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managed to get a fit body and find some bitches to fuck, but guess what? i cum in less than 2 fucking minutes. how tf do i stop this? i dont want to go through this shit with every woman i fuck, its embarassing

before you ask, yes i do watch porn and masturbate (although im trying to stop since 2021, i still relapse a lot)
2 fucking minutes? Damn that must be a world record or something huh
im being serious you retarded nigger. you would know how bad it is if you had this problem
reverse kegels, jack off before you fuck and death grip masturbate 1-2 times per week
>jack off before you fuck
if i do that i wont feel like fucking afterwards
Breathwork. Youre anxious or some other adjective for worked up. Lighten up and work on relaxing like you're working on fixing a building.
Proof: tighten up and have sex in the car with you on the bottom and you will nut far under 2 min
Daily reminder these “plapjacks” are psyops spread by them / blackpillers / chubby chasers / Indians / demoralisers in order to normalise fucking obeasts and make it look “based” and acceptable
This has been going all week.
Do not faulted. Do not fall
Stay strong
Bonus: I will not be reading cope skizo responses, just here to warn the real ones

>you’re schizo
>you’re projecting
>LOl he’s projecting
That should about cover your insults

As the memes on its way out, know that victory is already on the horizon

Forced meme is forced
First of all, this is one of the pics where he's not with a fat girl.
Second, the memes with the obese girl aren't celebrating fucking those girls, they're lamenting the state of the sexual marketplace, where perfectly normal looking guys are only able to get with physically repulsive women due to high standards directed at men.
I have the opposite problem. Takes me a long time to cum. I have given up porn, masturbate at most once per week, and still I can go and go and go during sex.
My lover enjoys it but after a while it gets tedious.
kek you are low T.
shut up Ranjeet
this is the real problem. It will mindfuck some women and it's funny
I solved this problem by beating my dick 3 times a day minimum for years. Now I don't feel anything when I'm having sex and it's a chore to cum.
work on your cardio and relax
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You’re telling me this isn’t a plapjack meme? The girls skinny?>>74601341
>y-youre Indian (you are here)
Next cope?
>y-you’re a pale Indian! A-AI! Lel
>You’re telling me this isn’t a plapjack meme? The girls skinny?
Yeah, this is one of the ones with the pink hair girl.
The girls skinny, this isn’t a plapjack niggertits
what does cardio have to do with this? honestly asking
Two minutes is not ideal, but pretty normal. I would say eat pussy or finger to keep your lady satisfied, but I think women just want the d. I find there's a point of no return where even if I pause for a minute, I will bust in a few strokes. But if I avoid that point for long enough by going slow at the beginning, I get desensitized and can last for as long as I want and can go at a fast tempo. I haven't mastered the craft, but that might help
>But if I avoid that point for long enough by going slow at the beginning, I get desensitized and can last for as long as I want and can go at a fast tempo.
cardio improves blood flow, reduces stress, and helps you relax
Nothing at all.
This is accurate. I either bust in like 3 minutes or it’s damn near impossible to. I know it feels good, but you gotta avoid getting to close to the edge or it’s done. Think about your grandma or something if you feel like you can’t hold back anymore.
This. There's something extremely demonic about these plapjaks. Where do they come from? It isn't natural. Every time I see them I feel very uneasy. I can't tell what their purpose is, but there's definitely something Satanic about them.
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>2 minutes
Bro teach me on how to do that. I only last like 10 seconds.
I can't cum. Be grateful. I can rail a bitch for hours, but I have to pull out and jack off on her.
you might be gay?
How do you use your foreskin?
This is the first time someone has agreed with me.
You are a based individual
You got BTFO
NTA but with certain positions I’m just not getting enough stimulation to cum.
They make sex look so impersonal when it should be deeply personal. Even the one with the thin woman is weird because him admiring himself in the mirror is masturbatory. Plapjack is having sex for sex's sake, not to establish a relationship
To me they’re haunting because of many a drunken night where I bedded a hambeast back in my 20s. So glad I finally quit boozing.
If someone creates a passionjack, where both wojack and the girl are actually enjoying themselves and there is warmth and love in the picture, I believe it will actually cause the world to begin to heal. It will do what plapjack does and reverse it.
Whoever makes these is amazingly on point with the girls room details like the tapestry and general messiness. Extremely accurate to real life.
Maybe but the characters are just so blank, I don't think it would land
True, it feels like enemy territory being in a woman's room at this point. Reflects how their priorities are different from men
Male porn stars say breathing exercises are important for lasting in bed
Look at his completely blank expression. He's not looking in the mirror to admire himself. He's contemplating his situation.
>"What am I doing here? I'm not attracted to this person. I'm not enjoying this at all. Why am I doing this?"
Go back to your social media pre cummer
31,dealt with this myself for my whole life except in my early 20s. It's like I learned and then forgot how to fuck. I make my wife cum before we start so it's not a huge deal but there's no way in hell I'd be going down off some internet roastie
bro the first time i had sex was with a chubby milf and i literally busted after 2 stroke lmao
I see a slight smile. And the tapestry around his head makes it look like he's being venerated
i can't even fap to pron longer than 5 min without busting. idk maybe some of our cocks are sensitive than others.
Plapjak is a reflection of what the average sex-haver experiences in current year because tinder and blackpill has mindfucked everyone. Your idea is basically to show them what they can't have. It would just create even more anger and despair.
It's his default face, he's completely void of emotion.
I would rather be a life-long virgin than fuck a fatty. They stink, they have terrible (evil) personalities. They only talk about FOOD all the time and just watching a fat person eat makes me feel bad. Worse than watching an alcoholic drink. Like, you already have all the food you need just stop eating you have SO much energy around your waist and your thighs and your arms.
I don't know how you guys are this desperate for pp vagoo
Are you so autistic that you can't read facial expressions? The wojaks in these "plapjack" memes are always depressed looking, crying, or embarrased. It is supposed to signify that settling for obese or sub-par women, isn't supposed to be a victory to be proud of, and that most normies in "relationshits" are actually miserable.

