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Mid-30s, done having kids, anxiety and depression being treated with goypills, tested 260 ng/dL total a decade ago. Already balding. Slight hypertension being treated with pills as well. Can I get some natty copium to keep me from trying to get prescribed TRT, please?
bad bait
Not bait, I'm 100% serious.
>anxiety and depression being treated with goypills
Have you tried quitting those, losing weight, and going to the gym?
>Mid-30s, done having kids
I haven't even started dating or having a job and I'm your age
>Have you tried quitting those,
I'm hooked for now, but I do want to get off them
>losing weight
Yes, I've been down into the normal BMI range and still had anxiety (while on goypills). It has been 4 years since then, and I am up in the obese range again.
>and going to the gym?
Training 4x/week and have decent strength. Anxiety decreases in the gym and for a few hours after. Maybe I should cut.
If you have decent strength, dial back on training a little and cut calories. You'll feel much better with less weight on your body since it stresses your joints and your heart, and that has mental spillover.
You got this, brother.
>You'll feel much better with less weight on your body since it stresses your joints and your heart, and that has mental spillover.
I hadn't considered this possibility. Thanks anon for the advice and encouragement.
Don't roid just because you're bored and having a midlife crisis. You're putting your health at risk for no reason.
jeez man try not being an embarrassing loser, you're supposed to be a role model to your kids.
>anxiety and depression being treated with goypills
This is why you should stay natty. You're clearly already pretty fucked in the head to need medication for this shit. If you start taking TRT or steroids you're just going to be feeding into your underlying body dysmorphia, and eventually it won't be enough. Soon you'll need more, and more, and even more, and eventually nothing will make you comfortable in your own body. This is what leads to bodybuilders trooning out.
Do not think about test until you get off the pills. Often times anxiety and depression are fixable in 90% of circumstances without drugs. The dont “manage” shit for most people they make you passive and just accept things.
Idk if youre just like that or if you have causes for it only you can find that out. But I would work on quitting the pills and becoming not depressed or anxious without any drugs. Test will not fix that.
Do that first, see what you can do naturally for your test in the meantime and get tested again after, then consider.
>wants to get on a drug known for increasing HR and BP
Like I said, you’re not ready and it’s not gonna be the life changing thing you believe it is.
Stupid nigger yes cut. Focus on cutting for now. I promise if you get lean and get off the pills 50% of your depression and anxiety will vanish.

>depression & anxiety and obesity
They’re a two way street so to speak. They cause each other and fixing one helps make the other go away but fixing obesity to get rid of anxiety and depression is 1000x easier than trying to not be anxious and depressed while still fat. Get lean, get your test checked again when you’re about 15% body fat and have been off the pills for a while. Then reassess what you wanna do when you’re (hopefully and most likely) in a better headspace. It should only take you a year of cutting even if you’re 300lbs.
Go on daily walks outside to start, build your way up to an hour if you struggle with just walking even if it means starting at 20 minutes slowly. Hey your diet in order. When you’re under 20% body fat start jogging once a week increase that to twice. You may just find that your test goes up to a level appropriate for your age and you feel way less anxious on average and happier. And btw don’t even worry about strength or muscle loss, far better to be lean

Be the example you want to be for your kids man. You can do this. Just put in the work.
Thanks bros. I do want to be better for my kids. I'm gonna do it.
Nicotine increases anxiety. Elevates heart rate/ blood pressure similar to anxiety and caffeine
>2 kids
>claims depressed
Have you tried not being a faggot?
yeah honestly this dude seems one bad day away from lopping his dick off and putting on a dress. If you're not happy with a wife and kids then something is deeply wrong with you.
>Have you tried not being a faggot?
I am trying. Anxiety has been the main issue for some time; haven't had a depressive episode since the mid-2010s. I am willing to pursue all avenues. The TRT question was something I was hoping to bounce off of other anons, who also offered helpful alternatives and reasons not to go that route. Perhaps you can sympathize with the temptation.
>If you're not happy with a wife and kids then something is deeply wrong with you.
It's something I have worked to get and which fills me with pride, but I am finding that the increased stress is exacerbating my more neurotic tendencies. Happiness is another goal I hope to achieve in the midst of this.
Is she hen pecking you? Is she never satisfied when you try to do it exactly as she wants or if you go above and beyond? (Damned if you do damned if you don’t) Is she frigid? If yes, cheat on your wife. Fish wives/bitches tank test and nothing brings test and esteem back like having a mistress. If no and she is a good wife continue.
Are you actively pursuing her still? Are you getting babysitters for the kids and getting alone time? Try and get yourself in the mindset of being the teenager you were when trying to get in her pants. That can be random flowers candy and hallmark card to just send that bitch a smiley face, bitches love smiley faces. You can call this cringe but emotion follows motion. So when you go to pick out the card you may still feel one way, but as you continue to follow the plan eventually the gear will shift and then the written plan might naturally disappear into something better.
No, just go ruin your life so we all can have a laugh in a few months when you come back screeching
just blast gear, you will never look back once you tap into the god juice
>I haven't even started dating
and you never will
Brother Listen to me.

Do not take roids. I'm 33 and I put on an INCREDIBLE amount of muscle over the last year. Everyone has noticed and I get comments on my mass almost every day. I needed to buy a new wardrobe because non of my shirts fit me any longer.

Do not take roids until you have tried at least ONE CARTON of ORGANIC EGGS a day.

Eggs in sufficient doses are like steroids but actually good for you. Roids could turn you into a tranny. Why would you want to rent your endocrine system for the rest of your life?!?!?

Roiders are morons.
>convince me to stay natty
>Can I get some natty copium to keep me from trying to get prescribed TRT
get prescribed TRT and buy illegal sterons and blast into oblivions

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