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Is the chin up a viable alternative?
No, be a man.
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chinups > pullups
simple as
to what?
>more swing
>ignores lats
Chinups are dor boys, pullups are for men.
Chin-ups work your biceps, chest and abs more than the Pull-up
funny cause when u look at current WRs in pulling people achieve them with pronated rather than supinated grip. Its true tho, if ure novice chin ups are easier.
So they completely ignore the back?
if you're on PPL and you're training your triceps instead of biceps when you've already exhausted the triceps the day before is retarded
They're more front heavy.
Generally speaking chin-ups and pull-ups work the upper back only in the mid to top position, the bottom to mid range stretches the squeezes the lat.
Same with barbell rows, above the hip to chest range is back, everything below is lat.
Probably because pullups are more efficient for record setting since they engage the back more and uses bigger muscles.
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Do pull ups, period. Do dumbell curls (bilateral, so NOT one arm at a time) to target biceps.
I will change out chins for pull-ups during my next trading program
chest brings your elbows together when doing pressing exercises, it is not involved in the slightest in chin ups
lower pec is. lower pecs brinhs elbows together low.
Okay "buddy" do a heavy chest day until you got some DOMS and then do heavy ass weighted chin-ups the next day and report back if your Clavicula head is still attached to your shoulder.
Maybe your half reps don't but from a deadhang position, your upper chest gets 1000% stretched.
why are /fit/ards like that
do both
the supinated grip is pretty good for training forearms and targeting arms. it's pretty inferior to the pull up in terms of back muscle activation.
Exactly. What’s up with this either or mentality
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Pic rel for proper curl form. Standing like this also engages your core more than sitting. Bilateral avoids bad form on your weaker arm. Combine with pullup to target other things.
Wide pronated grip and narrow neutral grip are the only two variations you would need
neutral grip chads keep on winning
Chinups make my lats more sore than pullups by a lot
You’re probably using poor technique
Like the other anons said, do both. Throw in some dumbbell work, dips, leg raises, decline push-ups, crunches/sit-ups, and you're golden.

I fucking love calisthenics and home workouts, bros
I started my workout journey with calisthenics. I couldn't do pull ups at all, not even one. Started with dead hangs.

Now I can do 10 with 45lbs around my waist, and I'm adding more. It's loud and it scares the bitches. Makes my lats open up like a cobra-head. Love it.
I don't recall ever having to lift myself up to something by doing a chinup
>ignores lats
/fit/ is so fucking stupid sometimes. every fucking day there are threads like this where people just repeat bullshit.
Where the bullshit?
retarded posts get the most (You)s
I do weighted chinups for progressive overload and pull-ups for reps on off days. Currently hitting +40kg for 5reps and 15 pull-ups at 85kg bw
Who cares about engaging your core? I wanna engage the biceps
Chin-ups don't ignore the lats by any stretch, it's a stupid thing to say and always has been. Chin-ups are also not "a biceps exercise". All these vertical pulls are compound exercises that primarily use the lats but all have slightly different proportions of how all the muscles involved are worked. Neutral grips too. I know any time someone says "studies show" it gets sarcastic basedface responses but interestingly I've seen a study that actually found lats were worked better by neutral grip than pull ups (pronated).
It doesn't even matter all that much, do what you like best. Or do more than one. These threads are mostly just retarded bro science shit flinging.
So any vertical pull is better than nothing?
Chinups are better than pullups
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>muh palms away
>muh palms towards
it's time for you all to admit neutral grip superiority
only real niggas b doin chin ups AND pull ups. neutral grip niggers need to get they shi togetha man they crazy frfr.
how many pull ups can you get in a max set with just bodyweight?
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How wide is your chinup grip, /fit/? I let my arms hang along my sides, and point my palms forwards, creating an angle between my forearms and my sides, before lifting them to grab the bar.
You are objectively incorrect
Chin Ups are better than Pullups, why? Because once you get strong enough on CUps you can do PUps for third of the CUps rate without training at least unweighted not sure how it transfer to weighted variants as that's some gay American invention to stack needless amount of weights to your calisthenics, 20kg is enough to work with proper form.
Shoulder width, sometimes a little narrower.
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Here's what I mean, the carrying angle.
for me, it's heavy low rep sets of weighted chin ups on one day and then controlled sets of bw pull ups on another day
this is a very good question. ive been doing various pulls for quite some times. i did pull ups for like 6 years then neutral grips for 3 years and chin ups for 2 years. last ~4 months ive been trying to mimic one world champ that uses rather wide pronated grip and my results kept getting worse. a week ago i got bac kto my regular chin up width (index finger at about center of the shoulder) and the top lockout feels a lot better, for me its much more comfortable to put chin above the bar that way. Might be jsut me. im talking 1-5 rep range
Not him but his statement applies to me precisely. Actually hit that number this morning for the first time. 10 strict deadhang-to-chin-over-bar chinups with 45 lbs at 170 lbs bodyweight. (Was 140 in college) and can do 20 equally strict chinups. Closer to 30 if I do what other people pretend passes for chinups.

For pullups shave ~3-5 reps off any of these statements.
Imagine being proud that you train like shit and lift beginner weight.
Puh puh post bodyyy
best post
chin ups work biceps more, pull ups work brachioradialis more, neutral grip is a mix of the two, but either way the lats are still the main movers. the grip width and hollow/arch position makes a bigger difference to lat/traps involvement than the grip type.
i usually just alternate chin ups and pull ups with each set.
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>10 chinups
>only 2 pullups
What do I need to train?
Second question, what grip and hand width do you do when deadhanging?
>What do I need to train?
Proper curl form?
This nigger isn't even rotating his wrists, an important factor for bicep growth, your opinion is discarded
Wild. I always hear that chin ups are easier, but I find them to be roughly equivalent.
>chinups your hands are in front of you
>pullups your hands are on the sides of your head
You automatically engage it when you're standing. Otherwise you would fall over with the waits. Its a byproduct of dumbbell curls. Two birds one stone
>rotating his wrists
How do you mean?
Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the beginning of the movement as shown here: https://youtu.be/7TLG1mHQHgw?t=113
Basically make use of the back muscles and don't solely use your arm muscles, which aren't as big/strong.

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