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Uhhhhhh anti-carb bros???
Explain this
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Bread is a staple for many reasons
Endurance athletes have to eat shitloads of food. Michael phelps went viral 10 years ago for his 10k calories a day diet
You should know this by now
>Genetic freak who's also on gear eats like shit
Why should this interest me?
What's wrong with pbandj
Snickers sales probably went through the roof for a couple months after that article.
He was also lying through his teeth. Shaw/Thor/Eddie are shown to put meat in a blender just to help them choke down enough calories to reach 10k and they weigh ~450 apiece for competition. There's no way Phelps at half that weight is consistently forcing that many calories down.
phelps was eating goyslop and 1500g of carbs or some shit. Totally different from trying to get 500g of protein like a strongman. Marathon runners eat 7-8k calories in mostly carbs no problem
I forget his name, but I remember reading about an ultra marathoner who'd order pizza while he was out and meet the delivery on a corner.
>Marathon runners eat 7-8k calories in
before they run a marathon, 2 times a year
You realize they run long distances to train for the marathon too? Are you being retarded on purpose or are you just fucking brain dead
he probably was exaggerating but you can eat 2k calories of fast food trash pretty easily. that's like 3 burgers from mcdonalds and some fries. if you were training multiple times per day swimming, you could easily do that 5 times a day. when i did cross country we were running 10 miles most days and no one could even keep weight on despite eating junk nonstop all day.
Absolutely nothing to 99.9% of people on this planet. But here on /fit/ bread is poison, PB is full of pufas, and jelly is goyslop.
>Brought to you by K Cereals and McDonalds.
The ultimate goy foods
You are comparing a protein rich diet to diet where calories and carbs are the focus. You should know how different it is to eat a protein rich diet and a non protein rich diet, like every human in the world can feel the difference this shouldnt need explanation. Are you a ayylmao?
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Why the fuck would you bring up that disgusting, horrible person?
Anti-carb faggots get the rope.
It was proven decades ago carbo loading+regular cardio prevents diabetes while maintaining huge energy reserves needed to be athletic and muscular.
Not a coincidence everyone shilling keto has to go on testosterone replacement therapy.
How do you faggots not understand the simplicity of nutrition at this point is both concerning and disappointing. Carbs are fuel. They're fine if you're gonna have a lot of physical activity and working out throughout the day. Just dont go nuts on bread and sugar if all you do is sit on a chair.
What is wrong with carbs?
CICO > meme diets. That includes low fat high carb.
The body gets all the fat it needs from the meat sources you ingest.
Which is why regular fish intake is also important.
Once you have reached your daily fat intake there are zero benefits to eating any more fat and tons of health problems.

We evolved to eat carbs newfag, we are omnivores.
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>roidtranny eats whatever and gets away with it

More at 11.
He is a carb addict. Carbohydrates continue to be toxic and suboptimal in the human diet.
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Dean Karnazes. He famously said this in the past. But he’s been open lately about following non processes and gluten free (not sure paleo or not now) and said he’s gotten better cause of this over the years. Man’s also a freak of nature and doesn’t physically produce lactic acid.

I’m an ultra runner, but the kind who eats pizza during races. Training it’s best to be clean and healthy, but race day on a 24 hour loop race, if you don’t care about finishing top three then it’s more fun to just eat pizza and in n out as you stumble around in the dark on another lap. 99 percent of the time is when diet really counts, it’s the last 1 percent when I eat candy and soda just to get another 5 miles
Running a marathon only burns like 2500 calories. Kipchoge runs 220km per week, burning ~1900 calories per day with his training. His average daily expenditure is probably 4000-5000 calories.
Candy at least makes sense to me as far as pack out goes. Very calorie dense compared to weight, so the ruck weight is worth the squeeze, and has the same effect in your gut. I'm nowhere near even regular marathons, but I just cannot fathom carrying a fucking pizza through that sort of mileage.
Nah brah, pb & 'nanas. Wash it down with a glass of 3.25%.
He also weighs like 100 pounds
IIFYM and stays under your TDEE, its fine. If that means eating more fat and fewer carbs, not a problem. There is no specific macro ratio for omnivores.
Carbs are superior IF you are using them e.g high intensity exercise. If you don't use the carbs for anything, they float around in your blood stream, cause damage and insulin resistance

