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Anyone have this?
They just did surgery on my ass
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No but I have this permanent headless pimple on my chest I think is an ingrown hair.

I kind of want to go to a dermatologist and I kind of just want to buy scalpels on Amazon and go for it.

I think pulling out a footlong hair all the way to its gross yellow root would be very satisfying.
brat girl feet in my mouth
I've had what I think is a big sebaceous cyst on my left buttcheek for as long as I can remember. I'm kind of curious about what's inside but I never want to commit to recovery time.
I had the cleft lift surgery done back in January. If that's the procedure you had I can answer some questions
Had it removed by a plastic surgeon (100% covered by my insurance here)

Almost unnoticeable scar. No more pain or discomfort.
Yeah, I had one form abscesses for like 3 months before I finally just cut it open with a knife in the shower and flushed it with bleach. Put a layer of anti bacterial ointment and a bit bandage on it for 2-3 weeks and it eventually scarred over.
I'd be lying if I said I never thought about doing this. Hope it ends up okay for ya
dude I think I'm just gonna cut this chest pimple. I've wanted to tweeze out the ingrown hair for half of my life at least. I know it's in there
I had it, I couldn’t sit down for a month. It was shit
Yep. Fancy how nobody cares.
2012, December. My upper ass started swelling cause I spent 3 days non stop playing league while sitting on a flat wooden chair, but also somewhat slouched down like a retard, so somewhay sitting by my tailbone. Then a swelling began, couldnt put my pants on, missed 2 exams because of that. Couldnt go to the gym, or just sit for a week. Only option was to lay down sideways. A week of painkillers and wailing and I got about enough of it. Bought ichtiol and had it on for 2 nights. Ichtiol is magic - it can suck out any pus infection to skin level, so it was almost ready to burst open. Got a razor and my roommate's bottle of cheap whiskey. Drank a few, douzed the razor in it and poured some on top of the lump, then made a small cut with the razor. Didnt do it in the bathroom cause no mirror there, but in my own room facing my ass to the biggest mirror I had. I wasnt ready. Should have put some towels or at least tp on the floor. Id never seen such a burst of pus, pusblood and blood by then, and I still havent by now. The pain went away almost immediately though. Kept it drained over the next day and clean for a week and it closed up on its own. Havent had it again.

Did have an anal fistula last year though, fun.
Isopropyl 90% plus, sharp tweezers and a mirror will help you brother. Wash it extremely well in the shower after. Sanitize tools prior to surgery
Wash your asses lads
I had one that hurted like hell when it appeared, it used to leak pus from time to time until it stopped, it encapsulated and is living inside me for +10 years
It's caused by ingrown hair
If you have a really hairy ass you can just be unlucky
Ripping all the hair out of my ass by hand tonight. Wish me luck.
Yep, I had this about a year ago. Basically they dug a hole in my asscheek, then every day afterwad I had to get a dressing on it changed.

