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CICO doesn’t take into account the myriad metabolic issues that everyone struggles with today. That’s why it’s outdated and no longer us.
Cico is a mechanism. It applies to Everything. If a person eats less calories than they burn, they will lose weight.
Yup. The average CICO dieter is completely unaware that the "calories" being measured are just abstract units ot measurement not based on actual human metabolic functionality and instead produced by the insane notion that burning a material in a bomb calorimeter is equivalent to the complex mechanisms that digest and absorb food within the body.
The human body does not use calories.
Even if calories are an abstract, CICO is still an unchallenged principle.
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Fat figers typed this post.
>dude your body totally violates thermodynamics and creates energy out of nothing
You won't watch this, but this debunks your entire belief system.
You're right, I won't watch that.
Do I look fat retard
Because you'd rather live in ignorance than face the fact that you were wrong your entire life, of course.
I accept your concession.
It's a pretty good estimate generally, if anything it overestimates due to indigestible content. Most manufacturers use the Atwater system where they chemically analyze the protein, fat, carb content since those are efficiently metabolized by the body to similar yields as calorimetry excluding thermic effect of food. "CICO" is a pretty good guideline generally, calculating the calories out part is way harder though since non exercise activity can add 400+ to people of similar composition. I would say nutrition labels are law though.
CICO is a global and unchangeable application of thermodynamics. It cannot bend or be defied. However, every individual must consider their own bodies requirements, if they need less calories to lose weight then it means that their body uses less calories to function, it still doesn't negate the principle of CICO. It just modifies the target ranges based on the needs of the person.

people who claim not being able to lose weight would have noticeable symptoms of hypothyroidism or some other form of pathology involving use of energy. Anyone who claims they workout often but can't lose weight is lying about the working out. if their body cannot break down metabolites to turn into energy, they would feel like shit 24/7 and like a fucking slug.
If such is the case, there are ways to treat those problems and return the metabolism to functioning order.

NOW, people who claim to not be able to GAIN weight however are in a more reasonable position. Obviously there will be liars who claim to eat 4k calories but just refuse to count and actually measure food.

But metabolic activity can be measured (body heat, thyroid hormone levels, muscle mass) literally anything that indicates energy is being consumed.
Obviously different foods have different benefits. There are a lot of nuances with metabolic activity and how different macro levels affect your body as well as workout regime. All of which should be individually researched and compared to decide what the best course is for yourself.

>starvation/repression of BMR
this has a lot more to do with specific metabolic activity involving insulin, ghrelin, growth hormone and neurtransmitter patterns revolving around food (serotonin is produced in the intestines)
All of these tie into each other and not actually controlling how you're going about your calorie deficit can cause severe problems and is why |STARVEMAXXING| is the worst thing you could ever do.
so basically, CICO but also how you CICO and what kind of activity you do. She even touches on this by saying you should balance your macros instead of just starving yourself and increase muscle mass.

>replace carbs with fats
terrible advice desu, most people already eat too many fats and don't get enough fat soluble vitamins like A & E to reduce oxidative stress and not experience stress from things like cortisol and increase in cholesterol and inflammation.
It's a bit ironic that she wants to talk about the nuance of CICO and she just says that fats are better overall than carbs without explaining the metabolic processes that suffer from excess fats.
Again you are arguing against the laws of physics
>oh, you won't watch my bullshit video link? hehe guess i win again, L cicochuds
fuck off fag
>shows some study where normal weight men were restricting calories
There is no point in restricting calories when you're normal weight. I think it is not a surprise the outcome is purely negative.
>and it worked
dude, have you seen your shitty video?? it doeesnt tells that CICO doesnt work, but that it isnt healthy in the long run (duh, whats anorexia?)
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>CICO doesn't work for me I enter starvation mode and my body literally EATS ALL MY MUSCLE
GLP 1 agonists lead to lots of lean body mass loss because people don't eat enough protein and eat way less than before.
>be me
>fat for 20 years
>want to not be fat anymore
>still eat the exact same shitty food, except now I count calories and limit myself to 2500 per day at 6'4"
>lose 50lb

you can call it whatever you want but literally the only thing I changed was eating less
>Yup. The average construction worker is completely unaware that the "inches" being measured are just abstract units ot measurement not based on the actual length of 3 barleycorn and instead produced by the insane notion that a platinum-iridium bar measured at 0 degrees Celsius is equivalent to the complex relation of atoms in an environment with variable pressure and temperature.
>The inch does not use meters.
Low effort shit post
Eat less than used for running on and be active
>Loses weight
Lol can't even with you dyel faggot shills
women will somehow pass college but be unable to count calories
>law of conservation of energy enters the room
Its called willpower
> My car goes 350 miles on a full tank but if I put in half a tank I still go 350 miles.
> What am I doing wrong ?
Your post in a nutshell
>what are joules
fatties are so adorable
Why do the CICO fad dieters argue in such bad faith? There is not a single pro-CICO argument in this thread, and all of the points against CICO haven't even been posted, yet. Step up your game and actually argue.
>CICO doesn’t apply for people who burn less calories than usual
Humans don't burn calories.
>If a person eats less calories than they burn, they will lose weight.
temporarily. The less calories will explode their ghrelin and make them binge eat it all back. CICO has in fact, NEVER worked once you're fat. Hormone manipulation is more important than CICO. That's why KETO rules the dieting community.
KETO is still CICO, you won't lose weight on keto if you consume 3,000 calories of butter. I lost 30 lbs on "keto" (i just cut out carbs and ate what i usually ate) because it made it easy to eat below maintenence. When you only eat lean meats and veggies it's hard not to lose weight (due to CICO)
Your maintenance drops to nothing because of how keto makes the body used stored energy properly. That can't happen with just regular CICO.
>btfo calorie deniers in one simple step
lost 30 kg using only cico for the past 8 months. you can all seethe in your posts about metabolic rates and all but it works perfectly for me. i dont give a fuck about anyone else you can stay a fat fuck for all i care and continue complaining about metabolic rates. boo hoo
I slowly reduce the amount I eat the more weight I lose during a cut and replace milk with water in protein shakes. It's so easy bros. I hate women so much.
>the laws of psysics don't apply to certain people

You pulled that put of your fat greasy asshole
yes you are fat
>1 simple step
>posts 2 videos
the step
>learn what a joule is
but yes i see your point
kek why does the idea of eating less so that your body relies on burning excess fat for fuel trigger so many fatties?
t. 3lbs away from my summer weight goal after cutting my caloric intake, eating lots of protein, and upping my cardio
Same and I'm not even on some meme low carb diet either. Counting calories and aiming for enough protein. Works wonders. Some fatties make this more complicated than it is.
>That can't happen with just regular CICO.
This. On a non keto diet, if you keep cutting eventually your TDEE drops to zero, meaning anything you eat will cause you to gain weight. You then have to go the entire rest of your life eating nothing. If you ate even 100 calories a day, you'd gain weight; your body just becomes that efficient.
>explode their ghrelin and make them binge eat
Imagine being unable to survive the sensation of being hungry for 30 minutes. Are we as a species really so incapable of delayed gratification that we must be victims of our basest desires and hormonal instincts?
Fuck me dead, all fatties are hedonists, this is your ultimate point. That the hedonic fatty is incapable of of exhibiting even a modicum of self control. Listen to yourself man, it's obscene.
You can always tell bad reasoning when someone uses extreme terms

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