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/fit/ - Fitness

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Which one of you was this?
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This is the funniest shit ever.
>doofus walks in to a Pilates class with 20-50lb dumbbells
>proceeds to only half-ass the "work-outs"
>V(irgin)-tech kicks in
>realizes he ain't making any gains, social or physical
>waltzes out
>the cycle repeats when said guy punches a tree down meinkraft style and summons another autist
He's gonna make it, more than 99% of /fit/
>woman writing
>sign up for pilates
>realize this is a woman program that won't do fuck all for you
>but you already paid the monthly fee
>fuck it
>bring weights to make it harder
>instructor wants you in the presenting fag position
>can't get there, you have more than a child's amount of muscle tone
>dip out to go lift like you should've from the start
I have some friends that throw a hissy fit if they dont win a game of billiards I can see some low IQ gym bros losing their shit if theyre not able to appear the best at pillates of all things. Hilarious but some men think like that
What is pilates?
It's like hemorrhoids I think.
yoga for non-hippies
I think that was the dude the jews tricked into killing Jesus
This bitch is actually based as fuck look through her comments. She’s actively shitting on nigs and woke virtuesignaling fags and even jews this bitch doesn’t even give a shit about downdoots like most redditors
“BPD is barely real and massively over diagnosed you’re just a shitty person I promise it’s not the disorder it’s you, pure human basic ass you”
I went to pilates with my gf and there were zero dumbbells involved
Post: happy price month
This bitch: I’m bi but hey the tuck away from with this shit

Another one: called saying BLM a way for “wokecels” to recognize each other
holy fuck
based femnazi
But get the fuck*** away from me with this shit
“People know why they’re fat imho they have every excuse in the book to not just monitor their eating habit and make small, sustainable lifestyle changes. I know one morbidly obese woman who blames her childhood trauma (she’s close to 40 now), another who has an entirely fabricated phobia of snakes so she “can’t” go on hikes which is her reason why she’s so big (she binges thousands of calories at night it’s almost grotesque to witness), my cousin says he will START exercising when he retires as if that will make a dent in his terrible junk food habit. Obesity is visible lack of willpower”

How do I meet a woman like this? Some of her shit is typical generic woman shit but fuck overall she seems based as hell, like she actually has a brain and her own original thought
>shits on nigs, ego lifters and BPD whores
Ehh I think I was wrong she has tranny friends. Unless FTM means something else she had a post asking for baby shower advice for her FTM friend who is pregnant
Is pilates a meme, or does it actually help with stabilizer muscles and range of motion? I'm not looking to make gains from it, just preventing injury.
It’s a meme for women. The most basic rule in fitness is that if women are doing it, it’s a meme and you should avoid it.
if this isnt a fake story Im 100% confident the person in the story was dark skinned
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>implying that’s actually a woman
c’mon now
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I've met and dated girls like this. I think it's got to with growing up as the runt of the litter and having to stand up for yourself.
Both girls and boys will have strong opinions like, but girls as a rule pretty much cave in to peer pressure and mold themselves to what's socially acceptable. Some drink the kool-AIDS wholeheartedly while others maintain a certain degree of doublethink or keep their basedness on the down low.
Boys on the other hand get off being contrarian pricks.

But really your girl doesn't need to be totally /fit/pilled on the Obeast Question or compound interest. Just being disgusted by the prospect of becoming fat herself and having a basic understanding that CC debt = usury is enough.
I did one of those barbell aerobics classes with my then gf's MILF and it almost killed me. Do NOT go too heavy
Based tranny then.
/pol/ is not based, friend
stretching with the help of equipment
Asians sailing around stealing treasure chests
A waste of time.
FTMs are deluded as all hell but still not quite as bad as MTFs. Bear in mind this is still saying I'd rather get shot with a 9mm than a .223.
If you've got the Vegeta ego, you need the Vegeta skills and work ethic to back it up.
I bet you can't even touch your toes
Causing permanent damage to your joints so that you can appear more flexible when having sex. Men should never be in a pilates class unless you want to ruin your spine forever.
It's exercises based on bodyweight movements Joseph Pilates developed in WWI to help wounded soldiers recover.
It's actually fantastic for stabilizers, and especially if you do physical labor in your job.
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>I can see some low IQ gym bros losing their shit if theyre not able to appear the best at pillates of all things.
I cannot. Having gone to these classes you're expected to lose your balance and fall. It's alright, get back up.
Most lifters, especially roiders, manlets, and roiding manlets are deeply insecure as is.
A man who doesn't do the inner work with the outer work is only doing half the work.
What the fuck happens in a pilates class? I see all this stuff on social media and on here about guys trying pilates and getting btfo, but then again most of them look completely dyel. How hard is this really bros?

rsp is the only decent board on reddit, most of the users there are primarily 4chan users
I’d say ftms are more deluded than mtfs. Mtfs are pathetic incels who are already at rock bottom and think that trooning out will somehow help them move up in terms of social value. Ftms are deluded women who are valued by society that somehow think that society will value them if they become balding effeminate acne ridden incel manlets. They also think “other men” will take them seriously. This is a level of delusional arrogance only women are capable of.
Both are simply seeking attention and have nothing worthwhile going on in their lives. No one transitions while trying to win a championship ring in the NBA.
hey are the chaddiest chuds on the interwebz you nigger
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>This bitch is actually based as fuck shes totally shitting on the libtards
>replies to 44th post
what did he mean by this?
>yeah bro I can't raise my hands above my head but it's totally because my delts are so fucking jacked bro and not just because I'm an inflexible mongoloid
Spanish people who fly planes
Fourtyfourth post best post.

It's not rocket science mate
First time mom, definitely seen that before

t. parent
>Presumably they go punch a tree once they get outside
kek I did this when my gf broke up with me
The guys from One Piece
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They should really just call it "breathing and stretching class"
Imagine calling yourself “fit” and you can’t even touch your toes
Fucking embarrassing, gymcels are an epidemic
It's like how every fat chick I know does yoga because it's "exercise", then rewards herself by going out to eat afterward and stuffs 2000 calories into her maw because "I worked out today"
Yoga is just some bending over in slow motion
As opposed to the fat powerlifter who lifts weights because it’s “exercise”, then rewards himself by going out to eat afterwards and stuffs 2000 calories into his maw because “I’m bulking bro”
Powerlifting is just picking up pieces of metal in slow motion
Going to classes is dyel 101
dis nigga spent 10 years in a gym and cant binch 2plaet lmao
I could bench 2 plates as a sophomore in high school lol, it’s sad that you had to get all fat just to lift weight that nobody cares about
Nah you couldn't, nobody decently strong (2pl8 is novice level) is terminally upset at imaginary fat men lifting weights on the internet.
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Um, excuse me sir. This is a no gains zone.
>sign up for pilates
>realize it is a woman program
>masturbate constantly in the corner while pretending to do the exercises
multiple plates of pilaf

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