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/fit/ - Fitness

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Story time
>be me, 25
>can’t run for shit, maybe a single ten minute mile before giving up
>cute girl from work runs all the time
>invites me to go on a morning jog with her before work
>say yes
>wait a second i can’t run
>start running with her the next morning
>heart feels like it’s about to explode
>lungs are on fire
>but then I hear something
>she is making noises under her breath
>can hear her voice breathing in effort
>it sounds like shes moaning during sex
>she begins sweating across her entire body
>notice I can smell her sweat
>she smells like flowers and candy
>I can feel the pain slowly leaving my body
>feel a burst of energy
>finish the run
>5k at a 7 minute pace with her
>she tells me how impressed she is with my endurance
>go home and shower
>masterbate to the memory of my cute coworker heavily moaning directly in my ear for 21 minutes
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Best sloppa girl. Prove me wrong.
Not the same person as OP’s pic.
>be me
who else would you be?
>be you
>be retarded
Low stakes sort-of-dates are refreshing. No emotions involved. You just go, enjoy the company of a girl, maybe you end up fucking her, maybe not, life goes on.
Saying "be me" is a dumbass redundant statement when greentexting.
You have to be ESL or autistic to not understand this.
i dont run with girls socially. but i referee a few sports where i do a lot of running and theres also girls in soccer and girls lacrosse. its funny to beat them down the field
I'm him.
>Be we
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We train our asses so hard in order to look good, to have endurance, to sustain good health and, why not, to bang hotties like this. But the truth is Dom Mazzetti’s girl is completely unattainable due to the fact there aren’t as many women into this shit than men. For every 10 jacked dudes we see I can tell you there are 3 supernatural women like OP’s.
Is it because they’re lazy? Nah, it’s because they don’t need it. They can settle very well just by bean lean.
I’m not complaining about being “just lean”, just saying that lift hard for you, not for women.
It's insane to think about how there's a guy out there who gets to smell her ass every single day
I do run really fast away from women
>>notice I can smell her sweat
>>she smells like flowers and candy
god I love women so much
There was a time where I only jerked off to her for like 2 months
kek retard
nice try big-jog shill
I'm sticking to my pool
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does she have any leaks?
man i fucking hate this shit tell me why I'm tall and jacked yet I still cant get laid, why the fuck does this have to be so difficult
No. Her body wouldn't be attractive. It's one of those things where your imagination does it.
>You should run with girls
Stopped reading there and now I'm going to hide the thread.
bros she reminds me of my ex....
I prefer running about 20 feet behind women for their complete run when I'm doing cardio in nature.
She looks just like the girl in my gym that looks at me like I'm shit on her shoe if we ever make eye contact.
wtf i got a virus
fucking summer
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>ok look cute
>but don't look at the camera too much
some combination of
1) failing rule 2 (don't be too unattractive), my guess would be social skills
2) not being in enough situations that have you interacting with the right kind of women for your current situation
I’m decent looking, got called handsome a few times not a model but good enough I think, but that second point rings very true I really don’t know where to meet women outside of work and online dating seems like a cesspit, 23 y/o btw
I already do things that result in me masturbating at home thinking about women... why would this be any different.
>23 y/o
it's over
activities you'd be interested in that aren't 99% nerds, possibly
eat my slop, woman
All the girls here are Indian
I do Muay Thai but that’s 95% guys and the women there you don’t really want to get involved with, aside from that I like to garden and cook but those are mostly solo hobbies, idk man
cooking classes my man, new place I'm starting to work at even has the company association do them
communal gardens or volunteering etc? likewise for the cooking desu
and the meow thigh's gonna come in handy after you get yourself some healthy (non-vegan) cooking chick that likes you manhandling her around
you'd think I wouldn't forget about word filters that quickly
real chads embrace the desu
Hmmm I wouldn’t mind learning some new techniques that’s not a bad idea, as for the gardening I just go in my back yard, having a good summer thus far made some fruit leather with a bunch of gooseberries and my figs are coming along nicely, I have a feeling that communal gardens might just be old people but I’ll have a look and see what I can do.
> chick that likes you manhandling her around
God I wish, I really do like the idea of absolutely tossing a petite woman across the room, thanks for the advice
That's disgusting
volunteering might be neat if there's a soup kitchen and if you're into that sort of thing too
>old geezers in communal gardens
good point. tho if you enjoy it, it's not a big downside, and they might have a single niece/daughter
didn't read
sexo though
Imagine all that SLOPPA coming out as POOP from that small beautiful girl.
whenever i go running with my female friend i always have a better pace and run longer. too bad my gf never wants to run
There is was a girl in my gym who was moaning during her pull up sessions. Shit was insane. I feel like half of the gym couldn't do anything during her sets because it was like listening to some porno scene
You're most surely not tall. If you were tall then at least 30% of women would sleep with you by default.
At college I had a friend which laid girls (not too many but a few per month) doing absolutely nothing but being there. I even asked some of them what they saw in him and all of them said "he's tall". That's it, there was no other reason.
So yeah, you may be jacked but you surely are not tall.
A good deconstruction of a decades old custom.
But it's a tradition. Please respect our culture.
stupid whore only posts lewds on of, no nudity
But who was phone?
Yeah mine was cuter and had real blonde hair but the facial shape very similar