The meme quite literally exists to dissuade men from settling with fatsos ... the exact opposite of what you claim.
He’s a troll committed to the bit. Not serious
get some weed
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>2 minutes
nigga i last like 4 pumps
This works for me. I don’t know the physiology behind it, but I get extra hard and can last a long time after taking a weed gummy.
I wouldn't be hard if I was gay. I would be too busy fucking you in the ass, and I still probably wouldn't cum.
The girl isn't fat in this one. It's not JUST about settling for someone below your league.
>"Why am I having sex with this person? I'm a 5. A 6 at most. I wonder how many 9s she's been with at this point. Is she comparing me to them right now? This is so passionless. Is this really as good as it gets? What am I doing here?"
That's the most common mental experience during sex now. This is why zoomers hate sex scenes. They see the passion and emotional connection between the characters, and the scene ends up serving as a window to something they know they'll never have.
I want /r9k/ and all the othe dyel
faggots from all the other boards to leave
>This has been going all week.
lol fren this has been going on for years now
You just need to find the position that you can last longer in, like more grinding focused ones I.e. cow girl.

Also foreplay is key, for getting the girl satisfied but also easing the nerves that can make you finish too quick
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That plapjak depicts pink haired girl who is not fat in the plapjak canon. Oh and nigger
Passionjak kek there's one with wojak smiling and pink hair girl riding him and there's a blanket over her
its not about what you're doing. You don't get desensitized like that. The pussy just becomes looser and wetter with more time fucking in the same session so you start feeling less friction on your dick. Ever wonder why you feel EVERYTHING the first time you put it in and its tight?
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im the same i don't care only thing that matters is emptying my balls
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>hurr durr I'm thinking about other dicks while fucking this girl
>That's the most common mental experience during sex now
Yeah maybe for gay people LOL. You fags crack me up.
practice on hookers
less jacking off at home
run two times a week
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>n-no you got BTFO!
Mimickry is an admission of defeat, Ranjeet
Next cope?
>ITT: at least 3 people agree with me for once
The world is healing…
Yes I’m aware I fucked up ok this particular post but I found somewhat non retards who actually agree so it’s a happy accident
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fucking brutal
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Thread theme

>Whalehog - Plapjak Anthem
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>literally me
this is now a plap thread
I think I might've conditioned myself in my teens to cum quickly because I used to jerk off when everyone was at home and I didn't want to get caught so I just tried to cum as fast as possible, now I have a similar problem as you. Do you think taking my sweet time now would help? Even these days when I fap I usually just go fast and bust in 5 min tops. I was thinking about stretching it to about 20 min.
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stop it anon. stop
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Too close to home, chubby chaser?
Nothing to be ashamed of.
We've all been there.
That's kinda the whole point behind this meme that feds, mods, and jannies seem to seethe over so much.
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Here is what helped me fuck for 30+ min: Just train your PC muscle.

