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he should flatten his back during the plank, that makes it significantly harder
bulgarian split squats are legit god tier and easily the best leg workout for growth too
people get filtered by them due to either being balancelets or believing it's a gimmick for women
more gains for me i guess
>easiest exercises known to man

The vast majority of lifters will only do work in the saggital plane. A small portion of lifters will work their legs in the frontal plane. Pretty much no one works their legs in the transverse plane, the only transverse plane a very small portion of lifters will exercise in is their core, not their legs.
The BSS works the saggital and transverse planes significantly. It reveals, more than any other leg exercise, the significant muscle imbalances that are reinforced with traditional bilateral movements.
Another incredibly challenging exercise is single leg romanian deadlifts.
Unilateral work also engages more muscle fibers than bilateral work as with bilateral work, you can easily compensate on one limb without even knowing it, which drives even more muscle imbalance. It is quite sad that the majority of fitness influencers and coaches don't really train these types of movements. You see them more in sports training, but not traditional weightlifting coaching.

Every exercise is easy apart from squats and deadlifts which is why dyels hate them
hate this negro term
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>knowing jackshit about how abs work
checks out
I thought he was somehow bouncing the purple and yellow balls on his back
100% this.
Post plank form and time elapsed
Post stairmaster time, distance and intensity
Post BSS heaviest set/reps with proper form (trembling like a bitch is not proper form)
You won't because you never done them in your life
Hi chatgpt
He also needs to bring those elbows in, he might as well be taking a break.
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A posterior pelvic tilt engages the core and the transverse abdominis, leading to better activation of the core while doing the plank.

Furthermore, the primary function of the abdominal muscles is to stabilize the trunk and provide anti extension so that you don't suffer pars inarticularis fractures in your lumbar spine.

The posterior pelvic tilt, which is seen commonly in hollow body holds, or hanging leg raises, is by far the best way to engage the core musculature to not only prevent injury but to strengthen the abs in the way they are meant to work.


Since it seems you know absolutely nothing of fitness, here's a renowned sports scientist explaining why the posterior tilt plank is a superior exercise.
yeah it's very brown coded
but he has a tucked pelvis you fucking retard, his back is a bit rounded in the upper areas which is completely fine. Also Contreas is a faggot.
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good lord you have absolutely no knowledge of fitness nor biomechanics
I forgot im responding to a complete fucking retard, here's the information spoonfed to you in a better pic
so you are blind, you stupid nigger pseud, holy fuck stop posting and look at OP's at least once
lol, no he's not you absolute retard. There's a reason why his T spine is hyperkyphotic, it's because he's trying to bring his ribs down to his pelvis, not his pelvis up to his ribs, which is why is lumbar is hyperlordotic. You have absolutely no idea how muscles work
Hi retard.
What this shit about planes.
You talking about axises of movement?
saggital plane is front to back, so think about a squat / hip flexion / leg raises / sit ups

frontal plane is side to side, so think about lateral raises / abductor work / adductor work

transverse plane is top down, so think about twisting actions, like russian twists.

The BSS works the glute medius really hard as it helps stabilize the movement. What also stabilizes the movement, especially as you're moving, is your deep 6 hip rotators, which govern external rotation. Internal rotation is governed mostly by your adductors.
but the way to fix that is not to """flatten your back""" you retard, and that was the issue, holy fuck are you dumb
You guys get worked up over the weirdest things
Olympic lifts and OHP are also difficult, so basically any lift that actually works.
Wheres the deadlift? Oh right you can't do those because you're a weak faggot
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Now say nigger you copy pasting faggot
>say dumb shit
>get called out
>bro why are you so mad lololol
NTA but you sound insufferable
What the fuck was this nigger thinking?
Damn you fags really cant go 3 seconds without thinking of black people or bbc
I'd intersect her sagittal plane if you get what I mean
>be me
>know back pain runs in the family, so do only very lightweight deadlifts with autistic form, form checked by 3 personal trainers and 2 physical therapists
>shit is easy, so I do high reps
>going to do the first set of the day after my meticulous warmups
>on a lark, do a bent over row with the weight. Why not? Its very light, afterall, I'm actually able to do a bent over row with it
>INSTANTLY fuck my shit up and forced to take weeks off for my back to recover
sometimes being built different means being built wrong
Know nothing projection
Don't go near failure, and don't try to find your limit, because you will. I also strained back doing "easy" reps.
maybe do some low weight assistance work for the specific area for a while before trying deadlifts again
No they aren't.
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>plank on a mat
>doesn't actually train back
>surprised his back is weak
>someone posts actual valuable advice
>/fit/rannies cry and bitch
Good shit dude, you expose the people that don't know anything.
>Midwit is easily fooled by verbosity from an unthinking machine
Any lift named after an eastern European country is not a type of exercise, it is a method of torture.
Oh you didn't get it? Way to out yourself I guess‽
>simple basic kinesiology is labeled as verbose

Well, for simpletons such as you, I can just say that the BSS works a lot more muscles in a lot more ways than traditional 2 legged exercises. I fully explain, in detail, what exactly the BSS works, but if you're too dumb to understand, then you just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about when I say it works more muscles.
yes it is, you absolute mongoloid.

His problem is that he's contracting his glutes, which reciprocally inhibit his hip flexors, this is important in shifting more weight to the abs, but his problem is that he's not co contracting his lower abdominals. How can I see that he is contracting his glutes? simple, look at his lumbar spine. In the position he is in, he is contracting his glutes and his upper abdominals, but not his lower abdominals. This is leading to hyperkyphosis of the T spine, and hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. He's anteriorally tilted at his pelvis. He's getting abdominal contraction by flexing his T spine, not by posteriorally rotating his pelvis.

It really is amazing that this is a fitness board yet so few people know anything about basic biomechanics and muscles.
ive never been humbled by anything except the Lords grace because no force of man or nature can match His magnanimity
If you or someone you know is a balancelet, add one legged deadlifts to your routine.
why not just do bss until you learn to balance and get gains in the meantime
All are manlets before the glory God

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