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/fit/ - Fitness

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How do men and women react when you walk around shirtless? Do you have any positive experiences from being /fit/ at the beach?
what's it like to have your whole head smothered in an ass like that
nobody gives a shit
I've been a shirtless weirdo for years and years, the second sun is touching my my shirt is off, even in winter months, idgaf
I walk around town like that all the time
sometimes people make comments like one boomer said "hey what are you trying to do, cause a car accident?" with a funny grin
most women won't even look at me, they will turn their heads to the side or look down to avoid
some teens can't help it and stare wide eyed
I'm not even jacked, just fit for normie standards
you're bald, aren't you
I'd rather walk around naked and really shock people
yes I am
how did you know? haha
I'm smart :)
>I'm not even jacked, just fit for normie standards
>Women not looking at my DYEL body proves lifting won't give you a physique that turns heads.

Opinion discarded.
Get jacked, Become a beach bum and find out
When at my leanest, compliments daily from men while walking
Comments from kids constantly
Women and girls will do double takes, can't look away
Have had cat calls from girls from cars driving by
Love when I'm lean, difficult to maintain. Best in summer
women leer from cars or from distances but when walking past they will turn their head like 90 degrees to make a show of not looking at me, it has more to do with their pride or something
sometimes brave ones will look me up and down but more often they will be shy and turn away
I need to get lean, the more I cut the more fat I realize I have
thought losing 10lbs would be good enough, now I realize after 12lbs down I probably have like another 20-30 to go to be TRULY lean
So true, everything you said. You don't realize how much there is to lose and the difficulty to get there until you actually get lean
It's absolutely fucking worth it though
Keep going, you have the right mindset. You've got it
thanks brother, been hungry a lot, usually after finishing a meal I will still be hungry
gonna keep going until I am truly lean where the skin on my belly is paper thin
I went to Hawaii with my wife and kiddo. We went to the beach every day. About half the women at the beach were overweight, the other half possibly breedable. It's a tourist spot so you get women from places where it's fine to have a thong bikini and have their tits hanging out, its not like a pool at the Y.

Anyways, demographically about half the women were overweight, the other half in the breedable range. But nearly every guy who was older than a teenager was overweight or obese. Disgusting, but I had no competition.

I got some mires, usually women just smiling when their fat husbands weren't looking. The best (or worst) one was this woman reclining right near the shore, with her feet in the water. She looked like she had had a ton of plastic surgery, tits, ass, and lips, model bimbo (although overtanned, and mildly bogged face). When I was getting out of the water near her, she lowered her sunglasses, looked right at me, and slowly licked her lips all the way around. I just laughed and did a stupid thumbs up for some reason because I'm retarded and didn't know how to respond to that lol.
I always stare at guys with six packs because I almost never see them in real life. The number of times is probably in the single digits.
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This has basically been my experience, however my wife is Hispanic and hates when women look at or talk to me. I enjoy the looks I get but my wife has nothing to worry about. I wouldn't throw away my marriage with 3 kids for a quick fling with a whore.
Besides, like I said. My wife's a spicy and they are what Iike to describe as loyal whores. They stand by their man and fuck their brains out nightly
Last I checked it was more rare than being a millionaire. Makes me pretty smug honestly.
im from a shithole poor seaside town with the ugliest creatures ever with disfigured and fucked up bodies and faces, and i see a 6 pack pretty regularly
>8.8% of the United States population are millionaires
That's surprisingly high.
Millionaire means 1M net worth. Boomers who own their home outright in states like California are millionaires even if they have 0 savings. I'm a half millionaire at 30 because
>350k in equity in a condo I bought right before covid
>100k in retirement accounts
>50k in stocks liquid
>usually after finishing a meal I will still be hungry
Diet pop can help after a meal to finish it off
Weekly refeed meal keeps me going
For me hunger can be controlled, but when the cravings hit, ravenous hunger, it's over. I try not to get too depleted to avoid them
I thought Hawaii was full of asians
It is, but touristy areas, kiddie beaches, etc have plenty of Amerifats and Euros
Try psyllium husk fiber, drink it with a glass of water right before or after your meal. Makes you feel full but has no calories. It’s just pure fiber.
People don't react much anymore to anything.

Hell, even fully roided out troons at the beach are mostly ignored.
>women leer from cars or from distances
I noticed this when I first got /fit/+walked shirtless, and have memories of being honked&waved at as well
This is the process if you've never been really lean before. You're a little overweight, but you're not THAT bad and you can see a little definition and think "all I need to do is lose 10 pounds and I'll be ripped."

Then you work at it over several weeks, and you lose that 10 pounds, and yeah, you look better, but not exactly *lean.* So you think another 5-10 pounds will be perfect.

And so you are even stricter than before, and lose like 7 pounds. And you look better but either a combination of dysmorphia and being online too much and know what really lean is supposed to look like, and you're just not really happy with it, it's not lean enough.

Anyways, it's been said forever but it's really true, you always have way more to lose to get actually lean than you can fool yourself into thinking when you start.
i got broad shoulders and and 18 inch biceps but 20% body fat and big nipples so kinda gross. i was standing and catching some sun on a nice day on a beach no one goes to. the few people that passed gave me a look of disgust even though they were all older and fatter than me. it's a fucking beach, i'll be shirtless if i want.
Ugly short fat boomers get angry at me and start calling me names
ye, fucking gross. I wish men were the ones that have to cover
Post physique I'm really curious what that looks like if people are giving you disgusted looks.
I went to the beach recently and this woman was burning a whole clean through my chest with her eyes
Kind of weird too given that I look pretty modest - I'm not that hench and I don't even have a six pack
no i don't want to. it's just a typical dad bod with big nipples. they were obviously giving me disgusted looks because they think if they can't be shirtless, why should i.
18 inch arms with 20% sounds impressive looking. If they're fat anyway it seems surprising that they'd be looking with disgust. They're probably jealous
Its probably your giantic pepperoni nipples
yeah that too
You look jacked. What's your height and weight?
6'0 and 106kg
when I went to the beach, I overheard someone in a group of people nearby say, "looks like a greek statue"
Stinky in a good way
Ha'oles have to go back.
I get mires from milfs and jailbait when I run shirtless. Nothing in-between
I've been quite lean in the past, trying to get back there again
yeah that's it eh
so weird
>mowing the front lawn
>live on a semi busy road
>wife comes out to chat about garden planning
>hear tires screech
>20-something girl veered into the oncoming lane
>attempts correction and overcompensates twice
>eyes are locked on my arms the entire time, neck craned around to stare as she drives past
>wife has terrible jealousy, takes me inside and fucks my brains out

i lold. im 33

>at a pool party, wifes college friend and husband
>college friend recently got into lifting
>stares the entire time, sometimes forgets to put sunglasses on for plausible deniability
>wife seeths the whole car ride home after she gave me road head

its not all sunshine and blowjobs with a wife like that, but when it's good boy is it good
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Why can't I get attention from women
Ju need 2 bee u self mane

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