That's it. Even during sex, if you flex your PC muscle the feeling will flow away from your cock.
having a few drinks before will make you last longer
>plot twist
You're the blackpilling demoralizer
and you're also an autistic retard who doesn't seem to understand the meme you so vehemently detest.
You are the real victim of a psyop.
We're all just having fun.
>y-you’re projecting! [x]
>r-retard [you are now here]
Same song and dance it seems, maybe uodate that AI
>n-no our psyop is just a bit of a fun that’s why whenever you call it out we wish death upon you reeeeeeee
Yeahhhhh nah
>multiple anons ITT alone admitting to having fucked fatties and claiming “he’s LITERALLY me”
Retards: n-no they’re being ironic it’s just a j-joke he didn’t really fuck fatties ok! You can’t call out my shitty psyop or you’re le retard reeeee
Yeah nah. Somethings not adding up

Drinking game for the alcoholics : take a shot anytime one of these fags say retard or project. You’ll need a new liver by the week kek
I find these series of memes so fucking funny. Where are they originally from? Anyone have an archive link?
Most organic plapjack shill
>overseer listen the meme is in a good fun, you’re just schizo and it’s all just a little joke. NO ONE is asking people to fuck fatties. Take your meds bro
>call out meme
>wtf are you serious! You’re autistic and get cancer and you need to kys right now reeeee
What did they mean by this?
The point is that it's embarrassing and sad. You dislike being called a schizo, but you seem really schizo when you interpret it as glamorizing sex with obese girls. It's the exact opposite. And those anons aren't saying they're proud of relating to it. It's "ah shit, that's literally me", not "ride on, that's literally me".
I don’t dislike or care what ((they)) call me, I only list the insults in my OG reply to save both of us time because you’re all paint by numbers predictable
You will now call me an autist or schizo and prove my point famalam
And like I’ve said numerous times, if what you say is true and it’s all “le funny Memel why do I get people sperging out and wishing death on me? Over a joke?
Somethings fishy here
The point is that you’re ruining a funny meme / experience people (including myself) ITT have had. It’s embarassing

When you first had this episode I explained it to you without calling you those names, I even did it twice. But two MONTHS here later here you are having the same episodes, I pity you dude. I don’t think you’re here in good faith because you refuse to see reason
>b- but people are telling me to kms
Because you’re being ridiculous and extra. Multiple people have told you numerous times in your month long episodes here what the meme mreans yet you continue to shit up threads like a retard. You claim you’ll listen to “other opinions if they don’t insult you” yet you conveniently list those insults as a gotcha to prevent people from criticising you, I remember at some point you even admitted you may have Asperger’s and you might have misread and will stop posting. That was two weeks ago so it’s clear you were not in good faith
>b- ut why call me out at all!
Because it’s sad and embarrassing. At the least you could be having these manic rants over flat earth or Aliens or some shit but you’re seeing something that isn’t even there, dude you need to get screened for autism because I genuinely don’t want you to living like this. You will now dismiss me as a psyop or shill, but seriously you don’t need to live like this.
It IS a psyop, you're just badly misinterpreting it. It's a blackpill psyop.
you're the only one blackpilled by it, faggot
Stop arguing with schizoid ESLs that don't understand English. He doesn't get it, and he never will.

He is most likely Indian.
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When I was in highschool I could last for over an hour from constant porn access and edging unintentionally from jerking and playing World of Warcraft at the same time for hours.

Later I moved and had spotty internet so I'd edge to porn while it buffered. I didn't even know watch edging was.

I've been with my wife for 12 years now and I find it very difficult to last over 5-10 minutes unless I'm drinking. I hardly jerk off or watch porn anymore(especially porn) and have sex 3ish times a week.