If you are a computer slob, better to run on ketones

Oh no, I don’t pack it on races. Pizza and snacks I have either in my text area/visitor area or at aid stations. Loop races are cool cause it’s just laps over and over so you are next more than a couple miles from passing your station. Aid stations on ultras are also cool, they will tend to mouth out good snacks

should also add as you get older your ability to absorb carbs tapers off (as do alot of other things in the body). around 30 you really need to start paying attention to diet. your magnesium stores, taurine etc etc. all the natural vitamins and minerals your body synthesizes goes down, so you need to supplement and get them through your diet. it doesn't matter so much when you're younger. college students get away with eating cup noodles and they're fine. its because your body is young and it makes all the stuff it needs

30+ you are in the yellow to orange zone for health problems to start appearing. diabetes, stroke, cancer etc etc. you really need to take care of yourself at 30+. you cant drink monster with sugar and eat snickers bars anymore

at least start the transition to low carb or keto if you are relatively inactive and around this age, or you might no be on this planet anymore by the time you hit 40. seriously
>what's wrong with a flour, sugar and pufa bomb
lots of exercise can hide the ill effects of high carb for a while but it will usually catch up with you
I've said it for ages that it doesn't really matter what you eat so long as you do your cardio. Fatties don't want to sweat so they choose to fast instead which is fucking stupid.
>Running a marathon only burns like 2500 calories.
I burn half this on my cardio days. How exactly is a marathon so easy in your eyes?
except Phelps in his training did probably 2-3hrs of HIIT swimming sprints a day to prepare for his 100, 200 and 400 team relay joints.
And cardio HIIT is extremely more taxing and calorie demanding that lifting weights.
1hr of weight lifting at average 170lbs is 120 calories. 1hr of cardio sprints in swimming or sprinting is easily in the 900-1000 ballpark.
And the fag was obviously on PEDs which can really revv up your metabolism like crazy.
Maybe if you're 100lbs
When you do lots of intense cardio or CrossFit type training you need easily digestible carbs
Ketotards are hilariously misinformed and constantly wrong about everything
>Once you have reached your daily fat intake
Any guesses at to how many grams that is?
>bread is poison
Fuck off you're not from around here
>peanut butter
>fruit jelly
You're retarded
>vegan website
It is the carbs though. Like the first paragraph. If you're eating a bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast, a sub sandwich and chips for lunch, and pork and potatoes for dinner, and you're gaining weight, then cutting out the carbs will likely put you under caloric maintenance. Bacon and eggs is like 40 grams of protein but only 300 calories. Add two slices of bread and it's 500 to 600. A sub sandwich contents is like 300 calories, add the bread and bag of chips and that becomes 800. Pork serving gonna be 250 calories and 20 grams of protein. Add only 4 potatoes and were are 650 calories.

By taking out the heavy carbs (bread, chips) your caloric intake for the day is in the ballpark of 800 to 900 with plenty of protein. Add the carbs back in and it's over 2000. And this is just basic serving portions. We haven't even gotten into adding oils, sauces, and snacks and such.
Such as?
Nigger carbs dont cause insulin resistance. Actual mom tier info. Insulin resistance is from either permanently inflamed fat tissue or from free fat particles in the bloodstream, both of which you only get from being a fat piece of shit.
True, but OP is the vegan schizo so he doesn't want facts
Fat doesn't cause an insulin response. Fat is not inflammatory. Sugar is inflammatory. Glucose is a sugar. All carbohydrates break down into glucose into the blood.
By your own words, even though they're objectively incorrect, carbs cause the theoretical state of insulin resistance while fat does not. Capiche?
No strongman has ever eaten 10k calories a day and needed it. Ifbb pros who weigh 130kg lean bulk on 3500, 250kg sumo wrestlers bulk on 4k.

