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>ketolards would be okay with this meal if he removed the buns
really makes u think
hi moxyte, remember to post body
I would be okay with 3 ground patties and 2 cheeses.
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I would be okay with it if it were real cheese and quality beef but I'm fucking jacked and eat at least 3k calories a day.
What's the point of adding cheese in this retarded way?
to post it on tick tack
no one ever said that. when i was on keto and lost 50lbs i ate fish and lean poultry, broccoli/asparagus, chia seeds and cottage cheese all the time.
i'm no chef but i feel like there has to be a better way to do whatever it is he's trying to do there
The seed oil cheese and plant-based seasonings are also bad, so remove those. Yum, beef.
Keto doesn't mean eating any old slop. Just like veganism doesn't mean you glug pints of sneed oil and eat unwashed vegetables covered in soil. Oh, actually, maybe you do... but still, you can eat a clean keto diet.
Thats like 10 meals but overall yeah pretty much
>another low iq bait thread where OP shows he doesn't understand keto or low carb.

At least try and be honest. Thread hidden for being a waste of time.
I keep seeing that word, but google doesn't pull up a definition for it. What does "moxyte" mean? Is it a religion or something?
So there's this manlet from India named Moxyte (that's his REDDIT username) permabulking on a mostly plant-based diet (self-admitting he has to include meat, because veganism is impossible for him), he makes posts claiming not to know he is Moxyte in his own threads before screencapping his own posts and posting them on a ghost-town subreddit (r/ketoduped). I suggest going (back) to r/ketoduped to have a good laugh at his schizophrenic lolcow behavior, as everyone who visits there does.
>not real keto

>fish and lean poultry
definitely not real keto
Does anyone personally know a fat person who's been doing keto for 6 months or more?
Does anyone personally know a calorie counter who isn't still obese?
I've heard the arguments but I see what I see.
something something MOXYTE something something SEED OIL !!
>just eat one patty, one slice of cheese
>be in ketosis without having 200 million calories
Like where did people get this idea that you can eat your own weight in food on any diet and not put on weight? 5000 calories is 5000 calories no matter what it's made of.
>5000 calories is 5000 calories no matter what it's made of.
*except carbs of which only 20g* can go to body fat storage per day through de novo lipogenesis

but ignore that bros, who wants unlimited calories and no cravings?
Cheese has carbs in it, so no.
>unlimited calories and no cravings
Who the fuck is promising that?
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reminder that this is the one and only thing that determines if someone is gaining fat or losing fat
you can eat unlimited calories if you keep insulin low and the excess will just be burnt off as heat/energy instead of being stored as fat
vegans pushing the CICO myth are straight up evil
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>unlimited calories
This is what ketolards actually believe. It's sad. No one outside of America eats this shit unnatural diet for epileptics. Keto is what fat people think it's healthy.
>dairy outside of baking
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>I calculated the inputs wrong therefore the formula is invalid
Third worlder hands typed this.
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>vegans are literally more scrawny than a 10 year old girl
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>if ur not stuffing ur face with lard that has a million calories ur vegan
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retarded fat fuck.
>>fish and lean poultry
>definitely not real keto
Once again, being against keto doesn't mean you're vegan.
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Keto and veganism are both psyops. They are both pushed by the elite for a reason.
>eat the lard slop with a million calories which is usually discarded
>eat the third world animal organs
>eat the estrogen-rich dairy
>no one ever said that
>would be
bro eating sticks of butter
Then he will reply to your post calling you an obsessive stalker despite posting on /fit/ nonstop for the last 3 years himself
>Who the fuck is promising that?
Jimmy moore
Depends on the cheese
thumbnail looks like a giant chicken drumstick
>> do keto
>> all pimples disappear
>> smooth skin in face
>> dark eye circles disappear
>> sleep is better
>> lower heart rate
>> stress mostly gone
>> lost 10kg, can see abs for the first time in 6 years
>> clear eyes, redness gone
>> seasonal allergies gone, in the middle of high-season, not even a sneeze
>> had astma all my life, but haven't needed medicine for a month (vs 4x per day before)
>> better mood
>> never get hungry, irritated or low blood sugar
>> energetic, motivated
>> looks live I've turned clock back 5 years
>> keratoris pillaris clearing up
>> no food comas
>> no cold hands/feet even if I haven't eaten in 48 hours
>> fasting is a breeze
Yeah, I think I'll take my chances
Mostly eating eggs, meat: beef, salmon and meat soups - fried in tallow or butter
I would be fine with this meal if you removed everything but the patties and gave me some rice and 2 kiwis
>cut out processed junk
>health improves
>must be keto and not all the stuff I but out
because your cortisol is high
since all that fat blocks your insulin receptors
which means you dont get energy to you cells
this wont go on for much longer
>your health improved because your health is poor
>2 more weeks
lol okay
Realistically how do you even go about eating this? Do you wear gloves? Do you cut it up with a knife and fork?

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