Moral of the story watch porn for hours a day while doing something else.
I'm the same. Sometimes I'll cum quicker (relatively) but at minimum it's like 20 minutes, and I have to fuck really hard. Also the only position that actually gets me to cum is upright from behind. Like doggy but then you wrap your arms around her chest and press her against you. It just feels so good. A blowjob has never made me cum in my 32 years on this earth. I think that's from jacking off too much though, the head of my penis just doesn't feel much.
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What are you retards going on about? This shit is great
>cum buckets inside thicc goddess pussy
>go on the PC a bit to smoke a joint/cig while in post-orgasm haze
>get back to bed
>find her sleeping with the huge milkers casually dropping all over
>grab a handful and sleep tight

>somehow this is depressing or whatever
>some plankboard sack of bones/muscles is supposed to be better
I have been spoiled with cow udders girls for the last 10 years to the point of having that soft nice feeling engraved in my mind that I really pity you fags for having an issue with it
Whose the artist? Fucking tell me.
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Anonymous /fit/ poster.
>i cum in less than 2 fucking minutes
That's normal man.
Just rest a bit and go for round two.
The simple answer is "practice." That and making sure you've jerked off in the last 24hrs. After you get comfortable having sex and the woman you're with, you'll relax and be able to go as long as you want.
i got that advice a while ago on /int/ if im not wrong, you should try it

this is the only thing that is left for me to try. ty anon

im not really into alcohol but i'll make sure to try this. i just hope i dont lose my erection

>reverse kegels
will also try this
that’s like going to a thread of some guy who is poor and can’t afford food and telling him >I have the opposite problem, I don’t know what to do with all that money
faggot retard
Why do you fuck women and not lock down a girl
Quit entertaining these hoes
It sucks. I blame the wildly inappropriate application of foreplay. Men are taught to give women tons of it but too many women don't bother reciprocating. End result is that they have a huge headstart. Not a problem in itself but there's a lot of pressure to finish at the same time when you're in a relationship. Definitely mindfucks some women.
Time to move on from your ugly gf
i can only cum if i jackhammer it for good 5 minutes in pronebone and i sweat like a beast every time
See if you can do quickies sometimes. If a girl likes you she probably doesn't mind being used as a hole once or twice a week.
He is seeing all her previous BFs in the pics, he feels uneasy because he is fucking someone broken/whoreish. Image isn't exactly communicating jealousy, just slightly dissociated and feels little passion. A ghost who is passing through or wistfully hoping for someone or something else than this.

This is exactly how I felt as an innocent young man.
You're abnormal if it takes you 30 minutes to cum. Simpcucks are the only ones that care about premature ejaculation.
my negro my negro.... try masturbating without porn with lube and dont cum before 30 mins. at masturbating when you feel like you are kinda close to cumming, stop touching your dick and take deep slow breaths, relax all parts of your body. in sex if you feel like cumming stick the cock deep inside her and do circular moves like hula and breathe deep. or you can just stop and kiss idk
Girls only foreplay with chad. Otherwise they treat it as "letting a guy fuck them" rather than "having sex together".
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I had a dream that I logged into /fit/ and everyone was calling these images "plippy plappers"
Yeah pronebone is the other position that'll do it. I think we have the exact same problem. I don't think my nofap record is about 17 days. I'd be surprised if I've gone longer than that in the past 10 years.
I think I'm going to just have to quit jacking off entirely which basically means not going on my computer when I'm bored.
watch more porn
edge and goon all day
buy a fleshlight and prostate plugs

been a while since I had sex but I could last as long or quick as I choose no problem because of all the masturbation I learned my dick quite well.
Get frequent practice. Most women know the first one is a freebie because new partners make most dudes cum quickly. Give her round 2 and 3 and breathe deep, take your time, and within a week of frequent fucking you should have developed stamina that shows her what you can actually do.

