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>265 vs 235
Kinda weird there's not much difference. I hurt my back in November and it's finally caught up to me. I haven't lifted weights in a month and a half. If you look at the left my posture is very far forward. I was like that for 6 or 7 months. The left is from spring time but I was stagnated like that for months. Only so resistance bands, bodyweight and cardio now. Gyno surgery will cost 7000
Just get the surgery
Kendrick lamar grew some fat tits damn
you got that cybersec job already?
What happened to your skin?
After I herniated my disc I just dropped squats and deads. Replaced them with hyper extensions and bulgarian splits. I couldn't even do barbell rows so now I do inverted rows with rings.
Try those out anon it helped me recover a lot personally.
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609 KB PNG
>gynonigger needs attention again
is goblinx going to post a progress pic as well?
Nah I stopped doing that. I work with autistic adults and kids. I've been volunteer work since 2013 and I've been doing it for work since 2020

It's expensive

Ex fatty

I'll try these out. I think it was squats or diddy's that fucked me up. I hardly ever do back work but I can't do anything with it now. Sucks ass
lololo goblinx was so fucking annoying
How do you have the patience to work with autists? I’m assuming severely autistics. I don’t have the patience to work with most normal adults not to mention normal kids. Maybe I’m just a cunt but I find them insufferable. I can’t imagine what it takes to work with autistics (of any age).
She still lurks here. Every now and again if you’re talking about something and find a way to reference her she’ll get pissed. I was giving an anon advice about women I think and just for shits and giggles I included a sentence about fat chicks and said something like “. . . A total pig like gobu oink oink…” because it made me laugh and she suddenly reappeared and got all pissy
They are a lot easier to work with than normal people. I have ADHD so to a point working with them is a bit easier. It helps to have a brain slightly wired the same so you can pick up on their habits and how to work with them. I never went to school for it just volunteered and eventually turned it into a job. They're annoying at times but since they're mentally children, it's easy to get them to do whatever it is they need. Just lots and lots of repeating yourself and being patient. With a normal thinking kid I have less patience cus I know they understand what I'm saying.
hahahahaha dont fucking summon her
i trolled her once and ive seen her post different variations of it 5 times like a trauma story
I’m ADHD too and told unironically by many I’m probably autistic, but every attempt for a diagnosis has been refused by the professionals I went to. Basically they always said something like “nah don’t worry about it that doesn’t seem like any massive concern to me you seem normal enough” like they’re overlooking that it’s a spectrum. Idk & idc at this point in life. But I feel even being similar I just don’t have the patience. I’ve interacted with them m their life, and by them I mean the severely autistic people the non functional and just barely functional, and it’s always been a horrible time for me. I suppose maybe if I went into it with a mindset of volunteering or helping rather than attempting to befriend it could change things. Hold up this may be a hack in general for socializing. Don’t go into social interactions like I want to be friends, but more like I’m helping them in some way even if just by talking. Fuck I gotta test this
Variations of “it”? Trauma?? Elaborate what did you do lmao
Every autistic person has ADD or ADHD, I was diagnosed in 2nd grade though. Maybe testing for adults is different, I'm not too sure. I've worked with all types, fully functional, halfway and non verbal. They can all comprehend shit to a point, some better than others but it takes a LOT of patience. I just volunteered from sun-Fri. They're very very annoying when they want something. But there are other times when they say or do something unintentionally hilarious. Volunteer work is a easy socializing hack. I was just around 18 year old's who flirted with me and gave me attention bc I look good. But the main thing is being good with the autistics, females like guys with a soft spot. There's also a lot of hot girls in this field of work and not a lot of tall dark men. I love the attention would definitely recommend
Was that your peak weight?
305 in high school. Over a decade ago
He always comes back despite “quitting 4chan” for 4 fufking years kek
And I'm still in better shape than you. Ain't that crazy
>Kinda weird there's not much difference

1. get the gyno surgery
2. for many guys, including probably you, it's that drop from 22%-23% to 15% that makes all the visual difference. Everything before that is "I look a little smaller but still look like shit." You have to push through to that lower %. Bear in mind that final 7% bodyfat will be less than 15 lbs.
Memes aside, good work Anon you've come a long way. Even if you don't get the surgery you still look 1000% times better.
I have a pinch in my c8 region so I’m in a similar boat. Would these work for me?

I’ve been spamming leg lifts and cardio but I feel like a bitch not even doing some curls or any sort of lifting.

Bro I have a slight niggle in my lowerback that always ends up coming back. Fucked off Deadlifts, Squats, and Bent Over Barbell Rows and all the risk of my lowerback getting snapped is gone.

I just swapped them out for hack-squats, pull-ups and some accessory work on leg day for hammies/glutes
Mines top of the next in the C region over the past few years, thumb side (c6 iirc) and pinkie side (c8) pain/tingling. Went to PT 2 years back but don’t feel like going through it again. Just want to get back to lifting.
Top of the neck*
you're smart to leave security I've been thinking of doing the same. good luck bro

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