I was a rooner and obviously I couldnt do any running or gym shit for like 6 weeks afterwards. It sucked but Im glad I got it done. No problems with it since. It wasnt even that sore in the aftermath but for some people it is.
Retard. Ripping successfully grown out hairs will do nothing, but force the folicle under the skin to produce new hairs, which may or may not grow out properly.
Removing my ass tonight. Wish me luck.
thats better
I had this and I thought it was my tailbone that was hurting for like two weeks.
When I did a few body weight squats at home thinking maybe it would help with the discomfort, the cyst popped and a bunch of bad smelling puss and blood came out. Ended up rinsing and pressing out the fluid like 5 times a day in the shower for a week until it stopped producing fluid.
Pain relief was almost instant when the puss came out.
This shit ruined my life after surgery it just wouldn't heal for a year and then it came back. I did diet and shaving all hair in the area helps. Also this:
I think a surgery for this kind of a thing is a big overkill. I posted my adventures with it in the thread and a lot of other anons dealt with it on their own Unless the infection is in too deep.
Depends how bad it is. Mine was constantly leaking pus and blood and the danger of infection was high. But you have to get the modern procedure to avoid reoccurence
>all these niggas being too pussy to perform self surgery
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Another pussy!?
>had I can answer some questions
Where's your ass?
I have exactly the same, plus one on my neck. Permanently pus filled pores that I have to squeeze out a couple of times a week. Id take a fucking scalpel to them if I knew what I was doing
They literally tore you a new asshole?
anal hair removal. get it.
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Yeah. Got them real when I was a teenager after sweating in gym class and sitting on my ass in a desk for the rest of the day. Had them into college. progressed to where they were draining fluid and such. Eventually it became infected and became a massive golf ball at the top of my ass crack. Had to go see a nurse who numbed the area and then made an incision. Puss literally shot up into the air. Nurse giggle (she’s a cute mom who’s daughter I am mutual friends with on my ski team). Still needed to see a surgeon who could actually remove the foot-long hairs that’d been growing in the cysts for eight years. After the surgery I had a tube in my ass crack to help drain the fluids since it was so bad. Spent a good week or two not being able to sit normally and just lay in my stomach, play vidya and do house chores since I couldn’t possibly work with the pain and said tube in asscrack. Sucks to say the plastic surgery the doc performed whilst removing the cysts didn’t do enough to prevent them from returning. Now I’m currently in the process of getting surgery again. Shit fucking sucks. Most days I ignore the sensation of boulders in my asscrack, but every now and then I am reminded of my eternal discomfort.
I have one in the middle of my chest. Doctor said it was a keloid
Picture cropped to avoid weirdos spankin it to my juicy gloots
Cleft lift surgery is basically removing the infected area and then sewing your ass crack over a bit to prevent reoccurence. The old method leaves you with a gaping hole for months that slowly heals and may not solve the underlying issue
i have a small abscess (less than pea sized) on my left buttcheek, near the tailbone, and i always wonder what's inside. i really wanna pop it but i'm scared of making it worse. it doesn't affect me whatsoever physically, but GOD i'd feel good exploring it
Sounds pilonidal to me. Popping it or excising it likely won't get rid of it long term and the debris inside is likely unimpressive. Its small hairs that work their way up from your ass crack and settle near the tailbone that germinate the infection
Yeah it was fine after I just decided to commit. By the time I cut it open shit was so scarred up it was numb. Looking back I should have gone to the doctor but I was broke.
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Had it done, definitely worth the surgery. Mine would get inflamed once every three months for a couple of years and it was sore to walk. I ended up putting maxi pads in my boxers the first week after surgery so I didn’t get blood on my pants, that was degrading….
The BBC didn't do you well
Yeah I got it once from driving too much. I didn't have health coverage so I just lanced it myself with a mirror and razor, cleaned the surface with some hydrogen peroxide, and gauzed it. I had to sit on a pillow for a couple weeks but it worked and never came back.
Can't believe no one posted it yet, but rubbing honey on the pimple/cyst/whatever helps the skin thin and the pus to come closer to surface level. Takes 1 - 3 days until they basicly pop by theirselves or with minimal pressure.
Also antibacterial by default.
Based self surgery chads.
I got laser hair removal on my upper ass crack ares where this is and never had it happen again. Best money spent.
>Puss literally shot up into the air.
That's so cool/gross. I'm sorry they are still plaguing you.
I had this shit for like 1.5-2 years. Essentially every 6+ months it would just swell up and make me almost immobile. It was during a time I mostly sat in a chair the whole day apart from making food and going to the gym. 3 total occurrences. The last time it happened I just bit on a towel and did my best to squeeze out as much of the puss and shit as possible when the thing popped (naturally, I didn't pop it preemptively). Since then I've not had any issues and over a year has passed. I've become more active and no longer sit in a chair for the majority of the day, I think those 2 factors along with my self-mutilation during the last time it swelled up are probably why I'm no longer having issues.
I had surgery for this back in 2022. Against all online recommendations, I went for a minimally invasive option (pit picking + filac to burn it out). I was completely fine after a week again and it's been good since then. Looking at the other procedures, such as cleft lift etc, I'd rather repeat this one over and over if I get it back, rather than have half my ass removed. But it's been fine so far.
I had one of these. I always tried to pop it. Idk maybe I succeeded, it’s no longer there.
Must be American
I only have a hole in there (not asshole) and it sometimes opens. Last time was around new year 2023 and then it healed. It came back this summer when i cut some ass hairs. It healed in few days.
Haven't had a full cyst... yet
>didn’t do enough to prevent them from returning
That´s annoying. I know people who had to go through this for three times within 6 years. I´m quite scared about that topic because I´m a hairy dude but I never had that happen to me.
Had it twice. First time, i got pit picking with open healing (trephination). Healed up seemingly properly, I was cleared to start training again, fell on my ass once (martial arts training) and got a massive abscess and sepsis. Got plastic surgery (full removal + skin flap) and haven't had any problems in the 5 years since.