I cum in like 30 seconds after a dry spell, then after a week or two of fucking the same girl, with a bit of kratom or alcohol in me, I can fuck for 45 minutes nonstop.
In the first round i don't usually last more than 5 minutes at most, that's when the balls are full but in the second i can go 15 to 25 minutes and the third is even quite a challenge to cum, maybe this is your case which i don't consider premature ejaculation.
>boasting about not having a refractory period on 4chan
Not OP, but going for round two is impossible for me, is it common for men to cum twice is one session?
Im just 21 btw
idc im just using their holes to masturbate. that said i never go for hambeasts
Stop using a condom retard
I’m 41 and yes, I can easily get hard and cum twice during a sex session. See a doctor.
The solution is pau yon tong cream and Cialis.
> Rock hard boners
> Numb dick
> Fuck for hours
What's a session, I lose interest for at least 30min. Twice in a day is always ok.
Cumming multiple times is biologically impossible for a man unless he was randomly born with a rare genetic mutation which prevents the surge of prolactin on orgasm. >>74607444 is completely full of shit and just wants to bully other men who were born less genetically lucky than him.
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stop stealing people's picture Sandeep and stop getting upset when we shame fatty fuckers like you
Just go again when you've recharged? this is a non-issue
>plippy plappers
fucking LAMO
post the one in the shower
saw it the first time on the bus and cackled so hard everybody stared at me
>i cum in less than 2 fucking minutes. how tf do i stop this?
You have to tense your lower abs (I believe it's called the pelvic floor) - i believe its a type of kegel exercise. That worked for me, when ur cranking one off, practice that
I never said i didn't have a refractory period, you retarded nigger
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I ruined my dick's sensitivity with a penis pump (I was retarded), I legit ice my dick now to steadily regain some of the feeling now. I think it's working but I'm not jacking off in the mean time, I wish I was larping
My old place has a mirrored wardrobe. Man I miss fucking my missus and watching it
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>I-it’s AI!
>y-you’re a white Indian
>n-no you fuck fatties!

Psyop jeets in absolute shambles. KEK

>n-no you just found a random white guy and asked for a photo of his hand !
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Well plapjak haters, whats your take on this image?
gymcel ascension
This one confuses me bc the girl is cute, thin yet he still seems sad
Maybe it represents him being empty with casual hookups?
He's sad because she clearly isn't into it.
>jack off before you fuck
I don't understand this. The second orgasm doesn't feel nearly as good and sex feels like a chore.
>these “plapjacks” are psyops spread by..... Indians

why are we being scapegoated for literally everything this one doesn't even make sense

is this what being jewish is like
This is really bad advice. A lot of guys can't get hard if they came recently.
Not the sChIzO but I’m glad he’s blaming you for shit too
You guys ruined Canada so you deserve anything coming your way fucker
Just fucking stay in jeetistan instead of spreading your literal shit all over the world and no one would fucking care, rakesh
Man I feel like a fucking retard, I’m not the schizo but I can’t read these so obvious memes lmao
>It's like I learned and then forgot how to fuck

33, I have the exact same thing (besides having a wife). I didn't last long at all for most of my teens then in my 20s I met this girl that absolutely demanded longer sessions so through sheer despair I managed to teach myself to last longer. After that it was good for a while but a very long period without sex and it was like I was 15 and my dick was discovering what sex was like all over again. Never got it back. Now it's a constant source of anxiety before I sleep with a girl, which probably contributes to the problem.
Try using those ''last longer'' condoms. At least if you still come quick you'll know it's psychological (stress, past trauma, lack of communication etc etc) and if it helps you last longer you can use it as learning crutch to train your dick into lasting longer. It sounds stupid but it worked for me (well relatively so, i'm not saying I fuck for multiple hours of penetration lol)

Word of warning though, with the condom on after a while you don't feel shit but when you do come, you'll come way harder than is usual.
>After you get comfortable having sex and the woman you're with, you'll relax and be able to go as long as you want.