His daily intake was literally like 3 boxes of frosted flakes, a gallon if milk, and a large pizza
>doesn’t physically produce lactic acid.
He would have died in infancy if that was the case. Hyperbolic retard
The thing with swimming is the sheer amount of volume one can do due to ligaments taking less stress. 60+km of swimming/week is not uncommon and this is not including the strength work they do.
Simple carbohydrates do improve performance, but at the cost of your long-term health.
Don't delude yourself that you'll be able to perform as well depending solely on fat.

It's a choice: Longevity & Health vs. Performance.
how come there are no keto olympic gold medalists if its superior? how come countries that consume high amounts of carbs such as japan and russia have one of the lowest levels of diabetes in the world?

its funny that no one saw the video he did right after this where he was laughed at the idea that people thought he was eating 10k calories every day.
Name one (1) endurance athlete who's had adverse health because of high carb consumption
Part of the reason why phelbs diet was so high is because when you're in water your body burns a lot of carbs to keep it warm
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>eating mcdonalds post workout
based, one grilled chicken burger with extra patty please
as long as you get brotein it doesn't matter what else you eat while roiding
Sami Inkinen
swimming is nothing like lifting. way more intense training
>running a marathon only burns 2500 calories
We found him, /fit/, the most retarded man alive.
That would be you actually
>train and diet for months for an activity that burns only 2500 calories
He’s really exceeded expectations. Word after retarded word, he just reels us back in.
nigger what are you doing on you cardio days? 4 hour runs?
who she fuck rides a bike dressed like that? I bet her left labia flapping in the wind sounds like she's got baseball cards in the spokes.
Based. I'm gonna go fix myself one now and enjoy it guilt free. Thank you anon.
if u dont eat carbs protein will be used to create glucose
>Carbs are superior IF you are using them e.g high intensity exercise.
not really, this is shit people tell themselves as an excuse to eat carbs but they never tested their performance on a strict diet of either.
>Fat doesn't cause an insulin response. Fat is not inflammatory. Sugar is inflammatory.
>All carbohydrates break down into glucose into the blood.
depends, sugar for instance is 50% glucose and 50% fructose
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Only for manlets
>professional obstacle course racer
hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA wow.
the new generations are getting taller while testosterone levels are declining
you create glucose either way
Name one real sport he excels in.
Is this a photoshopped version of that chick from the kebab video that you all gush over?
Ah yes, obstacle courses and crossfit, the only sports middleclass white people in their 30s can even slightly excel at. They better hope it doesn't blow up because the first nigger in their sport will win.
that's because everyone has some form or klinefelters syndrome nowadays
>We evolved to eat carbs newfag, we are omnivores.
And where did we get those carbs from? Have you seen what a wild carrot even looks like?
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>Racial differences in lean mass did not translate into parallel differences in physical function. For instance, multivariate modeling (with adjustments for age, height, fat mass, self-rated health and physical activity) indicated that whereas total body lean mass was 2.43 kg (approximately 5%) higher in black compared with white men, black men had a physical function score that was approximately 20% lower than white men.

>>>ie. a 200 lb nigger at 10% bf is about as strong as a 160 lb whitey at 10% bf.
You’re right, swimming is far more calorically demanding than weightlifting.
>Hunter McIntyre
Damn, that is one american name
>american name
No such thing.
Your women dream about Big White Cock and all you do is seethe online ricecel
I've heard of top oly endurance athletes having an entire 0.5 kg cup of nutella and some bread before running marathons in competition. Simple food easy to digest for easy calories, since they would burn more than 1 k kcal per hour
Have you seen what a wild animal looks like
Your women dream about BBC, extremely apparent in this echo-chamber shithole.
>way higher musclemass
>way higher frequency of ACTN3 gene (sprinters/explosive gene)
>higher instances of mystostation deficiency (Hurcles gene)
>Log press record set by the only Black currently in strongman, Iron Bibby
>70% of NFL is black
>USA powerlifting records and bodybuilding dominated by blacks
>majority of track and field black dominated
>boxing and fight sports black dominated
>20% higher bone density on average, tested in Africa, USA and Britain, whether eating poor african diets or in UV deprived Chicago or London, they still have denser bones than apparently 'adapted to low light' whities
4chan be like:
>b-big w-wh*te cock!!

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