I did read up on statistics the second time I got it, and iirc, pit picking has like 5 % recidive risk with 2 weeks of healing, plastic methods 1-3% (dependig on how they cut the flap, with some methods having a risk for necrosis instead) with 3-6 months of healing. the classic "open" method has 50-90% risk of reoccurence, but thanks to shitty mandatory health insurance here in germany, it's still the most common method used.
Laser methods seem to be th perfect method, with ~0% of reoccurence at 2 weeks of healing, but there's little statistical data since almost no doctor has the equipment for it.
i think i once had something similar around my tailbone, but i somehow popped it (without being able to see what i was doing). i am a very hairy individual, whats the best way counter these? just shower regularly? stroke my ass so i can tell if there are any forming?
No, but my two brothers and my nephew had this

They're so fucked up
Please do not procreate. We need to cleanse the gene pool out of this kind of stupidity.
Ah the wound is starting to get quite painful desu
...why? Just why?
Why what? Surgery is scary so if I can help my fellow anons I will
idk if i ahd exact thign but i had something similar. shit was big and red to the point i felt like i had fever. i took and needle and pricked it. pus exploded, squeezed hard a few tiems and it was gone.
Does anyone have the screencaps of the anon who had a massive gaping hole in his spine that his mom wouldn't even drive him to the doctor for?
/fit/ saved a life
based pit picker
i was about to have cleft surgery as well, but did my own research, cancelled the appt and went to a doc who did pit picking. apparently he removed a literal hairball from the cyst (threw it away before i could see). it got better immediately, healed within 3 weeks and it got inflamed few times ever since but now i had no episodes anymore.
what really helped was: getting LEAN, lost 20 kgs from my "bulking phase", sitting straight, NOT on your tailbone and removing hair from lower back. if you can afford it, aome recommend lasering off hair from inside the crack. i didnt do that myself
I once had a massive red spot appear on the side of my nose, incredibly high pressure and very painful. I finally grit my teeth one day and fought through the pain to pop the fucker. A motherfucking nostril hair popped out - it had ingrown all the way through my fucking nose.
Reoccurrence stats put me off of pit picking but mine was also pretty fucked up by the time I got the cleft lift. Was pretty painful for two weeks and couldn't do squats or deads for a bit but has been fine ever since. And hopefully I never have to worry about it ever again
I had something similar, except I'd had the fucking thing for a few months. I'd started tentatively pressing on it in the shower and then one day some duct or pore opened and it just drained a load of blood and pus, same as you. Did the same pressure over a few days and even it finally fully emptied there was a load of hair that came out as well.
Had one many years ago, got it lanced and drained by a general surgeon. The doctors were very insistent I do the full removal surgery. I refused, no problems for a decade now. I think they are way too trigger-happy with these surgeries, given how many docs are apparently still using the old technique. Sorry, no way am I letting some medfag maim my ass cheek for this.
I feel you. I would never get the old technique. But I had had it for years and it was constantly leaking and getting inflamed and I was sick and tired of it. It was my own decision as well; did a good bit of research before finally going through with it. Had a specialist 20 min away too. I'd also read that getting it lanced and drained or having other procedures done made the surgical fixes more complicated so I never had it fucked with prior. No regrets with the surgery thus far.
In the army I told guys to be wary of this after seeing a /b/ post of some guy's ass with an entire second asshole formed from a pilonidal cyst and they all thought I was being a gay weirdo.
I was all like "groom your ass hair" "wash your ass" "you're gonna get a second asshole" and they were all like "but I'm not gay" and "it doesn't matter what my ass looks like"
But it's not about the looks
It's about the integrity of the ass
Save yourselves gentlemen
lmao you let another man touch your bum
yeah, mine was leaking blood for a over a year. I tried cutting and squeezing it out a couple of times but eventually I went to a surgeon but he never called me back to book surgery, and I was to busy with resesarch and writing my thesis to book another appointment. But he ripped some of it with forceps and it scarred over. I (and likely all of you who cut it up yourself) still have the hole that connects the abscess site with the asscrack. I guess it's bound to get clogged with hair eventually and proper surgery is inevidable.

