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/fit/ - Fitness

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>gets you laid
I have a good jawline, abs, 16inches biceps and I still an gymcel
I do not have.
I do not have.
I am extremely gigaveiny but it makes my arms looks gross imo.
I do not have.
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bottom left definitely not lol
>bottom left
I don't get why women think veins are attractive. Veins are a vulnerability, so having them visible makes you look more fragile.
Post body.
On a scale of 1-10 how fat are you guys?
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I have those and I'm virginmaxxed.
Big veiny forearms remind them of a big veiny dick
It's also jaw you fucking moron
It’s hollow cheekbones
Post body
You can be thin and still not have prominent veins. It's genetic.
I have arm veins and I'm fat
top right picture is a woman
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pic related unironically looks like my childhood friend, dude literally became a model and is now travelling around the globe as a job

he was chick magnet since middle school also
Damn, you were friends with Michael Jackson?
i didn't say bro is child predator
take at least 10mg tadalafil every day for the rest of your life
the giga vasodilation is going to give you some noticeable veins even if you are a geneticslet
Girls want men to protect them not a twink. Also they dont like veins but they like definition.
yeah and you're still a fat incel on 4chan lmao damn thats gotta suck
It's 2024 chi's girls actually like other girls now; you're either a twinkCHAD or a chudVIRGIN sorry I don't make the rules
I'm a 31 year old. How the fuck are hand veins going to get you laid.
did he get scouted or did he have to get ass fucked?
>hollow cheekbones
I can't be the only one who finds this unattractive.
Probably only women find it attractive because for men the opposite (plump non-fat youthful cheeks) is attractive
I have none of that and get laid
You people really are just social retards
>dude why would I want women to find me attractive bro I only want men to find me attractive
You’re 31 if you haven’t figured out how to get laid yet you’re fucking cooked dude, you’re nearly halfway done with life my guy
i have the physique and the wealth to get laid but I'm afraid of STDs and also being humiliated for being bad at sex.
It would be too time consuming to have my body that clean shaved.
do guys really shave their entire bodies?
white guys dont have that much body hair when they're young
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Keep lifting boys, dont let the prettyboys deter you.
You do know that you still have to talk to bitches right?
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Why the fuck would I need earrings?
What's the bottom right? Looks like a normal person's face to me
Because you're gay and you want gay sex
The two face pictures are about having a well defined jaw
>Veins are a vulnerability
Wtf are you talking about? When a nigga hacks you with a sword it doesn't matter if you have a bit more fat, it's gonna go through it lile butter.

Veins are a sign of leanness and health
Real trve Evropean white guys have zero body hair. It's only these weird Jewish American mutations that have hair everywhere
It also gives easy pumps. I was too fat to see veins when I took it but I took it for sex. The arm leg and back pumps were fucking crazy
Nta but I know a dude who looks like that who I think is doing similar shit, photography and modeling. He was never a chick magnet. In his case he had a rich father who spoiled him rotten and has been finding his life to fuck off and travel the last 12 years. He claims/presents his entire being and image as some sort of photographer/model but excludes that it’s just a permanent vacation his father pays for with the most expensive cameras and equipment you can get, he also excludes that no one’s paying for his photos they’re just for his website, and any pics of himself are taken by himself lol. It’s basically all an elaborate ploy for him to get laid and convince himself it’s not because of his daddy’s money
I'm slowly getting bottom left, but I want them a lot thicker.
I've got the hollow cheek and jaw genetics but very little of the willpower to maintain a weight to keep them visible.
>Veins are a vulnerability
no lol
>It's genetic
it's lack of sunlight and low blood pressure
Being clean shaven?
top right looks like a woman
if you look like a kpop idol, women will worship you
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>I do not have.
just grow one
You still need social skills, confidence and charisma
right would get all the chicks purely because he's tall
i have bad skin, its unironically over
Not earings the jawline

Hollow cheeks
i have 3/4
still virgin at 30. autism is hell
I don't want to be with a non virgin female
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I have all that except my abs aren't that good and I'm still a virgin at the age of 29. I have autism and never talk to women though so that's probably why
Here’s the most frequent Leanpill general users you can tell they get mad pussy
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Body hair is a hallmark of the white race. Asians, Blacks, Amerindians etc. don't have much Relative to Europeans.
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it's over
Just grow a beard , pussy
Start jerking off with your other hand. Will give symmetry
It's literally not the same guy
That's literally a different person
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strange cope for looking like a mole rat, you a just a hairless maggot sry man. Has nothing to do with skin colour
btw if you try to defend your self by calling my a shitskin, wont work. I am hundred percent sure that i am whiter than you and still have body hair. You are just a hairless freak mr. leukemia
Have you... tried? You have to talk to people instead of sitting in your room al day.
As the planet warms up, having veins on your surface is an evolutionary advantage for heat transfer. Trust the science.
just be tall gymcels
Telling people to force awkward conversations with strangers and just "talk to people" is useless advice

If you don't have a naturally formed dynamic social circle where you're constantly meeting new people naturally, don't even bother trying to meet people irl
>As the planet warms up
Fuck off with this unproven bullshit. Does it really matter WHY women find this attractive? If you want to be more attractive to women, all you need to know is what they like, and adjust yourself accordingly
Fucking moron
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>um you have to try and actually talk to women!!
So women literally NEVER approach or initiate, ever? Every single relationship that I see in public is the result of a man asking out a woman?

