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Pic that broke fit
Lean pill chads
>prettyboy model gets more thirsty comments from women than a fitness influencer making content for a male audience
your point being?
>t. loves the smell of feembrap
Meanwhile OP looks like neither and gets no mires from anyone, male or female.
Swap their faces and the girls would be commenting on alpha destiny’s pic
>male model gigachad gets more female attention that a manlet incel
this is shocking to absolutely no one. their physiques are a non factor in the attention disparity between them.
It's fucking over
This doesn't prove alpha destiny can't get a gf though
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Woah, the pretty boy faggot gets more bitches then the dude who actually has to try????
>pretty boy faggot
jealousy is a feminine trait anon, stop being a sissified incel
How about you make like Ronnie McNutt and post body after doing his Kurt Cobain impression?
>left is handsome with a confident expression, good bone structure, a decent face, good complexion and clear skin, physically fit

>right is kind of ugly and sick/tired looking, with dark eye rings, reddish, splotchy skin, ugly facial hair, a bad haircut, weird shaped head, and is physically fit

wow, I think I may have cracked the code!
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Shave the beard, do the same pose with the same look into the camera, take a picture in front of nature instead of your squat rack and broken window blinds.
How you take a picture is everything to women
That looks like some slimy sandnigger incel
We have a lot of those posers in europe. When we get more indians, it will be hard to tell them apart.
All this proves is that past a certain point, muscle doesn't really do anything for attractiveness.

The dude on the left still lifts despite what faggots on /fit/ will say. You can tell he's a guy who spends time in the gym and eats clean.
Yeah, composition and lighting are really important in taking good pics. I'm not sure why that would break /fit/.
Nope that’s a physique that is easily attainable just by doing some calisthenics once or twice a week and 80/20 eating h healthy
Post body
Gymcels think muscle = women with no limit
There's obviously a ceiling on the attractiveness of muscle and after a certain point it becomes unattractive.
Big boobs = better, what if they're 55 ZZZ?
A lot of people just don't understand the artform of it
the left pic isnt an option for most people
so you have the choice to be fit and ugly or fat and ugly
These types of posts should be an instant perma-ban.
If you fall for bait that’s on you
Nah, get that shit out of here. Enough is enough. Add it to the report list.
You need to go back lmao
Imagine being upset by that post where he’s so clearly being facetious
consider the following: how did they carve out those specific niches in social media?
The point is that he's not racially attractive enough, not that he's too muscular. If left and right swapped muscle levels, nothing would change.
He’s white though. The most attractive race
Greek is white
A lot of people would say right is too muscular. Left guy looks lean and lithe, graceful and naturally athletic. Right looks tryhard.
In what way does this break /fit/? It’s great motivation to workout and get lean if you’re a tall good looking guy.
>but wahhhh wahhhh I’m a short ugly subhuman and lifting isn’t fixing me!1!1!!1!
Lol. Lmao. Nobody (actual humans) cares.
>racially attractive
Wtf does that even meet? Have you met a modern women? They don’t give a shit if your black, white or anything else in between.

Nazi incels are pathetic really, touch grass.
wait are you serious??
besides maybe the fucking apollo's belt I literally had that physique when i did a few push ups and pull ups twice a week at the beach and ate nothing.
You guys are fucking delusional
You didn’t do 'a few' push-ups and pull-ups, you were doing sets. The issue I have with these sorts of posts >>74604517 is they’re always exaggerated or leaving out details.
Also, you weren’t ’eating nothing' you were eating clean.
Dude I looked like left naturally at 17. Some of us are just gifted
You say 'naturally' but I bet you were physically active and generally ate healthy in high school.
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The fuck you pussies saying about me
>calling a masculine looking chad 'prettyboy'
Maximum cope with these ugoid incels heere
yes you are right i was doing sets and I was eating extremely clean as a skelly.
I also lied because my chest was worse and he's probably taller.
anyway I still like these sorts of posts >>74604517 because they keep the standards high
But why lie?
You’re brown aren’t you
>masculine looking chad
holy subtle underlying cope
because my physique wasn't THAT far from it and as I said it keeps standards high even if it takes lying to myself and others
Maybe you should knock that shit off?
no because when I saw posts saying they hit 2pl8 bench in 6 month or something it made me try harder and find solutions instead of remaining a lifetime sub 2pl8 failure
Sorry guys, that was a typo. I meant FACIALLY attractive.
>>74604691 (Me)
*not facially attractive enough
Yeah but the difference is that you rarely see anons claiming they hit 2pl8 by doing a couple curls twice a week. That would be the equivalent BS.
A mix of mexican and german and I get way more pussy than you just because I’m fucking normal and not a nazi freak
He definitely has an inflated memory of how he looked, he was most likely just a thin high schooler with some ab definition, but still, humans are ‘naturally’ active. Like that should be the default. Not even jeff seid would look good if he was totally sedentary and ate cookies all day.
shitskin indian manlet cope
you will never see a white girl vagene
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Did someone say cookies
The ugly brownoid seethe came right on time
Good thing I lift for the fear and respect of other men and not to get retarded women or I might just be in trouble here!
Yeah if by "fear and respect" you mean "butt and sex" lmao gotteem
Dude on the right is ugly. Maybe he should shave his millennial cope beard.
OP's picture implies that people still believe lifting makes you attractive to women whereas as we know it's about not eating and having good genetics
>I lift for the fear and respect of other men
Lmao yeah bro you’re gonna shock those bullies at the high school reunion!
Calm down bro they can't hurt you anymore lmao
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Is there any reason to live as a manlet? I mean, really what do you gain from life as a manlet. Women aren't interested in you, you are deemed a low/zero value male, maybe some ugly fat women would have sex with you but the level of effort you have to put into an ugly fat woman is not even worth the stinking McDonalds grease pussy you get out of it. You are completely outcasted from all of society, no one would want to associate with a manlet incel, no one really cares about manlets and they're just free reign to abuse since they're zero value males anyways. Even with moneymaxing no one cares if a manlet has money because you're still short and undesireable, and if you do go with LLS you will just be ridiculed and outcasted further for being "insecure" and
"overcompensating". This is also seen in gymcel manlets, and outspoken manlets. So what reason is there to live below 6ft?
To wageslave and pay taxes for a society that would laugh if you hung yourself? To cope with le hobbies until you're bedridden, then what? The only readable option for the manlet is to commit suicide. Manlets killing themselves is natural selection, they are the omega males of earth, the losers, the sexless, the childless, the meatshields, and the divorce raped cucks. It's over for manlets
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consider suicide. not because you're short, but because you're a whiny, defeatist loser
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Lmao anon how ugly are you hahaha
>not because you're short
Yes, because he's short. Regardless of his attitude he'd be a manlet subhuman anyways.
Lol nigga it's the tinder swindler. He's a POS IRL of course, but in his prime he was dicking down Euro girls using money he stole from them. His Russian gf was hot imo but that's because I like slavic rail thin girls with just a bit of ass and tits.

Lol you have no idea. That guy was killing it in dating apps.
People who post shit like this don't lift.
But you won't post your body with a timestamp.
Do you think that might have had something to do with the fact that he lied about being a billionaire who flew around in private jets? Physically he's unremarkable.

samefag loser
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>just lift bro
>women love dwarfmaxxed chads br- ACK!
Manletsissies... not like this
don't you think it's a bit weird to have that picture saved?
They're obviously joking. We're all aware that short men are discriminated against.
>Scooby snacks

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