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>october 2023
>got given the gift that keeps on giving aka herpes (thanks bitch)
>first infection absolutely sucked
>no outbreak until end of March when i hit a period of high stress/anxiety
>blisters aren't painful
>beginning of June, blisters still present
>get prescribed Acyclovir (doesn't work)
>go see doctor again after a few days, get prescribed Valacyclovir
>been on it for 4 days, no sign of change
>notice the blister i managed to pop has healed, near my belly button
>get brilliant idea to just burn the skin and pop them (the two red ones)
>disinfect everything rigorously, of course
>some disgusting hard white mass comes out of both of them
has what's inside of the blisters just become "dead" and not been dealt with by my body or something?
this might explain why the antivirals don't seem to work
i'll monitor how they heal and burn the rest of the blisters in a few days
any opinions or suggestions on this situation?
goddamn this makes me never want to have sex again
found out my ex got herpes after cheating on her boyfriend with another ex of hers
what a whore
and now she has a new boyfriend
it sucks man, this bitch didn't even tell me she had it and just didn't give a shit she gave it to me
also, since it is HSV1 (oral herpes) she gave it to me by sucking my dick, for which i obviously don't wear a condom
luckily my symptoms are okay, since i just get the blisters and none of the pain usually associated with it
Somehow managed to bang 50 girls in college and not catch the herpes. You gotta shine a flashlight on these hoes pussys
holy fuck you got herpes from a singular blowjob? damn that is wild, I didn't even know HSV1 can break out on your dick like that
I feel for you man, all I can say is boost your immune system turbo
I'd be throwing everything at it
oil of oregano, NAC, ivermectin, zinc, vitamin C, the works
I have done some rather silly acts like raw dogging a hooker in jakarta, raw dogging a girl in tanzania, raw dogging mexican tinder dates, raw dogging known sluts
basically all my sex has been without condom
only thing I ever got was chlamydia from the hooker in jakarta
Nice Larp
is it that hard to believe? which part? not getting herpes or having sex in an irresponsible fashion? you'd be surprised at how often girls are willing to do it without a condom
What's not hard to believe is that you're a manslut
>inb4 "I've had mote sex than you ever will have"
Yeah, from fucking mystery meat hail mary style
Listen I’m gonna post this once, you stupid fuckers remember this forever.
DMSO (DimethylSulfoxide) over 3-6 weeks on your spine, it’s where hvs1 and 2 hide at before outbreak. Rub that shit on your whole spine. DON’T mix it with anything weird. Do your research they hide it well. This shit works and has worked for many people. I’ve seen it cure ppl first hand. If you ignore this, enjoy your lifetime of shit.
What is your point here? Shut up nigga
That's molluscum contagiosum faggot.You don't have herpes. I got it a year ago from a fucking slut. I'm never having sex again
Why? Does the truth hurt, slut? Go have another round in Djibouti. Maybe then you'll get HIV and I can laugh at your sorry ass even harder
holy fucking shit you're right, so i can just continue extracting it myself right?
>You don't have herpes
i do nigga i was tested last year while i was having (VERY PAINFUL) blisters all on my cock and dickhead
>>get brilliant idea to just burn the skin and pop them (the two red ones)
The virus doesn't live in your skin, anon. It's not like warts. The virus lives in your nerve cells, your nervous system. That's why it's impossible to cure.
Yeah I thought it may be molluscum contagiosum, too, especially if herpes meds didn't affect it at all.
>be me July 2023
>horny need sexo retarded mode
>match with busted trailer trash whore on tinder
>long story short she's pregnant and her tummy was hurting so she sucked my dick for a ride to the hospital
>pick her up after work
>she fellated me with the skill of a master and didn't spill a drop
>gives the tip a little kiss when she's done
>says its no big deal, she used to be a stripper and did this all the time
>started turning tricks full time when she wasn't pretty enough to strip anymore
>jokes about how she's even fucked guys in the same parking lot I took her to
I think I narrowly avoided this fate
stop fucking sluts. You also might have HPV if u got that shit
get the vax if you're into that sort of thing, fellas (9-valent one too ideally)
shit's what got michael douglas tongue cancer
I heard that you must be young to take the shot. I'm 29 so I think I can't get it
Black seed oil
Super Lysine
Using coconut oil as surface treatment
Vitamin C IV
Decaffinated Green tea
NAC protocol
Deep breathing exercises
Be on the look out for any pritelivir trials
brewed Olive Tea with a few drops of Oregano oil
Prolonged Fast + Prayer to jesus for healing (40 day long fast might cure it)

I've got both types of herpes, Went through this shit years ago and now I'm giving you all the treatment i used that helped me so now can avoid years and months of looking for the right treatments

People are stupid and underestimate herpes. You can get it with a condom. Herpes meds aren't guaranteed to work. And herpes can get way worse than a simple tummy blister.

