
Stfu nerd

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