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>He decided to go to the gym instead of playing sports
>He decided to pick up something up and then put it back down instead of improving every facet that involved fitness at the same time
>He goes by himself, headphones in, talking to no one for 1+ hour instead of making lifelong friends, playing a game they love together
When are you guys going to realize that the gym is only supplemental material for sports. Go buy a football and kick it around a bit, it'll be a hundred times more fun
do a martial art that doesn't work, i basically see zero women in boxing, bjj, muay thai, kick boxing but they flock to judo/karate/kubudo
>doesn't work
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Kettlebell is my sport, cheese dick
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The only sports worth a damn if you want to be powerful is football(american), rugby, wrestling and fighting. Everything else will just turn you into a cardio skeleton.
Nice demoralization thread. I do what I what and however I want to do it. What now faggot?
its useless and a waste of time, unless you want t speedrun cartilage degradation and walk like a 70yo when youre 35
Boxercise meme classes are big with women, especially funny when they tell you they can actually box because of it
I went back n forth between soccer and football. Pot soccer season 2x a days while being super cardio fit was fucking AWESOME
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average football player x average handegg player
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>le cherry picked images third worlder is upset at americans logic
soccer is a slow twitch sport that produces athletes with appropriately endurance based physiques, football is the exact opposite and thus produces larger fast twitch physiques. Throw in the different positions and thus you get the tubbier defensive lineman like your picture or you get the average nfl running back/ fullback physique like pic related
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average soccer players are dyels and women

football players coming up
You should be lifting AND playing sports.

t. rugby player
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football players a lot larger, even the skinnier ones
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thank you come again
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as far as giants go, football has the largest, unless you want to go to sumo, but even then I doubt many sumo wrestlers are 7 ft 460
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then as far as jacked players goes, the NFL boasts actual bodybuilding tier players.
How does american football get away with such prevalent usage of PEDs?
PEDs are widespread in every sport, specially american sports, but I don’t think there’s another one where’s the usage is so comically obvious.
you aren't thinking in context.

Football is one of the few sports where muscle mass actually matters. The vast majority of the popular sports prioritize endurance, so blood doping is more prevalent, like EPO and such, these drugs won't be as apparent as steroids.

Drugs are very common in sports, it's just that the sports that require muscle mass have the most visible evidence of PED usage.
judo is great for self defense but it's risky to use it because you can easily pick up a manslaughter charge lol
>making friends
>with a bunch of dumfuck sportsball obsessed goyslop guzzling nigger worshippers
No thanks. Not interested in hearing about every dumb thing LeBron has to say today and how janarcus rapeape is being traded to the Cincinnati who gives a fucks.
Judo is far better than jujitsu in a fight on concrete. I'm from Cleveland and and I've slammed a niggers head on the concrete before.
>American football
>turn your brain into jello
Easily understandable why you have no friends or any prospect in your 30s
I don't have any friends and my shitty town doesn't have any sports clubs to join
American football is literally just a bunch of niggers, who are already retarded, giving each other concussions making themselves somehow even more retarded
imagine living your only life thinking this way
I do have friends. They play video games.
Also I'm a land lord so I'm pretty much rich.
BTW I don't rent to niggers.
Imagine spending your only life on this earth giving all of your time money and energy to retarded niggers who hate your family and are the enemy of all that is good and all that is beautiful, just because they throw a ball through a circle.
They got those muscles in the gym, not the field.

Thus this whole conversation is moot.

Football is only 15 minutes of action spread across 3 hours
Unless you're a genetic elite, you are not "playing sports" outside of high school. Every failed athlete ends up in the gym anyway
>yooooo y’all heard jarquavious tantrell deshawn watkins III is getting transferred from the atlanta gorillaz to the chicago hood niggas????
>hello friends, did you hear that Timothy Peckerwood has started coming to the local Planet fitness in Mayoville?
Judo is probably one of the best martial arts there is for real life. You either don't know what it is or are being just stupid. you think if a guy slammed you on concrete you would survive that? It is much more fatal than boxing, muay thai, bjj and whatever else.
I sucked at sports until I started working out. Afterwards sports became better but it was still a waste of time because the benefits of the gym are more than playing a faggy game of sportsball.
>How does american football get away with such prevalent usage of PEDs?
Because sports are entertainment and the people want to be entertained by genetic freaks and not twinks.
because nobody actually wants to watch natties play sports. American sports leagues only test enough to maintain some plausible deniability about the fact that they implicitly condone steroid use. they don't actually WANT to catch anyone in the act.
People that play soccer past highschool are generally subhumans, at least in Europe.
I was at work all day talking to all kinds of people, last thing I want to do is talk with 101iq Bob about his car, dead end job, fat wife or kids. I want to stop carcass decay and look good. People in the gym are generally better looking and smarter, with all the mental illness and degeneracy that they carry around.
For me what's fun is what gets me results effectively
Gym 2x a week and tennis 2x a week, walking 45 mins per day. Dream life for me
>go buy a football and kick it
Imagine actually posting this when we all know you're a skinnyfat thirdie faggot. Who do you think you're fooling?
>you don't do A therefore you must be doing Z!
you're a grown man with the thought process of a teenage girl
I do 6 days a week in the gym, football on Sunday, fishing and mountain climbing with pals several times a year from mid spring to mid fall. People that only see life in THIS OR THAT like you are genetic dead ends and your parents hate you.
American sports culture is based around worshipping the group of people that statistically use steroids much more often than every other group.
What's he wrong about?
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you a cuck who likes watching other men play games or not?
All of American “culture” is based around the worshipping of joggers
>average soccer players are dyels and women
nothing wring with being either of these
obvious roidtranny is obvious
not really but they worship niggerlike behavior excess. tryhard bufoons.
Wow I haven't heard that actually. Tell me more!
Tennis and pickleball are the smart man's sports. You can play them into old age and you don't get brain damage. You can also play with hot chicks instead of 'roid niggers.