Also now you have to tell every girl you date that you have it. That's what you get for listening to retarded 20 year old reddit and youtube videos telling you not to worry about herpes. So if youre an incel chud struggling to get a gf but decide to cope with sluts and prostitutes and get herpes now getting married or laid is going to be 90% harder.
nah it's *old* bullshit recommendations which are inhumane as usual, they thought "since muh you prolly got "it" (wdym there's more strains that you'd still benefit to be protected from)"
they bumped it up to 45 at some point, possibly more
I went, asked, and was able to get all 3 shots as a boomer, though it wasn't too cheap. Rather that than future cancer tho
don't let them cuck you out of proper healthcare
is there anything more cringe than sex havers?
What test did you get? Unless it was a swab it could be a false positive. I got blood tested and came up as a false positive. Never had symptoms or an outbreak but the doctor never told me that. Went to another place and got a better test done, they said it was a false positive. If your results are like 0.00 to 4.5 ish you have a 50% chance of being a false positive.
I had a 2 year bout of balanitis which i'm 99% sure is either herpes or HPV
Seems to be more or less under control now

Ran like 5 or 6 full panels + dna tests and everything came back negative, shit cost me half a fucking fortune... Still have weird shit on my dick when my immunity drops
You didn't have an STD, you just didn't wash your dick
Being a wizard ain't so bad after all.
i went through the worst two months of my life thinking i had caught it but got lucky. no way in hell i'm ever going to fuck anyone that i'm not fairly certain i will spend my life with, not even if a 10/10 spreads his/her legs in front of me. i might get oral HSV-1 first on purpose just so i can get blown somewhat safely
can't say you didn't catch it until you test negative. like 80% of people that have it have no symptoms
not OP but my herpes 2 test was 3.9. That counts like a negative right? after 1 year exposure
I tested negative before getting with my gf a year ago. Im in the clear right?
if you get it, it may take up to three months for it to show up. so yeah, you should be in the clear unless you caught it right before you tested for it
No, that's a potential false positive. Go to a Quest Diagnostic and get their herpes test or get a Western Blot test. If you've never had symptoms there's a good chance of a false positive but get tested.
colloidal silver for all open wounds and active blisters, arnica oil for blisters and areas about to flare up, drink 3x doses of lipsomal vit c, super high vit d doses and vit k. cease all sexual activity while active outbreaks, try not to stress, plenty have this, and this is also what herpidermaformis looks like, the celiac rash from gluten, also poison ivy rash, all same as herpes, so this is a super common human issue that only flares when your immune system is low. all those meds are $$ and are like using nukes to kill bugs, use silver. vitamins. diet. rest.
mad virgin cellie, go take it in the ass so you can lie to people and say youve had sex
The results says that anything below 9 is negative
thank god i gave up on sex 2 years ago
That's weird, never heard of that one. When I went to the doctor they explained how fucked herpes testing is. The only way to really test is if you have symptoms. If that's what the docs told you and you have no symptoms then you're good I guess.
yeah just ignore this post OP, its not like it isnt one of the most helpful things commented on this thread
is this even real? I don't believe STDs are real. I have fucked 46 different girls, the majority of which were degenerate hookups where I never wore a condom, and I've never had a STD before
I've had mouth herpes since I was a little kid. Sucks but it doesn't come up much if I'm taking care of my health. But here's how I clear it up quick:
>First, going at it fast is important. The longer you wait the longer it takes to clear. In time you'll recognize the appearance and sensation of an imminent outbreak.
>If it does get big enough to form fluid-filled blisters, be super careful. The fluid IS the vector of transmission, it's incredibly infectious.
>While the bumps are still small and fluidless, I burst every single one open, making sure to break skin. I can do this by chewing on my own lips but I guess it'll be harder for you
>Coat the entire area in table salt. Hurts like a motherfucker but it dries up fast
>Take 3 Lycine pills a day for the next week
And it never never never gets big enough to be visible.
I hooked up with a slut once after a party, and afterwards I was so terrified I might have caught an STD I decided to never hook up again.
>burning herpes blisters
let me read more about this
beta filter is so weak, they get std's.
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Are you sure thats not like nickel allergy or some shit? I instantly get blisters to that area wearing cheap belt buckles
>haha incel virgin
Bravo, slut. You sure showed me how to put me in my place when your own instinct for self-preservation is so shit that you'll probably rawdog a chimp

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