soulful post
That woman isn’t a real blond lol
Sometimes I even type it like this des u just so people know I did it on purpose
Last night I had a dream that a cutie snuggled up with me, splayed on my chest. She sat up and started to caress my cheek and it was the most at peace I've ever felt and it was in a dream.
What's the point of running if you're not faster than her?
If this chick doesn't have roast beef flaps, I want to eat her pussy.
It's pronounced smol
me in the back
Saw this in a nother thread. Can someone translate this? I can't really read these wacky fonts kids post here now adays with my severe glaucoma
Fuck it, you’ve given me a nice short list of semi achievable things to do, thanks anon
I’m 188cm and 91kg suck my cock
based, glad to hear that anon
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and how it'll smell since it's sloppa
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yeah point is he was in college (i.e he was in constant circle with said girls)
if a guy doesnt go out of his way to meet women he can be 2 meters and not get laid
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i have cut the rope
>188cm and 91kg
Oh, you're overweight, there's your answer.
t. 186cm 78kg and still not lean
keyed thread derailer
if the beef flaps are pink and not brown, I'll suck on those too
Did you ever consider the fact that I’m much much much more muscular than you? Stupid fuck, no I’m not posting body given my posts ITT
>be you
>i can’t live with knowing i’m such a filthy newfag
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is this the girl?
it says "i have sex with children"
godspeed, anon
She has a nice gallery.

shame ‘bout her face, huh?
surprisingly nice ass actually, the brofessor done good
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We all know that one. I have one in my BJJ class who starts moaning during sparring. It doesn't help that she also utters phrases like "not so rough" and "why are you stopping?"
not someone to shame people for porn but if you have a "best sloppa girl" that's a warning sign that you aren't getting enough fresh air
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looks like summers here
pls go and stay go
On an 8.5 body, a 7 face makes her a butterface but keeps her in wife-material range.
stories like this suggest that there is an optimal relationship a man can have with porn

if you can get to a place where it motivates you to push harder like this, that provides an important function. it would basically be like healthy food at that point.
>not having the ability to inhabit multiple bodies
Crazy how easy cardio becomes when a girl is bent over in front of you at the gym.
>ewhore influencer
>wife material
lol, lmao even

Oh, that’s where she’s from, I was wondering how I was recognizing her even though she is so mid
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about point 2
I think I'll start crossfit just to be around different girls that (probably) are fit
damn that's some coffee
Exercise classes are good for that. Men are too retarded with their hobbies and avoid social opportunities for efficiency's sake, or to save a few bucks. Then they wither away in loneliness-- but damn their practice is efficient.

Meanwhile women turn everything social, even things that could easily be done alone at home
>take craft classes rather than practice at home
>take exercise classes instead of work out alone
>have book clubs rather than just read
>take art or creative writing classes instead of just practicing

You can find a middle way
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This is me with everything and I've come to realize it. Every single time I've gotten laid it's because of forced social interactions with women and getting to know then that way

Having a home gym is fantastic but missing on sluts wearing lycra feels bad, man.
I'll sign up for dance classes or some shit
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>can’t run for shit
>10 minute mile
I can’t even do that and I’ve been running for months
white women owe me sex
No need to quit the home gym, you can choose something that isn't exercise too.
Why just run when you can wrestle with them.
I like having female workout buddies and grappling partners.
>Get closer in an embrace
>Hear her grunts and moans under her breath during the struggle
>She may or may not dirty talk
>A combination of her perfume and her natural scent gets sweated out

It's basically like sex but with a nice combative twist.
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There we go yeeeeeaaahhhh! That's more like it!

That is where it's at right there!
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>no results

Disappointed in fit
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Someone gets it!

They are even more fun when they play dirty.
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The rough unscripted kind as well.
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Oh I like her! Where can I get one?
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so just be a lanky engineering degree bro and a cutie will submit you? I have step 1 complete, but no cutie yet what do I do
are you a gay?
no I like women and they get me erect, I have been working out but no success yet
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why are you gay?
>that smirk
He understands
Because you are entitled and did in the inside. Because you whine and bitch online. Because you are soft.
most summerfag statement I've seen this year, I won't even accept it as bait
is this woman why Dom's videos all suck now?
at least he got a way better deal than Bill Burr.
He has been making videos for like 20 years by now, there aren't that many gym jokes
that's true but running out of gym jokes doesn't mean you have to do soi stuff.

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