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/fit/ - Fitness

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you can only post in this bread if you were part of the golden age of /fit/ broccoli heads need not apply
I remember the day they added the dinosaur.
Squats and oats faggot
isley, isley, isley... you nevah leahn, dew yew?
I remember /fit/ when Rich Piana was still alive, and pianaposting was in full effect. A better time.
That dude had some decent numbers, though.
What happened to supermong and the asian girl powershitter pissing herself during lifts
Does anyone still talk to supermong? Is he alive?
Izley izley izly
Wow haven't thought of her in awhile... Jesus. It's sad but this place is part of me.
Please be in London
I think I'm the only person left who remembers the forced TIMBO TIME meme
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>*tips fedora*
>"I take cold showers"
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what ever happened to that trap that always posted femboy anime pics and defended supermong in every thread?
The days of frank yang

>ywn get to experience King Milkfart oc again
Been on 4chan since I was 13, fit since I was 18, am 28 now
patrick is still alive in auckland.
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That dude roided to catch up to Isley, didn't make it and ended up catbacking himself into injury (his sister was hot though)
Sparrow or something, I have an old hard drive that needs a cable to unlock some ancient memes

I was just about to leave this shit hole, every other poster misunderstands what you say, can't use > properly which makes me think they're all ESL now and this captcha system is pure cancer

Btw you'll probably get banned by the broccoli haired faggot mods for this thread
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remember when scooby used to post here?
Man, remember zeez? And when we became 4channel
This turd was around well after the golden age of /fit/. If you don't remember the "ITT U MAD" penis getting posted daily, you're a newbie to me.
Looking good, goodlookingmisc!
>penis getting posted daily
Sounds like the faggot age not the golden age, go to lgbt if you want cock so bad you faggot
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Take me back
I've been around so long I was banned multiple times on Somethingawful for telling Lowtax his girlfriend at the time (Integral I think) was manipulative and emotionally unstable. Bitch said I looked like a penguin and then banned me so I couldn't respond. Ive been here since the literal beginning and every year some fucking shit desperate to make his existence seem like it has meaning steps up and caterwauls about how the new generation of posters is such shit.

He's absolutely right of course, they are, but so were the old ones. You're just looking at your own retardation with acceptance and nostalgia.
Mong leaving and killer virgin posting was around the beginning of the end of this board.
Supermong was 2016. Not golden era
Never found this guy entertaining
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izlee izlee izlee

u nvr lrn mng

u nvr lern...
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>/fit/ - Health & Fitness
2016 was the last year of the golden era. Since Supermong literally nothing of note happened on this board
False. Monkeybiscuits, the ballsack alpha radiation guy to name a few
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>weighted dips
Ishlee ishlee ishlee

Why did people fellate each other about jeff
top kek goodlookingmisc 6’5” BONEPRESSED
I'm back. Ama
First visited /fit/ in 2012 and remained on until about 2015. Just came back to browsing recently. This place is overrun by porn and indians.
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>uploaded 16 years ago
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>no machines, no isolations
>squats and oats
>lower faggot
>do SS
>SS is a meme
>natural physiques only (scooby pic)
>Jeff plz go
>Frank yang asking for silk road mushrooms (yw Frank)
>Zyzz pre death and fame
>faggot gingermod and redwood
>moot lifting with mods
>isley, OCB, Quad, ennui, super mutant, cold
>tfw no gf
>gingermod banning my trip 13 years ago (it's on sight)

All those moments like tears in the rain
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>hasn't seen the dark knight rises
>le cookies are le ready
>mom found creatine stash and made me homeless
>snap city
>Matt Ogus
>moot lifting
>does x kill gains?
I miss lolzgym. Especially since apparently no one bothered to archive his shit before it all got deleted.
>Isley Isley Isley, you neber learn
Election Fag here
Can someone explain the Isley meme to a newfag?
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>yearly SiR comic
>scooby the riddlemaster
>bugsports & zippywater
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>inb4 7 figure job, model wife and kids, 6 percent bf and 12 inch cock
lol you loser
>when you realize that /fit/ was never about fitness and it invented lookism
Tbh this thread is demotivating as fuck
The fact some oldfags remember memes/ users from a decade ago yet are still here proves no one ever really makes it
Even zyzz browsed here just for a year max
Shit is just depressing ngl
If your definition of making it is leaving then just leave
T. Has been here for well into a decade and thinks he’s “made it”
I work with a guy who gets his hair like that.
>Zyzz died
>Scoobs doesn't post anymore since admitting his giant chest is from being gay
>supermang and Jason never made it
>Balkans chad probably died lifting new world records
There is nobody who currently fills any of these gaps instead we get a brownoid with gyno and nasty body hair doing calisthenics.
If you’re shit talking gutsanon, he mogs you
If you’re shit talking Gynonigger, I agree
NTA but what does it mean to make it? Tell me your definition and I'll tell you that I've made it and call you a faggot.
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>meta is fucking gay
>meta is fucking gay
>meta is fucking gay
>meta is fucking gay
>meta is fucking gay

