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>Start lifting again in March
>Hurt my lower back squatting bitch weight
>Bulging disc, takes months to recover
>Start lifting again the past few weeks
>Almost fully recovered, adding more weight
>Just hurt my lower back again on squats

It's over, isn't it? I'll never be able to squat or deadlift heavy ass weight again like I used to in my prime.
I just turned 26, times change. I'm an old man now, it's fucking JOEVER.
How do I avoid your fuckups, just isolate the lower back and make sure I am strong there?
I don't know man. I can't figure out if it's lower back weakness, core weakness, glute weakness. I've been told to do a hundred different stretches. Fuck this shit I used to lift heavy and never got injured.
Stop rushing your sets when it comes to compound movements.
It might be that I'm doing the reps too quickly. Maybe I'm squatting down too quickly and the inertia pulls my spine?
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-Add one-leg back extensions to your routine to isolate your erectors and back extensors. Have your body slightly tilted towards the free swinging side and only go up to about parallel with the floor, while trying to reach forwards instead of upwards (above parallel & upwards = more glutes and hamstring). You can start with just bodyweight and do 13+ reps. Do this at least once per week.
-Add tibialis isolation to your routine: heels elevated standing bodyweight tibs raises, KB/DB tibs raises, backwards sled walk, backwards incline treadmill walk, etc. Do this at least once per week.
-Do all of your squats and squat variants with ATG and with knees over toes at the bottom (drop your ego and go lighter if you can't)
-Ideally you should be able to deadlift more than you squats. If you can't, you shouldn't squat as much and should let your deadlift catch up and surpass your squats. Also, if you have RDL in your routine, do it with enough of a deficit that the weight won't touch the floor even at the bottom and try to stretch your hip and back as much as possible when you're there (again, drop your ego and go with lighter weight)
-Don't neglect your abs and obliques training.
>-Ideally you should be able to deadlift more than you squats.
Hmmm, I think this may be it.
My squat and deadlift have always been equal. I guess I should allow my deadlift to reach 1 plate higher than my squat, and just squat with the bar for now.
thanks anon.
Who cares? Just stop before you permanently injure yourself
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Bulging discs take AGES to recover.
I'm still fucked after 2 years because I didn't stop loading my spine.
Every single time I take it easy my back recovers at a decent pace and then I aggravate it again.
Just take a break, don't be like me.
Avoid most machine exercises for legs, many of them will fuck your back in surprising ways. I need not tell you about barbell rows, squats, any deadlift variations and OHP because those are obvious.

If you find yourself feeling good, don't change a thing. Hell take it even easier. Don't sacrifice both your quality of life and lifting just because you are hellbent on doing those exercises.
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what the fuck
so if you hurt your disc it's pretty much over, never lifting again?
i thought you just took off 2 weeks and go back at it. REEEEEEE
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Swallow the lean pill and start swimming
Just pick a relatively low weight and squat with that very slowly. Something you can squat with perfect form over the course of several seconds per rep. Stick with it for like 6 months (or forever). You'll be gaining muscle the entire time and won't hurt yourself. If you decide you want to chase numbers again, you'll find that when you go back to heavier weights you'll be hitting roughly the same numbers you did before and every session you'll make huge leaps until you've built up the neurological pathways to use the new muscle and then you'll stall or start gaining slowly again.
>so if you hurt your disc it's pretty much over, never lifting again?

No, but you need to think in terms of years, not weeks or months.
Discs get scraps in terms of blood flow and some form of exercise is necessary to facilitate that, they recover like SHIT but they can and will get better as long as your don't do stupid shit.

You will eventually be able to do all exercises again but you must wait to be symptom free for at LEAST several months before hand.
My lower back is fucked too and I did PT for it. Introduce core work into your routine, start with PT exercise type movements. it's boring as fuck but I started to notice a significant improvement after only like 4-6 weeks. You have to stay with it though.

Tbh I gave up on heavy squat/deads and started doing more bb type movements for lower work. I'm only 29 and it's just not worth risking more back pain.
it's time to take the sledpill anon, little to no pressure on your spine and you can build some great endurance.
Just don't train legs. It's a meme body part anyway.
How did you unfuck your back?
What I (not OP) posted here >>74605059
It's essentially re/prehab work that anyone who wants to lift heavy for a long long time should do. Don't listen to the doomposters.
>one leg back extensions
>squats, squat variants
Oh I think you're talking about a different tier of disc fuckedness, I can barely walk up a slight incline or bend down to tie my shoelaces lol.
Then do whatever you can rite now so that you can recover to the point you can do those. Other than working with your therapist to get your disc back in working order, you can also try:
-Use a handheld vibrating massage machine (not the muscle gun, too strong for dedicate massaging) and massage the side areas right next to your spine on your back, from your tailbone (or even further down to your glutes and hamstrings) to your neck, but especially the area around the fucked disc and the area at the same height as your elbows (you can use your knuckle and reach around your back and massage the area on the opposite side of your arm)
-Do quarter reps no-weight good mornings with bent spine and extend on the way up, with band assistance if needed, for 20-40 reps, 3 or so sets. Progress by bending down further and further until you can do full ROM good mornings
Do these every day to increase blood flow to the damaged area to repair it.
It ain't over, anon.
Never fall for the lift heavy meme. The fuck you need to lift 200kg for? You can lift light as fuck and be athletic
reporting in - also done my spine in divebombing only 3pl8 for reps.
didn't warm up enough and now it's been months since i could even bb row let alone deadlift past 4pl8.
currently doing sub 3 pl8 for 8-12 reps, single leg work i think does a lot of good too along with very high rep low weight rdl.
gl boys
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>he fallened for the lifting meme
Stop fucking squatting if you keep hurting yourself you colossal giga retard holy fuck. There are other ways you can target every muscle involved.
Not OP - but this anon >>74605688

I have a bulging disc too. Mine has recurred multiple times. You need actual medical advice and physical therapy. It's worth the time and money, you're young. Use your health insurance. I realized I needed to take it more seriously when I was the only one bitching about back pain in an office of 50-60+ year olds. Imagine having shitty back pain you never figured out how to deal with in like 10-15 years when you just want to play with your kids.

Here are some actual PT exericses that helped me. Just google, they all have youtube tutorials.

Core work:
Dead Bug Heel Touches
Supine Dead Bug with Leg Extension
Standing Anti-Rotation Press with Anchored Resistance (if too easy then replace with squatting version)
Shoulder Extension with Resistance (if too easy then perform in kneeling position/can be good warm up)

My issue was lower back/sciatica so this stuff is more specific to that:
Side Plank with Clam and Resistance
Side Stepping with Resistance at Ankles
Standing March with resistance band
Single leg RDL
Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
All I've heard is that you have to be rounding your back to fuck your discs up lifting. When you arch forward they want to squeeze out backwards. If you arch the other way there's bone in the way, and if it's straight they don't want to move.
kek bet it was a low bar powersharter squat
is low bar worse than high bar for disc problems?

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