This is probably the best answer here, but what about random lays? Some guys are just good no matter the girl, I guess they just feel comfortable fucking all the time. i've found that I only last long once I'm relaxed around the woman I'm with and established good communication around sex, verbal or not, as gay as that sounds lol
>Men are taught to give women tons of it but too many women don't bother reciprocating.
has this really been most of everyone's experience? Most girls I've been with love reciprocating on foreplay and making it last longer, but I've never really talked about it with anyone so i dunno if i just got lucky so far.
kek there should be a short reading comprehension test instead of a captcha
i know exactly your feeling OP.

last girl i hooked up with, I came in 3 minutes. she looked visibly disappointed and i swear i heard her sigh. about an hour later we tried again, but this time she said she wanted to “try something different”

she ended up putting me in the amazon position. it was the most embarrassing and revealing position ive ever been in. my legs were up, my ass hole was clearly visible, and my cock was pointed upward. i was so caught off guard that i came even faster than the first time, literally about 40 seconds, while groaning and whimpering.
she ignored this, and continued to ride me, dead silent, until she moaned and pulled off me. some of her juices dripped onto my stomach.

i cannot describe to you all the shame and disgust i felt in myself. she basically just used me to get an orgasm, then came on me…made me feel like a woman. fuck.
thats so fucking hot....
Wouldn't your penis snap off? I can't bend mine that way. I feel like this post was written by a woman. Same with the sex position.
hottest post ive ever read on here. probably gonna jerk one to amazon position porn today
I haven’t had sex in like 7 years. I’m kinda worried what’ll happen now that I’m kind of fixing my life and trying to get back into it. Like am I just gonna blow my load too fast.
>she ignored this, and continued to ride me
You didn't go soft after cooming? Are you a magician?
Not him but I can keep going for a bit after I cum. Can even orgasm again. I dunno, it’s wierd.
>Thar Louis Wain Schizo Cat
I can do it myself but only when I jerk off and don't "fully" cum
You have a random genetic mutation which prevents the prolactin surge on orgasm, which is what causes the refractory period.
any way to prevent this? or purely genetic
You conditioned yourself to coom fast by fapping to porn and cooming as fast as possible. You have to train yourself to last longer, unironically start gooning
Relax your pelvic floor dummy, no shit you bust if you keep that tight.
Keep it nice and loose, focus on your angles and rhythm.

>t. total sex time usually 1 hour+ of which 20 minutes or more is PIV
>t. total sex time usually 1 hour+ of which 20 minutes or more is sex
what did he mean by this?
started having PE after i stopped taking Antidepressants. Is there a solution ? (my glans and the area under it is very sensitive now)
Reading this thread and threads like it before i guess i'm just a weirdo, i've trained myself to stay hard even after i've busted.
Not sure how but i usually cum pretty fast and just have to slow down a little through the most sensitive part of the orgasm then i can keep going like nothing happened. I know i won't cum again but i think it's pretty fun going at it for as long as i want after that
You didn't train anything, you just have a random genetic mutation which prevents a prolactin surge on orgasm.
- Cardio, which probably you're already doing as someone who browses /fit/.
- Eating less foods which increase prolactin. Eating more foods which lower prolactin.
- Doing nofap + noporn, which sort of leads into the next thing.
- I've read that if you're extremely turned on then you can sometimes last through more than one.
- I've also read that Cialis can let you last through more than one.
But it's mainly genetic and out of your control. It's another blackpill, just like face and height.
never heard of this amazon position before, seems like it wouldn't allow for very deep penetration but I guess the angle of the dick would be good against the g spot
I don't have this issue but IMO if it bothers the chick then she's not a real one lol. I've got a fwb right now and I hadn't fucked for 6 months so I came within like 5. Big whoop. Literally went back to fucking her and proceeded to get 2 more nuts off over an hour. Don't get in your head over this

Here are two non-standard things I feel like can actually help: train yourself to edge constantly and be able to mentally and physically cut off from cumming. I've done this so much that now I can ejaculate without orgasming, it's a neat trick actually and a slutty bitch will get some seed in her mouth but I didn't really fully cum and can fuck more. It's less intense but stretches out the session.

Another one is kratom. I go to kava bars and stopped drinking it, but it's a very mild and innocuous root that mildly acts as an opiate. A lot of people use and drink this casually as an alcohol or pill replacement, but a side effect is similar to opiates in that you feel less sensation on your dick. I've met dudes who have this problem and swear by kratom, I used to drink it and can confirm, I'm usually more of a 15 min guy but if I had kratom before I pretty much can't cum / I go soft. So for a dude who is too sensitive, it might work really well.
I count the time I'm getting my dick sucked or fingering a pussy or licking clit since it all takes time from my day for sex.

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