There was no golden age of /fit/. It always sucked. The only thread that isn't trash is /fraud/. The rest of the board is one big shitpost.
Given how SA went full libtard I can only imagine the pendulum swing of this current breed of posters
You are still here a decade in so I doubt you have any advice to give me
>b-but you’re here too!
I’m 21 and a newfag, I just don’t want to end up like the oldfags still here
>broccoli heads need not apply
Looks like i hit a nerve with my claim
If your definition of making it is leaving then just leave
>if I repeat my statement it will make me forget the wasted decade I had of not making it
The average user who posts in “whitepill” threads too kek
You already sound like you've been an internet fag for 20 years.
>admits I’m 21
>w-well you’ve been on here for 20 years!
Is this what making it is? Grim
Your you're retarded too. May as well stick around.
>repeating buzzwords and phrases
You’re you’re
Making it doesn’t seem amazing, I’m not gonna lie.
>repeating buzz words and phrases takes 20 years of internet mastery to master
>”grim” is an exclusive buzzword and phrase know. Only by elite oldfags
What is this lmao? Is this how oldfags cope?
>oldfag starts sneeding and throwing a tantrum because I hit a nerve
Dude if you haven’t made it after a decade no one is blaming you, but this tantrum is embarassing. Honestly I’d have more respect for you if you just stopped Tue sneeding. It’s unbecoming
Reminder that "making it" also includes leaving 4chan forever like Zyzz did. If you're still here you didn't make it.
That’s literally all I said, completely neutral and people started sperging out. It’s not even an insult it’s the truth
Okay. Bye.
T. Been here a decade in yet still has yet to “make it”
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He was incredibly hot. Makes me horny just thinking about that one picture of him sitting in a kitchen chair with a boner.
I've been here for like 8 years but I wasn't here at 21. You'd have to be a loser.
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oh look, summer!
>been here for 8 years
>hasn’t made it
>but I’m not a loser
>in his thirties
Anon I..
>see this image
>"Isley" pops up in your internal dialogue
neurons are weird
Do you guys think Trucrypt ever made it? I can't find any images online.
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How long since Gary buseys daughter posted here?
I remember when it was fitness and health, but ended up in anons posting their broken fingers and infected wounds
nigga yo momma had decent numbers of complete strangers bust a nut in her thats how she got you
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onions bro
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he posted here at least a year ago
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gtfo newfags
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Man, I long for a time like that. I think it's that back then, there was a general excitement rather than resentment of the internet, so you had a lot more camaraderie and support instead of retards fixating on minor things and shitting up every thread.
Also, since so much stuff was novel, there wasn't this implicit set of rules to follow to avoid looking like a jackass; the lack of fear allowed autists us to be more outwardly autistic rather than inwardly autistic.
>Be me
>Total autist
>Cuban girl who invited me to quincienera calls me years later
>Wants to watch movie with me
>Uh, ok
>In my gold coin era
>Have tons of Sacagawea gold coins from bank
>Enjoy paying for a coffee with all gold and silver coins (before inflation so coffee was about 1 or 2 dollars)

>Hangout with her
>She makes me take a bunch of rum shots
>Watch scary movie
>She's getting really close
>Kiss her and play with her titties a bunch
>Whip out dong, and start to get oral sex
>She noticed all of the gold coins from my pocket scattered all over her couch
>Gets confused, laughs
>Finished movie without sex
>End up sleeping with her after I collect my shiny gold coins and put them back in my pocket

The only reason I'm posting this is because I am an oldfag and wanted to share weird shit I did as a teenager.
Bane, Drive, squat and oats.
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never made sense why lotus wasn't in this pic
Imagine buck breaking him
>Leaving 4chan
Anon... I...
is the the shelby GT poster?
>No iopq
People should have really bullied him more
Why isn’t Prometheus in here
Scooby, neva 4get
Vitamin Avenger
came here 2011-2013, quit, came back 2020.
you could have mentioned MMA in some form to win the thirdie post of the week medal.
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I started posting here 10 years ago. This board has really become terrible.

Supermong schizoposting was really funny though

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