Am I doomed to a life of lonely celibacy unless I actually ask out women? Even I get super ripped, wear nice clothes and expensive cologne in public, women still won't make approach me and ask me out?

I genuinely have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that something that's so crucial to human existence (sex and relationships) is predicated entirely on male initiative and female passivity. Like it's crazy to me that a woman can just exist passively and eventually a man will approach her, meanwhile if a man takes the same approach he'll die alone
>I genuinely have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that something that's so crucial to human existence (sex and relationships) is predicated entirely on male initiative and female passivity.

It's always been that way and is a natural thing. The problem is that you probably grew up in a feminist western country that's why the idea of approaching women is foreign to you. If you go to any third world developing country, men are regularly harassing women for sex/marriage as it should be.
It doesn't matter. As a man, who would you fight? The lanklet, because the manlet looks scary.
And if the mogmaxxed manlet were to go cold approach or do online dating with good pictures that didn't include the lanklet, he would get laid no doubt.
And if he geomaxxed to a location with not many fat women, he would also fuck good looking sloots.
And why does fighting another man matter in this case?
>If you don't have a naturally formed dynamic social circle where you're constantly meeting new people naturally, don't even bother trying to meet people irl
This is the truth. This is the reason why friendships and relationships are waning. Places like that really don't exist anymore outside of work and school. Add on top of that, that you have a goal in places like that and nowadays men are scared to talk to women because they don't want to get metoo'd. They'd rather just not talk to them at all because they want to accomplish whatever goal it is like graduating without getting a sexual assault case or having their coworker lie on them to get them fired or something. Need to go to places that are fully recreational and you can't really get kicked out for relationshit or for corporate liability reasons. Like, "sorry, Amanda said you were eyeing her down and we can't have that here. If you end up doing something weird we might get sued for you being a member (gym), student, worker, attendee, etc." Place literally has to be unprofessional. Have to hang out with people at their houses and regularly show up to the same house as these random chicks on a regular basis.
Being able to win in a fight against other men and having the physique to show it boosts your mood and confidence, makes other men feel inferior and makes women's pussy wet (see: criminals)
The physique makes women both physically and emotionally attracted to you, dweeb. Stop slurping femboy cock, stop eating S O Y and go build some fucking muscle so you can stop being a victim.
>So women literally NEVER approach or initiate, ever?
They initiate by looking at you, or putting themselves in the same space as you, or some other innocuous bs like that. Hints and signals that leave room for deniability. Very rarely, you might get one of those black girls or something similar asking a man out directly, but generally, they don't. So they're not really passive, they just leave hints and signals until you ask them out. And it doesn't have to be simple, many times the signals can be very bold and requiring effort. But if you have autism, you will miss even the most obvious ones as well and die a loner.
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It’s so easy bros, just develop a normal, coherent and healthy personality and girls will stop thinking about you as a freak incel and more as a human being
Nta. The point of that photo is that the dude on the left has a big chin and Dan Bilzerian doesn't, but he can fake it by growing a beard so that his chin looks similar to that other dude's even though he doesn't have chin genetics. At least I think that was the point
Face > height > body
Also, we are not criminals and we do not get in situations in which we need to make other men feel inferior.
Lol were you homeschooled faggot?
Girls hit on guys all the time
You just don’t experience it because you’re ugly
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No, but in school multiple girls were attracted to me because of my face and not because of my body.
mmmmm big veiny dick. now i must go blow a load
They do ask you out, unless you're 99th percentile. A coworker (6 ft 2, handsome face, smart as fuck) is married to a good and (his words) "best he could get". I've overheard femoids at work say that they feel ashamed to be near him since hes so handsome. It's surreal how submissive women are near an attractive man.
He also gets catcalled in the streets. Unreal.
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I mean they are visible but not awesome
Truly one of the worst tattoos I've ever seen.
holy shit, you twat, pyderastas.
why is Max here? wtf
I think that's his name
Some people can't grow a beard.
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life begins when you stop living your life to get laid
incels literally never live their life, grim
Proof that nobody on this site goes outside

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