Too bad I never actually got into them. Maybe some day.
you need to go back
The facts are on my side. Sports that old fucks can play are the best for long term health. Therefore basketball and handegg are worthless.

Oh and also softball > baseball. I know some 60 year olds that are still fit as a bull who love softball. Never met an old fuck who still played baseball. Nor hockey.
That’s just the old fat people watching football. You should separate those people from the people who play it for fun in your mind. Just playing a sport can be very fun and beneficial even if you hate the people watching it and the people you’ve seen playing (the pros on tv).
sure you are and sure you do bro.
You’re fucking retarded
American football is a one way ticket to a catastrophic injury that nags you for the rest of your life. Ask any high school football player. Nevermind college football players. Wrestling is great, but the weight classes mean you’re in constant caloric deficit when you’re young, which means stunted growth. Ever notice how wrestlers are often fucking tiny? It’s like they failed to grow. Wonder why…

Fighting, and boxing, are good way to get brain damage.

There’s a reason why all the rich kids, the sons and daughters of senators, billionaires, high level academics, university professors, these sort of people don’t play football or fight or any of that. They’re on the crew and lacrosse team and they play country club sports like squash and golf where they won’t have their brain matter bashed into pulp. The most physical sport they’ll play is rugby, which is half as devastating as football is and has less blacks in it too.
I was very good at sports as a kid even though I was very small and skinny, and played a lot of them. Soccer, basketball, baseball, flag football, volleyball, random little things here and there. But once I got into high school all the other kids went through puberty and grew while I didn't. They all got bigger stonger and faster than me and I became completely useless at every sport in an organized sense, and I could only play in gym class and at lunch or whatever.

I'm in my early 30s now and All I've done for a number of years now is just referee a handful of them, mostly youth/high school/college/some adult amateur stuff. Soccer, lacrosse, water polo, basketball. It is kinda depressing to see all the kids having good athletic abilities that I lost and their social development from it as well. I haven't played a sport even casually o by myself in over a decade.
They don’t take them year-round. They juice hard in the off-season for recovery, strength, etc. and then they stop at competition time when the drug tests come around.
I struggle with this mindset too but I’ve realized that people are more than just their childish affinities and they have things to offer that are more than just their interests. So I try to not hate them because I dislike what they’re interested in.
there's a couple girls in my MT gym. but the ones that have been there for years are actually really legit.
haha yeah anon, theyre such children. they could never match your superior intellect and hobbies with their stupid like of "sportsball"
Most American towns don’t. This is why not moving to a city or at least suburb of a bigger city in your 20s is social suicide. I made the same mistake, bro. Same college town from 18-28 (academic) and then an even smaller college town from 28-31. If you’re in your 20s you have to move to a city ASAP.
Moving there if you don’t have the social skills to back it up might be worse
you were in college towns for over a decade surrounded by young people and you think that was a bad thing?
College girls are icked out by anyone older than 22
Why are zoomers playing pickleball? It sounds so gay.
No, you're fucking retarded. Google it. The average hand egg game only has 15 minutes of play over 3 hours of TV. They got those muscles in the gym. Even high school football players lift you dumb ass
Correct. Worshipping big dumb ghetto rape apes who hate your family and want you dead, who get payed millions to play with a ball, on teams owned by jews who fund open borders, is in fact a very stupid hobby for sub human chattel
Sports old people can play are the best ones for long term health.
Fangirling for so and so player or team is indeed childish.
It’s the only way to get them.

It is a bad thing because college social circles are only appealing, interesting, or accessible when you’re college aged. When you’re 28 and hanging out in bars packed with undergraduates, it’s just weird. When you meet a girl on Tinder and she tells you about the frat parties she goes to and her psych classes, it’s just weird. Worse, there is no social scene beyond these two. Nothing else.
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I did sports until I got too many injuries. Might join a softball league or something for the social aspect
I don't care about any of that shit I just big muscles
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gardening shits on both.
>using 45lb pick to break ground
>tilling with 60kg sprocket
>massaging the soil by hand to work on calluses
once finished can grow materials for all sorts of commercial food crafts/ regular crafts.
>carry bricks around
>practicing balance with water and farmer walks
Why the jewish dichotomy? You can do both, anon.
meanwhile resistance training is the best to maintain joint and bone strength, plus grip strength correlates with lower all mortality.
how about not being a faggot about what others do?
play sports for fun
go to the gym for strength and health
so cardio for endurance and health
these are not mutually exclusive
Holy seeth, this thread is full of immense cope
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Crazy how much seething gridiron football triggers. It is far and away the most entertaining sport to watch and very fun to play. Gridiron football is the perfect blend of tactics, power, violence, athleticism and technical skill that's played in a way that's visually accessible.

I say this as someone who grew up playing Association Football (aka soccer) and love that sport as well.

>Football is only 15 minutes of action spread across 3 hours
More like 40 minutes across 2 hours and change, until the playoffs when TV shit bloats up the runtime.

Yeah exactly. It's why nobody watching gives a shit about CTE either. Though I think lots of people are discouraging their children from playing for that reason.
You should've raped him after
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Imagine the endurance
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