It's nice to see that
> "I'll cut it out with a razor"
is a common male reaction to skin problems
>Had one many years ago, got it lanced and drained by a general surgeon. The doctors were very insistent I do the full removal surgery. I refused, no problems for a decade now.

I had EXACTLY the same expperience. I think sleeping with no pants prevent the recurrence.
I have a cyst there but so far it never got inflamed and I hope it will never happen in the future, i dont want ass surgery
Mine wasn't enflamed for years and then it suddenly happened
Yeah, thats what Im afraid might happen one day but until then I dont want to pay outta the ass (heh) to get it laserd (even more money and hard to find) or cut out via regular surgery (i dont even want to imagine the recovery process and not being able to sit for 2 or more weeks)
The cleft lift surgery recovery isn't too bad anon. But you can likely put it off for a while until it starts bothering you (if it ever does.) Not gonna lie it was pretty goddamm painful sitting down and getting back up and driving was torture for the first week. By week two it was a lot better and after 10-14 days they remove the wound tube and that makes it dramatically less painful. And now a few months later its completely healed and just a couple twinges now and then. New procedure is also closed wound and they send you home the same day. No gaping hole, no gauze packing; way lower reoccurence rate
Did you have any trouble shitting/wiping after the surgery?
these are usually very easy to cut and fix yourself. you need one or those scalpel heads(blade only) they sell in pharmacies, apply rubbing alcohol and just make one small shallow incision. it's enough to be able to reach the hair with a needle and pull it out. indeed very satisfying
I had some initial constipation from the anesthetic/opiates they gave me that scared the hell out of me but ended up not being an issue at all. Actually, sitting on the toilet was one of the most comfortable places to sit since it put less pressure on things. Definitely have wet wipes or wet some TP to make sure to get as clean as possible especially since you can't shower for at least the first week. Also, because I had had no other procedures done my surgery was textbook and the bottom of the incision was was a good distance from my asshole. The bandages were a bit closer though since they cover it in a big bulky dressing for the first week or two; that picture I posted above was after 8 or 9 days I think
Yep, had it. It's fine. Did it under local anesthesia. Nurse was a retard, doctor was chill. Worst thing about it was the fact that something they gave me made my mouth taste super bitter and they wouldn't give me water because they were concerned I was gonna throw up. My ex picked me up afterwards and we had a pretty great dinner at a seafood place.
Yea OP is a momma’s boy. I had something like that. Ingrown hair. Just took care of it myself.
>not pictured: anon stabbing himself right into the asscrack with a scalpel
If it's a keloid go to a dermatologist. Keloids are overgrown scar tissue that you can't get rid of on your own. Usually injections are used to treat them.
I thought you had your asshole on the buttocks
I had two surgeries to get rid of mine . It's worth.
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I was a chubby, hairy fucker in highschool. I was pushing 200 lbs as a manlet.

At 17, wipe after shitting, and it came back fucking red and yellow.

In my infinite wisdom, I ignored that shit for 5 years, waiting for it to go away. It didn't. I finally went to a proctologist as I was graduating college. The size of the area was bigger than they expected during surgery, so they carved it all out and packed the wound with gauze and sewed it in. I had packed bandage sewed into my ass for 4 weeks or so. The next visit, they cut that out, and then my ass finally started to stop hurting for the first time in 5 years.

It sucked, but it never came back. That was like, 15 years ago. That whole ordeal still motivates me to not be a fat, sweaty turd. The worst part is over, OP.
is this the guy that crossdressed as a "joke" yet started taking HRT, then a few years down the line?

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